The Archetypes of the Mind - Printable Version

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The Archetypes of the Mind - dreamoftheiris - 12-28-2020

I made a video exploring the archetypes of the mind.  This is part 2 of a series on the Deep Mind.  Check it out!

RE: The Archetypes of the Mind - flofrog - 12-28-2020

Thank you , dreamoftheiris, really beautiful.

RE: The Archetypes of the Mind - Sacred Fool - 12-29-2020

Congratulations on a very interesting and enjoyable project.  For those familiar with the concepts and the jargon, this might help sum things up.  For me, it does tighten up a sense of how the archetypes Ra offers represent the flow of developement from relatively amorphous consciousness to more fully embracing, expansive and more coherently articulated consciousness.

If you're looking for helpful criticism, I would offer that the concept of balancing self could be made more clear. 

1.  In the first video, the guitar example leads to a quick discussion of a polarity between impulses of higher centers being an active force, impulses of the lower centers being inertial and consciousness making choices between them.  I wouldn't call this balancing the energy centers, but a process of using judgment to make choices which may lead to a more richly conscious experience of being.  As I understand it, balancing the energy centers involves discovering consciousness at those levels, and clearing spots of over activation and under activation ad seriatim, from bottom to top.  This then allows a greater flow of consciousness up the "food chain" where higher centers cannot enjoy enriched activation until the centers below release their excessively bound up energies of consciousness.

2.  At the finale of the 2nd video it is stated that working with the archetypes of mind allows one to clear the blockage which impede consciousness.  Again, I think it's the balancing/clearing process which does that.  This system of archetypes offer an overarching road map giving context to where one might be at a particular time and where one might be heading to, but does one really work with them or does one work with one's individuated consciousness to clear blockages?

Thanks for creating the project.


RE: The Archetypes of the Mind - dreamoftheiris - 12-29-2020

Thank you for the feedback! That's helpful I will try to make it more clear in future videos.

Excellent points. What I was trying to say with Montalk's guitar analogy is that in order for us to grow, our free will must make a choice. The choice at its core involves the lower or higher. Either you align with the drives of the body or the higher drive of the Divine.

I was referring to this, not so much in the context of balancing the energy centers, more so in providing a framework for the overall point of the process of exploring the Deep Mind. That is, to me, allowing the Divine will to supersede your own. However, I do think balancing the energy centers is related to this work (and central).

My understanding is that consciousness acts as a prism. As light moves, it refracts off it and what is displayed is the culmination of the energy centers you most resonate with at that moment. I.e. if you have blockages in orange, a lot of your primary consciousness may deal with power issues, etc. Of course, it's not as black and white - we are complex beings. Many different dimensions of the colors are refracted.

The archetypes are useful in studying exactly what is going on in the process of balancing and spiritual growth.

I would add that my understanding (and it's VERY limited) is the study of the archetypes is helpful in preparing the consciousness to be able to handle increasingly higher levels of the etheric with card 21 being the Great way of the Spirit - i.e. the seekers will is now the Divine will.

The mind cycle, for example, primarily deals with the beginning process of seeking, and the trials one undergoes to prepare for work in the etheric body which is the 6th chakra work. In some ways, you could see analogies to the chakras in the cards, though it's not as 1:1 and I think it may be somewhat misleading to think of it that way.

I think ultimately they are useful as a system to see where exactly you are on your journey, which archetype are you channeling currently in your life.

They are useful to study to gain insight into your own stage in your journey.

RE: The Archetypes of the Mind - Sacred Fool - 12-29-2020

I see now that we're talking about different things when we each refer to balancing the chakras.  You're talking about balancing the impulses of the lower chakras with those of the higher ones--moving towards working in the indigo area--whereas I'm talking about, not a kind of Manichean dichotomy, but about clearing the energy centers and balancing them with one another in a manner that does not emphasize competition or tension between the upper and lower which can be manipulated by personal will.

In other words, how does one describe the pathway to work in the indigo center?  Is it largely through the will determining to do this, or is it largely a function of energy being available to do the work because it is not being shunted off to feed fixations in the lower centers?

Speaking purely personally, because my will is relatively strong and the other is in my blind spot, I would tend to shine a bright light on the latter mechanism, and someone with the opposite disposition might reverse the emphasis.  But, standing back from personal bias just a bit, clearly, both elements are complementary.  You cannot use the will to subdue the lower centers, and just because you have conscious energy available, that's no guarantee it will move upward to enliven higher chakras.
So, my feeling here is that your videos don't put clearly into context the importance of cleaning up distortions in ALL of the chakras and exploring their inter-relationships.  After all, one would be poor equipped to explore consciousness at the highest levels before fully exploring consciousness at lower levels, don't you think?  Or do you think it's more like a mountain climbing expedition and when you get to the top, you win.

RE: The Archetypes of the Mind - dreamoftheiris - 12-29-2020

(12-29-2020, 04:01 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote:   
I see now that we're talking about different things when we each refer to balancing the chakras.  You're talking about balancing the impulses of the lower chakras with those of the higher ones--moving towards working in the indigo area--whereas I'm talking about, not a kind of Manichean dichotomy, but about clearing the energy centers and balancing them with one another in a manner that does not emphasize competition or tension between the upper and lower which can be manipulated by personal will.

In other words, how does one describe the pathway to work in the indigo center?  Is it largely through the will determining to do this, or is it largely a function of energy being available to do the work because it is not being shunted off to feed fixations in the lower centers?

Speaking purely personally, because my will is relatively strong and the other is in my blind spot, I would tend to shine a bright light on the latter mechanism, and someone with the opposite disposition might reverse the emphasis.  But, standing back from personal bias just a bit, clearly, both elements are complementary.  You cannot use the will to subdue the lower centers, and just because you have conscious energy available, that's no guarantee it will move upward to enliven higher chakras.
So, my feeling here is that your videos don't put clearly into context the importance of cleaning up distortions in ALL of the chakras and exploring their inter-relationships.  After all, one would be poor equipped to explore consciousness at the highest levels before fully exploring consciousness at lower levels, don't you think?  Or do you think it's more like a mountain climbing expedition and when you get to the top, you win.

I think we are seeing the same thing here just explaining it differently Smile

First - I do believe it's imperative to explore the lower energy centers and get those in a balanced state before attempting any higher indigo-ray work. This is fundamental.

In my view, the pathway to work in the indigo center is both a matter of will and having sufficient energy available. Working in indigo is a delicate process and requires an abundance of energy. If the adept is still struggling with lower center issues then work in indigo is impossible.

Where will comes into the picture: The adept must first desire to work further in consciousness beyond the lower centers. This, I believe, is the start of the true study of the archetypes - i.e. the journey of the magician. As Ra says,

"Once the green ray has been achieved, the ability of the entity to enter blue ray is immediate and is only awaiting the efforts of the individual. The indigo-ray is opened only through considerable discipline and practice largely having to do with acceptance of self, not only as the polarized and balanced self but as the Creator, as an entity of infinite worth. This will begin to activate the indigo ray."

For STO, the path of ascension follows from the lower to the heart. Once activated, the adept can then choose to move into the higher centers for more advanced work in consciousness. For STS, the path skips the heart and instead uses the energy of the lower to springboard to the higher. Whatever the choice, it's the adapts will that enables one to move forward in this work. Eventually, the end goal is, of course, the replacement of the adepts will with that of the Divine (for STO). However, the work involved is definitely a function of the will of the adept.

The process of going through this work in consciousness involves the balancing of the lower centers so that a stable platform can be achieved (Great Way of the Mind) which allows the consciousness to explore the Etheric body (the Body archetypes) and eventually the Spirit.

This is my understanding at least.

I covered the energy centers in a previous video. I'd love some feedback on this one. It was intended as a broad overview not anything in-depth though your feedback has definitely made me interested in exploring a longer series on the energy centers.

RE: The Archetypes of the Mind - Sacred Fool - 12-29-2020


My basic comment on both videos has to do with the merely fleeting reference to one of the most basic elements impeding the developement of conscious: viz., the disentangling of self identity from the lower energy centers.  Don Elkins didn't inquire a whole lot about that, even though it's clear in retrospect that if he had done a whole lot more work in that area, he would have been far less inclined to martyr himself.  That is, he would have had much greater clarity of consciousness if he wasn't sub-consciously running in circles having to do with sex, survival and power, etc.

In part, this is a difficult subject to address because, I would guess, most of feel we don't really have a lot of work to do in that department.  Self-delusion is a most powerful companion.  Also, it's difficult, by definition, to see the things you've loaded into your blind spot.  The entire business is repulsive.  It's for that reason, and because it is fundamentally essential, that I feel the process of co-opting the lower centers of energy to participate in the spiritual journey could be mentioned in your project as a basic element of spiritual work (just as you said, yourself, above).