Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - Printable Version

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Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - JeiaRaManuk - 09-26-2011

Does anyone out there/here into making diagrams following the Ra Material? I did/do and I've learned much better that way! I do always say, Ra is talking in general on so many subjects and can't freely go to the direction it/they want because the information comes out in forms of answers to the questions of mostly Wanderers on Earth. Confused But we have the right to learn this material now, so might as well SEE its true potential.

PLEASE, feel free to post any charts and/or diagrams you have relevant to the Law of One and with only brief descriptions, PLEASE.

Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - C-JEAN - 09-26-2011

Hi, JeiaRaManuk. Good idea !

Here is my understanding of densities and related variables.

1 = Circle, _____________ = 256 DO C = red, lower back = mineral = awareness, elemental.

2 = Platonic, icosahedron = 288 RE D = orange, belly = vegetal, animal = growth (no knowledge).

3 = Octahedron, Earth now = 324 MI E = yellow, navel = humans = choice, STS or STO.

4 = Tetrahedron, Platon = ____ FA F = green, heart = +-magic = love, understanding. (no wisdom yet).

5 = Hexahedron, _______ = 392 SOL G = blue, throat = ship space travel = wisdom, light.

6 = Dodecahedron, Prakriti = 440 LA A = indigo, forehead = RA, thought space travel = no polarity,
__________________________________________________ unity, compassion/love and wisdom.

7 = Icosahedron, Purusha = ____ SI B = violet, all = Gardians = Gateway to all things realized.

8 = _______, ____________ = 512 __ _ = white, crown = ________ = ONE.

? We have law of:
attraction, 1
allowance, 3
intention, 2
balance, 4
. . .,

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - JeiaRaManuk - 09-26-2011

Wonderful C-JEAN!
I have some time lines ready as well, not in digital yet though!
Here's my colorful display of densities! (in some charts I include the proposed theory of the Source Field by David Wilcock, although I've been notified by my guides that this verbal description of the oneness needs an adjustment to Source Field/Force or Source Force Field! Their reasoning went a little like this: "Nothingness is The Unlimited Space the One has for creation! It's a Force Field what ever the creator IS. It creates a Field around itself by the magnitude of its Power. ")
(09-26-2011, 12:19 PM)C-JEAN Wrote: Hi, JeiaRaManuk. Good idea !

Here is my understanding of densities and related variables.

1 = Circle, _____________ = 256 DO C = red, lower back = mineral = awareness, elemental.

2 = Platonic, icosahedron = 288 RE D = orange, belly = vegetal, animal = growth (no knoledge).

3 = Octahedron, Earth now = 324 MI E = yellow, navel = humans, = choice, STS or STO.

4 = Tetrahedron, Platon = ____ FA F = green, heart = +-magic = love, understanding. (no wisdom yet).

5 = Hexahedron, _______ = 392 SOL G = blue, throat = ship space travel = wisdom, light.

6 = Dodecahedron, Prakriti = 440 LA A = indigo, forehead = Ra, thought space travel = no polarity,
__________________________________________________ unity, compassion/love and wisdom.

7 = Icosahedron, Purusha = ____ SI B = violet, all = Gardians = Gateway to all things realized.

8 = _______, ____________ = 512 __ _ = white, crown = ________ = ONE.

? We have law of:
attraction, 1
allowance, 3
intention, 2
balance, 4
. . .,

(09-26-2011, 12:19 PM)C-JEAN Wrote: 7 = Icosahedron, Purusha = ____ SI B = violet, all = Gardians = Gateway to all things realized.

8 = _______, ____________ = 512 __ _ = white, crown = ________ = ONE.
Well, don't mean to be a bother... Maybe I missed something. Isn't the 7th density the Crown/Gateway and the 8th density = the density of the ultimate infinity loop back to density 1? (the unity of death and birth or, for that matter, rebirth?)
Going back to my comparison of the chakra points to the densities on a single human individual, something like Astral travel and obviously the mastering of the Shamati process, can lead the personas soul out of the body through the Crown or the Gateway, but it seems rather different form death/birth, birth/death because as long as the silver cord is there the soul can travel back... Although there are no notions of this travel from 7th back to 6th and lower density, this isn't really the point. The point is that if there is still guidance coming form the 7th density, that means it is still active in relations to us... That make any sense? LOL...

Charts and diagrams logics. - C-JEAN - 09-27-2011

Hi JeiaRaManuk !

(09-26-2011, 12:19 PM)C-JEAN Wrote: 7 = Icosahedron, Purusha = ____ SI B = violet, all = Gardians = Gateway to all things realized.
8 = _______, ____________ = 512 __ _ = white, crown = ________ = ONE.

(09-26-2011, 01:56 PM)JeiaRaManuk Wrote: Well, don't mean to be a bother...
Not at all ! ! B-)

Quote:Maybe I missed something. Isn't the 7th density the Crown/Gateway and the 8th density = the density of the ultimate infinity loop back to density 1? (the unity of death and birth or, for that matter, rebirth?)

My take on your suggestion is: If you take the "music/density" variable, we all know
that the "scale"? ("gamme" in french) comes around : C D E F G A B C = DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI DO.
BUT !!, the FIRST "C" is physical = the density # 1,
and the last "C" is the **ultimate** density, totaly spiritual !

The density 7 is where "Ra and friends" are evolving to, right now. . .?
as WE are evolving to/toward density 4 ?

. . . Is this right-thinking ? B-)

Blue skies.

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - JeiaRaManuk - 09-27-2011

Made a little diagram for you including a theory I've been working on for 3 months that answers a lot of questions that Ra did not have a chance to answer.
And Ra is on the 6th density with a great determination to reach the 7th!
[edit: pretty much what you said, lol, that was my way of saying you're right]
Please ask if you have any questions... I will obviously open this concept more as we go further!
(09-27-2011, 01:57 PM)C-JEAN Wrote: Hi JeiaRaManuk !

(09-26-2011, 12:19 PM)C-JEAN Wrote: 7 = Icosahedron, Purusha = ____ SI B = violet, all = Gardians = Gateway to all things realized.
8 = _______, ____________ = 512 __ _ = white, crown = ________ = ONE.

(09-26-2011, 01:56 PM)JeiaRaManuk Wrote: Well, don't mean to be a bother...
Not at all ! ! B-)

Quote:Maybe I missed something. Isn't the 7th density the Crown/Gateway and the 8th density = the density of the ultimate infinity loop back to density 1? (the unity of death and birth or, for that matter, rebirth?)

My take on your suggestion is: If you take the "music/density" variable, we all know
that the "scale"? ("gamme" in french) comes around : C D E F G A B C = DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI DO.
BUT !!, the FIRST "C" is physical = the density # 1,
and the last "C" is the **ultimate** density, totaly spiritual !

The density 7 is where "Ra and friends" are evolving to, right now. . .?
as WE are evolving to/toward density 4 ?

. . . Is this right-thinking ? B-)

Blue skies.

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - C-JEAN - 09-28-2011

Hi JeiaRaManuk.

VERY cool and explanatory, the ellipsoidal diagram !
showing the "going" and the "come back".

That "Ra material" is a total pleasure to figure out ! ! B-)

Blue skies.

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - AnthroHeart - 09-28-2011

You're right, 8th density is a singularity. 8th subdensity is also a singularity. 7th density is the event horizon.

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - JeiaRaManuk - 09-28-2011

(09-28-2011, 03:33 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: You're right, 8th density is a singularity. 8th subdensity is also a singularity. 7th density is the event horizon.
Yupp! Smile Thanks for the backup! Smile i was thinking... well we know how 6th density is outside of time, right? and even if Ra does give us a digit for the duration of time it does last.. that digit is relevant to us (those in the time) but irrelevant to Ra.. meaning there is no time where they are... so aren't 6th density beings of a particular solar system are just waiting for everyone else to get to the 6th density to then TOGETHER go to the 7th.... cuz think about it... if our Higher Selves are all on 6th density doesn't that make sense? And shouldn't the density cycle end with the life cycle of our Sun,,, the sub-logos? So then the 7th density would ACTUALLY be the event horizon??? like a black hole's event horizon?? Do you see where I am getting at?
YAY! you got it... I was shown that infinity has no end and no beginning.. like everyone else knows, BUT, also, I was shown that because their is no end and no beginning, everything functions as contractions and expansions! The Big Bang for example! Smile Or the life cycle of a STAR as another example! Smile all of this leads to one conclusion! The 8th density is the death/birth process! Our hearts are another great example, it contracts and expands to give life juice to our physical, organic space/time body!!!!!!!! SmileSmile

This is what I was born to do! To interpret and expend Ra's teaching! I am very glad that I found this community at such an early age during this incarnation!
(09-28-2011, 01:05 PM)C-JEAN Wrote: Hi JeiaRaManuk.

VERY cool and explanatory, the ellipsoidal diagram !
showing the "going" and the "come back".

That "Ra material" is a total pleasure to figure out ! ! B-)

Blue skies.

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - Tenet Nosce - 09-29-2011

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RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - Conifer16 - 09-29-2011

I really like your diagrams Jeia. Thanks for sharing them. Smile
And tenet could you please describe what I am looking at with the second diagram. Thanks
Adonai Vasu Borragus

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - JeiaRaManuk - 09-29-2011

Thanks Tenet, for the contribution!
Is the first one the one you mentioned before...
Pretty much how Russian scientists explain torsion fields to the simple mindedSmile
(09-29-2011, 08:57 PM)Conifer16 Wrote: I really like your diagrams Jeia. Thanks for sharing them. Smile
And tenet could you please describe what I am looking at with the second diagram. Thanks
Adonai Vasu Borragus
No problem love!
It helped me a lot to understand these concepts once I drew them! Smile
O, and I also wanna know what Tenet's second diagram is! Looks fantastic, and aside from the obvious sacred geometry, I have no idea what the numbers mean, most likely because they are hard to see!

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - Tenet Nosce - 09-30-2011

RE: Diagram 2

It is an enneagram.

Jeia... you mean to tell me you don't recognize the work of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky?! Tongue

There are a few things on the graph that I was trying to put together at the time:

Firstly... notice that the "pathway" through the enneagram is 1..4..2..8..5..7. Which is equivalent to 1 divided by 7.

That got me thinking in terms of color (white light splits into 7 colors) and sound (an octave contains 7 tones).

There is something to be discerned about the 7 becoming 6. For example, there are 7 colors in the spectrum of light , but only 6 primary and secondary pigments. There are 7 notes in the octave, but only two triads (3 x 2) which fit into the scale.

Soo.... I'm not totally sure what it means as I never put it together.

RE: Diagram 1

Yes... this is what I was referring to before... instead of a linear path through the chakras there is a spiral path.

3D entities are born with green ray dominant (think of a loving innocent baby), start the socialization process with their family/friends (yellow ray), begin to speak and communicate (blue ray), enter puberty (orange ray), choose a vocation/form of service (indigo ray), reproduce (red ray), and become fully actualized (violet ray).

Wanderers... the process happens in reverse. They come in with full knowledge of who they really are (violet ray), struggle with being "thrust" into a physical body (red ray), create an inner fantasy world to compensate for their still developing physical body which prevents them from fully being of service (indigo ray), enter puberty (typically involves a lot of masturbation and hypersexuality (orange ray). [NOTE: this is where wanderers frequently get thrown off track because they start having sexual relations with people developing from the other way.] Learn to finally "speak their truth" and express their service more concretely (blue ray). Engage in some sort of social or public way to spread the word of their mission to others (yellow ray), and finally come to accept and love themselves as a human being with all the appurtenant shortcomings and foibles (green ray).

Problems start in either path when a person lets go of their roots. For most this would be losing the green ray foundation of interacting with others in the world. For wanderers it is losing sight of their true identity as expressed in the violet ray.

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - Conifer16 - 09-30-2011

Thank you for explaining that. I am a little sick so I won't be able to really participate in any discussions for a little bit.


I scratched that thing that hangs down your throat and it swelled up and really felt uncomfortable and then I developed a fever and am now sitting he's at the tail end of said fever slowly getting better. And if you think of sending healing stuff my way don't try and get rid of the fever my mom says that the fever is good for you because it burns the problem out of you. So if you want to help I guess just send the intention of feeling better because the only problem with a fever for me Is it feels really sucky. Sad I'm going to watch stargate sg-1 now so see ya later.

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - JeiaRaManuk - 09-30-2011

O I see now, regarding the First Diagram... Sorry, I didn't think of that right away. Thanks for pointing it out Smile
And the second, that's exactly the way I see it, and that's why I compared the move through densities to the chakras and growth development of a human being! I'll scan/photograph something for you later Smile You'll like them!

Keep up the good work! Smile
(09-30-2011, 01:29 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: RE: Diagram 2

It is an enneagram.

Jeia... you mean to tell me you don't recognize the work of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky?! Tongue

There are a few things on the graph that I was trying to put together at the time:

Firstly... notice that the "pathway" through the enneagram is 1..4..2..8..5..7. Which is equivalent to 1 divided by 7.

That got me thinking in terms of color (white light splits into 7 colors) and sound (an octave contains 7 tones).

There is something to be discerned about the 7 becoming 6. For example, there are 7 colors in the spectrum of light , but only 6 primary and secondary pigments. There are 7 notes in the octave, but only two triads (3 x 2) which fit into the scale.

Soo.... I'm not totally sure what it means as I never put it together.

RE: Diagram 1

Yes... this is what I was referring to before... instead of a linear path through the chakras there is a spiral path.

3D entities are born with green ray dominant (think of a loving innocent baby), start the socialization process with their family/friends (yellow ray), begin to speak and communicate (blue ray), enter puberty (orange ray), choose a vocation/form of service (indigo ray), reproduce (red ray), and become fully actualized (violet ray).

Wanderers... the process happens in reverse. They come in with full knowledge of who they really are (violet ray), struggle with being "thrust" into a physical body (red ray), create an inner fantasy world to compensate for their still developing physical body which prevents them from fully being of service (indigo ray), enter puberty (typically involves a lot of masturbation and hypersexuality (orange ray). [NOTE: this is where wanderers frequently get thrown off track because they start having sexual relations with people developing from the other way.] Learn to finally "speak their truth" and express their service more concretely (blue ray). Engage in some sort of social or public way to spread the word of their mission to others (yellow ray), and finally come to accept and love themselves as a human being with all the appurtenant shortcomings and foibles (green ray).

Problems start in either path when a person lets go of their roots. For most this would be losing the green ray foundation of interacting with others in the world. For wanderers it is losing sight of their true identity as expressed in the violet ray.

By the way.. I associate the legs with the lower 2 chakras. and the Arms with the Green Chakra... Get it? Legs to survive, and our arms are an extension of the metaphysical meaning of our Heart! To give, to help, to support, to love!! Art, music, etc!

Get it? Smile

Plus if you do the splits on the floor (if you can lol) you'll see how the legs are aligned with the 2 lower chakras... and well... arms Smile that's obvious!

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - Tenet Nosce - 10-03-2011

(09-30-2011, 06:30 PM)JeiaRaManuk Wrote: By the way.. I associate the legs with the lower 2 chakras. and the Arms with the Green Chakra... Get it? Legs to survive, and our arms are an extension of the metaphysical meaning of our Heart! To give, to help, to support, to love!! Art, music, etc!

Get it? Smile

Got it!

JeiaRaManuk Wrote:Plus if you do the splits on the floor (if you can lol) you'll see how the legs are aligned with the 2 lower chakras... and well... arms Smile that's obvious!

ROFL!! Umm... yeah... see Jeia they gave me this really tall lanky "male" body which is not exactly amenable to the "splits". LOL!

Also regarding the spirals... I have always gotten the willies about "kundalini" meditations and trying to bring the energies up linearly before one is ready. There are so many teachings out there telling people to raise their kundalini energy and I feel this is not a good thing to do before the path is ready.

In order to ready the linear path, each individual chakra should be developed through the natural spiral way until their fields easily overlap with one another. Then it is safe to take the Rainbow Bridge.

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - JeiaRaManuk - 10-04-2011

Haha, well I am sure you had no trouble visualizing the splits! BigSmile
And I wonder how the cleansing of chakras would work if we do it the spiral way starting from the HEART! Smile
(10-03-2011, 12:47 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(09-30-2011, 06:30 PM)JeiaRaManuk Wrote: By the way.. I associate the legs with the lower 2 chakras. and the Arms with the Green Chakra... Get it? Legs to survive, and our arms are an extension of the metaphysical meaning of our Heart! To give, to help, to support, to love!! Art, music, etc!

Get it? Smile

Got it!

JeiaRaManuk Wrote:Plus if you do the splits on the floor (if you can lol) you'll see how the legs are aligned with the 2 lower chakras... and well... arms Smile that's obvious!

ROFL!! Umm... yeah... see Jeia they gave me this really tall lanky "male" body which is not exactly amenable to the "splits". LOL!

Also regarding the spirals... I have always gotten the willies about "kundalini" meditations and trying to bring the energies up linearly before one is ready. There are so many teachings out there telling people to raise their kundalini energy and I feel this is not a good thing to do before the path is ready.

In order to ready the linear path, each individual chakra should be developed through the natural spiral way until their fields easily overlap with one another. Then it is safe to take the Rainbow Bridge.

Here's just an overlook of the colors in the chakra and density systems, I didn't think too much into it Smile But maybe someone can come up with something relating to this!

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - JeiaRaManuk - 10-15-2011

I promised you all to keep producing material and what happened to that Huh


"As above, so below"

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - Tenet Nosce - 11-07-2011

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RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - AnthroHeart - 11-07-2011

[Image: Gravitational_lensing_or_Magnetic__lensing.jpg]

Questioner: The Higher Self existing in mid-sixth-density seems to be at the point where the negative and positive paths of experience merge into one. Is there a reason for this?
Ra: I am Ra. We have covered this material previously.

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - Aureus - 11-09-2011

I feel like I'm a 4-6th density soul in a 3rd density body. And the word re-membering somehow implies that something lost has been reattached. I feel like I can extract anything I want to know from the Law of One, which I have re-membered. Does this sound like a possible explaination?

Also I would like to ask if an "indigo child" means that a 6th density Wanderer is in that body?

RE: Charts and Diagrams, Short Descriptions - JeiaRaManuk - 11-15-2011

(11-09-2011, 05:58 PM)Wander Wrote: I feel like I'm a 4-6th density soul in a 3rd density body. And the word re-membering somehow implies that something lost has been reattached. I feel like I can extract anything I want to know from the Law of One, which I have re-membered. Does this sound like a possible explaination?

Also I would like to ask if an "indigo child" means that a 6th density Wanderer is in that body?

Yes indigo child may refer to a 6th density counterpart wanderer.
I feel the same when it comes to the Law of One; but also all the themes and concepts explored in the Law of One were taught to me at a young age by my master/guardians. It was rather surprising to find the Law of One series because I've known of it since I first established a well defined contact with my master/guardians. Except for me it was not Law of One but Concept of Oneness and some terminology varied and thus I have to sometimes check the Law of One for coherence with my own knowledge and adapt the terminology used by the Ra through the instruments involved.