Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Printable Version

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Are wanderers automatically empaths? - LoveLight111111 - 03-26-2021

And another unrelated question about myself.
I am a fifth-density wonderer born in 1999. What can my purpose be being born so late? I thought the majority of "wanderers" are now 4th density who have just graduated.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - zedro - 03-26-2021

Higher density wanderers are most likely here to aid in the transition and the building of the new societies (it's possible some may be more for observation and purely energetic/vibrational reasons). Date of birth would only be relevant to ones blueprint. Ones emergent abilities would also be subject to ones blueprint/role, and the development timeline would be subject to both internal criteria (basically energy centers and what's related to them) and external criteria (contracts, vibrational and cosmological states, timeline states, etc)

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - flofrog - 03-27-2021

We need constantly new waves of wanderers so 1999 is as important a wave as before or after.... Wink

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - sillypumpkins - 03-27-2021

"late" relative to what? the harvest is ongoing, and could last hundreds of more years.... you could be really very early if you look at it from another perspective, lol

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - KaliSouth - 03-27-2021

We are here to learn lessons too for our own spiritual development. Someone also said to me that we are like the lighthouses for this planet. We are here to show people the way with our positive vibrations.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Sacred Fool - 03-27-2021

(03-26-2021, 08:01 PM)LoveLight111111 Wrote: And another unrelated question about myself.
I am a fifth-density wonderer born in 1999. What can my purpose be being born so late? I thought the majority of "wanderers" are now 4th density who have just graduated.

Yeah, I agree, you're much too late.

Just look around, humanity is in tranquil transition from 3D to 4D with no contention, suffering nor unhappiness in sight.  The planet is in perfect balance and all dwelling upon her are peaceful, if not blissful.  What use would anyone have for a wanderer's love and sacrifices?

Of course, I suppose I could possibly be wrong about this?


RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - flofrog - 03-27-2021

SF you are so wicked

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - sillypumpkins - 03-27-2021

agree with sf!! look around, there's much work to be done!!

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Ymarsakar - 03-27-2021

Astrologically, one can change one s birth fate by changing the ascendant. Perhaps reason for premature births vs late.

The ascendant is determined not by birth time but time of first breath.
This sets and calibrates the mer ka bah.

So if i wanted a certain career, i would choose an incarnation at certain hours or months.

The options are not unlimited. Bodies determine supply. And they come with pre set dna histories a nd karma.

If you choose to be born into a nation s leadership, you get that karma. Like a backstory.

The waves would refer to the long cycles of the fast stars that create 30 or 50 or 100 yr cycles. Usa is g
Hitting the natal birthchart for pkuto.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Ohr Ein Sof - 03-27-2021

(03-27-2021, 01:24 PM)flofrog Wrote: SF you are so wicked
yeah but a little funny too BigSmile

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Ohr Ein Sof - 03-27-2021

(03-27-2021, 02:28 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: Astrologically, one can change one s birth fate by changing the ascendant. Perhaps reason for premature births vs late.

The ascendant is determined not by birth time but time of first breath.
This sets and calibrates the mer ka bah.

So if i wanted a certain career, i would choose an incarnation at certain hours or months.

The options are not unlimited. Bodies determine supply. And they come with pre set dna histories a nd karma.

If you choose to be born into a nation s leadership, you get that karma. Like a backstory.

The waves would refer to the long cycles of the fast stars that create 30 or 50 or 100 yr cycles. Usa is g
Hitting the natal birthchart for pkuto.
In this case I would like to be a Gemini ascendant, it goes better with my moodiness. I think being Sagg ascendant just makes for a beasty kind of life and I don't even know about bows and arrows. How sad. Time for a new ascendant!
I'm sorry? What was the OP?
Oh Yes. Back on track now.
Ok yes of course! SF and Pumpkins got it right. You got here just in time to be of real service to mankind who struggles putting on his shoes without having self hatred and hatred for other self. But, I would think you are 6th density and not 5th as those are rare these days.
Between smashing particles in a huge collider, to space wars; right down to threat of total annihilation; YOU HAVE ARRIVED! Welcome to the forum btw.
Have you read the Material yet? If not, you will discover some wonderful spiritual truths.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Ymarsakar - 03-27-2021

Ein, you cannot cross or multi class until you reach the ascension quest reward. First you must clear the dungeon and thr boss fight.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - meadow-foreigner - 03-28-2021

Why would you care so much about a title if not for vainty?

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - jafar - 03-29-2021

(03-27-2021, 07:55 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: Ein, you cannot cross or multi class until you reach the ascension quest reward. First you must clear the dungeon and thr boss fight.

Oh boss fights, had too much of those already..
Are there cheat codes to bypass those?
Or maybe a mod to apply to make those bosses fight each others instead?

(03-26-2021, 08:01 PM)LoveLight111111 Wrote: And another unrelated question about myself.
I am a fifth-density wonderer born in 1999. What can my purpose be being born so late?
I thought the majority of "wanderers" are now 4th density who have just graduated.

Keep asking the question about 'myself'.. ask and ponder this question often "Who Am I?".
And you will discover there are multiple answers to that question, multiple in multitude of thousands, millions, billions or even quadrillions.

You are also 6th density 'wanderer', your higher self which is yet another identity of you, or among the answer of "Who Am I?" is a 6th density entities (plural intended and not a grammar mistake), according to Mr Ra.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - meadow-foreigner - 03-29-2021

(03-26-2021, 08:01 PM)LoveLight111111 Wrote: And another unrelated question about myself.
I am a fifth-density wonderer born in 1999. What can my purpose be being born so late? I thought the majority of "wanderers" are now 4th density who have just graduated.

Don't concern yourself too much about the so-called graduation and focus on polarizing yourself towards Service (whatever Path you wish to take);

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Ohr Ein Sof - 03-29-2021

(03-27-2021, 07:55 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: Ein, you cannot cross or multi class until you reach the ascension quest reward. First you must clear the dungeon and thr boss fight.

What does this mean?

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - BrotherInWaiting - 03-30-2021

The path you might be on is not for us to tell you, as you know.

Earth has split and will be redeemed slowly. If you want to stay, enjoy the world that will come now.


RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Ymarsakar - 03-30-2021

(03-29-2021, 09:26 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote:
(03-27-2021, 07:55 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: Ein, you cannot cross or multi class until you reach the ascension quest reward. First you must clear the dungeon and thr boss fight.

What does this mean?

In order to change your fate (ascendant), it is similar to changing one's class in RPG games.

It used to be this required the Wheel of Incarnation/Karma, where you have to be reborn or recycled, or perhaps you had to take on a new spirit/heart (walk in) via conversion of the heart (sincere redemption or atonement).

But if you and humanity can clear the dungeon (dark matrix of 2020+) and defeat the boss in a fight (Final confrontation, Death, Tower/Lightning), then you will be free to change things almost at will. You can choose your own adventure and life experience/parameters.

Once you clear this final confrontation or set of final exams, humanity will be given tools (such as high technology) including teleportation ,magnetic free energy engines for all persons and homes, flying cars, and other "magick" or "sci fi" stuff like post-scarcity. On concrete terms, all slaves will be freed, all wounds will begin healing, darkness turns to light, and those that are the most service to other orientated, orphanage founders, will be given economic resources to do their job exceeding that of national resources today.

(When people ask me questions, the real answer appears)

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Ohr Ein Sof - 03-30-2021

Ok. We do not work with the archetypes in the same fashion.
Thanks for explaining.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Diana - 03-30-2021

Regarding working with the tarot/archetypes differently:

According to Ra, the archetypes are interpreted individually by each "student," with the idea that the inferences are there which illustrate the Logos' basic architecture for this density:

Quote:77.12 ▶ Questioner: That is correct. I am asking with respect to this particular Logos, our sun, in creating the experience of its planetary system and those sub-Logoi of it.

Ra: I am Ra. This query has substance. We shall begin by turning to an observation of a series of concept complexes of which you are familiar as the tarot.

The philosophy was to create a foundation, first of mind, then of body, and then of spiritual complex. Those concept complexes you call the tarot lie then in three groups of seven: the mind cycle, one through seven; the physical complex cycle, eight through fourteen; the spiritual complex cycle, fifteen through twenty-one. The last concept complex may best be termed The Choice.

Upon the foundation of transformation of each complex, with free will guided by the root concepts offered in these cycles, the Logos offered this density the basic architecture of a building and constructing and synthesizing of data culminating in The Choice.

Quote:99.8 ▶ ...
Remember, O student, that these images are not literal. They haunt rather than explicate.

Quote:77.23 ▶
Ra: I am Ra. ...Secondly, we request that it be constantly kept before the mind, as the candle before the eye, that each mind/body/spirit complex shall, and should, and indeed must perceive each archetype, if you use this convenient term, in its own way. Therefore, you may see that precision is not the goal; rather quality of general concept complex perception is the goal.

Quote:88.24 ▶ 
Ra: I am Ra. ...
As you can see, much work was done creatively by each initiate. We have no dogma to offer. Each perceives that which is needful and helpful to the self.

Here Ra talks about using different sources of insight into the archetypical mind:

Quote:76.9 ▶ Questioner: Is there, in Ra’s opinion, any present-day value for the reuse of the tarot as an aid in the evolutionary process?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall repeat information. It is appropriate to study one form of constructed and organized distortion of the archetypical mind in depth in order to arrive at the position of being able to become and to experience archetypes at will. You have three basic choices. You may choose astrology, the twelve signs, as you call these portions of your planet’s energy web, and what has been called the ten planets. You may choose the tarot with its twenty-two so-called Major Arcana. You may choose the study of the so-called Tree of Life with its ten Sephiroth and the twenty-two relationships between the stations.

It is well to investigate each discipline, not as a dilettante, but as one who seeks the touchstone, one who wishes to feel the pull of the magnet. One of these studies will be more attractive to the seeker. Let the seeker then investigate the archetypical mind using, basically, one of these three disciplines. After a period of study, the discipline mastered sufficiently, the seeker may then complete the more important step: that is, the moving beyond the written in order to express in an unique fashion its understanding, if you may again pardon the noun, of the archetypical mind.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Ymarsakar - 03-31-2021

I don't know why archetype came up here. I was using a gaming pov, like Jafar often uses. It would be more like a generational gap. Is there an archetype for a gamer? Probably The Child/Fool card. Which is worded "The Choice" in this picture.

"I'm sorry? What was the OP?
Oh Yes. Back on track now.
Ok yes of course! SF and Pumpkins got it right. You got here just in time to be of real service to mankind who struggles putting on his shoes without having self hatred and hatred for other self."

Another thing that came to mind, I consider it infringement on free will to talk about what someone's purpose in life or other realms, are. That mostly just applies to me, given the depth of the disciplines I have learned and or mastered.

So while addressing the OP's question directly would be on "track", it would mostly steer them off their true and real track in life.

Some questions aren't appropriate to answer. There are a couple of options.

1. The answer is right, and believed, thus free will is negated, because the choice can now be made using the real answer and not the answer earned through The Choice.

2.The answer is wrong, and if believed, free will is also negated. As this steers or guides people towards a sub optimal path, contrary to their future self's Will.

Of the 3 divination methods that can answer this question, the user must choose one: Vedic astrology, Tarot system, or Numerology.

If humans had the answer... well, humanity wouldn't be where it was if it had the answers.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Minyatur - 03-31-2021

To answer the thread's title, no. That is part of how we can plan our incarnative lessons.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - AnthroHeart - 03-31-2021

Not always.
I had to work years to open that gift, and be attuned to Reiki first.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Minyatur - 03-31-2021

(03-31-2021, 10:54 AM)Great Central Sun Wrote: Not always.
I had to work years to open that gift, and be attuned to Reiki first.

It was one the first things that magic mushrooms brought me in my experiences with them.

It gave me initially both a feeling of finding absolute beauty in the ability to share other people's energy, while also realizing just how comfortable I was in my own bubble shielded from theirs. Now I enjoy the gift, although other people's energy can still tend to be heavy to me at times, but I appreciate the opportunity of service it offers and in a way it allows me to expand my own inner world to become stronger on the long run.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - sillypumpkins - 03-31-2021

i've found that i've always "had" the gift of empathy. it was always just a matter of how i "used" it. if that makes sense

i have friends who are clearly very empathetic. the thing that i've run into, is that often times the sensitivity is so much that that the "empath" sets up their defenses and doesn't let anything in. they can't relate to others, or to themselves. though the potential for further developing that gift is there

so, i'm not even sure what we are talking about when we speak of "empaths." are we only talking about those who have developed this gift to a "positive" degree? are those folks what are considered to be "empaths?" or are we speaking simply of those who are sensitive to other's energies, not necessarily having developed or become aware of their gift?

what are we talkin bout here? Smile

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Ymarsakar - 03-31-2021

I would consider all of the above to be empaths, although on the P1-10 scale, they would be P1 or P2.

Empathy is the ability to pick up other people's emotional energies and auras, as if they were your own, without using voice tones or body language cues. The best test is actually over the internet. As it removes all olfactory, mer ka bah distance interference, body language, and voice tones.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Patrick - 03-31-2021

Since Ymarsakar made me realize that I am probably an empath, I started being more attentive to this.  Yesterday I felt and healed my dog's nausea using the empath link.  I just knew it was not me feeling this way and I figured I would try to do the healing on myself anyway, it worked and right after that my dog came to me and licked my hands and was ok to go back to sleep.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - LeafieGreens - 03-31-2021

My mother had a bad cancer scare in 2007 or so. She ended up having to have this growth removed from her neck / chest / shoulder area. It was this spidery-mass that was involved with her lymphatic system. She had an intense surgery to remove it, with complications -- reaction to anesthesia and they "nicked" her thoracic duct which caused a ton of extra issues. It took about 10 months or so until she made a full recovery and all testing showed that it wasn't cancer. They never did figure out what it was.

During that time I experienced a lot of what I thought was sympathetic pain in my own neck and shoulders. The pain was more than stress, I remember my neck had a burning and stinging pain, not muscle tension. I remember that it hurt and bothered me so much that I went to my own GP and he told me I was totally fine and just stressed and prescribed me muscle relaxants, lol.

All of this occurred before I was fully Awakened to my path. Now, reading this thread, I am looking back on it and wondering if I energetically was absorbing her illness somehow. I remember having a very real moment of fear and crying with her. I had stopped by my parents house for dinner and was hugging my mom before I left and she told me I was a good son and we were both weeping and I was wishing I could just make it go away for her.

I feel like it would be prideful to proclaim that I had anything to do with possibly helping to heal my mother's illness. But the world is far more amazing than I ever realized and now I am thinking that may just be what happened.

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Minyatur - 03-31-2021

(03-31-2021, 01:56 PM)LeafieGreens Wrote: But the world is far more amazing than I ever realized and now I am thinking that may just be what happened.

You are very right here. The world is far more amazing than any of us can even begin to picture. Smile

RE: Are wanderers automatically empaths? - Ymarsakar - 03-31-2021

(03-31-2021, 12:47 PM)Patrick Wrote: Since Ymarsakar made me realize that I am probably an empath, I started being more attentive to this.  Yesterday I felt and healed my dog's nausea using the empath link.  I just knew it was not me feeling this way and I figured I would try to do the healing on myself anyway, it worked and right after that my dog came to me and licked my hands and was ok to go back to sleep.

Nice. Maybe you can level up to be Earth's super hero soon?

"During that time I experienced a lot of what I thought was sympathetic pain in my own neck and shoulders. The pain was more than stress, I remember my neck had a burning and stinging pain, not muscle tension."

As someone that has learned how to use energy for healing(not from humans), there are times that happens to me as well. When my joints or leg starts hurting, I soon started thinking "there's nothing wrong there, why does this happen". It wasn't until I started talking to people and I realized they would always have problems/pain in the same side/leg as me, and that my pain would disappear after awhile if I get away from people but theirs was like post surgery and not going away any time soon, that I realized I was taking on their pain via the pain/aura body channel.

This was both annoying and incredibly useful, because I could trace my own chi/prana meridians and channels, given the level I had in Tai Chi chuan and internal neigong. I could poke certain meridians and see if it would affect the pain. This minor experimentation gave me a very good idea of what was internally wrong, but of course nothing was internally wrong with me. I used this knowledge to give advice and sometimes to directly heal the problems on the other person, if they allowed it.

What came through intuitive telepathic contact is that Yeshua had a similar issue, as he also had a meridian opened channel for projecting energy through the hands. If too many suffering people was around him, he would begin taking on that pain or at least it would become difficult to shield it. THus he actively tried to get rid of people following him, by telling them crazy things like "if you follow me, you must eat my flesh". Some people apparently took that seriously later on.

The level of tissue regeneration I can do is directly linked to the person's own vibrations. If they use essential oils and practice meditation or spiritual whatevers, then their tissue inflammation disappears very quickly. And even more serious post surgery issues are taken care of in one session or two. But if they lack empathy or are too hard on their own bodies, this problem cannot be fixed solely by energy projection/reiki. Then there has to be a physical change or a heart change. If a person has extreme faith in such power, I can imagine it can truly do miracles.

People can check this out if they want more info on the psionics field. Psychometrics