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Fear during darkness - Biu_Tze - 10-07-2010

I sometimes get the feeling like there is something in the room with me, I can tell where it is directionally from me, sometimes it moves, but other times it doesn't. Anyways, I get a big sense of fear come at me when this happens, I hardly know why, I used to be scared of "alien abduction" but that isn't really something that still bothers me, so I think. I used to get out of bed and just stand in pure darkness, until the feeling subsided, I've tried multiple things, without having that crowning moment of being done with it altogether hitting me. I had a dream after I was able to fall asleep, where I became conscious, I always send my appreciation out into the cosmos when this hits me, and than.. I do whatever it is I feel like doing. I walked across the street, into a house, there was a puppy in there, I went down the to pitchblack basement and hung out until I lost my memory of that dream.
I'm open to suggestions and thoughts! Thanks much Tongue

RE: Fear during darkness - unity100 - 10-07-2010

i never sleep with lights off.

RE: Fear during darkness - CircleofOne - 10-07-2010

I used to be afraid of the dark, but I've come to regard it as a close friend. It's a beautiful thing! Even now though I get the same feeling sometimes that there is 'something' in the room with me. When it happens I try to just completely open myself up and confront it. The first time I can remember doing this was actually in the woods next to where I grew up. If you've never been in the woods at night, it can be a little spooky. The path leading up into the woods was shadowed at one point by a tree, and I stood for a few minutes at that entrance into the darkness trying to confront the fear. I eventually just pushed the branches aside and went ahead up the mountain.

Sounds like you use or haved used a similar method. Perhaps simply try sending feelings and thoughts of love towards the perceived 'something?'

RE: Fear during darkness - Biu_Tze - 10-07-2010

I've tried that approach too, doesn't change much, I'm sure I'll figure it out in the end though.. thanks for your replies!
sleeping with the lights out by the way, helps to release dmt.. I would suggest looking into that information, it can greatly affect the quality of your sleep.

RE: Fear during darkness - Richard - 10-07-2010


Is this only in your home? Or a certain bedroom? In all the rooms? Have you ever checked the electro-magnetic field of your lving arrangments? There are some that say that high electro-magnetic fields can cause some sensitive people to feel they are being watched or even outright hallucinations.

Are you near any power poles or have any unshielded electrical in your home? A good field meter would help.


RE: Fear during darkness - βαθμιαίος - 10-07-2010

I have become much less fearful of the dark by, every night before bed, sitting outside in the dark and having a cigarette. Meditation in the dark would work, too, maybe even better. We live in a rural area and on moonless nights it's very dark and very quiet here; this might not work as well someplace with lots of city lights and noise.

RE: Fear during darkness - Biu_Tze - 10-07-2010

Interesting ideas Richard, what comes to mind, is when me and my mom moved back into the house, she did a cleansing ritual, and I point blank did not allow it to take place down here, I feel I did that for a reason, I wanted to be confronted by such things I guess, there is some work I still need to do before I can let them leave I guess.. we shall see, thanks again for all your replies Smile EVERYONE!

RE: Fear during darkness - unity100 - 10-07-2010

i dont get why you feel the need to do anything. if you fear darkness, just dont stay in darkness. sleep with lights open.

RE: Fear during darkness - lightworker - 10-07-2010

sometimes if you do a cleansing, but do not do it in all areas of the dwelling, the "guests" will reside in the uncleansed areas. this may be what is happening to you. do you feel a sense of fear when they are present? if so, i know its hard, but try to send as much love and appreciation as possible. you can also ask your guides for help & protection. maybe they are just observing? ive had entities just observe before and although it is uncomfortable, it is usually harmless. you could try to ask them what they want or why they are observing you. the best advice i can give is just stare the beast down!

<3 lightworker

RE: Fear during darkness - Brittany - 10-07-2010

When I was very young I had a lot of terrifying experiences in the dark. I would just sense things in my bedroom. Sometimes the bed would shake or I would see things or hear unexplained noises. I was sure bad people were going to get in the house and hurt me. I was so terrified that it took me over 20 years to start sleeping with the lights out again. I'm not sure what took the fear away...this may sound bad, but I think it was the fact that for a while there I was so depressed I stopped caring WHAT was in the dark. I was suicidal for months on end and I just didn't care if monsters came out of my closet and killed me. I could stare into the eyes of demons without fear because I was completely unfeeling. However, the upside to it was that it feels GREAT to finally be able to turn the lights out when I go to bed, even though I'm no longer depressed.

If you sense something is there, I would try sending love to it. Even if you don't perceive it to be an entity, sending love to the part of you that harbors fear may help. I know it probably sounds cliche, but this tactic has helped me to recover from many a night terror, even the ones that paralyzed me with fear.

RE: Fear during darkness - Sacred Fool - 10-08-2010

Hi there, BT.

Very sorry to hear of your suffering. Sounds very lonely.

I'm not sure this'll help you any, but here are some thoughts.

In my view, folks who incarnate on this "planetary sphere" at this time who have had a lot of prior experience can have much difficulty integrating everything into a coherent, reasonable life. Distant experiences, sensibilities and the like can loom close and cause much interference and confusion. This has certainly been my experience over the years.

One of the hardest things about it--which can eventually become one of the most productive--is that the intense loneliness can be a goad to compel one to open up to one's internal resources. Indeed, according to the Ra ideology, this is the whole point of making us "complex," i.e., dis-joining our conscious and unconscious selves in the context of this terrestrial fun house.

In practical terms, I'm trying to suggest that you can look at these experiences as nudges to provoke you to turn inward and seek your own spiritual "guidance system" and cultivate more trust in your own personal connection to Divinity.

The Ra & Q'uo complexes tirelessly enjoin us to sit in silence and seek the Creatrix. This is easier said than done--obviously!--but it offers you some sense of direction in, shall we say, your wanderings.

I have to say that I, personally, have both embraced and resisted this with great effort for many years. And I'm still doing so as I type this, in a way. I've had very strong fears of giving up too much (identity, for example); but, looking back, this is by far the strongest, most tangible direction I could recommend to anyone.

Having typed all this, now I feel a strong desire to do something I usually forget about, to wit, sit back and simply relax into the the loving light of the spiritual beings which support me. Oddly, I find I really have to consciously guide myself to do such or else I'll just blow it off owing, I suspect, to fears similar to your fear of the darkness. I don't know why else I would be averse to something so good. I chalk it up to fear of my darker inclinations, something I've spent much time working through.

It's a lot easier to do this when I'm not upset or frightened--such as at this moment. To do so in those times requires some command over one's nervous system. So, until you develope some of that, you might try doing this at times when the darkness does not feel so threatening.

Again, I would suggest that you'd be hard pressed to come up with a direction of travel more productive and fulfilling in the long run.

I suspect that lasting happiness and peace accompany a deep experience of and trust in one's spiritual supporters or, put another way, one's experience of self when in tune with that transcendent support.

I wish you the best.

RE: Fear during darkness - Turtle - 10-08-2010

(10-08-2010, 01:35 AM)peregrine Wrote: The Ra & Q'uo complexes tirelessly enjoin us to sit in silence and seek the Creatrix. This is easier said than done--obviously!--but it offers you some sense of direction in, shall we say, your wanderings.

This does not get stressed enough in my opinion, because we are a people (the whole race I mean) who are constantly looking outside for answers. And even it if is not answers that one seeks, truly whatever it is that one seeks, is in the silence and stillness of one's own being. You contain the whole, and you can experience/reveal to yourself any aspect of infinity.

To the point of this thread....Do you, Biu-Tze, want to face any so-called fears you might have? If so, face them with love. Is there something you wish to integrate within yourself? Then integrate it with joy and humor. I say it this way because you feel to me to be someone who is already taking it lightly, so it seems it will be dealt with lightheartedly Smile

RE: Fear during darkness - Biu_Tze - 10-08-2010

Lightworker, thank's I had a feeling about that, I feel like I'm supposed to do some work with it though, so.. perhaps I shall hold off just yet, but I appreciate the knowledge. I think they mostly are just observing.
Ahktu, sounds like we have a fair amount of similarities in our lives, though my experiences don't seem to be quite as intense. I appreciate you sharing your experience and suggestions!
Your story could inspire me in the darkest times, what a great example of how hope is never lost.
Pere, So compassionate! a man of the same heart! Thanks a lot for sharing, Your suggestions seem spot on, as does the suggestion to meditate, seeing as how I never do, I contemplate many things, and attempt to align my actions to my beliefs, what form of meditation would you suggest?
Turtle, way to keep it lighthearted and direct, a magnificent balance if I may say so myself!
I would ask you to, what form of meditation would you suggest?

RE: Fear during darkness - Turtle - 10-08-2010

I do not exactly suggest a form of meditation. I suggest you search your own mind and heart in the matter. Or in other words, it is very helpful to read our replies here, but you must still decide for yourself what to "do" or what to "be" in response to your circumstance...and for that I say look within, in whatever way you prefer.

RE: Fear during darkness - Sacred Fool - 10-08-2010

(10-08-2010, 11:33 AM)Biu_Tze Wrote: what form of meditation would you suggest?

Oh, that's an easy one: I recommend them all!

It might help to view it as the crystallization of your instrument rather than in terms of "I'm going to meditate now."

First you might do an assessment of your instrument in terms of some generally accepted useful qualities such as ability to concentrate, ability to discern your personal stuff from trans-personal phenomena, your intensity of commitment to truly serve (and serve what, exactly) and so on.

Then look over your assessment and consider the areas you feel need real work. For example, for concentration there are exercises, for devotional intensification there are hymns, &c. For a general spiritual boost there are various groups which might be useful. To become more sensitive to subtle phenomena there are options.

In the long run, I would posit that there are two main areas you might want to develope: the capacity to become more self-aware and a deeper experience of self-awareness. Oftentimes people morn their fate because their experience of self-awareness is less than they'd like at a given time when what's happening in their lives at that time is the enlarging of their capacity for self-awareness. Try not to confuse them too much. You'll feel more balanced that way.

And remember to have fun now and then.

RE: Fear during darkness - Monica - 10-09-2010

Biu_Tze, more meditation and less wing chun!

Haha, just kidding! Wink

Seriously, I know exactly what you are describing. I experienced this on a regular basis, maybe once or twice a week, for about a year, and then less often but still fairly often, for about 10 years. I actually dreaded going to sleep!

I tried lots of spiritual practices: cleansing the bedroom, the LBRP, meditation/prayer before bed, even praying for whatever entity was in the room! Regrettably, nothing seemed to really help, in my case.

During this time, I also had many experiences in which I felt detached, or trapped within a void. This was especially creepy!

I learned that the feeling of a presence in the room is actually a common rite of passage, so to speak, for those working on lucid dreaming. There are many techniques for dealing with it, which you can easily find by searching for lucid dreaming presence sleep paralysis and such terms.

The lucid dreaming books seem to imply that this experience is normal and just something to navigate when working on becoming lucid.

But, I started having my experiences way before I ever did any lucid dreaming, so I'm not so sure that's all it is, though it may be that lucid dreamers just tend to become aware of it more than those who aren't aware during their dreams, since it usually happens in that twilight state between waking and dreaming.

In my case, I believe there was a physiological factor. When I resolved some health issues having to do with mineral deficiency, the insomnia I had struggled with for 10 years vanished, and so did the 'evil presence' experiences. It hasn't happened for a couple of years now.

This leads me to speculate that it may just be a physiological cause, in many cases.

My suggestion would be to consider any dietary factors that might be creating a hospitable environment for nightly visitors. You might also consider looking into lucid dreaming techniques, which can be very empowering, and might work for you even though they didn't in my case.