Epigenetics - Printable Version

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Epigenetics - Unbound - 06-17-2011

Notable to all I think!

"Many people have mistakenly believed that the DNA with which we are born is the sole determinant for who we are and will become, but scientists have understood for decades that this genetic determinism is a flawed theory. "

RE: Epigenetics - Liqidzen - 06-19-2011

Yeah everyone who does science at university knows about this stuff Tongue The cellular environment (i.e. your mother) has a huge effect as well as controlling when certain genes are switched on and off during a foetus's development

RE: Epigenetics - Oceania - 06-20-2011

the scientists are always right, right? there is no god, we're just machines. Tongue

RE: Epigenetics - 3DMonkey - 06-20-2011

(06-20-2011, 12:12 PM)Oceania Wrote: the scientists are always right, right? there is no god, we're just machines. Tongue

Is the involuntary part of this machine time/space controlled?

RE: Epigenetics - Oceania - 06-20-2011

no! what are you spooky mulder?

RE: Epigenetics - 3DMonkey - 06-20-2011

Spooky mulder?

RE: Epigenetics - Oceania - 06-20-2011

yes? it's spelled with a capital.

RE: Epigenetics - 3DMonkey - 06-20-2011

My phone knows that much more than me

RE: Epigenetics - Oceania - 06-21-2011


RE: Epigenetics - CarlS - 06-24-2011

Your not listening to what I'm hearing. Stop making all this talk about talk and shut up and smell the flowers. Did you know they have flowers in our DNA.....that's why you sneeze when your allergic. Me I'm allergic to bs and crap and stuff. That's why I don't sneeze.....we're all full here.

RE: Epigenetics - 3DMonkey - 06-24-2011

Is that for everybody, Carl?