Archival of LLResearch into Books - Printable Version

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Archival of LLResearch into Books - andrii - 10-21-2021

Hi All,

So personally I consider the L/L Research Channeling Archives to be of greater value than their own weight in diamonds.

Also I feel with civilization currently collapsing, the time for making lots of copies of it in highly durable mediums and distributing them around the world is now. Since indeed, there probably wont be an opportunity to do it later.

To that effect I've been working on making easy to print versions of the material based on the LLResearch channeling transcripts available online.

Right now, to my knowledge LLResearch officially does sell the channeling archives, but in a set of 19 books or something like that. And the Ra-contact is spread over 5 books.
Personally I think that is waaay too many books to get the whole package archived. 

Thus I have made much more compact books, which are more akin to the format of bibles and other holy works.  Since indeed LLResearch material is an archive, so it makes sense to have high density of the material available.

While the entire 1972-2021 of the archives can fit into 5 books averaging under 500-600 pages each. 
I've also made some thematic books generally under 600 pages. I haven't yet subdivided it into such manageable ones, will post link when it is ready.

For instance I've typeset a book of all the Hatonn sessions. It is 503 pages, and can be printed on 126 sheets which are 8 1/2  x 11 double sided.

All of the Latwii sessions fit on 102 sheets (404 pages).

And all of the buddhist theme and Aaron sessions fit on 90 sheets, or 358 pages.

The entire Law of One Ra-contact can easily fit in one book of a mere 204 pages, or 54 sheets.

 Don't currently have any forwards or copyright information on any of them, not sure what you would like in that regard, though certainly I have in my readme that if anyone wants to donate or anything they should do that to Can update anything as requested on this page.

The signatures are 6 sheets each (24 pages)

My hope is that we would be able to print copies and put them in caves around the world for future generations to discover and such. Or other timecapsules. As well as having personal copies.

I've read a lot of books (well over 500), and honestly L/L Research is the highest quality material I've come across on this planet, so it is well worth preserving for future generations. As it's said early in the archives, you gotta plan for 10,000 years into the future.