Body Catalyst - Making the Connection - Printable Version

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Body Catalyst - Making the Connection - Brittany - 10-15-2011

Since I was discussing the relationship between chakra blockage and physical catalyst in another thread, I thought I would just share an experience I had that encourages me.

For the past several years I have gotten frequent sinus infections, receiving little relief from anything the doctor prescribed. Then, as I was plodding through one of these episodes, I happened to have a conversation with a friend in which a bunch of repressed emotions came spilling out. I had been holding back on what I wanted to say for ages, stuffing it all down, because I didn't want to cause an issue with the other involved parties, and felt it wasn't worth speaking up over. Once I finally got all of it out, the symptoms immediately abated.

Since then I have realized that in my particular case, every time I get a sinus infection it seems to be demonstrating to me a dual blockage of the blue and indigo rays; the blue being blocked due to lack of open communication, the indigo due to lack of self worth. Basically, the belief that what I have to say is not important, or not worth saying. It only makes sense that both the sinuses and the throat would be affected by such a blockage.

Such symptoms have been building within me for over a week now, and this morning I woke up with what I knew was soon to be another full blown episode. I was coughing and having constant drainage and nasal congestion, along with all the other nice stuff that comes with such an ailment. I thought "Ugh, I am so sick." Then I had a rather bluntly honest conversation with my husband, which, though it wasn't incredibly pleasant to have, cleared the air about a lot of things I've been holding back on. After that, I remembered my last sinus infection, and realized that I was encountering the same situation.

I then proceeded to use this knowledge to deepen the conversation with my husband, balancing my initial harsh feelings with love, and also began addressing some other similar issues I have been having with various other people lately.

Immediately I could breathe through my nose again. Throughout the day my symptoms have faded until they are almost gone. I still don't feel 100%, but I feel infinitely better than I did this morning. Usually it takes me weeks to get over a sinus infection, but now I get over them in hours. It was so thrilling to me to realize that I have successfully made the connection with this particular body catalyst! I am actively contributing to my own health!

Just thought I would share the positive news.

On another random medical note, if you get an ear infection, before you go to the doctor try putting a few drops of garlic oil or garlic juice in your ear. It clears mine up within hours every time and I don't have to pay a doctor bill. Smile

RE: Body Catalyst - Making the Connection - zenmaster - 10-16-2011

It's encouraging to see someone that has seen a particular instance of ignored catalyst in action.

RE: Body Catalyst - Making the Connection - Namaste - 10-16-2011


RE: Body Catalyst - Making the Connection - Oldern - 10-16-2011

Yeah, I have things like this happen to me nowadays, the last time it was connected to a tooth-pain which I completely stopped with some very heavy imaginative meditation in the middle of the night. It was not a simple hole-in-the tooth but rather some sort of "too many potential issues near each other, amplified to the point where I could not tell if it was a wisdom teeth or a gum issue" - but once I realized that while this is an amazing catalyst, I had so much of it in the last 15 years, and learned absolutely nothing from all those weeks spent in pain, that the next time it went away. I signed in to a date in my doctor anyway, because I also realized that I love my dentist's mentality and precisity, and I have nothing to fear if she is the one working on my issues BigSmile

I think that a lot of body problems would go away if we were able to completely embrace the idea that EVERYTHING is a result of our imagination and conditioning. If we created some serious and long-term issue within ourselves, we CAN reverse it by balancing it out in the way we eat/think/exercise. I am on this way, and I was in a downward spiral before starting to meditate/yoga daily, and in the span of five months, it had a complete 180 degree turnaround.

RE: Body Catalyst - Making the Connection - Joseph326 - 10-16-2011


You are definitely on to something here. I have had very similar blockage for a long time and have finally been clearing my sinuses (among other things) this year. It is really exciting to see someone else finding a similar solution! Blockages of energy can be very specific in their bodily manifestation. I have heard that with each side of the sinuses represents a different energy also, so some will tend to be more stuffy on one side than the other if it is an imbalance. Btw I gave garlic juice to my fiance for an ear infection before and it went right away.