Cactus flower pps - Printable Version

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Cactus flower pps - oguz - 11-26-2010

dear friends
i d like to share a pps with you

hope you'll like


RE: Cactus flower pps - oguz - 01-05-2012


RE: Cactus flower pps - Plenum - 01-05-2012


I really don't want to click that link ...


RE: Cactus flower pps - Aaron - 01-09-2012

It's a Power Point Presentation! (.pps)

Lots of little life tips... tips on how to take care of yourself, how to be more awake and aware in the present moment, how to make the most out of life... Each one accompanied by a wonderful picture of a different flower on a cactus!

I liked this one: "Forgive everyone for everything."