Any YouTube Videos you made you are especially proud of? - Printable Version

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Any YouTube Videos you made you are especially proud of? - AnthroHeart - 05-28-2020

These are my best:

I channel and heal an anthro fox:

And I shape clouds with my dense energy field to create anthros and even a dragon:

And here's part 2. It gets interesting around 10-11 mins in:

And I made this Bolt Home AMV:

And I channel the Galactic Federation of Light:

RE: Any YouTube Videos you made you are especially proud of? - schubert - 06-15-2020

i've watched the first 5 minutes of the galactic federation of light channeling so far and this is awesome and very helpful! channeling is something that's interesting to me but i haven't gotten into it yet and it was interesting hearing you talk about your process in the anthro healing video.

RE: Any YouTube Videos you made you are especially proud of? - dreamoftheiris - 09-07-2020

Great stuff! Here is my youtube channel -

I have two videos so far but plan on making more. Just started this year.

RE: Any YouTube Videos you made you are especially proud of? - omcasey - 09-07-2020

Thanks for asking, GCS

I have listened on your videos previously, I enjoy most all channeling.. And, dreamof.....! well done on your videos, I just subscribed and look forward to more uploads from you. I began my youtube back in 2009, I have hundreds of videos, this is my channel : ( previously omcasey1 and now ) : theGalactic.Travel.Channel . 

There were nearly 5000 subscribers back when I was "omcasey1" and orating my awakening process, going into the OBEs, ET contact and Kundalini experience. In 2014 I went away for 5 years and came back the months leading into 2019. Most the listeners seem to have vanished. It seems a whole other place now.

This was my very first upload, I put it up when I was still teaching yoga classes full time. It is my most watched and "liked" video :

This is my second most watched + most liked AND disliked video : ( lol )

There is a series I did back in the beginning going into the vibratory state,

Which even today seem to be the most helpful to people.
