E8 Theory of Everything - Printable Version

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E8 Theory of Everything - turtledude23 - 11-15-2010

Has anyone heard of Garret Lisi's theory of everything called E8? It's a fringe competitor to string theory. This video kind of describes it: and this is an interactive model: and this is a pretty picture of a Lie group:

At the center of the circles is the photon which I think means it agrees with what Ra said about the photon being the most elementary particle.

RE: E8 Theory of Everything - Lavazza - 11-15-2010

I have heard of it before. Very interesting stuff. That you can explain it using some elements of sacred geometry is interesting!

E8 Theory of Everything. - C-JEAN - 11-15-2010

Hi, turtledude & all.

(11-15-2010, 01:06 AM)turtledude23 Wrote: Has anyone heard of Garret Lisi's theory of everything called E8?

See this version with him himself:

Blue skies.

RE: E8 Theory of Everything - Monica - 11-15-2010

Does it have any similarity to Nassim Haramein's work?