Very important revelations regarding early 2 d evolution - Printable Version

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Very important revelations regarding early 2 d evolution - unity100 - 10-19-2010

Quote:And bacteria don’t just get together for “file sharing.” Even before quorum sensing was discovered in V. fischeri, scientists had noted many examples of coordinated action, such as “swarming,” in which a colony of bacteria moves as a unit across a surface, and the development of “fruiting bodies,” in which bacteria glom together to form inert spores as a means of surviving severe environmental conditions. Since the dominant paradigm assumed that bacteria were dumb, discrete individuals, these phenomena tended to be glossed over until Vibrio‘s highly sophisticated census-taking focused new attention on coordinated bacterial behavior. Group behavior has now been demonstrated so widely that many microbiologists view bacteria as multicellular organisms, much of whose activity — from gene swapping to swarming to biofilm construction — is mediated by a wide variety of chemical communications.

this has quite interesting conclusions regarding early 2d existence, and even higher densities. and very important conclusions regarding the general rule for existence.

firstly, the early 2d entities are those which have started to feel the sufficient desire for moving and changing on their own accord, than being moved and changed, while they were in 1d, element form.

and as such, these entities have a focus point, a manifestation which can move and/or change by self direction, as a 'unit', as in a single cell, or virus.

and as the above finding shows, these base life forms, actually can act together, as a collective, as opposed to being totally discrete units. in a way, they are basically acting like individual humans, forming a society or a society complex, and acting together, despite being individuals. they also change and share genetic material with each other, just like how we exchange various resources and information.

now then, arent there parallels in between a 3d society and this 2d 'society' ?

we also know that, the basic blueprint of life repeats itself everywhere, ranging from the print of the single subatomic particle to the print of any logos. it is also only natural that, the blueprint for interactions and processes regarding consciousness in between these repeat itself similarly. from subatomic particle, to local logoi.

lets make an attempt :

a 3d society, comes together, and creates a society memory complex at early 4d. this is considered a 'planetary entity', as Ra tells us. it has a certain character, a certain personality. not only that, but this planetary entity that has been created, as a society complex, graduates from various densities together. the only exception, there is no society complex requirement in 5d work and graduation. and, if we look at Ra's example, the society complex also gets harvested at 6d as it is. it is a complex harvesting. what information we have on 7d implies the existence of totalities, combining of parallel existences. so, the concept of a collective, complex existing doesnt seem to go away there either : many entities form a collective, which starts to gain a certain, harmonized and self-uniforming (through harmonization) character, and progresses as it is.

now, isnt this somewhat similar to 2d situation ? what if, the 2d early entities like these bacteria, are increasingly learning to act as a collective, (firstly in spirit), and then increasingly harmonizing, and starting to become a uniformized collective, a single-looking character in themselves, and keep on taking even more members and character as they go through 2d, and eventually gain a certain 'personality' at the end of 2d and become an 'individual' at 3d ?

and then, this process repeats itself, with these new 'individuals' from 3 to 4d, and another new 'collective' is formed at early 4d society complex, which then increasingly harmonizes, and becomes uniform through harmonization, and then happens to become a totality at the end of 7d, and then gets harvested as an 'individual', to start an even greater sequence of combining and harmonizing ?

this, would also explain a lot of concepts, and solve a lot of paradoxes and clear some problems :

the basic blueprint for everything repeats itself everywhere from a subatomic particle to the universe. and through that, it is possible to see the universe as a single being.

there is infinite multipleness on one side, and there is a singularity on the other side. (since continually generating and combining would mean that combining would end at a certain final point at everything combines).

every single 'entity' looks as a single entity, but, they are actually comprised of infinite numbers of entities combined together and became uniformized throughout aeons. every singular looking entity we see, is, a collective.

this also explains the endless multitude of personalities, behavior that individuals can exhibit. also, the fragmented, multiple-being nature of souls. (the parallel existences that combine in 7d).
to illustrate another example for discrete similar individual units coming together and accomplishing very complex tasks and performing complex thought, our brains are a good example. they are comprised of similar cells, yet, through their collective activity, they can perform innumerable functions. it seems the same blueprint also manifests there.

RE: Very important revelations regarding early 2 d evolution - Monica - 10-19-2010

When I got involved with bluegreen algae as a superfood, I attended many seminars conducted by microalgae scientists. We were taught that bluegreen algae is the most primitive of lifeforms, with characteristics of plant, animal, and bacteria kingdoms.

One of the most interesting bits of information I learned, was that bacteria communicate with one another.

I no longer have the documentation on this, but some years back, scientists were surprised to learn that bacteria in one part of the world would communicate with the bacteria in another part of the world.

For example, bacteria in a test tube in a lab in Japan would suddenly become immune to an antibiotic, after being vulnerable to that antibiotic for decades. Suddenly, the very same day, bacteria in a test tube all the way across the world, in the US, would also become immune.

This is different from the global resistance bacteria develop, from many years of many people taking antibiotics, with the surviving bacteria becoming resistant gradually. This was sudden, happening simultaneously in different batches, with zero contact with one another.

This led the scientists to speculate that, collectively, bacteria had a group consciousness, an intelligence. One researcher actually said that he believed all bacteria formed one giant organism, just spread out all across the planet, inside all other organisms.
(10-19-2010, 12:21 AM)unity100 Wrote: now, isnt this somewhat similar to 2d situation ? what if, the 2d early entities like these bacteria, are increasingly learning to act as a collective, (firstly in spirit), and then increasingly harmonizing, and starting to become a uniformized collective, a single-looking character in themselves, and keep on taking even more members and character as they go through 2d, and eventually gain a certain 'personality' at the end of 2d and become an 'individual' at 3d ?

and then, this process repeats itself, with these new 'individuals' from 3 to 4d, and another new 'collective' is formed at early 4d society complex, which then increasingly harmonizes, and becomes uniform through harmonization, and then happens to become a totality at the end of 7d, and then gets harvested as an 'individual', to start an even greater sequence of combining and harmonizing ?

this, would also explain a lot of concepts, and solve a lot of paradoxes and clear some problems :

the basic blueprint for everything repeats itself everywhere from a subatomic particle to the universe. and through that, it is possible to see the universe as a single being.

there is infinite multipleness on one side, and there is a singularity on the other side. (since continually generating and combining would mean that combining would end at a certain final point at everything combines).

every single 'entity' looks as a single entity, but, they are actually comprised of infinite numbers of entities combined together and became uniformized throughout aeons. every singular looking entity we see, is, a collective.

Very, very interesting idea! This sounds somehow familiar to me.

There are more bacteria in our bodies than cells. In the words of my microalgae scientist-teacher: We are 'walking ecosystems.'

RE: Very important revelations regarding early 2 d evolution - unity100 - 10-19-2010

(10-19-2010, 01:34 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: One of the most interesting bits of information I learned, was that bacteria communicate with one another.

I no longer have the documentation on this, but some years back, scientists were surprised to learn that bacteria in one part of the world would communicate with the bacteria in another part of the world.

For example, bacteria in a test tube in a lab in Japan would suddenly become immune to an antibiotic, after being vulnerable to that antibiotic for decades. Suddenly, the very same day, bacteria in a test tube all the way across the world, in the US, would also become immune.

This is different from the global resistance bacteria develop, from many years of many people taking antibiotics, with the surviving bacteria becoming resistant gradually. This was sudden, happening simultaneously in different batches, with zero contact with one another.

This led the scientists to speculate that, collectively, bacteria had a group consciousness, an intelligence. One researcher actually said that he believed all bacteria formed one giant organism, just spread out all across the planet, inside all other organisms.

there would be no other means to explain it other than a group consciousness that instantly communicates all information gleamed to all members ...

RE: Very important revelations regarding early 2 d evolution - Joseph326 - 10-19-2010

I don't think there's much I could add to this right now but I wanted to say that it makes a lot of sense. Great job putting that idea together, you're definitely onto something. Feels right to me at leastSmile

RE: Very important revelations regarding early 2 d evolution - unity100 - 10-20-2010

a possible conclusion of this, would be that the smallest subatomic particle (really the smallest, base particle that we havent found yet, probably not even higgs-boson) could be an entire collection of entities coming from the previous octave, or its universes, or something like that.

RE: Very important revelations regarding early 2 d evolution - Monica - 10-20-2010

(10-20-2010, 12:22 AM)unity100 Wrote: a possible conclusion of this, would be that the smallest subatomic particle (really the smallest, base particle that we havent found yet, probably not even higgs-boson) could be an entire collection of entities coming from the previous octave, or its universes, or something like that.

I don't think there is such a thing as a smallest particle. According to cutting-edge physics, infinity travels in the direction of small. ie. infinitely small, just as there is infinitely large.

I don't wish to digress into that topic. I do see your point and it's a very intriguing idea.

William Blake - Auguries of Innocence

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

Ever since I first read that poem on a Hawkwind album cover back in 1976, the idea always intrigued me. Somehow I just knew that it was true...there is a world in a grain of sand.

Though, I'm not so sure that physical size necessarily has anything to do with it. There could be other octaves in other dimensions, coexisting right here among us, perhaps.

RE: Very important revelations regarding early 2 d evolution - unity100 - 10-20-2010

smallest base particle as in smallest base particle of this octave. the threshold of 'existing' in this octave. the minimum deviation, vibration that is needed to manifest in this octave.

RE: Very important revelations regarding early 2 d evolution - Ali Quadir - 10-20-2010

Every part contains the whole....
The holographic and fractaline universe...

If you want to figure out how that works exactly, do try some QM physics, and chaos theory.

As opposed to "a group consciousness that instantly communicates all information gleamed to all members"... How about "all members of the group share a common consciousness"?

There is an enormous difference between the two perspectives. And the implications are enormous. But it seems a very subtle shift to the uninitiated.