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Main Topic Deleted - Quincunx - 01-31-2022


RE: Thoughts to Explore - sillypumpkins - 01-31-2022

Do we continually reincarnate within the same family/blood-line? Like, was I incarnate as a past ancestor at some point in time?

Likewise, do we simply pick our astrological configurations before incarnation based on our required lessons? Or is there some continuation in that regard between incarnations?

RE: Thoughts to Explore - IndigoSalvia - 02-01-2022

I have information and opinions on these questions (in no particular order), but they tend to linger in the back of my mind.

  1. Why are we tasked with making a choice in 3D -  under a thick veil knowing very little about our spiritual selves and the nature of the infiniverse - that has such significant implications (i.e., set our path from 4D-part of 6D)? Yes, I know, I know ...  Cheese
  2. What is the big picture (fleshed out with all the juicy details and without blowing my circuitry please)? 
  3. Why does this/our 3D physical illusion actively promote and reinforce a false and strong sense of individuality? 
  4. I get both simultaneity and cyclical (ebb/flow) natures, but I can't seem to put it all together.  
  5. I feel a deep love for Mother Earth. How is she? 

ha ha ... just writing them down has added some direction to my spiritual seeking.

RE: Thoughts to Explore - Spaced - 02-01-2022

Is the part of my consciousness that quietly observes all my thoughts and sensory inputs the same consciousness that is observing the thoughts and sensory inputs of everyone else?

RE: Thoughts to Explore - jafar - 02-01-2022

(01-31-2022, 03:46 PM)sillypumpkins Wrote: Do we continually reincarnate within the same family/blood-line? Like, was I incarnate as a past ancestor at some point in time?

Likewise, do we simply pick our astrological configurations before incarnation based on our required lessons? Or is there some continuation in that regard between incarnations?

Well yes and no, there are those who choose the reincarnate within the same family/blood line.
The negatives a.k.a "Hidden Hand's family" are among those.

And there are those who doesn't follow any pattern of 'similar family/blood line' as criteria for their incarnation.
Yours truly are among the later as I've received download of 'incarnation experience' that I was not even a being on planet earth.

However there is a 'soul group' / 'soul family' where each member might incarnate on variety of context as variety of identities, yet after each incarnation session each member will be greeted by their soul family.

There is a pattern of continuation between each incarnation, as each experience gained during incarnation helped to boost the soul evolution. Which eventually will end in soul's dissolution / re-uniting back with the infinite creator.

RE: Thoughts to Explore - flofrog - 02-01-2022

Quincunx what a great thread. I was smiling as I was reading your long list because about 80% of questions are exactly mine. Did I pair unconsciously with your questions ?? lol

I have intuitive responses to many but no idea if buy intuition is dead right, or ... dead wrong BigSmile

I like Spaced 's question too, very much..

RE: Thoughts to Explore - flofrog - 02-01-2022

Quincunx since you started this, if I may,  shall I give some of my intuitive right/wrong answer ? I gave you the colors for your awesome questions...

Energy transfer between people such as a hug or a look
YES, I totally think this  is a really strong transfer and we always know immediately if it's more int he positive or in the negative..

Music theory as a language to communicate truth
For sure

Can we actually fly like Superman and we just haven't accepted the possibility
So tempted to say yes. Perhaps the etheric part of us for sure ?

Are those past lives in our dreams or are we exploring someone else's in order to teach us about what is happening in our lives
Intuittively I'd say dreams are not about  own or else past lives but definitely tools we can use.

Did I interpret that correctly or is there deeper meaning that I just don't see how it can be
Both and The deeper meaning is there,  I am sure, but  would elude moi often... 

What is free will, are we being suckered into thinking this is true
not sucked

How much does higher self really see in our everyday lives
constantly the All of it

Do I have any secrets or can "they" see or sense everything
We do, but it's a tough one, but we do ..  lol' I think there is an open door to our internal musing but we have total control to close it

Why are dreams as real as everyday life
We live them totally, we explore, totally

Why does the mind wander from subject to subject without exploring one completely before moving on to the next
So much my question too. Is it because we are open to so many vibes coming at us ? that's my thought.

Why do I feel like someone is staring at me when I'm all alone in a room
to me Creator, and my guides when they are not sick of me.

Is everything we experience communication from higher self
I dont think so. Not all of it.

If we either wandered to Earth or were transferred to here from elsewhere, what is home

What was the point of seeing that man that seemed so familiar and yet I had never met him in this life
Absolutely part of one's group. part of other incarnations. Bet my life wholly on it, no hesitation

lol, I shall stop here my mean little ideas.
such great questions Quincunx..

RE: Thoughts to Explore - jafar - 02-02-2022

The Law of One, may be approximated by stating that
all things are one,
that there is no polarity,
no right or wrong,
no disharmony,
but only identity.
All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the infinite Creator.

With such understanding, that all of 'this' is basically a play of identity and the one that truly exist is the infinite Creator, I will then try to answer some of the question.

Can we actually fly like Superman and we just haven't accepted the possibility

The person that you see in the mirror cannot, his/her physical body is not designed for that.
But when the "I" is focusing outside of that person, then definitely it can fly.

More than that, it will then realize that 'flying is too slow' and it wants to instantly arrive at specific place (or time), a.k.a instant teleportation. Then it can also do that.

Imagine the experience as clicking a place on Google Map and then instantly clicking another place on Google Map, and instantly the screen changes. Both have similarity that the "I" (which is outside of Google Map but focusing on it) is actually not moving anywhere, it just refocusing from one specific point in space to another.

[*]Are those past lives in our dreams or are we exploring someone else's in order to teach us about what is happening in our lives

Given 'someone else' is merely 'another identity', then yes those past lives are actually you... in another identity.
Or you can also say that those past lives are 'someone else's' in a sense that it was when you're focusing / assuming as another identity.

[*]How much does higher self really see in our everyday lives

He/She/It/I experience it along with you.

Imagine playing a game, where you are actually outside the game, yet you are also inside the game assuming an identity of game avatar.
Do you see everything that's being experienced by the game avatar?

[*]Do I have any secrets or can "they" see or sense everything

Identity boundaries are virtual, thus there is actually no secret and "they" actually do not exist.
Imagine your device with many apps, each application have it's own memory boundary thus one app cannot see other app's memory space. Yet all apps are actually writing and reading to the same memory space managed by the operating system. And those apps and it's memory boundary are actually virtual, the operating system can see all the content of memory from all apps.

[*]Is everything we experience communication from higher self

Your higher self is experiencing it along with you.
The person playing the game and the game avatar metaphor as described above.

[*]If we either wandered to Earth or were transferred to here from elsewhere, what is home
Home is where your heart is.

[*]Is that Q'uo channeling really about me or could it be about any wanderer

Since everything is me.. thus it's about me.

[*]Am I correct about all those incarnations, have I really been here that long

The "I" have really been that long... as 'what'.. that's the question.
"I" is eternal, the identities are not.

RE: Thoughts to Explore - Spaced - 02-02-2022

The Superman question brings this quote to mind (sorry if I post too many quotes, they help me frame some of my own ideas)

Quote:65.19 Questioner: [chuckles] Thank you. The forgetting process was puzzling me because you said that the fourth-density activated people who were here who had been harvestable did not have the same forgetting problem. Could you tell me why the Wanderer loses his memory?

Ra: I am Ra. The reason is twofold. First, the genetic properties of the connection between the mind/body/spirit complex and the cellular structure of the body is different for third density than for third/fourth density.

Secondly, the free will of third-density entities needs be preserved. Thus Wanderers volunteer for third-density genetic or DNA connections to the mind/body/spirit complex. The forgetting process can be penetrated to the extent of the Wanderer remembering what it is and why it is upon the planetary sphere. However, it would be an infringement if Wanderers penetrated the forgetting so far as to activate the more dense bodies and thus be able to live, shall we say, in a god-like manner. This would not be proper for those who have chosen to serve.

The new fourth-density entities which are becoming able to demonstrate various newer abilities are doing so as a result of the present experience, not as a result of memory. There are always a few exceptions, and we ask your forgiveness for constant barrages of over-generalization.

This idea is also found in some Hindu and Buddhist philosophies. Buddhists believe that through meditation practice and spiritual development supernatural abilities they call Siddhis will naturally develop, but they are considered a hinderence on the spiritual path as they could lead to ego attachment and self glorification.

So one answer to that question could be yes, but at some point in the spiritual path you would see no need to use them.

RE: Thoughts to Explore - jafar - 02-02-2022

(02-02-2022, 06:29 AM)Quincunx Wrote: With the Superman question I think you are referring to the idea that what we think in the mind is how we can perceive or imagine this happening. For instance, I can think how long it will take me to go from point A to point B but when I actually experience this then the measured time is longer than what I thought. Correct me if I am wrong about your interpretation.

What I am talking about is actual flight with our current body without the use of wings or technology.

Tell me how do you use Google Map?
Do you 'fly and traverse the scene' from 'my location' to any location you desire.
Or just click directly to any location you desire and be instantly there?
Most people that I know prefer the later.

As in Google Map, you are actually not moving anywhere, you are merely shifting / changing your focus from one point to another.

I'm actually talking about this:

Refocusing from one point to another, but still in the same space time context, also commonly used by intelligence agency.

And this, refocusing from one point to another and possibly to other dimension / space time context.
The Science of Out of Body Experiences

The event labeled as 'physical death' (and Near Death Experience) is a common example of "Out Of Body Experience".
The "I" refocusing from one space time context (since it's physical identity/vehicle has become non functional) to another.

RE: Thoughts to Explore - jafar - 02-03-2022

(02-03-2022, 04:26 AM)Quincunx Wrote: That would mean I would have to fly as fast as a plane or a rocket. I like viewing the scenery on long drives.

Plane or rocket doesn't grant you instant teleportation and definitely Superman or Ironman cannot do that either.
Yet 'higher density identities' (positive or negative) can do instant teleportation.

But to answer the question, yes you can also experience the sensation of 'slow flying' or 'floating' using the two mentioned ways above, but not with the physical human body.

For example, haven't you observed that nearly all those who has NDE or OBE stated that they 'fly' / 'float' from their (physical) body?

You are not (only) the physical body.
You have many layers of body.
Pancha Kosha - 5 layers of virtual sheathing

You are more super than superman, you can do instant teleportation, thus definitely 'slow flying' or 'floating' like superman is a piece of cake.

RE: Thoughts to Explore - flofrog - 02-04-2022

lol, I clearly felt, several times as I was falling asleep, my etheric body leaving my physical body through... the feet. It felt like slipping out of a snake skin. Wink

RE: Thoughts to Explore - jafar - 02-05-2022

(02-04-2022, 12:51 PM)flofrog Wrote: lol, I clearly felt, several times as I was falling asleep, my etheric body leaving my physical body through... the feet. It felt like slipping out of a snake skin.  Wink

"All of you are ghost inside a body."
-- Sadhguru, upon asked whether he has seen a ghost.

What you've been experienced is also being named (among others) as "Astral Projection".
Robert Monroe described this in detail on his books.