Ra's description of Sasquatch - Printable Version

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Ra's description of Sasquatch - Birch - 08-26-2010

The general description of the thought form Sasquatch that Ra related is matched rather closely by this account of an ongoing contact. I found it interesting to see the theory of the creature through the prism of a personal contact.

RE: Ra's description of Sasquatch - Questioner - 08-26-2010

Hi Birch, welcome to the forum. Looks like you are familiar with the Ra material.

Interesting article. The anecdote about "here, have a raccoon picture!" shows a more caring side than you usually hear about these creatures.

By the way, we already have a couple of discussions that include Bigfoot. One is "dimension and density" clarification in this forum, the other is - of all places! - my miniature golf thread which was moved to the Olio forum.

RE: Ra's description of Sasquatch - Birch - 08-26-2010

Thanks for the kind words Questioner. I'll be sure to check out the other threads as well.