Feeling the Energy of Pictures - Printable Version

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Feeling the Energy of Pictures - AnthroHeart - 09-22-2010

This is a great experience I have found for those who are energy sensitive. At work, I have dual screens.

I go to Google Images, and on the left and right screen I'll put some of these in the site. I feel the shift in energy between each, helping to indicate where blockages are (but also just experiencing). So I might put Citrine Crystal search on the left window, and Earth on the right window.

1) Citrine Crystal
2) Aquamarine Crystal
3) Emerald Crystal
4) Ruby Crystal
5) Earth
6) Lemurian Crystal
7) Selenite
8) Angelite
9) Milky Way

In this, I felt that selenite is a higher-frequency stone than angelite. The energy of Earth, feels like being held to me. Citrine and Earth on the screens form a good, warming combination. Selenite felt a bit higher-vibration than Lemurian, though both had a strong Crown chakra presence.

I'd like to hear others experiences of combinations of images to pull up whose energy work well together. I can feel the shift within seconds of looking on the images. The Milky Way image to me feels hot and strong.

RE: Feeling the Energy of Pictures - Brittany - 09-22-2010

I've never really done anything like this, though I do notice a change in energy patterns when I look at certain pictures. Some sights and colors cause my body to tingle all over. Generally, images of nature and the peaceful interaction of people within it tend to have the strongest positive effect on me. Pictures of violence, pollution or highly cluttered environments can actually mess me up pretty bad. Once I made the mistake of looking through a book of war photos...I got incredibly upset because it was like I could feel the pain right through the images, as if I was right there and it was happening to me. The energy was still that concentrated. I also have this problem when it comes to television and movies. I can't watch anything that depicts graphic violence because my empathy seems to extend straight through the screen, even if the characters it is happening to are not real. My husband took me to see Halloween one year, and I cried uncontrollably for about 30 minutes afterward because of all the hatred and pain that had inspired that movie...that had travelled straight from the writer's fingertips as he typed the script all the way through the actors and onto the screen. He thought I was going to break up with him right then...not pretty.

I think many people are unaware of all the messages we are being bombarded with by the media, in everything from TV to video games to the internet to billboards...many of which are trying to desensitize us to violence and convince us that we need to revert to animal aggressiveness in order to maintain our sense of peace. There is also the constant degredation of the human image...attempts to convince us we are not good enough as we are...we need to enhance our bodies, our technology, everything... Even if a conscious recognition doesn't take place, our subconscious minds are storing all of it. A big fat conspiracy if you ask me, but I digress. It seems I've climbed up on my soap box again. I usually just leave the TV off.

RE: Feeling the Energy of Pictures - Joseph326 - 09-22-2010

Neat exercise! Here are a few observations I made: Emerald-Intense; Ruby-Love; Aquamarine-Peaceful; Citrine-Warm; Angelite-Beautiful; Selenite had highest vibration, but I could not associate a feeling with it. Earth-Beauty, Milky Way-Majesty.

I also feel a different energy for each planet if I view pictures of all of them. My 2-year old can even tell me if they are hot or cold (I'm assuming Mercury and Venus are each hot, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn etc are cold).

Ahktu, I can relate almost exactly to your feelings when you see violent or painful images. I have recently stopped watching violent movies. I know no-one is getting hurt, but the fact that the thought and feeling of it are being oftentimes glorified does not sit well with me. I do not understand how myself or others could feel any sort of thrill from this (I used to be into scary, gorey, violent movies). If you have ever had a fingernail or toenail ripped off of the nailbed by accident, as I have, that is the only feeling I can compare it to. Kind of a painful chill down to the bone.

I have censored television, newspapers, advertisements, etc. from my voluntary view, although if I catch a glimpse of a billboard or something I usually see a very different message now that I am more aware of what it all stands for. My reaction is normally a chuckle, as I don't think these methods will be going on much longerWink

RE: Feeling the Energy of Pictures - Shemaya - 09-22-2010

Cool exercise Gemini!

Definitely connected energetically with the images...I chose moldavite, citrine and herkimer diamond. I didn't stay with it long enough to discern what I was feeling though. I am suprised how much I could feel just by looking at the images on the computer screen!

RE: Feeling the Energy of Pictures - AnthroHeart - 09-23-2010

Wow, thanks Shemaya. I needed the energy of Moldavite. You don't realize what vibrations you are missing till you come across them. Then it fills in places, helps balance parts.

Please note that my feelings may not be what you experience. They are unique to me. Some stones out there don't work for me, but work well with others.

At first, moldavite felt a little disorienting. Now I feel it around the back of my head, and higher chakras. Definitely a high-vibration stone. And now, about 5 mins later I feel it smoothing out, and slowly rippling.

Herkimer Diamond was lower vibration than moldavite. Though it has a cleaner feel to it. Moldavite is more complex. Moldavite feels like it expands me outward, and Herkimer pulls the energy inward. Quite interesting. I do prefer moldavite between the two.

I would definitely spend time on just experiencing some specific images. They are all a journey, you can take as far as you need.

Joseph, great work there! Thanks for your perspective, it gives me a new depth to how one can experience these. When you mentioned majestic for Milky Way, I could feel that perspective coming out.

Ahktu, I know what you mean. I don't watch TV at all, and just the occasional DVD. My mom likes horror movies, so I just do my best to be loving. Though she watches them in her room, so I don't experience the full effect. I can shift energies to an extent if needed.

I've also used Kyanite crystal images. It's really good at clearing all the chakras at once. So it can be a full-body stone. I am much clearer after working with this one.


I just recently felt the energy shift and draw me towards Ireland. In my seeking, I found some beautiful pictures. For me right now, the energy of this place is really captivating:

I'm also enjoying Topaz. It's great for the solar plexus. Very warm feeling, and soft. Much softer than Citrine. If you want to "drill into" the yellow chakra, then yellow jasper is good for that. It's also soft, but more direct.

For high-frequency, try White Topaz or Danburite. Both are probably the highest vibration I've found so far.

I did search for highest vibration, and found Phenacite. This one to me has an even higher vibration, but I've not explored it much. this one is really high up there, though I can imagine the feeling going even higher if the right stone were found.

RE: Feeling the Energy of Pictures - Joseph326 - 09-23-2010

Thanks for sharing those pictures of Ireland, Gemini Wolf! They are breathtaking, and I felt myself absorbed into them like I was up there on that ridge enjoying the sweet smell of salt from the oceanSmile