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Seeking the Jewel - Steppingfeet - 11-09-2010

Hi forums. In the course of responding to Don's question (available in the link above), Ra says:

Quote:Ra: The great key to blue, indigo, and finally, that great capital of the column of sexual energy transfer, violet energy, transfers, is the metaphysical bond or distortion which has the name among your peoples of unconditional love. In the blue-ray energy transfer the quality of this love is refined in the fire of honest communication and clarity; this, shall we say, normally speaking in general, takes a substantial portion of your space/time to accomplish although there are instances of matings so well refined in previous incarnations and so well remembered that the blue-ray may be penetrated at once. This energy transfer is of great benefit to the seeker in that all communication from this seeker is, thereby, refined and the eyes of honesty and clarity look upon a new world. Such is the nature of blue-ray energy and such is one mechanism of potentiating and crystallizing it.

As we approach indigo-ray transfer we find ourselves in a shadowland. We cannot give you information straight out or plain, for this is seen by us to be an infringement. We cannot speak at all of violet ray transfer as we do not, again, desire to break the Law of Confusion.

We may say that these jewels, though dearly bought, are beyond price for the seeker and might suggest that just as each awareness is arrived at through a process of analysis, synthesis, and inspiration, so should the seeker approach its mate and evaluate each experience, seeking the jewel.

I find myself drawn to this particular except of late. In attempting to gain greater understanding, I would like to ask you for your thoughts on a few concepts basic to this excerpt.

How would you define "jewel", "price", and the notion of something being "dearly bought"?

And if this has been examined in detail elsewhere in the forums, please direct me!


RE: Seeking the Jewel - unity100 - 11-09-2010

An interaction during a sexual energy transfer in between entities who have higher density activities increasingly becomes more like melding than any kind of transfer. this is especially valid for 6th interactions.

both entities rise up to a level at which they merge with one another, completing each other, becoming whole with no interest or need for anything from outside. there are no words to define this when it happens, its unique to each entity, and they may even not be able to define it for themselves. but, they never forget that.

due to hard and coarse conditions of 3d, this kind of thing is hard to work towards, and the feeling will probably last shorter than seconds, maybe milliseconds. yet, it comes as if it is an eternity to the entities themselves. and the falldown may be tolling, since it requires a lot of effort from the entity in regard to balance and activity of energy centers.

because of these, it is very dearly bought. but because of its nature, its beyond price. even years after the entity can recall the fleeting millisecond of the interaction.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Ali Quadir - 11-09-2010

Jewels in Sufism mean spiritual truths, insights and understandings. I don't know where the hard earned comes from.. We're meant to steal em... In short that means try everything everyone around you does successfully, if it works, keep them...

It's very pragmatic, and leaves the flow of your own evolution in the hands of fate or God and your own design. I like that, I try that, I don't like that, I won't try that...

It's so simple that it sounds like it can't work... The thing is it does. Especially when those people you steal from leave their treasure sheds open. (i.e. teach you)

That's how I would interpret Ra's words here. Spiritual truths and insights that were hard earned probably by lots of practice and soul searching. The bottom line is the same of course. We just make the stealing jokes to empathize that inventing the wheel by yourself is usually hard work and not very profitable since everyone else already has a bunch of wheels in their own shed.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Steppingfeet - 11-09-2010

Unity100, it sounds as if you are speaking of a personal experience. Is this the case?

So "dearly bought" to you means that the attainment of the jewels "require a lot of effort from the entity in regard to balance and activity of energy centers".

Your description of the event happening in the span of milliseconds sounds like a glimpse of something. My understanding, however - to deviate momentarily from my primary questions - is that this state can be sustained between two entities for a much longer time span than milliseconds or even whole seconds. More so, it can permanently transform the two entities rather than be confined to the limits of sexual energy exchange.

Ali, I resonate with your definition of "jewels" as spiritual truths, insights, and understandings. Though I would add to that list the word "experience" and the concepts of "revelation" and "transformation".

Ali, "dearly bought" means to you what it does to Unity100, means essentially hard work/energy expenditure/applied effort.

I have thoughts/questions to offer:

By jewel does Ra mean a moment of revelation regarding the truth of ones identity? An unveiling of the Creator-self to the incarnate-self and the experience of the unbroken unity between?

If so, why is the other self so important in catalyzing this inner discovery?

In addition to the hard work and effort described by you two, Unity100 and Ali, I associate this concept with sacrifice. It seems to me that the price or cost of these jewels is some sort of sacrifice, some big sort of sacrifice.

"Dearly bought" seems to connote the significance and difficulty of the sacrifice. It is not a giving up anything material, per se, and definitely not a giving up of something easy, but a giving up or sacrificing of some portion of ones identity, some cherished but distorted image of the self to which the entity is attached.

Dearly bought also seems to indicate pain in the process of sacrificing or letting go. And it echoes Ra's incredibly illuminating statement on the nature and result of sacrifice as it occurs in the resonating chamber, "wherein the entity dies to self and through this confrontation of apparent loss and realization of essential gain, is transmuted into a new and risen being." (

This concept to me seems to indicate the value of that which is gained and revealed to the self as a result of the sacrifice.

In essence, I think they are saying that there is no price too high, no sacrifice too great for gaining these jewels.

I would really, really enjoy any thoughts on the above statements and would love to see these three concepts framed in the context of an intimate relationship. Especially regarding what precisely it is the entity sacrifices in the relationship in order to participate in this two-person gateway opening. What is so great that the jewel, once attained, is understood to be "dearly bought".

Love you fellow Creators,

RE: Seeking the Jewel - drkdsm - 11-10-2010

In my opinion or the way I understand it is that "jewel" would be our experiences in everyday life to find/see the love in every moment possible with your mate. I think the reason a mate is of significance here is because he/she provides the mirror effect and the catalyst needed for that experience and then you "see yourself" in that other self. If that catalyst was not there you would not be able to learn.

I try my hardest when things get tough with me and my love to remember that its an illusion, its catalyst to find love or "Jewels" (as opportunity maybe?) in those moments and to swallow my pride as hard as it is sometimes. But its not only when we fight, its all the time. I find myself falling for her more deeply all the time because I see how wonderful she really is. I tell her she's a wanderer and how lucky I am to find her.

as far as dearly bought goes I have to agree w you here::BigSmileearly bought" seems to connote the significance and difficulty of the sacrifice. It is not a giving up anything material, per se, and definitely not a giving up of something easy, but a giving up or sacrificing of some portion of ones identity, some cherished but distorted image of the self to which the entity is attached.

Here I would think that we cant give up or sacrifice a portion of our identity I think thats impossible; but what we lose is that which we are not at least not anymore because we learned from the experience

And Ill agree with you too on the "price" one too:This concept to me seems to indicate the value of that which is gained and revealed to the self as a result of the sacrifice.

In essence, I think they are saying that there is no price too high, no sacrifice too great for gaining these jewels.


We may say that these jewels, though dearly bought, are beyond price for the seeker and might suggest that just as each awareness is arrived at through a process of analysis, synthesis, and inspiration, so should the seeker approach its mate and evaluate each experience, seeking the jewel.

So in the context of the intimate relationship is so that we can analize, synthesize, and draw inspiration from our mate from the experiences they give us. And fall more deeply in love with them for it. Just my 2 cents but who knows...I could be all wrong!!!

RE: Seeking the Jewel - unity100 - 11-10-2010

(11-09-2010, 08:49 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: Unity100, it sounds as if you are speaking of a personal experience. Is this the case?

this is a quite private and subjective matter. i wouldnt prefer to talk directly on my own experiences.

Quote:So "dearly bought" to you means that the attainment of the jewels "require a lot of effort from the entity in regard to balance and activity of energy centers".

doesnt necessarily need to be with a lot of conscious effort spent by the entity. s/he may have chosen to undergo through various strong catalyst of any kind in order to do such activation. whatever the cause that opens the centers to high energy centers in any kind of activity as such, is therefore dearly bought. whether the effort spent, or the catalyst that has been gone through.

Quote:Your description of the event happening in the span of milliseconds sounds like a glimpse of something. My understanding, however - to deviate momentarily from my primary questions - is that this state can be sustained between two entities for a much longer time span than milliseconds or even whole seconds. More so, it can permanently transform the two entities rather than be confined to the limits of sexual energy exchange.

that depends on the vibration you are trying for. it is easier to maintain lower chakra effects for long durations. such work can be done without a partner. and when there is not a partner, the durations are even shorter.

Quote:Ali, I resonate with your definition of "jewels" as spiritual truths, insights, and understandings. Though I would add to that list the word "experience" and the concepts of "revelation" and "transformation".

the feeling and nature of whats being experienced would depend with the vibration level that's reached.

By jewel does Ra mean a moment of revelation regarding the truth of ones identity? An unveiling of the Creator-self to the incarnate-self and the experience of the unbroken unity between?

If so, why is the other self so important in catalyzing this inner discovery?

what you would experience would be dependent on what level you reach. and, probably what you are having an attraction towards. what you speak of seems more to do with 5-6th chakra energies.

Quote:In addition to the hard work and effort described by you two, Unity100 and Ali, I associate this concept with sacrifice. It seems to me that the price or cost of these jewels is some sort of sacrifice, some big sort of sacrifice.

depends on the route, method, life plan, everything. may or may not be. letting go of something else for what the entity is having a strong desire towards is not a sacrifice in entity's eyes. the entity wants what it wants already. and proportional to its desire, anything else pales in proportion.

Quote:Especially regarding what precisely it is the entity sacrifices in the relationship in order to participate in this two-person gateway opening. What is so great that the jewel, once attained, is understood to be "dearly bought".

Love you fellow Creators,

these are delicate matters. blanket definitions and statements cannot be made. each situation will be specific to the entities, the partners they are partnering with, and any factor that affects the union. their outer and inner seeking. whether these two overlap. and so on.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Ali Quadir - 11-10-2010

(11-09-2010, 08:49 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: Ali, "dearly bought" means to you what it does to Unity100, means essentially hard work/energy expenditure/applied effort.
That is what I believe Ra to have meant with it.. I don't necessarily agree with it.

I don't believe we always need to toil and scrape our spiritual development together with hard work and suffering. In my opinion like evolution, it just happens.

You can encourage it with certain behaviors and choices. But you can't stop it from happening. As long as the universe offers catalyst, growth will continue.

I think Ra meant simply to sympathize with us earthlings where much of this is considered to be hard work. And for some it actually is hard work.

See it like a pole vaulting bar, you can put it higher and it will become harder to jump over it... However, irrelevant of how high you put it, you can walk around it. The end result will be you on the other side.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - unity100 - 11-10-2010

a high point of this is merging ultimately with the entity you are partnering with. but this is a very high level situation. and because merging will cause all that is inside an entity to merge with the other entity, any kind of incompatibility at that level will poke the eye. it wont be as easy to attain and maintain like 4d, or 5d interactions.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Namaste - 11-11-2010

I too offer the notion that Ra is referring to one's ability to evolve and balance each ray (the reward; jewels) from catalyst (oftentimes challenging; dearly bought).

The result of one with radiant, crystallised and balanced rays? On open connection to II; Enlightenment; a true, core understanding and manifestation of truth; the Self.

One could consider that beyond price :¬)


RE: Seeking the Jewel - unity100 - 11-11-2010

you are able to identify and vocalize those concepts easily however. true jewel would be almost impossible to put into words.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Experience You - 11-11-2010

Any experience is hard to put into words, especially those of higher levels of awareness.

Explain to a blind person what color/vision is, he/she won't be able to grasp it until his/her vision is reformed.

Explain to to a deaf person what music is like, same analogy.

Words are just good to have meanings of things we are more or less in touch with and have agreed on a symbology for them.

Even still

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Steppingfeet - 11-11-2010

Quote:Drkdsm wrote:In my opinion or the way I understand it is that "jewel" would be our experiences in everyday life to find/see the love in every moment possible with your mate.

To be able to see love no matter what the circumstance or the other self seemed to present to you would indeed be a jewel.

Quote:Drkdsm wrote:I try my hardest when things get tough with me and my love to remember that its an illusion, its catalyst to find love or "Jewels" (as opportunity maybe?) in those moments and to swallow my pride as hard as it is sometimes. But its not only when we fight, its all the time. I find myself falling for her more deeply all the time because I see how wonderful she really is. I tell her she's a wanderer and how lucky I am to find her.

The sublimation of pride in favor of love (without of course suppressing pride but rather loving/accepting it in balanced fashion and choosing love over pride) sounds like it certainly be a portion of dearly buying something.

In surrendering pride you are releasing the separate self in favor of a vulnerable, open state of existing. I believe that you are onto something here, drksdm.

Quote:Drkdsm wrote:So in the context of the intimate relationship is so that we can analyze, synthesize, and draw inspiration from our mate from the experiences they give us. And fall more deeply in love with them for it.

Well said. Falling more and more in love with a mate is in itself a priceless jewel often requiring a great deal of work and sacrifice. To love is to sacrifice.

My own mate has taught me more about love than any other source in my adult life.

Quote:Ali wrote:I think Ra meant simply to sympathize with us earthlings where much of this is considered to be hard work. And for some it actually is hard work.

I agree that it need not necessarily be hard work. Ra says here that, “The original desire is that entities seek and become one. If entities can do this in a moment, they may go forward in a moment…”.

I could have sworn they also said elsewhere how an entity may at any time immediately clear and balance its chakras but I’m not remembering any keywords/phrases.

But for a planet like we have here, it more often than not tends to be hard work for the entity seeking survival and place in society, much less adepthood.

Quote:Ali wrote:See it like a pole vaulting bar, you can put it higher and it will become harder to jump over it... However, irrelevant of how high you put it, you can walk around it. The end result will be you on the other side.


Though the pole vaulter will have acquired a nice view in the process. : )

Quote:Unity100 wrote:a high point of this is merging ultimately with the entity you are partnering with. but this is a very high level situation. and because merging will cause all that is inside an entity to merge with the other entity, any kind of incompatibility at that level will poke the eye. it wont be as easy to attain and maintain like 4d, or 5d interactions.

I would love to hear you elaborate more on this point.

Specifically, what in your mind would be a prerequisite to this type of merging? What would preclude this level of identity blending?

And anyone else who may tune into this thread, I request any thoughts you may have on the questions posed in this post.

Thanks for responding all,

RE: Seeking the Jewel - unity100 - 11-12-2010

(11-11-2010, 09:53 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote:
Quote:Unity100 wrote:a high point of this is merging ultimately with the entity you are partnering with. but this is a very high level situation. and because merging will cause all that is inside an entity to merge with the other entity, any kind of incompatibility at that level will poke the eye. it wont be as easy to attain and maintain like 4d, or 5d interactions.

I would love to hear you elaborate more on this point.

Specifically, what in your mind would be a prerequisite to this type of merging? What would preclude this level of identity blending?

And anyone else who may tune into this thread, I request any thoughts you may have on the questions posed in this post.

Thanks for responding all,

there isnt much prerequisite. it seems one of the sides has to be capable of 6d activity and understanding. even if it is subconscious. but, the other side wont have the same experience if s/he is not able to do the same. the side which is able to do it may have less then perfect experience in that case.

people who have no relevance with spiritualism even may have these experiences.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - turtledude23 - 11-15-2010

(11-11-2010, 04:58 PM)unity100 Wrote: you are able to identify and vocalize those concepts easily however. true jewel would be almost impossible to put into words.

was that really necessary? who did that comment help? the point of this thread is to try our best to put something abstract into words, in fact I think thats one of the main points of this forum.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Monica - 11-15-2010

Quote:28.1 The one undifferentiated intelligent infinity, unpolarized, full and whole, is the macrocosm of the mystery-clad being. We are messengers of the Law of One. Unity, at this approximation of understanding, cannot be specified by any physics but only become activated or potentiated intelligent infinity due to the catalyst of free will. This may be difficult to accept. However, the understandings we have to share begin and end in mystery.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Sacred Fool - 11-15-2010

Ra should the seeker approach its mate and evaluate each experience, seeking the jewel.

I hope you'll forgive me, Old Bean, but one could observe that, if you're unsure about the nature of your jewels at this...point...shall we say, then perhaps you've been seriously mis-handling things?

Seriousness aside,for me, "the jewel" refers to that which is experienced with uncommonly rarefied aesthetic apprehension.

My intersection with this comes through music and spiritual experiences where what is perceived is so intensely moving, yet also so intensely ineffable owing to the personal refinement of the one's instrument of perception.

Through Brahms, Bach, &c. I first perceived glimmers of Transcendence. It was many years thence before I could explore those feelings at will, unaided by a rising draft of corporate devotion.

Working with both the disciplines of meditation & music has led me through passages where jewels of great beauty have become available in response to my dedicated pursuit of aesthetic refinement.

What's the "dearly bought" business about? What's the "great price?" Have you ever read J. Campbell's The Hero's Journey? It's a lonely road, venturing out repeatedly into the land of imagination, out beyond your places of familiar reference. It can hurt to cast away dearly held constructs and values when you're still plugged in to life as a 3D humanoidal earth creature.

In my view, walking around the goal posts (as AQ discussed) probably doesn't refine your essential vibration as much it does to use the opportunity to more carefully refine your technique in the context of the game.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - unity100 - 11-15-2010

(11-15-2010, 12:36 AM)turtledude23 Wrote:
(11-11-2010, 04:58 PM)unity100 Wrote: you are able to identify and vocalize those concepts easily however. true jewel would be almost impossible to put into words.

was that really necessary? who did that comment help? the point of this thread is to try our best to put something abstract into words, in fact I think thats one of the main points of this forum.

the point of that comment is, the ultimate point that is reached would be impossible to put into words, and be different for any entity.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Sacred Fool - 11-15-2010

There is one other item I forgot to toss into the conversation. In my opinion, one of the key factors one should try to keep sight of when playing around with this stuff is that what we're dealing with phenomenologically is all a distortion of unconditional love. So, the process of relating primarily on the level of this or that energy center is yet another way of distorting unconditional love.

I find it useful, again and again, to return to that fact and check in repeatedly: What does unconditional love look like in the distorted space I'm currently enjoying? The more I can tune into that--usually--the more things lighten up.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - unity100 - 11-15-2010

one needs to be able to differentiate in between 4d energy and 8d and higher energies in regard to that. both are called love in english language for a lack of better word.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Sacred Fool - 11-15-2010

(11-15-2010, 01:29 PM)unity100 Wrote: one needs to be able to differentiate in between 4d energy and 8d and higher energies in regard to that. both are called love in english language for a lack of better word.

Meditation can come in handy here.

Some people may find it propitious--whether or not they can converse with them directly--to ask their spirit guides to transport them in meditation to a place of Love & Light such as their heart longs to rest in.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Steppingfeet - 11-15-2010

(11-15-2010, 03:51 AM)peregrine Wrote: What's the "dearly bought" business about? What's the "great price?" Have you ever read J. Campbell's The Hero's Journey? It's a lonely road, venturing out repeatedly into the land of imagination, out beyond your places of familiar reference. It can hurt to cast away dearly held constructs and values when you're still plugged in to life as a 3D humanoidal earth creature.

Peregrine, that is eloquently well phrased and congruent with my understanding of the meaning of "dearly bought". Your statement reflects my own conception of there being a giving up of something, as you suggest, a releasing of "dearly held constructs and values".

I have read most of The Hero’s Journey and have explored Campbell’s work elsewhere. (The series of interviews he did with Bill Moyers is well worth the time.) I love his philosophy of “follow your bliss” no matter what society or “the world” tells you that you should be doing.

I see how you define the experience of the jewel in terms of "that which is experienced with uncommonly rarefied aesthetic apprehension", and how your particular experience with music is an apt manifestation of a bejeweled experience. Your definition is helpful.

Though, as you clearly point out, there are multiple avenues for the discovery and appreciation of the jewels within, I wonder what it is and how it is obtained in the context of intimate relationship.

I don't seem to be getting much feedback on the chosen focus, so I'll make it more specific in the hopes of eliciting more responses.

What about the sacrifice of marriage, especially for one who feels naturally averse to it? I contemplate how resistance to marriage to an intensely loved partner who greatly desires the union plays into Ra's statements.

Is choosing to marry - despite ones strong misgivings and extreme inner reluctance - a sacrifice of identity which removes the veils obscuring the "dearly bought" jewel? Is that a "price" constituting a release of illusory, superficial notions about who the self is? Or is it a misguided denial of ones own nature which ought to be honored?

And anyone else who may tune into this thread, I request any thoughts you may have on the questions posed at the beginning of this thread in this post.


RE: Seeking the Jewel - Monica - 11-15-2010

(11-15-2010, 10:45 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: What about the sacrifice of marriage, especially for one who feels naturally averse to it? I contemplate how resistance to marriage to an intensely loved partner who greatly desires the union plays into Ra's statements.

I never had an aversion to getting married, so I don't have much to say here. Apparently, men are more likely to feel that way than women.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Sacred Fool - 11-16-2010

(11-15-2010, 10:45 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: Though, as you clearly point out, there are multiple avenues for the discovery and appreciation of the jewels within, I wonder what it is and how it is obtained in the context of intimate relationship.

I don't seem to be getting much feedback on the chosen focus, so I'll make it more specific in the hopes of eliciting more responses.

Uh...yeah...I guess I did that on purpose. My bias. Sorry.

I look at it just that way: one way among others.

Quo Wrote:We speak as if there is a “we” and a “they,” a “you” and an “I.” And this is not precisely correct. For there is an ever-flowing movement of energy along lines of force which are created by your thoughts and feelings rather than there being a dynamic of two.

You are experiencing ways of structuring the self so that it may be known to the self. We do not wish to take away every structure of your thoughts in an instant. Rather, we would that you would conceive of this journey as a dance. It is a dance in which your movements express a gradual increase in your ability to be naked and without personality.

I see it as another way to explore Self.

Anyhow, the quote mentions nakedness, does that help?

RE: Seeking the Jewel - edward1 - 11-16-2010

(11-10-2010, 02:36 AM)drkdsm Wrote: In my opinion or the way I understand it is that "jewel" would be our experiences in everyday life to find/see the love in every moment possible with your mate. I think the reason a mate is of significance here is because he/she provides the mirror effect and the catalyst needed for that experience and then you "see yourself" in that other self. If that catalyst was not there you would not be able to learn.

I try my hardest when things get tough with me and my love to remember that its an illusion, its catalyst to find love or "Jewels" (as opportunity maybe?) in those moments and to swallow my pride as hard as it is sometimes. But its not only when we fight, its all the time. I find myself falling for her more deeply all the time because I see how wonderful she really is. I tell her she's a wanderer and how lucky I am to find her.

as far as dearly bought goes I have to agree w you here::BigSmileearly bought" seems to connote the significance and difficulty of the sacrifice. It is not a giving up anything material, per se, and definitely not a giving up of something easy, but a giving up or sacrificing of some portion of ones identity, some cherished but distorted image of the self to which the entity is attached.

Here I would think that we cant give up or sacrifice a portion of our identity I think thats impossible; but what we lose is that which we are not at least not anymore because we learned from the experience

And Ill agree with you too on the "price" one too:This concept to me seems to indicate the value of that which is gained and revealed to the self as a result of the sacrifice.

In essence, I think they are saying that there is no price too high, no sacrifice too great for gaining these jewels.


We may say that these jewels, though dearly bought, are beyond price for the seeker and might suggest that just as each awareness is arrived at through a process of analysis, synthesis, and inspiration, so should the seeker approach its mate and evaluate each experience, seeking the jewel.

So in the context of the intimate relationship is so that we can analize, synthesize, and draw inspiration from our mate from the experiences they give us. And fall more deeply in love with them for it. Just my 2 cents but who knows...I could be all wrong!!!

i do have the same idea with you

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Meerie - 11-16-2010

(11-15-2010, 10:45 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: What about the sacrifice of marriage, especially for one who feels naturally averse to it? I contemplate how resistance to marriage to an intensely loved partner who greatly desires the union plays into Ra's statements.
Is choosing to marry - despite ones strong misgivings and extreme inner reluctance - a sacrifice of identity which removes the veils obscuring the "dearly bought" jewel? Is that a "price" constituting a release of illusory, superficial notions about who the self is? Or is it a misguided denial of ones own nature which ought to be honored?
If you are feeling such aversion to being married it could be you still have an oath of celibacy from a pastlife as a monk lingering in your aura, for example. You could ask for all existing oaths and vows to be removed and see if the situation changes. Hope this helps!

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Nabil Naser - 12-03-2010

My understanding is that the sexual transfer takes place between between energies that have a complete circle, with an excess of energy towards the center. These excesses of energy meet and are expressed upward and downward, from the plane of the circles.
The reason that this takes time is that the outside vibrations of the two circles, which expand outward from the center, must gather all the energy that they can from infinite energy. This means that the outward vibrations of the two entities must gather that energy, and focus it at the center, where the excess vibrational energy can be found. This creates fullness at the center that is expressed as a column that goes upward and downwards from the center of the circle created by the joining of the two. The jewel idea is in reference to the structure that is created, which resembles the crystal structure of jewels. The "hard bought" term, refers to the amount of vibrational energy that the two must obtain from infinite energy. This comes at a "price", since the vibrations against infinite energy affects the over all vibrations of each entity.
The extended column however, "this can be seen as coming out from the center of galaxies. there are pictures of it". creates a whole new experience upward and downward from the original plane.

(11-09-2010, 01:48 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote:

Hi forums. In the course of responding to Don's question (available in the link above), Ra says:

Quote:Ra: The great key to blue, indigo, and finally, that great capital of the column of sexual energy transfer, violet energy, transfers, is the metaphysical bond or distortion which has the name among your peoples of unconditional love. In the blue-ray energy transfer the quality of this love is refined in the fire of honest communication and clarity; this, shall we say, normally speaking in general, takes a substantial portion of your space/time to accomplish although there are instances of matings so well refined in previous incarnations and so well remembered that the blue-ray may be penetrated at once. This energy transfer is of great benefit to the seeker in that all communication from this seeker is, thereby, refined and the eyes of honesty and clarity look upon a new world. Such is the nature of blue-ray energy and such is one mechanism of potentiating and crystallizing it.

As we approach indigo-ray transfer we find ourselves in a shadowland. We cannot give you information straight out or plain, for this is seen by us to be an infringement. We cannot speak at all of violet ray transfer as we do not, again, desire to break the Law of Confusion.

We may say that these jewels, though dearly bought, are beyond price for the seeker and might suggest that just as each awareness is arrived at through a process of analysis, synthesis, and inspiration, so should the seeker approach its mate and evaluate each experience, seeking the jewel.

I find myself drawn to this particular except of late. In attempting to gain greater understanding, I would like to ask you for your thoughts on a few concepts basic to this excerpt.

How would you define "jewel", "price", and the notion of something being "dearly bought"?

And if this has been examined in detail elsewhere in the forums, please direct me!


RE: Seeking the Jewel - Aloneness - 06-02-2013

(11-09-2010, 02:11 PM)unity100 Wrote: both entities rise up to a level at which they merge with one another, completing each other, becoming whole with no interest or need for anything from outside. there are no words to define this when it happens, its unique to each entity, and they may even not be able to define it for themselves. but, they never forget that.

No, they don't.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - native - 06-02-2013

All of the responses are great. There are also these two quotes to add..

"The cross formed by the living limbs of the image signifies that which is the nature of mind/body/spirit complexes in manifestation within your illusion. There is no experience which is not purchased by effort of some kind, no act of service to self or others which does not bear a price, to the entity manifesting, commensurate with its purity. All things in manifestation may be seen in one way or another to be offering themselves in order that transformations may take place upon the level appropriate to the action."

"We may indicate that the crux ansata is a part of the concept complexes of the archetypical mind, the circle indicating the magic of the spirit, the cross indicating that nature of manifestation which may only be valued by the losing."

The idea of buying something perhaps points towards the idea of giving something of which you have. There is something you own, that you claim to be yours by way of creating separation between yourself and the other, which is now being released from your possession. We possess and fear possession in various ways.

Honest response to catalyst often times pushes people apart, which is a form of loss. Then in retrospect, when working with and balancing the catalyst, the value of what was lost becomes apparent. My experience has been that what was lost returns if you gain the necessary insight. It seems however that the thing which we claim and possess is our identity. The external illusion and catalyst makes us think what we're encountering is not us. By working with catalyst in an attempt to merge with the other, through the realization that what you're encountering is an aspect of yourself is a loss of your identity. When you realize that you're facing your reflection, that identity that you held on to which created separation can no longer remain. A part of you has been sacrificed and given up, which is apparent loss by the purchase, which takes great effort because we resist it all the way. But what has truly been gained is unity. Their identity is now yours because the two have become one, which could be said to be beyond price. The jewel being the crystallized entity..the outer becoming inner..becoming one with the others around you..what Ra refers to as becoming "regular".

If you work with catalyst in this way you are truly performing magic..transmuting consciousness.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - Unbound - 06-02-2013

Quote:There is no experience which is not purchased by effort of some kind, no act of service to self or others which does not bear a price, to the entity manifesting, commensurate with its purity. 

This seems to me that even the experience of love is "purchased". Does this mean a purer entity experiences a lower "cost"?

Oh, also, Om Mani Padme Hung.

RE: Seeking the Jewel - native - 06-02-2013

It would seem that if the other doesn't grasp what is given, harsher catalyst would follow. Although I'd also think that since there is essentially no right or wrong, if you approach the other with compassion and explain that hey, it wasn't really their fault, you're perhaps offering them protection. Placing fault on them wouldn't be teaching what you are learning.