Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Printable Version

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Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Lavazza - 09-20-2010

Hey everyone,

As you may have read in the sister thread to this one, 'Cleansing a new dwelling', I have recently been interested in following the steps outlined by Ra for cleansing a dwelling. I am in the middle of doing this cleansing right now, and for my own purposes have created a concise and easy to follow guide. I've been taking photos of my steps along the way with the idea of creating a visual step-by-step guide here. I'll also include links to Ra quotes along the way. I hope this becomes useful to some. Enjoy!

(disclaimer: As always we are free to draw our own conclusions from what Ra said, and as such you may interpret differently from me. It's quite possible I got some of the steps mixed up or wrong in other words. Please feel free to comment on this guide here, or in the previously mentioned thread. Most of the information in this guide comes from sessions 94, 95, 96 & 101 by the way.)

Why cleanse a dwelling?
The main purpose for doing a cleansing of this type is to make the abode spiritually neutral. Ra indicated that certain negative activities or exchanges between people that have taken place in the past can leave behind negative vibrations, which in turn may attract negative thought or astral forms. (95.4) Negative entities in other words. For one who wishes to use a dwelling place for magical purposes (i.e. channeling, meditating or other metaphysical processes) this will be quite important for obvious reasons. For the lay person who does not intend to exercise magical practices it may not make much difference, or it might, I am not sure. (room for comments on this point).

Getting started - What you will need / preparation:
* It's a good idea to first clean your dwelling. I'd recommend vacuuming carpets, sweeping & mopping floors as a starting point. Ra says it's basically impossible to completely clean your dwelling (I can verify this) and so really it's just the intention to completely clean that mattes. (96.4)
* You will need one head of Garlic
* You will need 2-3 of the cylindrical containers of Salt, depending on the number of doors and windows in your abode. One container of salt is usually less than a dollar so I would get at least 3 and save having to make an extra run out to the store. (like I did)
* You will need one glass of Holy Water (You can make this yourself or get some from a church. I made my own by placing my hands around it and visualizing white light channeling through my body and in to the water. I also imagined the faces of my family members laughing and recalled the Love I feel when embracing them)
* You will need a "virgin" broom, that is, a never used before broom (new).
* You will (almost certainly) need a print out of this thread or another document that explains what to say when doing certain rituals such as burning garlic, laying salt, and et cetera. If you have all the lines memorized, then you can skip this part.

The Garlic Cleanse
[Image: img0018vx.jpg]
So the way garlic works is actually pretty similar to the old superstitions about how to repel vampires. I guess they were on to something afterall though! As Ra says: "The attractiveness is negative and no service-to-self astral form will accept coexistence with the cut garlic." (95.6)

Step 1: Decide how many rooms you want to cleanse with garlic. Technically you only need to worry about those areas that have had negative exchanges. But if you're in the same boat as me having moved in to a new house or apartment, there is no easy way to know if/where these may have happened. I decided to use garlic in every room since I was already going to the trouble of doing it at all.

Step 2: Cut a garlic clove and use one half for each room you are cleansing. I cut mine lengthwise to offer the most open garlic surface possible.

Step 3: Hang the garlic in either a doorway or window of that room. If you are aware of specific areas of negative exchanges, hang it there. How to hang it was not specified by Ra, but I imagine anything that results in it dangling will be acceptable. I found that Scotch tape works very well for hanging a half clove of garlic since it's pretty light in weight. Smile

Step 4: Say the following while you hang your garlic: “We praise the One Creator for the gift of garlic and bless its ability to offer to those friends to whom we wish to bid farewell the arrow which points their way of egress.”

Step 5: Let the garlic hang for 36-48 hours. It doesn't smell up the house too much I found (or my sense of smell isn't so hot...)

Step 6: When this period is through, you'll need to burn the garlic cloves. I used lighter fluid for this- although it didn't really work too well until I added some small twigs and sticks for a longer lasting and hotter burn. Garlic smells pretty good when it's on fire by the way.

Step 7: While you are burning the garlic, say: “We give thanks to the One Creator for the gift of spiritual cleanliness in our dwelling place and seal the departure of all those who have left by this exit by the consuming of this substance.”

[Image: img0033u.jpg][Image: img0046j.jpg]
(garlic entering larger life)

The Salt Cleanse
[Image: img0025ml.jpg]
I'm not entirely sure how salt enables our negative friends to find a new home, but I can easily read the symbolism of creating a line for which they cannot cross. I see it as putting a barricade across a door or window. I should note that I was fortunate in that all of the doors which offer egress to my abode have hardwood floors. If you have carpeting you may need to put the salt on the actual threshold of the door, or find some way to put it on paper over the carpet. I was also fortunate in that all of my windows have a sill of some kind to put salt on- although I have lived in many places where the windows have no sills. I don't know what you would do in that instance.

Step 1: Identify all of the doors and windows in your dwelling that lead outside. Don't worry about "inside" doors or windows. I also included my fireplace as an entryway, simply because I suspect it could be used as an entry point by negative entities. (No, not you Santa).

Step 2: Lay out a goodly amount of salt in a straight line across the sils of your windows and upon the floor next to your doors. Ensure that there are no gaps in the line.

[Image: img0026mm.jpg]

Step 3: As you are laying the salt (or right before/after) say: "We praise the One Creator which gave to salt the ability to enable those friends, to which we wish to bid farewell, to find a new home.”

Step 4: Now find your holy water, and sprinkle drops of it upon your trail of salt, letting it fall from your fingertips. You don't want to completely soak the salt line, but give it a good amount so that it is partially wet, partially dry.

[Image: img0024or.jpg]

Step 5: As you are dripping the holy water, say: “We give thanks to the One Creator for the gift of water. Over it the Creator moves Its hand and stirs Its will to be done.”

Step 6: Let the salt lines sit undisturbed for 36-48 hours. Also do not cross the salt lines during this time. (if this is impossible for your circumstances, see next two steps, otherwise skip to step 7)

Step 6a (optional): If you have not yet moved in to the home and do not need to enter for the 36-48 hour period, this is best. However if you need to enter/exit as you are already living in the house, here is what you do. You can pick one doorway you wish to use, and talk to the line of salt that is standing guard. Explain that you wish to cross and make sure to state your full name. Also name those other gentle m/b/s complexes whom you wish to grant access, and that you wish to block all others from trespass. Make certain to only use that doorway for the 36-48 hour period... and watch your step! I nearly messed up my salt line once.

Step 6b (optional): Once the 36-48 hour period has elapsed, you can then sweep up the salt from the doorway you have been using, and then lay down a new line there using steps 2-6 as shown earlier. This is your new salt line and it should not be passed at all. Then go to the other doorways you will use for egress instead, and give those salt lines the same instructions you had given to the first one earlier. (The salt is very obedient, a polite and quiet listener, and does it's job well Smile)

Step 7: Now that the 36-48 hour period has elapsed, you can go about cleaning up all the salt lines with your trusty virgin broom (and dustpan). You'll notice the holy water in combination with natural humidity in your house will have made parts of your salt line quite crusty and hard (like the fortified wall it is!). I recommend using something like this (picture below) to first break up the salt, and then do the sweeping. Something like a plastic paint scraper or plastic spoon will work... something that won't damage the surface that the salt is resting on.

[Image: img0049pc.jpg]

Step 8: While you are sweeping, say: “We praise the One Creator and give thanksgiving for the spiritual cleanliness of this dwelling place.”

[Image: img0032yv.jpg]

And that's it. Presto- a spiritually clean home! The whole process is, I must admit, a major pain in the butt. But hopefully this guide has made it a little easier. Smile

L&L, ~Lavazza

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - zanny - 09-20-2010

Thank you for posting this here! I am planning on moving soon and was going to look up the cleansing ritual for our new home. You explained it great!

The only question that comes to mind is clarification of this...
Quote:Also name those other gentle m/b/s complexes whom you wish to grant access

Do you mean list all friends and family?

If I have any further questions I will certainly post them here when the time comes.

Heart zanny

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Lavazza - 09-20-2010

(09-20-2010, 02:07 AM)zanny Wrote: Do you mean list all friends and family?

Yup- anyone you expect will need to cross the threshold. You're quite welcome by the way Smile

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - AnthroHeart - 09-20-2010

So those are done around the same time, the garlic and the salt lines?

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Lavazza - 09-20-2010

(09-20-2010, 11:45 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: So those are done around the same time, the garlic and the salt lines?

Yes, at least that's the route I took. I didn't read anything in the text to indicate if one should be done before the other, at the same time, etc.

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - AnthroHeart - 09-20-2010

Nice. So did you notice a shift in the energies after doing that? I have some good friends who are moving into a new place soon, so the timing couldn't be better.

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Lavazza - 09-20-2010

(09-20-2010, 12:00 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Nice. So did you notice a shift in the energies after doing that? I have some good friends who are moving into a new place soon, so the timing couldn't be better.

Actually I'm still going through the second phase of my house cleansing now (using one doorway for 36 hours, then switching doorways) so I can't be certain yet. I suspect I won't notice anyways though as I've never been too sensitive to energies. Smile I'd like to imagine it's made a difference of course. I'm glad you'll find the guide useful!

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - AnthroHeart - 09-20-2010

Another quick question. By clove, are you referring to the whole piece, or the individual fragment that breaks off from it? The pic you have ready to burn them, I see 8 or so pieces. Are each of those cloves, or is that one whole clove?

Oh, I do have a portable propane stove which would be perfect for this. It's a virgin stove, never used before.

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Lavazza - 09-20-2010

For the garlic you just need to use one halved fragment from the head per room that you are cleansing. So for example, if I were to cleanse two rooms in my house I would take one clove (or fragment) from the garlic head (bunch of cloves), and cut it in half, using one half for each of the rooms. The photo showing all the garlic in the pan ready to burn, those are just halved garlic cloves. They appear to be whole cloves probably because I cut them lengthwise in half.

The stove you described sounds perfect, although take care that you actually burn the garlic on an open flame, not just searing them in a pan. Your goal should be to cause the garlic to actually combust, however you attain that. Makes a pleasant smell in the air too. Smile

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Grillwise - 09-20-2010

Thanks for posting this, I really wanted to cleanse my restaurant and I'm moving into a new house soon and I wasn't sure how I was gonna do this. Great friend, just great.
One Love

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - fairyfarmgirl - 09-20-2010

excellent how to guide! Thank you!

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - agatha - 09-20-2010

Thank you, Lavazza.

I am also planning to move soon. This is most helpful.

Blessings to you & your loved ones in your new home.

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Lavazza - 09-22-2010

Thanks everyone, I'm really glad it's going to be of use. Quick note- I did a small update to step #7 of the salting process. Just a recommendation to use some kind of plastic tool to help breakup the salt during cleaning. It gets surprisingly solid.

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - AnthroHeart - 09-23-2010

Lavazza, where do you dispose of the salt?

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Lavazza - 09-26-2010

(09-23-2010, 05:39 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Lavazza, where do you dispose of the salt?

That part wasn't specified by Ra at any point... I just dumped it in the trash. I considered the question too though- I thought of throwing it to the wind somewhere near the Pacific coast... probably would have been more elegant of a way to end the process. Alas, practicality won over this time.

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - AnthroHeart - 09-28-2010

Well, my friends didn't end up getting the salt and garlic they would have needed. So I just saged the place, which was good. The energy there wasn't really bad.

I was actually looking forward to feeling how salt and garlic moved the energy. I've opened up my clairsentience quite a bit. Maybe I'll try that at home. I've found even the words we use build energy patterns around them that do real things to the energy. I wanted to get a feel for how the words that you spoke interact with the salt and the garlic.

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Ali Quadir - 09-28-2010

Well done Lavazza, that's an excellent guide. Smile

Another one, Portugese granny wisdom: if you peel garlic of it's thin outer layer you can keep the outer layer, just put it together in a container. You can then burn this as you would sage. Keep animals and small children out of the smoke because it's pretty heavy. But the after smells like sage are not bad at all...

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Lavazza - 09-28-2010

Yup, sage is good too. I actually used that first a few months ago when we initially moved in. (I traced the outline of each room as Ali suggested). I enjoyed the smell, but my wife got paranoid that our aging neighbors would get a whiff of it, since it smells exactly like marijuana. Haha!

Oh yeah- and best to remove the batteries out of your smoke alarms first.

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - AnthroHeart - 09-28-2010

That's weird, since to me sage doesn't smell anything like MJ. And I keep the smoke detectors on, no problem. The smoke shouldn't be THAT thick. A little goes a long way, as it's the intention that's important.

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Questioner - 10-05-2010

Lavazza, thank you for a very clear, easy to follow and positive guide. I hope to do this for my next move, which might need to occur in the coming months. Great use of the illustrations to make your point very clear.

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Lavazza - 10-05-2010

You're quite welcome. I'm very happy to see so many people have found this helpful! Smile

RE: Cleansing your dwelling - A step-by-step guide - Namaste - 10-05-2010

How wonderful - thank you L :¬)