Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Printable Version

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Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Holykaust - 02-01-2011

This is one of the biggest issues of my life, and I've never seen anybody from this crowd ever refer to it.

Can you imagine that I am totally familiar with the LOO, the higher self, the color ray work, I can meditate, feel my energies, feel my purpose, I haven't fully broken the veil but I like to think I'm getting there, I know about the system, the unseen hand that feeds me these substance I consume, the unseen hand that layed out these structures in which I live, I know about all that good stuff, I've known about it for years, and yet..

I CAN'T stop self-destructing, I'v been a drug addict for as long as I can remember, I've been addicted to marijuana, opiates/heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, and I've experimented with every drug ever, even going as far as injecting drugs into my veins just to NOT feel any pain

I was never raped, abused, mistreated, I had a wonderful childhood, I don't have a single action or catalyst to blame for my addiction, I was born this way, my parents were stellar, never had a drink or smoke, nobody that I knew ever influenced me to be like this, yet I am like millions of addicts who were traumatized as kids and now they're walking dead, when I try to justifiy my pain all I get is a giant void.

I am positive this is one of my biggest life lessons and one of the reasons I incarnated, I am hopeless though, I can't possibly explain what it's like... when you know so much, when you know this isn't the way things are meant to be, and yet you physically have NO control over a destructive habit, I've attempted to quit thousands of times, the depression, the hopelesness, is literally suicidal, if I don't have a substance to get me by, I can't exist within this reality at the moment.

Has anybody here gone through this? It's not nearly as easy as saying 'meditate when you have cravings', to me, being trapped in it, it feels like in order to escape I would need a giant time-space catalyst, some higher self intervention of unimaginable magnitude, because as far as my little self in my 3rd density body goes, I'm about to give up after nearly a decade of self-destruction I CANNOT stop. I've gotten tons of catalysts, caused myself and everyone around me enormous pain, gotten myself in absolute financial ruin, had people next to me overdose and die, made the people I love cry hopelessly, none of them ever even made me flinch when it came to stopping drugs! it's like I've been programmed for this and I keep doing the wrong thing even tough I am FULLY aware of the danger and the consequences, and I can't bring myself to stop it!

I just hope this thread serves as inspiration and reference to those who have problems with addictions, and those who don't, consider yourselves extremely lucky.

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Eddie - 02-01-2011

A lot of people in your position have stopped cold turkey after meeting Mr. Iboga.

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Peregrinus - 02-01-2011

Perhaps this may offer some clarity.

Quote:Addictions are viewed in general, in your society, as something bad to be gotten rid of. However, it can be viewed in a different way. In a sense, an addiction shows a great intent and purpose. One is obsessed with getting or having an experience. This intent shows passion and it shows the ability to focus and to go to great extents. That is a basic element in humans which is underlying the positive aspect or potential.

However, when one focuses and uses that passion in a way that is destructive to self-growth and to the service of others or to the service of self, it has become misdirected.

It was your entity called St. Paul who somewhere says that he would rather be dealing with a nonbeliever who is passionate than somebody who had no passion. The trick then, so to speak, is to recognize why this passion has gotten directed away from service to self or service to others and to redirect that addiction. An example in your society is A.A. which focuses on a higher source and seeks to take that passion to service to others.

An addiction to any substance or routine, [is] preceded by a conscious intent, typically to serve either the self or others, depending on the entity’s orientation. But somehow the pathway or mechanism this entity initially, consciously acted upon with the intent of service became the focus, instead of the goal at the end of the pathway. In some sense it was—this instrument is not happy with her choice of words—but it’s all a slip of consciousness or a mis-orientation of consciousness. And somehow the conscious desire to serve has become automated into the action of the pathway and the goal has been lost, forgotten [or] temporarily forgotten.

So then, how does one remove addiction?

Quote:Simply meditate upon your core desire to serve either yourself or others. Focus on that intent. Reconnect to that joy of your chosen orientation. This seems too simple in one sense. And this instrument wants to relay that this does not mean [that] the second you meditate or think, meditate or turn your attention, steer your focus towards your chosen service, the addiction will be spontaneously lifted. That of course is possible but that is not always the case. The intent and act of bringing yourself into focus with your chosen orientation is a first step. But every process has a first step and once the first step is taken, the next step is not any harder than the first.

When one is faced with an aspect of oneself that one does not desire to have be a part of one’s being, this is an opportunity for the seeker to look into the mirror, to ask itself, “Why do I not love that part of the Creator as much as any other part of the Creator?”

As we have said before, there is no right and wrong, no good and bad, but that which you bring into the situation, whether you are bringing love into the situation or turning your back on love, whether you are walking toward the light or shying away from the light.

It is useful for the seeker to recognize those things which are not helpful to the seeker’s journey toward the Creator. However, it is also not helpful to despise those things which it does not find helpful. As this instrument’s teacher has said before, embrace the wolf at the foot of your bed. If you run, the wolf will only chase you. You can only become friends with the wolf if you sit down before it and put your head in its jaws, as it were.

All things are aspects of the Creator. Those things that are not as helpful are within the seeker’s right to ignore. It is more helpful to allow those things which one would not prefer to exist peacefully and set them aside, when it is not working for the seeker to work with those things, than actively to despise those things. When the time is right the seeker will work with those things which it does not find helpful. And little by little those things can be dissolved, until they are not seen as the great tragedy that they may have seemed in the beginning.

We would advise the one who is looking to relieve him or herself of an addiction to acknowledge the addiction, to work lovingly with the addiction and to know that all will be well whether or not the addiction continues or subsides.

It is to be admired when one can look at oneself and say, “I’ve found something in my life that does not serve me.” It is to be admired in that person when he or she can look at that thing and say, “I love that part of myself as I love the Creator.”

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - rva_jeremy - 02-01-2011

I'm working on addictive behaviors involving substances, though not to the degree you seem to be.

In my case, it all began with a change in my attitude. I had been unsuccessful in quitting before. This led to the belief that yet another attempt would undermine my self-esteem yet again. But at some point I realized that I wanted to change. I had to risk failing to have any hope of succeeding. I couldn't take that risk in honesty with myself unless I agreed to let go of all my past mistakes and failures. There was no other way to move forward.

I don't mean to sound uncompassionate; you sound like you're honestly looking for help. But your post contained a list of reasons why you don't seem to have any excuse for your addiction, as if it would make it acceptable if you HAD a good excuse. Your inability to make any excuse for own condition is your best friend. That's the first step, because looking outside oneself for the "reason" is a way to distract oneself and feel like a victim.

Certainly I don't know why you continue down your path, but I know why I continued down mine: because I was afraid to trust myself. It's a leap of faith. Every relapse made the leap even harder. But the attitude of "I'm just going to do it, if I fail, I fail" is the equivalent of "I'm worth fighting for, even if I die trying".

Now, you should not take my advice without counseling from professionals, family, friends, etc. Only you know what you need. But making the first step towards seeking that - in spite of the fact that you can't trust yourself to follow through - is the first step towards becoming a person that you, throughout your post, insist you can't be. But if you really believed that, you'd accept your condition. Clearly, you don't.

I hope you read this with the tenderness, concern, and sympathy with which it was written. I'll keep you in my thoughts. Good luck!

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - kycahi - 02-01-2011

Answer: No, I haven't gone through it, but I think that I do have susceptibility and that I'm lucky to have avoided it. This means that I am not qualified to effectively help you, Holykaust (cool name), but probably somebody, somewhere is.

This is a tough and terrible ordeal. I offer my strong heartfelt wish that you find what or whom you need. If it means anything to hear this, you probably are near that "bottom" that people have to reach before they can move up.

The other posts are very, very good. If they can't get you off the place that has you stuck, then team up with an organization that is in that business. They may not know the LOO or anything like it, but they specialize in helping people with your ordeal.

Keep in touch.


RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Monica - 02-01-2011

(02-01-2011, 03:29 PM)Holykaust Wrote: I can't possibly explain what it's like... when you know so much, when you know this isn't the way things are meant to be, and yet you physically have NO control over a destructive habit, I've attempted to quit thousands of times, the depression, the hopelesness, is literally suicidal, if I don't have a substance to get me by, I can't exist within this reality at the moment.

Has anybody here gone through this? It's not nearly as easy as saying 'meditate when you have cravings', to me, being trapped in it, it feels like in order to escape I would need a giant time-space catalyst, some higher self intervention of unimaginable magnitude, because as far as my little self in my 3rd density body goes, I'm about to give up after nearly a decade of self-destruction I CANNOT stop.

Holykaust, I am so sorry to hear of such an intense struggle! I cannot fully understand your struggle, but I have had a taste of it, when I was addicted to amphetamines at age 19. I remember clearly how the drug seemed to have so much power over me, despite my best intentions. So I can only imagine how it must be for you, amplified manyfold!

One of my favorite books is Wonderland Avenue, in which Danny Sugerman (manager of The Doors) tells of his addictions. His story sounds very similar to yours. He lost everything, and watched his friends die, one by one, and still could not stop. In the book, he described in graphic detail the physical effects of the various drugs and their consequences, so I felt almost as though I'd experienced it vicariously. His story is poignant and compelling. So between my own experience, watching boyfriends with addictions, and that book, I grasp the seriousness of your situation.

The suggestions for meditation, shift in attitude, getting clear on what you want, etc. are all good, but you say you have already been doing all that. I believe you, because I remember doing all those things, not with addictions, but in other areas of my life, and ended up concluding that sometimes the answer is simply physiological, though the physiological solution won't appear until you've already done those things. Each is an important step in the process.

Thus, I would like to offer an alternative suggestion.

Any addiction, whether it be meth, heroin, or some other illicit drug, or legal drugs like caffeine, sugar, etc., imprints neuropathways in the brain. Even substances that are not considered physically addictive, like pot, imprints these neuropathways.

Even though a decision is made to change, thoughts and their subsequent actions tend to follow the path of least resistance; ie., the existing neuropathways.

Even something as relatively benign as pot, can become a fierce opponent, when trying to change those neuropathways.

Harder drugs add a physiological component that reinforce the neuropathways even more.

The problem is, that neurotransmitters in the brain are fed by neuropeptides, and neuropeptides are sorely lacking in the modern diet. Furthermore, environmental pollutants, pesticides, etc. can be stored in the fatty tissues of the body, and the brain has a lot of fatty tissue. Children with ADD/ADHD have been found to have ammonia on the brain, because of all the chemicals they've been exposed to. In addition, fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, thus blocking that chakra. Furthermore, the modern diet is lacking in trace elements that act as spark plugs for the body. End result is that the brain isn't functioning as efficiently as it should. What this translates to is that, had you been living in a clean environment, will power might have been sufficient to conquer these addictions. But, because of all these added complications, it's requiring superhuman will power, to get past what is physiologically the equivalent of a brick wall.

There is a superfood, called aphanizomen flos-aqua, a type of wild bluegreen algae, that has been proven to create new neuropathways in the brain. It crosses the blood-brain barrier in seconds, and is rich in essential fatty acids (important for overcoming depression) as well as neuropeptides (which feed the neurotransmitters in the brain and thus pave the way for new neuropathways).

From what I understand, the way it works is that, after we get clear on what we want to change (ie. after we've done our meditation, gotten clarity on the root issues, etc. in other words learned from the catalyst), then the physical solution will appear. Not before.

Physical substances don't fix anything, in my belief. The work must come from within, in the form of learning from the catalyst, before the solution can be found (no matter what the problem is). This explains why remedies and medicines don't work for everyone. Some are ready to let go of the illness (or addiction or whatever) and some aren't. The physical remedies will work only for those who are ready to let go of the problem.

At the same time, once the catalyst has achieved its intended purpose, sometimes a physical component is necessary to let the solution stick. Thus, when the person is ready for the physical solution, it will work, now that the root cause (learning from the catalyst) has been achieved. This is why the natural remedy might have been there all along, but we either didn't find it, or weren't receptive to it, until we were ready to fully utilize it and let go of the problem.

From your post, it sounds like you are at this point. Bluegreen algae isn't a cure-all. But it works in profound ways, for those who are ready for it. I used to call it Rebirthing in a Bottle because of the profound results I've seen in people.

A few examples:

1. My friend Trisha was diagnosed as manic-depressive with ‘homicidal and suicidal tendencies’. When she got on the Omega Sun (blue green algae brain food) in addition to the Alpha Sun, she stabilized and quit throwing skillets at her children. (She had already been eating plenty of organic veggies, etc. for quite some time, btw, as well as having had colon cleansing and lots of other therapies.)
2. My husband's student Dustin tried to kill himself 4 times. When he started taking both Alpha Sun and Omega Sun, he no longer had suicidal depression.
3. I've known numerous people who reported relief from cravings in general, whether of coffee, sugar, cigarettes, or weed. I don't know of anyone with addictions as severe as yours, but it might be worth a try, since it seems to help with addictions in general, as well as with getting to the root cause of what makes the substance desirable in the first place: depression.

There are many brands on the market, but only 1 that makes a concentrated 'brain food' version of the algae: Simplexity. It is the brain food version of the algae that has such powerful effects on the brain and has been reported to alleviate depression. I've witnessed this many times! When I first tried it myself, it was as though the mud had been wiped from my eyes, and I was on top of a mountain, and could see far into the distance. The clarity was astounding! Children with ADD/ADHD, autism, etc. have even gotten amazing results. Virtually everyone experiences a heightened sense of well-being.

It is this heightened sense of well-being that you seem to be searching for. It's what every addict is searching for, but can only attain temporarily with drugs.

Consuming bluegreen algae isn't trading one drug for another. It's feeding your brain what it should have been getting all along, from food, but hasn't. Some people are just more susceptible to the ravages of our toxic society than others. The nutrients in bluegreen algae are in the category of getting a good night's sleep: something you need to function at full capacity.

Bluegreen algae is food, and in fact is the single most nutrient-dense food on the planet. It's very primal, and has been shown to help restore the original DNA pattern. It's also a powerful detoxifier, so it can probably assist you when you quit.

The brain food is called Omega Sun. Don't take it by itself. It must be used with the whole algae, called Alpha Sun. Omega Sun taken by itself can trigger emotional detox. They must be taken together.

Full Disclosure: For the record, I'm not trying to sell you anything. I don't make any $$ from this, though I can get it for you at my cost if you decide to try it. Just pm me if you'd like more info.

I've seen this algae work wonders, so I offer this as a suggestion.

Please don't give up. There is hope! As the discoverer of this wild superfood used to say, Hope is a Molecule. There is a scientific basis for this.

Another suggestion is to start running. The runner's high is very addictive, but is a healthy addiction.

And, another idea is to do a juice fast. I've fasted for 2 weeks at a time, many times. I was able to quit meat, pot, sugar and alcohol all at the same time, after a 2-week fast, because I felt so high I didn't want those substances any more. The high from a fast is incredible! But again, it's a healthy high, and is accompanied by spiritual insights. It will also detoxify your body from the drugs and thus help clear those old patterns.

Please let us know how you're doing. You are here among friends and we care about you!

Note: Post has been added to and edited.

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - fairyfarmgirl - 02-01-2011

I Bless you with Love, HolyK. I Bless you with Love as you journey back to yourself. The time is ripe to return to the groomed path and leave the wilderness behind. Wander where you must. There is assistance always available to you in your area. Ask for it and you shall recieve.

The first step you seem to be on the cusp of taking. The first step is Awareness. Detox is the next step. Each moment consists of the next 1 step. Followed by the next 1 step... each step is the next 1 step.

Monica is spot on! The brain does need food!


In the meantime, from the Christian Bible this Psalm has assisted many through the Dark Nights of the Soul:

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - unity100 - 02-01-2011

(02-01-2011, 03:29 PM)Holykaust Wrote: This is one of the biggest issues of my life, and I've never seen anybody from this crowd ever refer to it.

Can you imagine that I am totally familiar with the LOO, the higher self, the color ray work, I can meditate, feel my energies, feel my purpose, I haven't fully broken the veil but I like to think I'm getting there, I know about the system, the unseen hand that feeds me these substance I consume, the unseen hand that layed out these structures in which I live, I know about all that good stuff, I've known about it for years, and yet..

I CAN'T stop self-destructing, I'v been a drug addict for as long as I can remember, I've been addicted to marijuana, opiates/heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, and I've experimented with every drug ever, even going as far as injecting drugs into my veins just to NOT feel any pain

is it possible that the drug usage is providing you with various energies, emotions and sensations you are craving ?

have you tried to replace them with any other thing, in order to receive those energies/sensations ?

you dont have to let go of the sensations you desire. you need to receive those sensations in a sustainable way that will not destroy your body or your life.

arent there any other thing that gives you similar sensations, even if a very, very small amount ?

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Brittany - 02-01-2011

I can certainly identify with what you've said here. For most of my life I have experienced a deep, unyielding pain that seems to have no root cause. When things are at their best, it seems like that is when the heaviest waves of depression hit. I do not want for anything. Truly I am blessed, and yet I cannot seem to pull myself from this melancholic disposition. I often hate myself for feeling this way. I feel like a truly enlightened person would not exist in a state of perpetual sorrow...they would see the joy that is available in every moment. I see the joy, but often it seems I have no way of experiencing it, and it fills me with guilt that I am turning my back on the joyous opportunities the Creator has laid before me.

I believe this type of pain to be spiritual. I think it is brought on when a person awakens spiritually, yet they feel trapped in a disconnected experience. The entity that I am longs with such an intense longing to connect to that one great Love. It is a reaching, a desperation. I reach up toward the stars without knowing what it is I am reaching for. I only know that I want it so badly, and that my fingers cannot yet grasp it. I feel stuck here, alone though I am surrounded by friends. There is a force that I feel with burning intensity, and all I want is to take it into my bosom and hold it there, yet it slips between my fingers. I feel that my spirit is constantly trying to make a connection, yet cannot connect. I *understand* the principles of Oneness, Infinity and Love, yet I cannot make them tangible. I cannot even describe in words what it is that I want, need so badly, and that is perhaps the most painful part of all of it.

I've spent many years going through the cycle of feeling pain, then furthering that pain by judging myself for feeling it. I spent most of my adolescent life in and out of mental hospitals, constantly suicidal, cutting myself and letting the doctors pump me full of poisonous medications in hopes of numbing the pain away. And none of it worked. Even if my whole body was numb, my heart still ached.

This is still an issue I deal with, and I wish I could tell you of an easy way to fix it- a band-aid that would make it all better. I haven't found one yet. However, I have found ways to make the cross lighter. One of them is to simply acknowledge the pain. Turn and face it instead of running it. Throw your arms open wide and embrace it. Gather it to yourself- all those parts of yourself that are hurting, and hold them close. Caress them and comfort them. I often visualize that battered, beaten part of myself and assure her that what she feels is not her fault. Emotions are like the winds and the waves. Who can put a harness on them? I cannot control what I feel. I can only control how I respond to that feeling, and responding in judgment only drives the knife in that much deeper.

Another thing that has helped me is letting others help. I have a lot of pride, and it hasn't been easy for me to admit vulnerability and let people inside this private bubble of pain that I've tried to hide away. I'm afraid they'll look down on me, or I'll become a burden to them. But no one was meant to bear everything alone. If God wanted us to do it all on our own, He would have just made one person. We are here to help and learn from each other. Just by asking for help in this post, you are taking a step toward healing. There are also many unseen forces who would help- your guides, angels and a innumerable variety of light spirits that will offer assistance if it is but asked for. I've heard Quo offer their own services to those who suffer, myself included, and they have helped me in keeping love at the base of my vibration. I do not like being beholden to anyone, but it is admitting that weakness that makes me stronger.

Truly I wish there was more I could say to help. But I feel your pain, and please know that I love you for exactly who you are. I do not judge you in any way. I accept you and I send you love and light. I hope this may be some small balm on the wound I know all too well.


RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Monica - 02-01-2011

(02-01-2011, 07:25 PM)unity100 Wrote: have you tried to replace them with any other thing, in order to receive those energies/sensations ?

you dont have to let go of the sensations you desire. you need to receive those sensations in a sustainable way that will not destroy your body or your life.

arent there any other thing that gives you similar sensations, even if a very, very small amount ?

This is exactly the point I was trying to make too, with the suggestion of running or fasting. And I just thought of another one: Yoga. Running, yoga and fasting are 3 ways I know of that create natural highs. I've experienced these and they can be quite profound! Rather than trying to quit something with nothing to replace it with, I suggest starting a new, healthy habit first. Then, the new habit can gradually replace the old habit.

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - JoshC - 02-01-2011

I can only offer personal experience here, so I hope you find it helpful in some way.

I started smoking pot when I had just turned 16 and I started drinking when I was 17. My life in high school consisted of smoking pot during the week and smoking pot and drinking on the weekends. One day my friends offered me something that sounded cool - they called it ecstasy. I looked it up, being a smart user, to see its effects and side effects, and decided that it was not harmful enough for me to turn down. A little later my friends introduced me to these cool things called magic mushrooms... The next drug was dxm, then acid, then vicodin, then oxycontin, then I tried candy flipping, all the while still drinking consistently and smoking pot less consistently but sorta frequently.

One day in high school on a weekend night I drank 3/4 of a "handle" of rum and got alcohol poisoning and had to be rushed to the hospital. Stuff hit the fan then - my older sister had bought me the alcohol, so she was crushed and she blamed and hated herself for thinking she had almost killed me (I disagree, I take responsibility.). My parents had had no idea that the $20 I was using whenever I went out with friends wasn't for movies or food or whatever else but for drugs, and I had used hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars of their money to get and abuse drugs.

In the winter of 2008, the winter of 2009, and starting in May of 2010 until now, I developed/showed signs of clinical depression. I hadn't known or noticed the pattern that EVERY time I did drugs, I spent the next couple days in and out of depression, had fits of anger and rage, severe feelings of inadequacy (I'm not good enough in some way), and my mind went wild with imaginary tales that tortured and belittled myself. After candy flipping at EDC in LA in the summer of 2010, every time I smoked pot I had depressive bouts and flashbacks - not a lovely combination. Let it be known that even having quit drugs I still have depression, but its not nearly as bad or frequent as when I was using drugs.

I've broken my parent's and sister's hearts, have lost all trust from them, have almost lost my current romantic relationship because of drug abuse, and have overdosed and almost died 4 or 5 times from using drugs. I haven't exactly been "addicted" in the sense that you're using the term - I can quit whenever I want (and have)... I use drugs to cover up emotional pain that I unconsciously don't want to deal with.

Between September 2010 and December 2010 I quit drugs and only used vicodin once, I used ecstasy at a rave this past new year's eve, and I mixed alcohol and vicodin once in the past couple weeks. Having had pointed out to me by my parents, sisters, girlfriend, and my girlfriend's mom and sister that I was (loosely using the term) addicted to drugs, I've decided to quit once and for all.

Now, for the actual quitting, I'm a very strong believer and user of positive affirmations. Through the internet I'm not sure I can give a high enough recommendation for the book Heal Your Body by Louise Hay (See "Addictions" on page 2). From personal experience, I find it very accurate in its identifications of causes of diseases and maladies and the cool part is that it gives affirmations for healing those conditions. This link has also proved very useful for me - it's more affirmations for addiction from Louise.

I don't know if you're familiar or not with affirmations, but if you aren't, I swear they work. Of course I'm just a random user of a board that you also happen to use on the internet, but for what it's worth, if you start doing affirmations I believe that you will start to work through your addictions and very possibly heal them. They take time and effort and have to be done thousands of times... Obviously you won't believe every afffirmation you say to be true, so start affirming that you're willing for the affirmation to be true. From there, you can affirm that you want it to be true, then when you can, start using the affirmation (or better yet, use it while also saying the willing/want stuff). I've used many of the affirmations found in Heal Your Body and even some personal made up ones thousands of times each and my life has improved gradually and, over time, dramatically. I posted a thread a week or two ago in this same sub-forum: On consciously used affirmations.

Best of luck and all my love.

Heart :idea:

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - unity100 - 02-01-2011

(02-01-2011, 08:56 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Yoga. Running, yoga and fasting are 3 ways I know of that create natural highs.

may depend on physiology though. running doesnt create highs for me. only tiredom. and i dont like going hungry.

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Monica - 02-01-2011

(02-01-2011, 09:26 PM)unity100 Wrote: may depend on physiology though. running doesnt create highs for me. only tiredom. and i dont like going hungry.

In both cases, a barrier has to be pushed thru. In the case of fasting, the hunger only lasts 3 days...then food becomes alien, like cardboard, and an amazing high ensues.

Can't fast all the time, though, so it's just something to use to break the cycle of addiction and clean out.

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - fairyfarmgirl - 02-01-2011

Fasting is risky with addictive behaviors. It can lead to excessive fasting and anorexic behaviors. An deprivation behavior will trigger an addiction response if detox is not properly administered.

Get right with your Soul and then see what fits for you. Awareness is the first step. The next 1 step is seek help and detox. For the level of addiction you speak of your body, mind, light body and spirit will require physical human interactive help not just etheric-spiritual. The DT's from smack withdraw can cause physical damage to your body. Take caution and seek assistance from those in your area that can help you. Get right with your soul. Then begin the next 1 step of healing. That is where most of the advice here comes into play.

Affirmations from Louise Hay absolutely and positively are aligned with LOVE and when truly taken into the Heart and body truly do assist in reprogramming the mind-body-spirit to being aligned with health and wellness.
I Bless you with Love--


RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Monica - 02-01-2011

(02-01-2011, 10:08 PM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: Fasting is risky with addictive behaviors. It can lead to excessive fasting and anorexic behaviors. An deprivation behavior will trigger an addiction response if detox is not properly administered.

Good point. Scratch that.

(02-01-2011, 10:08 PM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: The next 1 step is seek help and detox. For the level of addiction you speak of your body, mind, light body and spirit will require physical human interactive help not just etheric-spiritual. The DT's from smack withdraw can cause physical damage to your body. Take caution and seek assistance from those in your area that can help you.

Agreed. Holykaust, here's the obvious question: Have you tried a professional rehab?

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Derek - 02-02-2011

Hey there, I was also addicted to drugs for some time. There is alot I can say but most of it others have already said. All I will add is to begin investigating these things:

Raw foods

Ive dramaticly changed my diet and lifestyle and now feel much better than I did on any drug I have ever taken (MDMA LSD mushrooms marijuana opiates benzos alcohol etc), and that is not an exagerration. Our potential as humans is way beyond what most people would consider possible. Daivd Wolfe is a great authority on this, please google him.

Love and blessings Smile

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Peregrinus - 02-02-2011

(02-01-2011, 10:52 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Agreed. Holykaust, here's the obvious question: Have you tried a professional rehab?

Professional Rehabs have a 1.5% success rate, something they do not advertise, for there's no money in the truth. On the other hand, 7% beat addiction on their own.

I live with an addict (in recovery) and have lots of experience with this.

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Monica - 02-02-2011

(02-02-2011, 12:40 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: Professional Rehabs have a 1.5% success rate, something they do not advertise, for there's no money in the truth. On the other hand, 7% beat addiction on their own.

I live with an addict (in recovery) and have lots of experience with this.

Oh wow! I had no idea.

Scratch that too then.

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Sacred Fool - 02-02-2011

(02-01-2011, 03:29 PM)Holykaust Wrote: This is one of the biggest issues of my life...

This is quite an assignment you've taken on. One would suspect that you had a lot of faith in yourself, pre-incarnatively, to choose this...if you believe in such things.

Ra Wrote:74.11 Questioner: What I am trying to get at is how these disciplines affect the energy centers and the power of the white magician. Will you tell me how that works?

Ra: I am Ra. The heart of the discipline of the personality is threefold. One, know your self. Two, accept your self. Three, become the Creator.

From a spiritual sense, if I may make so bold as to say that I understand these things, what you do and what you've done are far less important than your knowing what you are. Knowledge of self is first key.

One can say, "I am the Creator...and I know this because I read it on the Internet," but I'm speaking here about knowing it the hard way, through disciplined study, in other words. It strikes me that this is what you--on some other level--are calling yourself (on this level) to do here, difficult as that may be.

Clearly, you know a great deal about yourself already. You already know the things which are apparent to you; but do you know the things you're hiding from yourself and do you know why you are hiding them? How badly would you want to know them?

Years ago I worked over a long period with a clairvoyant and discovered disconcerting things about past life involvements that I never would have believed, except I resonated with the vibrations she described. This included doing a lot monkeying around in powerful negative hierarchies, both in space/time past lives and in time/space.

She told me I was a "double agent," that I worked for both the Light & the Dark. It was she, as well, who directed me to the Ra Material because it was the only literature she had read which explained how an entity can advance to higher planes via the negative path (something I had evidently done). It was quite a relief when I read it, actually, because, by that point, I felt I was bearing one hell of burden, so to speak.

In this incarnation I've not achieved near your level of self-destructive paradox, but I'm telling you the above to let on that I know a bit about the feeling of being a container which is way, way too small to hold its contents. I can appreciate the discomfort.

Two things helped me: (1) clearing away residual negativity and (2) growing "my container."

The first involved an intermittent combination of working with people who did various spiritual healing modalities and hanging out in places with intense positive spiritual energy.

The second involved the above plus a dogged, somewhat disciplined pursuit of my chosen goal which is to truly know myself and accept myself. This has served to slowly, steadily increase my container so that I may live with some contentedness in my own skin.

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Phoenix - 02-02-2011

I did used to drink caffeine all the time, and was staying up all night, couldn't stop. Then I think, on about the second or third time I tried to stop using Reiki it worked.

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Crown - 02-02-2011

(02-01-2011, 03:29 PM)Holykaust Wrote: This is one of the biggest issues of my life, and I've never seen anybody from this crowd ever refer to it.

Can you imagine that I am totally familiar with the LOO, the higher self, the color ray work, I can meditate, feel my energies, feel my purpose, I haven't fully broken the veil but I like to think I'm getting there, I know about the system, the unseen hand that feeds me these substance I consume, the unseen hand that layed out these structures in which I live, I know about all that good stuff, I've known about it for years, and yet..

I CAN'T stop self-destructing, I'v been a drug addict for as long as I can remember, I've been addicted to marijuana, opiates/heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, and I've experimented with every drug ever, even going as far as injecting drugs into my veins just to NOT feel any pain

I was never raped, abused, mistreated, I had a wonderful childhood, I don't have a single action or catalyst to blame for my addiction, I was born this way, my parents were stellar, never had a drink or smoke, nobody that I knew ever influenced me to be like this, yet I am like millions of addicts who were traumatized as kids and now they're walking dead, when I try to justifiy my pain all I get is a giant void.

I am positive this is one of my biggest life lessons and one of the reasons I incarnated, I am hopeless though, I can't possibly explain what it's like... when you know so much, when you know this isn't the way things are meant to be, and yet you physically have NO control over a destructive habit, I've attempted to quit thousands of times, the depression, the hopelesness, is literally suicidal, if I don't have a substance to get me by, I can't exist within this reality at the moment.

Has anybody here gone through this? It's not nearly as easy as saying 'meditate when you have cravings', to me, being trapped in it, it feels like in order to escape I would need a giant time-space catalyst, some higher self intervention of unimaginable magnitude, because as far as my little self in my 3rd density body goes, I'm about to give up after nearly a decade of self-destruction I CANNOT stop. I've gotten tons of catalysts, caused myself and everyone around me enormous pain, gotten myself in absolute financial ruin, had people next to me overdose and die, made the people I love cry hopelessly, none of them ever even made me flinch when it came to stopping drugs! it's like I've been programmed for this and I keep doing the wrong thing even tough I am FULLY aware of the danger and the consequences, and I can't bring myself to stop it!

I just hope this thread serves as inspiration and reference to those who have problems with addictions, and those who don't, consider yourselves extremely lucky.

I wrote a big reply and it got lsot somehow...

Anyway, i really feel your pain my friend and i will try to send you all the light and love that i can in order to help you heal your body and mind.

I am an addict myself. I have been smoking cigarettes and weed and drinking alcohol for the last 5 years. I managed to stop the cigarettes but i kept on going with the pot and alcohol up to this day.

I know that my internal organs are suffering yet i keep on going. I dont know how to feel about this simple fact. It is devestating.

A person must make a decision and change. This is all i can say. try, and succeed to change.

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Confused - 02-02-2011

Existential pathos, I guess.

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - spero - 02-02-2011

It possible to program the etheric (indigo, or form-making) body since this is the body responsible for manifesting experience.

Quote:"Free will has potentiated, both the Creator of us all and our selves as co-Creators with intelligent infinity which has will. This will may be drawn upon by the indigo or form-making body and its wisdom used to then choose the appropriate locus and type of experience which this co-Creator or sub-sub-Logos you call so carelessly a person will take."

Healing is achieved via the will, which is what programs the indigo body to use the novel configuration and make the necessary changes to the physical vehicle.

Quote:"Healing is done in the time/space portion of the mind/body/spirit complex, is adopted by the form-making or etheric body, and is then given to the space/time physical illusion for use in the activated yellow mind/body/spirit complex. It is the adoption of the configuration which you call health by the etheric body in time/space which is the key to what you call health, not any event which occurs in space/time. In the process you may see the transdimensional aspect of what you call will, for it is the will, the seeking, the desire of the entity which causes the indigo body to use the novel configuration and to reform the body which exists in space/time. This is done in an instant and may be said to operate without regard to time. We may note that in the healing of very young children there is often an apparent healing by the healer in which the young entity has no part. This is never so, for the mind/body/spirit complex in time/space is always capable of willing the distortions it chooses for experience no matter what the apparent age, as you call it, of the entity."

Fasting, aswell as a variety of other physical techniques are symbolic rituals designed to communicate to the indigo body the desired configurations you would wish to adopt

Quote:"This, as all healing techniques, must be used by a conscious being; that is, a being conscious that the ridding of excess and unwanted material from the body complex is the analogy to the ridding of mind or spirit of excess or unwanted material. Thus the one discipline or denial of the unwanted portion as an appropriate part of the self is taken through the tree of mind down through the trunk to subconscious levels where the connection is made and thus the body, mind, and spirit, then in unison, express denial of the excess or unwanted spiritual or mental material as part of the entity.

All then falls away and the entity, while understanding, if you will, and appreciating the nature of the rejected material as part of the greater self, nevertheless, through the action of the will purifies and refines the mind/body/spirit complex, bringing into manifestation the desired mind complex or spirit complex attitude."

It is therefore possible to pick an choose what experiences you wish to manifest, and this can be done without necessarily doing any physical actions but through will and faith alone. This is where the use of affirmations becomes helpful as they communicate your desired configuration.

Quote:Questioner: Then would this be like a conscious reprogramming of catalyst? For instance, for some entities catalyst is programmed by the Higher Self to create experiences so that the entity can release itself from unwanted biases. Would this be analogous then to the entity consciously programming this release and using fasting as the method of communication to itself?

Ra: I am Ra. This is not only correct but may be taken further. The self, if conscious to a great enough extent of the workings of this catalyst and the techniques of programming, may through concentration of the will and the faculty of faith alone cause reprogramming without the analogy of the fasting, the diet, or other analogous body complex disciplines.

The only thing i would note is that you have to be aware of your catalyst. What has your addiction taught you (be positive, not negative). Has it made you more tolerant of other people? more sympathetic to their needs? more wise? If you were no longer an addict would you still treasure and value your experience despite all the hurt and pain? How has it helped you find the love in the moment?

When you can appreciate all that your addiction has taught you, then can you begin to release it and let it fall away.

Quote:"The proper role of the entity is in this density to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling from them the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away."

I wish you the best of luck Heart:idea:

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Confused - 02-02-2011

(02-02-2011, 11:17 AM)spero Wrote: It possible to program the etheric (indigo, or form-making) body since this is the body responsible for manifesting experience.

Quote:"Free will has potentiated, both the Creator of us all and our selves as co-Creators with intelligent infinity which has will. This will may be drawn upon by the indigo or form-making body and its wisdom used to then choose the appropriate locus and type of experience which this co-Creator or sub-sub-Logos you call so carelessly a person will take."

Healing is achieved via the will, which is what programs the indigo body to use the novel configuration and make the necessary changes to the physical vehicle.

Quote:"Healing is done in the time/space portion of the mind/body/spirit complex, is adopted by the form-making or etheric body, and is then given to the space/time physical illusion for use in the activated yellow mind/body/spirit complex. It is the adoption of the configuration which you call health by the etheric body in time/space which is the key to what you call health, not any event which occurs in space/time. In the process you may see the transdimensional aspect of what you call will, for it is the will, the seeking, the desire of the entity which causes the indigo body to use the novel configuration and to reform the body which exists in space/time. This is done in an instant and may be said to operate without regard to time. We may note that in the healing of very young children there is often an apparent healing by the healer in which the young entity has no part. This is never so, for the mind/body/spirit complex in time/space is always capable of willing the distortions it chooses for experience no matter what the apparent age, as you call it, of the entity."

Fasting, aswell as a variety of other physical techniques are symbolic rituals designed to communicate to the indigo body the desired configurations you would wish to adopt

Quote:"This, as all healing techniques, must be used by a conscious being; that is, a being conscious that the ridding of excess and unwanted material from the body complex is the analogy to the ridding of mind or spirit of excess or unwanted material. Thus the one discipline or denial of the unwanted portion as an appropriate part of the self is taken through the tree of mind down through the trunk to subconscious levels where the connection is made and thus the body, mind, and spirit, then in unison, express denial of the excess or unwanted spiritual or mental material as part of the entity.

All then falls away and the entity, while understanding, if you will, and appreciating the nature of the rejected material as part of the greater self, nevertheless, through the action of the will purifies and refines the mind/body/spirit complex, bringing into manifestation the desired mind complex or spirit complex attitude."

It is therefore possible to pick an choose what experiences you wish to manifest, and this can be done without necessarily doing any physical actions but through will and faith alone. This is where the use of affirmations becomes helpful as they communicate your desired configuration.

Quote:Questioner: Then would this be like a conscious reprogramming of catalyst? For instance, for some entities catalyst is programmed by the Higher Self to create experiences so that the entity can release itself from unwanted biases. Would this be analogous then to the entity consciously programming this release and using fasting as the method of communication to itself?

Ra: I am Ra. This is not only correct but may be taken further. The self, if conscious to a great enough extent of the workings of this catalyst and the techniques of programming, may through concentration of the will and the faculty of faith alone cause reprogramming without the analogy of the fasting, the diet, or other analogous body complex disciplines.

The only thing i would note is that you have to be aware of your catalyst. What has your addiction taught you (be positive, not negative). Has it made you more tolerant of other people? more sympathetic to their needs? more wise? If you were no longer an addict would you still treasure and value your experience despite all the hurt and pain? How has it helped you find the love in the moment?

When you can appreciate all that your addiction has taught you, then can you begin to release it and let it fall away.

Quote:"The proper role of the entity is in this density to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling from them the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away."

I wish you the best of luck Heart:idea:

Nice post. I enjoyed it. Thanks

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - fairyfarmgirl - 02-02-2011

(02-02-2011, 12:40 AM)Peregrinus Wrote:
(02-01-2011, 10:52 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Agreed. Holykaust, here's the obvious question: Have you tried a professional rehab?

Professional Rehabs have a 1.5% success rate, something they do not advertise, for there's no money in the truth. On the other hand, 7% beat addiction on their own.

I live with an addict (in recovery) and have lots of experience with this.

To Clarify, Dearest Brother, Pere--

HolyK's post did not indicate if they were alone or with others...

The initial Detox is best done with support. This can be in the form of family members or loved ones that know how to assist the body matrix during the week of detox. Agreed Rehab is truly a scam and a shameful one at that. The 12 step program. Prayer. Diet. And true grit is what is required to kick any habit including addictive ones. However, it is very important to have someone to help one when all seems to be falling away. --fairyfarmgirl

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Derek - 02-03-2011

(02-02-2011, 12:39 AM)Derek Wrote: Hey there, I was also addicted to drugs for some time. There is alot I can say but most of it others have already said. All I will add is to begin investigating these things:

Raw foods

Ive dramaticly changed my diet and lifestyle and now feel much better than I did on any drug I have ever taken (MDMA LSD mushrooms marijuana opiates benzos alcohol etc), and that is not an exagerration. Our potential as humans is way beyond what most people would consider possible. Daivd Wolfe is a great authority on this, please google him.

Love and blessings Smile

Here is something I just found to further illustrate my point. (skip to 4:40)

Edit: this video is way better

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - BlatzAdict - 02-03-2011

i know this is going to sound crazy but those drugs ARE your catalyst.. i did drugs too. but i never did heroin.. i've done pot, acid, shrooms, speed, coke, ecstacy, opium...

i used to be part of the raver scene because the motto was PLUR
peace love unity and respect.
so i started doing ecstacy and going to night clubs and dancing all night when i was 16.
then i grew out of it because it was more about the drugs than it was about the peace and love and unity and respect Tongue.

we are gravitated towards subcultures that promote love, or some kind of peace in some way. thats why i became a punk, because i thought it would help me change the world, improve society... i was wrong there too.

i quit everything.. i still smoke cigarettes, but i smoke e cigarettes now because it has nicotine but not the smoke associated with smoking which has carcinogens.

once in a while i will smoke pot..
i used to smoke more that is until i started going to school for kung fu... as a way to discipline myself..
so you are not alone.
when u are out of body, it feels like you are stoned, your whole body feels like it is stoned.

when we get stoned, it's cause instinctively we miss that feeling of feeling connected and feeling that love constantly.
the point is learning to feel that love, even when u don't feel it.

yes hardly anyone else does drugs is the impression i get from the forums... but i wanted to write this to tell u, u are not alone.
and i understand the pain u feel from the world around u

but u have to learn not to become a victim to your own emotions. you have to learn to stand in your own light.. and all those drugs will fall away on their own.
but it's not easy.. we chose a harder life because when we incarnated we thought we were hardcore in the light, we thought we were bad ass...

so the fact that u made it this far without killing yourself.. congratulations, u are fucking hard core!
ummm i haven't said anything about how to quit so much because everyone else is giving really great advice for quitting..

if u want my take on quitting just let me know.

but yea...
(02-01-2011, 06:06 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: When she got on the Omega Sun (blue green algae brain food) in addition to the Alpha Sun, she stabilized and quit throwing skillets at her children. (She had already been eating plenty of organic veggies, etc. for quite some time, By the way, as well as having had colon cleansing and lots of other therapies.)

Note: Post has been added to and edited.

umm monica can u show me where to get blue sun and alpha sun.. i tried googling it.. it wants me to make an account.. when i tried to make an account it said i need a sponsor number.. wth?
is there some wierd u gotta be in the club to be part of the club thing going on?

i found this website :

but yea maybe i have the wrong website?


looks like no one really gave in my opinion advice that was to the point hahaha. I tend to speak very direct and very blunt. I also tend to just throw up information.

I knew I had to quit the higher drugs on the list cause I knew they wouldn't help me in the long run. I kept drinking, pot smoking and smoking cigarettes. Hardly a drinker, more just a pothead. The thing I kept telling myself is at least this is natural Smile

I still don't see a problem with occaisional smoking.

I'd suggest to join a Shaolin Kung Fu school, and the determination it teaches u, will teach u to channel that determination to quitting, and doing something better instead.

I've been blessed with a loving teacher who always emphasizes spirit in movement.. Without it, kung fu looks dull, is less effective, and not as much of a work out. Thats why so many american kung fu teachers... well yea, they always forget that part. the determination...

somehow I think that is somewhat linked to strict and abusive childhoods and it kind of beats that into u.. but then that is a whole other lesson to learn, and values to overcome..

I could write a whole other post on this if u would like me to elaborate. I'm just starting to wake up myself.

but i don't even have to ask u to believe me, I know you know what I'm saying even if it's on an unconcious level..
I'm going to say this very crass because this is just who i am

YOU, incarnated into this situation because you KNEW you were bad ass enough to handle it.. hell look you are on this forum asking for help, you are already on the path, seriously. I kid you not, I have always known this even at the brink of suicide, that I knew I would always get through it, cause I'm so of the light.

It's because we're so of the light.... for our own benefit spiritually, and for the benefit of others who might stray along this difficult path so that we may be there for others.

You ARE going to handle it, the fact that you have a higher self is proof that u have in the future... know it, be it...

i'm sorry forum guys... but i have to say it this way.. YOU CAN FUCKING DO IT!!!!!!!! I know you realize this on a deep level, it is what is the message in your heart, and it's why you've been able to keep moving forward.

I have lived through much to be able to say that, and even then I knew I'd be out there somewhere saying my story just like this, to help someone just like you.

And you will do the same... you are destined for it, your spirit guide knows this, your higher self knows this, and your subconcious mind knows this.

I know this.... that's why i can say...

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Meerie - 02-03-2011

Haha, Blatz, I like your stream-of consciousness posting! Nice.
I seem to be lucky, since drugs do not really work for me... never experienced any effects to pot and if I drink too much alcohol I usually get really depressed, so that does not work either.
I smoke but then if I spend a weekend at a non-smokers house I just skip it. No problem.
I saw a movie about some guy who had been heavily drug-addicted (heroin) to the point it almost killed him. He substituted the drugs by running. He is now a marathon runner.
it seems addiction is a personality trait and if you want to lose drug addiction you have to substitute it with something else. Maybe it is just an extreme approach to life, like seeing how far you can go with your body. Testing your limits.

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - JoshC - 02-03-2011

(02-03-2011, 09:30 AM)Meerie Wrote: Haha, Blatz, I like your stream-of consciousness posting! Nice.
I seem to be lucky, since drugs do not really work for me... never experienced any effects to pot and if I drink too much alcohol I usually get really depressed, so that does not work either.
I smoke but then if I spend a weekend at a non-smokers house I just skip it. No problem.
I saw a movie about some guy who had been heavily drug-addicted (heroin) to the point it almost killed him. He substituted the drugs by running. He is now a marathon runner.
it seems addiction is a personality trait and if you want to lose drug addiction you have to substitute it with something else. Maybe it is just an extreme approach to life, like seeing how far you can go with your body. Testing your limits.

Cool story about the marathon runner!

About the last part, I think you may be on to something... Though I don't think that addictions can't be cured, that is, completely removed instead of just fought. I've had a tendency to be a very extreme person: Countless hours watching specific tv series, reading 100 chapters at a time in a manga series or watching episodes all day long into the night for several days, drugs, reading the Harry Potter series 3 times in a row or the Twilight series 5 times in a row without coming out of my room except for food water and the bathroom, being an exercise and health freak... I wouldn't exactly say I've been addicted to any of these things, but I have noticed before that I tend to do things I like very much to extremes.

That's just my experience though, does anyone know other addicts - did/do they do extremes like that?

Sorry, not much to add for the OP, and if this starts derailing the thread then please stop responding to this. I didn't think this question worthy of its own thread so it's here!

Heart :idea:

RE: Life, Drugs and self-destruction - Monica - 02-03-2011

(02-03-2011, 05:46 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: i know this is going to sound crazy but those drugs ARE your catalyst..

Exactly! This situation, like any other, is a catalyst with lessons to be learned. When the lessons have been learned, then it's time to let go of it.

(02-03-2011, 05:46 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: then i grew out of it because it was more about the drugs than it was about the peace and love and unity and respect Tongue.

Echoes of the 60s hippies!

(02-03-2011, 05:46 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: we are gravitated towards subcultures that promote love, or some kind of peace in some way. thats why i became a punk, because i thought it would help me change the world, improve society... i was wrong there too.

Same reason a lot of Wanderers became hippies and got caught up in the drug scene.

(02-03-2011, 05:46 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: i used to smoke more that is until i started going to school for kung fu... as a way to discipline myself..

As the wife of a kung fu instructor, I totally agree that kung fu is a great way to discipline oneself, and a 'positive' addiction (like running).

(02-03-2011, 05:46 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: so you are not alone.
when u are out of body, it feels like you are stoned, your whole body feels like it is stoned.

Greater highs await us! Drug highs are just teasers by comparison.

(02-03-2011, 05:46 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: when we get stoned, it's cause instinctively we miss that feeling of feeling connected and feeling that love constantly.


(02-03-2011, 05:46 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: yes hardly anyone else does drugs is the impression i get from the forums... but i wanted to write this to tell u, u are not alone.
and i understand the pain u feel from the world around u

Actually, you might be surprised:

Life on Planet Earth > The Spiritual Use of Entheogens

(02-03-2011, 05:46 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: but it's not easy.. we chose a harder life because when we incarnated we thought we were hardcore in the light, we thought we were bad a$$...

I love your perspective! Tongue

(02-03-2011, 05:46 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: so the fact that u made it this far without killing yourself.. congratulations, u are fucking hard core!

I second that!

(02-03-2011, 05:46 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: umm monica can u show me where to get blue sun and alpha sun.. i tried googling it.. it wants me to make an account.. when i tried to make an account it said i need a sponsor number.. wth?
is there some wierd u gotta be in the club to be part of the club thing going on?

No, you don't have to join anything. You can just be a customer. Anyone is welcome to order on my account and get it for the same price I do. I used to be a distributor but no longer do it as a business, but I still have my distributor account, since I will never be without this powerful food! So just pm me and I can order it for you and have it drop shipped to you. OR, you can call 800.800.1300 and ask to set up your own customer account. Sponsor ID# 1029365. If you do it this way, the price is the same but they'll ask you to set up an autoship (either monthly, every 2 months, or every 3 months) which can be canceled any time. If I order it for you, I am not paid anything. If you order it yourself with me as sponsor, I will get about $10 on your first order, which I will gladly donate to llresearch. (Full disclosure! The $$ is negligible so obviously that's not the reason I'm telling you about it. I'm telling you about the algae because it really is amazingly powerful in helping with any sort of addictions, depression, etc.) Feel free to pm me with any detailed questions or if you want me to email you more info. (This offer is open to anyone.)

(02-03-2011, 05:46 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: I'd suggest to join a Shaolin Kung Fu school, and the determination it teaches u, will teach u to channel that determination to quitting, and doing something better instead.

Great advice!

(02-03-2011, 05:46 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: I've been blessed with a loving teacher who always emphasizes spirit in movement.. Without it, kung fu looks dull, is less effective, and not as much of a work out. Thats why so many american kung fu teachers... well yea, they always forget that part. the determination...

Very true!

(02-03-2011, 05:46 AM)BlatzAdict Wrote: YOU, incarnated into this situation because you KNEW you were bad a$$ enough to handle it.. hell look you are on this forum asking for help, you are already on the path, seriously. I kid you not, I have always known this even at the brink of suicide, that I knew I would always get through it, cause I'm so of the light.

It's because we're so of the light.... for our own benefit spiritually, and for the benefit of others who might stray along this difficult path so that we may be there for others.

You ARE going to handle it, the fact that you have a higher self is proof that u have in the future... know it, be it...

i'm sorry forum guys... but i have to say it this way.. YOU CAN FUCKING DO IT!!!!!!!! I know you realize this on a deep level, it is what is the message in your heart, and it's why you've been able to keep moving forward.

I have lived through much to be able to say that, and even then I knew I'd be out there somewhere saying my story just like this, to help someone just like you.

And you will do the same... you are destined for it, your spirit guide knows this, your higher self knows this, and your subconcious mind knows this.

I know this.... that's why i can say...

YES!!! Holykaust, I hop you find value in these wise words!