My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - Printable Version

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My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - AlgolSon - 04-05-2020

My interest in stones developed through following synchronicities. Perusing the Ra material encouraged me to take stones seriously. Most information on stones is quite spurious. I had to experiment for myself. It has been very helpful, especially recently, since I have begun experimenting with the Vedic science of crystals.

As Ra explains, stones are crystalizations of light. What light they project has different effects. This includes stones that project infrared and ultraviolet light. I'm certain there are more types of light than 9, of course. I have recently been using Hessonite, an ultraviolet stone. It is very powerful. A lot of research must be done before you start wearing powerful stones like Hessonite. Please be wary.

I have found tourmaline is wonderful. It comes in all visible colors. It is easy to charge for people like me who do not meditate or perform rituals. As it is not in high demand it is inexpensive. Still, be careful when purchasing. Shrewd Chinese businessmen do not only produce fake eggs and rice, they even produce fake crystals. Even less known crystals like Moldavite are imitated.

Each color of tourmaline has a different taste. Charge different color stones with drinking water to find out. This makes for fun experiments. What's more, even sleeping humans will be able to taste the difference. Each color, indeed, has different effects. The effects correspond to the organs affected by the specific chakras. Solar charging works, too. Actually, tourmaline will work without charging if you let it sit in water overnight, but the effect will be less pronounced. Using the water for tea, coffee, and rice is nice! Tourmaline even takes the bite out of hard liquor. I brought a tourmaline stone to a bar, once. Everyone who tried my whiskey 'on the rocks' was shocked.

The 'planetary healing' RA mentions is the practiced in the 'Jyotish' art of the Vedas. As I mentioned earlier, it is incredibly powerful, and one must be careful to get a good Vedic astrologer to give you a 'prescription'. There are 9 types of stones corresponding with the 9 types of light and 9 heavenly bodies. What is positively effective will depend on the alignment you were born under.

Metals are very effective as well. For instance, 'silver' ware was used to detect poisons. Chain smokers like me who wear silver will tarnish silver necklaces very quickly. Titanium is very wonderful. It eases pain.

This is most of my journey so far in crystal healing. I will be completing my Jyotish prescription soon and am excited to feel the results!

Please share any information with me and ask anything you want.

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - AnthroHeart - 04-05-2020

I love healing the earth. Crystals are neat.

Do you ever work with etheric crystals?

You can place the vibration of any crystal at any place. Even crystals that don't exist in our reality.

I have a crystal bible with pictures.

But mainly I work with Intelligent Energy or pure Source energy. It is as close to the pure vibration of love/light as I can get.
Then I can make it whatever I want with intent.
I'm more into transformation than healing. But I will do healing like with the Australian bushfires.
I usually like to send a blessing without expectation.

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - AlgolSon - 04-05-2020

What crystals are etheric? Are using meditations / rituals? I only have 'action at a distance' vibrations from an Indonesian blade I picked up. It is the most powerful thing I have come to 'own'. What a curious effect it has had!

It countered my vices of drinking and smoking. I still binge but am no longer compelled to, and the blade can be miles away. The effects weren't subtle.

The blade couldn't be dated. I joined a blade forum to ask about the piece but couldn't get good answers. The old Smith's from Indonesia were shamans. Whoever made this blade made it more powerful than most any crystal. I suspect there may be a consciousness within it, but have not communed. It must like me, though.

If it weren't for this blade I wouldn't know what you are talking about, haha! I have some idea, though, and would like to know more.

I think the Hessonite I mentioned has this etheric property. It radiates a coolness in my body. When you look through it, it does the opposite of glimmer. I would think UV light is etheric. I've experimented with the visible spectrum. How to experiment with this invisible?

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - AnthroHeart - 04-05-2020

Can you feel energy?
Etheric is seeing with your 3rd eye or feeling it as a pressure.
Emotions you feel are energy. I can tune into sadness, nurturing, bliss, calm, anything I want.

Etheric means it is on the astral plane. Your thought creates there.
And it can influence the physical. So you would place with your thought a green crystal at the heart
and they will resonate together.

The most powerful objects I own are powered orgonite and a gold lemurian pyramid.

I almost forgot. I have a piece of bubble tech, a pinecone. It wanted me to tell you about it and not forget it.

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - AlgolSon - 04-05-2020

I'm highly sensitive to energy. Not just to people's energy, even technology's. Too close to a microwave oven and it disturbs my head. I can tell when food has been irradiated. I can't sleep well near power outlets. If I carry a phone in my pocket I get a burning sensation on my skin.

I always feel pressure on my third eye. Before I learned about all these esoteric things, my third eye tried to open. It scared the hell out of me. I resisted it with all my might.

I cannot tune in, nor can I filter, even the technological currents. I can sense entities too, just cannot visualize nor converse.

The past few days I have been feeling a vibration on the tip of my head.

I don't meditate, though, nor ritualize, so my perception is limited though it is keen. My 'thought-form', as Ra would call it, is very biased to the physical world. I enjoy this 'not knowing' very much. That is why crystals are very fun for me. If my third eye wants to open again I will let it. This pressure on my head forehead and crown is intriguing. It is very 'physical'.

My current experiment is the planetary healing. I imagine the next might be the etheric. I will keep your experience in mind! Thank you!

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - AlgolSon - 04-05-2020

Ah! I just read about your pine cone. I myself have recently been wearing a 9 face Rudraksha, as suggested by an astrologer. It is incredible. A very kind, fluffy feeling. Until I wore it, I had no idea biological things could be so powerful. It may be why my head is always tingling.

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - flofrog - 04-06-2020

I love the Obsidian Tears of Apache, which is good for our Earth and sorrow, and love the healing rose quartz, and the variscite ( not sure of the english translation for this one) The variscite is pale grey green and white, wish we could give it to every patients and every nurse, doctor, helper.

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - AlgolSon - 04-06-2020

Ah! I have a giant 12 sided rose quartz! I keep it under my pillow. I've read geometric designs are a good focus for shielding. The negative beings still reach me in my dreams, though. I had to wrestle one off, in my dream for goodness sake, last week. I was too lazy to eat him. They can bypass stones and fields when you are dreaming. I guess this is the etheric realm you mention. Ah! I see a use now for etheric crystals! I will bring my blade with me into my dreams. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I never considered this possibility.

These negative entities are very annoying. They take the image of people you love. You have to be a sleuth and figure them out. The one the other week actually pinned me. I was amazed. I didn't eat it, though. I just let it go.

This 'eating' technique is very useful. I devised it as a child when I found that fighting back didn't work so well. Just imagine swallowing them, bring them into your breath, digest them, then spit them out. They cannot run from the vacuum.

I suppose this 'child magic' sounds stupid. But dumb things like this are the reason I haven't taken up any metaphysical practice. I can always engineer something with my imagination. That is why crystals are so fascinating to me. They work without imagination. It is very cool.

Thank you for teaching about etheric crystals. I didn't see the possibility of visualizing them into another plane! This is very practical. I like practical. Any more knowledge you have is very welcome!

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - AnthroHeart - 04-06-2020

Definitely check out the thread I posted about Intelligent Infinity. The video there is AMAZING.

I'm going to do his meditation soon.

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - AlgolSon - 04-06-2020

Meditation ain't my thing. There is nothing like dialogue. I'm on this forum to converse. Conversation is all we really have on the internet. It is much better than watching videos. I only watch StarCraft games.

Televisions and monitors give me a headache. Holding this cellphone disturbs my hands. I hold it only for conversing. Then I put it far away and play jazz and soul.

There was a strange flock of birds moving south-southeast. Long necks, like geese, but dark colored. Not quite a V formation. More like a curved triangle. Three triangles. Then a bee investigated my cup of coffee. It went into the coffee. I knew when it died. I forked it out and still drank the coffee. The coffee tasted better.

I'm here for experience. Not to watch videos. I'm sorry I am rude. Thank you for your help! From the bottom of my heart!

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - Scah - 04-06-2020

(04-06-2020, 05:41 PM)AlgolSon Wrote: I suppose this 'child magic' sounds stupid. But dumb things like this are the reason I haven't taken up any metaphysical practice.

It's not stupid at all. Basically one can devise one's own "ritual" method to conjure magic. If it works for you, then it's your ritual. Traditional metaphysical practices/rituals are for people like me who aren't discipline (it takes a lot of will and trial/error) or creative enough to device their own "Rituals".

Also, meditative state is when one can examine one's own thoughts/emotions without being influenced by the thoughts/emotions as an observer. In short, you don't really need to meditate to achieve meditative state as long as you can be an consciously unmoved observer of your thoughts/emotions.

Thank you for sharing your experience. I learn a lot from them. Smile

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - AnthroHeart - 04-06-2020

(04-06-2020, 08:41 PM)Scah Wrote:
(04-06-2020, 05:41 PM)AlgolSon Wrote: I suppose this 'child magic' sounds stupid. But dumb things like this are the reason I haven't taken up any metaphysical practice.

It's not stupid at all. Basically one can devise one's own "ritual" method to conjure magic. If it works for you, then it's your ritual. Traditional metaphysical practices/rituals are for people like me who aren't discipline (it takes a lot of will and trial/error) or creative enough to device their own "Rituals".

Also, meditative state is when one can examine one's own thoughts/emotions without being influenced by the thoughts/emotions as an observer. In short, you don't really need to meditate to achieve meditative state as long as you can be an consciously unmoved observer of your thoughts/emotions.

Thank you for sharing your experience. I learn a lot from them. Smile

When you hold and channel a lot of Light, it acts as a buffer to emotions I have found.
I don't feel as angry at times when it's flowing.

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - AlgolSon - 04-06-2020

It is difficult not to sing. Not to dance.
I want to praise to all, all days.
But if I do I will be incarcerated.
Then I can't help.

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - AlgolSon - 04-09-2020

Hello, I'm so sorry I was rude before. Thank you for continuing the dialogue. You have been a great help! I must admit that I do have boughts of 'madness' where I feel so good that I do not need to wear glasses anymore and even forget to wear them, even though I have been wearing them since before grade school. Poor eyesight is the only physical poorness that has not left me, but it can leave temporarily.

I read in Ms. Carla's book about Wanderers that many of them do go to Asylum. I would not like this. People find me mad, as is, but I'm endearing enough to be liked well. The 'boyish good looks' and health help me be more acceptable to the sleeping. I didn't consider this till after writing here. Though I don't use the Creator's gifts, they work to keep me out of trouble and acceptable to society.

My lack of use use of these 'over-man' gifts and meditation is the reason I like crystals very much. They just work. There isn't need to consciously balance yourself in trance. I've read enough and experienced people who have gone too far, not knowing the geometry, and have done damage. They went to asylum and now are prescribed chemicals. I will not interfere with the Creator's work.

This 'planetary healing' RA describes is the third most powerful method I've experienced. It is wild.

The premature birth I had was under an eccentric planetary balance. Two curses, no bad luck, no good luck, an iron body, and much reward. I learned to work with the two curses before learning of Jyotish crystals. I felt they were inborn challenges but did not realize they were connected to my premature birth.

These Jyotish crystals will not solve your problems, of course, but they are very relieving. There is no need for anything outside of yourself, of course, and it is best to work with your 'curses'. Synchronicity led me to learn of Jyotish. I just followed the Guide.

You can use Jyotish for power, too, but there are nasty consequences I imagine. I enjoy my health and would not trade it for 'the world'. I'm mad enough, as is.

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - flofrog - 04-10-2020

Algolson, I do not find you mad at all. I think you follow your path excellently. Happy journey friend.

RE: My Experience with Planetary and Crystal Healing - AlgolSon - 04-10-2020

The best reading/viewing I've found on my archetype is something like 'The Mad Monk'. The celibate guys who drink a lot and can kill or heal. In the Ra channelings, the Fool turned Magician.

I am grateful you don't find me mad.

Thank you, Flofrog