Awakening through Out-of-Body Experiences - Printable Version

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Awakening through Out-of-Body Experiences - Teles4 - 01-23-2022

Howdy fellow seekers!

I came across the Law of One from an Australian landlord, who was pummmmped about it and lent me his book#1 (in ~2011). I read it eagerly, but was so busy in college it passed by. However, I started becoming aware of being watched at night.

Here is a brief "spirit bio" of who I am and what I'd like to share with you, then I outline some MAJOR Out-of-Body Experiences directly copied from my journal, sequentially numbered. I'm making this into a presentation for "seekers circles". My goal is to share the technique of OBEs, we can all have them, it gives validation of the Greater World, and if the skill honed we can use this modality for spirit communications (which is the direction I'm hoping to take it). The OBE method can be used exactly how Carla used it, allowing nearly undistorted communications, free from personal interpretation. I share with you my OBEs, demonstrating anyone can do it, and it's crazy intense! Read as much as interests you, hahaha I know I'd scroll through it. It's organized by #, so if you'd like to comment you can use the # as reference.

I’ll call this a “spirit bio”. Currently seeking answers/ knowledge/ lessons/ directions as much of us are. That’s not how it started though. I was most likely classified as agnostic, although I grew up in Catholic school, I didn’t really understand religion nor was I interested in figuring it out. Youth was mischievous, I incurred moral debts... But, from these experiences, I started taking more responsibility for my actions. Something strange happened in 2016, I started becoming paranoid that my downstairs neighbours were gossiping about me. I went too far into that mentality and developed a hyper-focused awareness. Suddenly, when everyone in the house left for winter holidays, I realised I could still hear their voices… And other voices… I spiralled into insomnia, borderline psychosis, and questioned reality. This led me to look up CIA remote viewing, MKultra, and everything I could find that would prove there is something real happening. A book transformed my perspective “Not in his image” by John Lash. Suddenly I had profound dreams, extreme bright visions of the future, and was shown spiritual insights. Later, I found out about out-of-body-experiences (OBEs) and gave meditation a try. It happened, I thought I died! This sparked curiosity to repeat it. But to no avail. Spontaneous ones would happen though, fueling my quest. Last year, I had the “highest states” of OBEs by considering morality over technique. This isn’t a game, there are trials, our attitude matters, and we are being guided by countless spirits to evolve.

1) My first OBE (~2018):
I was learning about astral projections for over a year, but never dove into it. I heard of Robert Monroe hemisync, but didn't want to fork out the $100s for it. Until one random-ish day I was determined to fund a pirated copy hahaha. Found one! Downloaded it! Bought a fresh pair of headphones cheap on kijiji!
I WAS PUMPED! I eagerly read the instructions: Be curious, open minded, and no expectations! I slapped on those headphones and listened to WAVE I, Focus 3, the first lesson. It felt cool, I clearly felt the waves in my head. I was childlike and pleased. I went to bed shortly after simply being happy.
In the middle of the night, I woke up in a hypnogogic state. A flash thought happened - my ex-girlfriend was pregnant. Immediately a powerful energy entered through my head. It was so intense and I tried to be in control of it. I forced the energy to flow to my hands. IT MOVED, AND CREATED AN ENERGY BALL IN MY HANDS - like dragon ball z style!!! It was electricity running out my fingers and being condensed in between my hands as I held it.
This whole time I was laying on my side. I had a sudden thought to put all this energy from my hands into the "energy conversion box" Robert Monroe taught about in the first lesson. I had no idea if it would work, and everything happened so quick, your thoughts have immediate actions.
The energy entered my full body. Like wearing a vibrating electrical skin suit. If you ever got electrocuted before, that is the exact feeling... But in your skin... Since I was sleeping on my side in a semi fetal position, I forcefully straightened out my body (not even realizing this wasn't my physical body).
I started floating up towards the ceiling (no more vibrations). I was not totally conscious, just floating... Then I realized I was floating! I become more conscious! I REALIZED, "WOOOW THIS IT!! I'M HAVING AN ASTRAL PROJECTION!!!"..... "OH NO! AM I DEAD???!?!".
I "swam" down towards the bed, like swimming in air, not very effective. But I got to the bed and sat near/on top my body. Then I felt a presence.... Someone was watching me. I got paranoid. I couldn't see them. Then I felt a strong wind, hurricane style, rushing from west-to-east from feet-to-head. It was so powerful and moved through me, pulling/ pushing every part of me. I put my arms in an X to block it, I persisted to hold ground. It was overwhelming. I was also scared of the unknown presence.
I freeked out, and hid under the blanket on top my body!
I woke up crystal clear. 

2) Several intermittent OBEs, of a "lower nature", as my desires were out of control. Yes there sexual elements. This is a major set back fellow explorers will encounter. Be at the whim of your true inner desires... I gave up consistent effort at this point. Depression waves....

3) 2020 Fall. I started a new effort stream, I began looking for answers, techniques... Seeking... But I knew it wasn't all about technique. From my past misuse/ control of desires (such as lust), I knew morality was important. So I took a more religious approach. I began to pray. I actively tried filling my thoughts with love. I slowed down the self-sabotage. Then the day before New Years, this happened:

Been a while!!! But had a very aware and intense one last night! Pumped! First I'll share what happened, then will discuss preamble (intentions, mental state, diet, sleep/wake stage).
It started with a high frequency in my head, had this part many times before. You can either accept it calmly with control (it's a sketch feeling but you can gently hold and release). I managed to let go without fear. It got super strong, it has a sound and it feels like an electrical shock type vibration (fast Hz).
My body was then engulfed in the electrical shock type vibrations. I began levitating. The entire experience happened with my eyes closed (I didn't think of opening them, and I use a shirt on my face to block light normally, so could be a subconscious mask too). As I floated horizontally (felt like ~3ft high or so), my legs floated higher, so I calmly leveled them down so I was relatively flat. The entire time I was in hugh vibration mode. Thinking about it now, bc I couldn't see, I could have barely left my physical body, being in short range astral cord activity which attempts to rejoin physical and nonphysical at that range (Muldoon, 1927).
As I floated there, I heard voices all around me. There were many people observing and it felt intense. I also notice the vibrations themselves had some kind of robot/biological/personality too (I never read of this aspect before, but it sounds kindof like how 434 described dimensional type beings).
My awareness was not exactly the same as completely me/ego? But I knew what was happening and felt calm and able to control my feelings. I was quite nervous since so many people were around, that I didn't attempt to go further out of body... I prayed to God and Jesus (although I'm not a super religious man, but I was compelled to address during such an experience). I called out for my grandfather who passed recently (no response from him over all the others). I prayed for a few more people I know. At the end, I prayed for someone I knew (forgot exactly who), but then felt a finger poke me on the cheek lightly. I got kinda sad happy you know, like tear-drop-splash.
As my feelings were of that nature, the vibrations slowly eased off. I began phasing back into my physical body, gradually. I was able to feel the difference in vibration frequency between that state (I would call this one Etheric) and physical. I slowly adjusted. I also felt the difference in my mind/mental state if we could translate vibrational phasing into mental states, that was it. Finally I woke up physically. I was excited! It happened!!! And I wasn't scared (cautious tho  )!!!
There was special preparation for this. Intentionally, I was seeking another experience for months now... But nothing particular this night. My mental state was in an irritated frame, I woke at ~4am and had some trouble getting back to sleep. I wanted to be calm and control my fast thoughts that were keeping me up. I've been practicing that for a bit now, shifting energy in my head to my heart area. That day I ate half a pizza for supper hahahah, I really enjoyed it too! So nothing special about diet, if anything I was a little bloated and indigestion (which may actually help strangely enough, learned from past experiences). I had a lazy day that day too.

3) Feb 9th 2020, The highest state reached stably. 4th dimension. Was assisted by spirits unseen, and was visited by spirits with a message.
I was actively reading the "Astral City" book series by the medium Chico Xavier and the spirit Andre Luiz. Very Evangelical message. Put in the effort to do good for others.

MAJOR. I was in bed on my right side. I was receiving a steady amount of vibrations/magnetic pulses. I could almost feel the hand that was giving it. I kept on saying “If this is God’s will” “If you are here on behalf of God/ Jesus” “If your intentions are good”, I was hesitant. But I slowly let go. It took “them” a while, I was shifting downwards toward my feet, my feet lifted a bit, the person’s hand was focusing small circles on the left side of my head, then the top of my head (I had a thought about the brain surgery side… But also that was the side exposed as I was sleeping on right side… After they finished, I was floating in my room. All the furniture was different, the dimensions were a little bigger of a room? I was euphoric. I started shuttling off the walls, bouncing back and forth, then I put my fist through the wall (As I remembered the how matter acts like a “water skin”), I was excited to experiment it, then I rocketed through the wall to outside. As I passed through the wall, it felt GROSS, I got dusted by the old stuffs in the interior of it, I took note of not wanting to do that again. It was raining outside (even though it’s physically well below freezing here), I noticed some trees looked different but did not investigate. I fell to the ground (gently) got up and ran around to the side door to go back in the house. An orange cat (one of the neighbours does have one like him, he visit sometimes) and my cat (Kruwka), there were also two boxes at the door. Both seemed opened, but I brought the smaller box inside and placed it on the stairs. I tried to let Kruwka inside, but not sure where she went. I went upstairs towards my bedroom. I think here was a short scene of simply talking to Zach (roommate). Then I went into my bedroom. I noticed there were lots of people everywhere (like at least 6), and I started herding them out my bedroom door because I wanted to be in my space. As the last of them started walking out, two people came walking in. Two women who starred deep into my eyes, with a very serious nature, their eyes were bloodshot, seemingly two people who have experienced much in their lives, their presence felt like how children’s services talks to a troubled youth. I steadily maintained eye contact with one of them, briefly looking to other’s eyes. I sat down in a lotus like position, and she kept the gaze as she was about to tell me something very important. I immediately said “this is sooo cool” (as if I was high on drugs), she glanced at the other lady and they briefly smiled, but it got serious again. I interrupted once more and said “I know I did bad things in the past” (referring to my past and past lives simultaneously), they acknowledged it very quickly with nod of understanding. Then she said to me “In the future there is only mind and no body”. I immediately was sucked back into my physical body and woke up crystal clear. I pondered if the news the startled me and that’s why I was sucked back, I wanted to understand what she meant and clear up if I misunderstood the words…

4) Oct 19th 2021, Intelligent infinity, through the gateway Ra speaks of???  I was heavily engaged in reading both volumes of the new "The Ra Contact" books. Night and day I was glued to the book steady.

I woke while in a heavy contemplative state (neighbours downstairs were having a very lively discussion that woke me up). The contemplation, just prior to waking, was some breakthrough in understanding Love/Light and how it works together. As I woke up I forgot exactly what the understanding was, and so I deeply tumbled in more contemplation, the downstairs neighbour (who is a really nice person) became an example outside of myself that was the key to this understanding. I didn’t listen to their conversation (his roommate he was joyfully talking to was laughing and so engaged with him, I didn’t hear or try to hear their words though). Rather, I just knew there was something special in others generally, and him as an example.

Suddenly, my perspective shifted, my awareness “looked up” into the crown of my head, where I noticed several different frequencies going on (like tinnitus, but there were all sorts of kinds). Anyone of us could hear these I believe, you basically need to put in ear plugs or sound proof headphones. I hear them all the time during normal waking hours and they change depending on meditative state or seemingly random reasons…. Anywho, I then opened up to BE the frequencies, I had an epiphany that ALL is frequency. And then I realized the Love I felt in it and perceived its Intelligence.

After the epiphany, thing quickly escalated within seconds. I BECAME more and more part of the frequencies, allowing a trust. Like a springboard, past some form of critical mass of consciousness of Love (?), a powerful VACUUM sucked my entire BEING upwards through my head/mind, with my feet being scooped up last (imagine being sucked in a vortex of time/space, head first feet last, and there is a weird compression/ stretching unevenly as you get sucked in). It felt soooo gooooood, euphoric!!! But it was happening soo fast, and I quickly realised I was leaving behind my body and this world, I hesitated, and the vacuum immediately stopped.

This is a type of OBE, but it wasn’t like the others I felt. Usually there is a vibration stage of the whole body and a more-or-less gradual transition. The kind that happened last night was different from anything I experienced before.

There were many milder OBEs scattered between these, but these were the most prominent.

Peace and Love, fellow seekers, Trust that you too can have OBEs!!

 - Teles

RE: Awakening through Out-of-Body Experiences - IndigoSalvia - 01-23-2022

I have never experienced an OBE nor have I been noticeably drawn to such. What do you think is the reason you are called to explore it? Is it a blissful state you seek? Community? Answers? Just curious and interested.

RE: Awakening through Out-of-Body Experiences - Teles4 - 01-24-2022

(01-23-2022, 08:41 PM)Quincunx Wrote:
(01-23-2022, 05:04 PM)Teles4 Wrote: 1) My first OBE (~2018):
In the middle of the night, I woke up in a hypnagogic state. A flash thought happened - my ex-girlfriend was pregnant. Immediately a powerful energy entered through my head. It was so intense and I tried to be in control of it. I forced the energy to flow to my hands. It was electricity running out my fingers and being condensed in between my hands as I held it.
I started floating up towards the ceiling. I was not totally conscious, just floating. I "swam" down towards the bed, like swimming in air. But I got to the bed and sat near/on top my body. Then I felt a presence.... Someone was watching me. I got paranoid. I couldn't see them.

Was your ex-girlfriend pregnant? If so, could the presence have been a child or was it more adult like?

No she wasn't. It was a powerful thought form that seemingly came out of nowhere.

RE: Awakening through Out-of-Body Experiences - Teles4 - 01-24-2022

(01-23-2022, 11:58 PM)IndigoSalvia Wrote: I have never experienced an OBE nor have I been noticeably drawn to such. What do you think is the reason you are called to explore it? Is it a blissful state you seek? Community? Answers? Just curious and interested.

Once I started hearing voices constantly, I took the other side seriously. At first it was paranoia of being controlled I had to overcome/ seek solutions. I was an avid dreamer and occasional lucid dreamer, so used those modalities to try to understand. But once I had my first OBE, it was terrifying, a new world, unknown watchers... I became quite obsessed with simply wanting to experience it again, to try again and not be scared. But many times it would happen, I wouldn't be ready, and I would caught up in some deep inner desire I had instead of exploring. Another part of me wanted to prove to people the afterlife was real, and I could visit their rooms, and tell them about something I seen the next day to prove it. That attempt quickly vanished as I realized the degree of control one needs. A huge epiphany happened when I began to pray and read Astral City by Andre Luiz. I could serve others, by being an incarnate guided by higher spirits to where I'm needed to help. There were many scenes I didn't mention that entailed performing a task of assistance before I could enter the higher states. An incarnate has useful energies that can be shared with other incarnates while they sleep/get healed. Importantly, I don't know all the details of efficiently healing, and that's why being cooperative with higher spirits is recommended. As you help, you are taught.

So I like the experience in itself, I'm seeking spiritual answers, in awe at the phenomena involved, and wishing to be of service. I joined many OBE communities on FB where I can see/ comment on their experiences too.

RE: Awakening through Out-of-Body Experiences - omcasey - 01-24-2022

(01-23-2022, 11:58 PM)IndigoSalvia Wrote: I have never experienced an OBE nor have I been noticeably drawn to such. What do you think is the reason you are called to explore it? Is it a blissful state you seek? Community? Answers? Just curious and interested.

It is a good question.

First, to the OP.....welcome to the show! and thank you for your Service. - deep bows.

And to the question above, even though not directed to me, this could in some way help others who pass through so I, too, will respond.

Experiencing the additional states of consciousness in full conscious awareness is part of the awakening process, part of the  g r a d u a t i o n  process. It is something that comes to each one that it does, not something anyone can ever quote "make" happen. When it comes to us we have a choice. To engage wholeheartedly, or to some degree or other put on the brakes. The latter of these choices does not ever stop what is now in play from happening, it only covers over our awareness of the fact that it is. 

When speaking about what we colloquially call the "OBE" ( out of body experience ) it is LIBERATION that is fundamentally being discussed. Liberation can ( seem to ) never come. It can come at the moment we call death. And it can come, to those extremely brave at heart within the very lifetime. As with anything experienced in physical space(s) it is a process. As Teles4 so aptly relayed, the first leg is getting through the primal urge, the fight/flight mechanism at the base of 3D embodiment.

The impetus in us has to be fairly adamant and unwavering to even simply do this.. And once you do, it is not as though you do and it is done. The full neutralization of this mechanism occurs in a process of continuous unfoldment. As one moves from the base, to the next center, which is where the majority of the more sexually themed experiences are housed and worked through. And so on, through all the centers. - cleansing, clearing, lifetimes of build-up.

It is a rapid and non-linear advancement program. This said, it is an opportunity, not a guarantee.

Few of us make it through within the single lifetime. However, 

We are often aptly primed to shift from here 
directly to the completion lifetime.


There is infinitely more to it than just this, but it gives a taste.

Many of my OBEs can be read here.
