Latin phrases that express Law of One principles - Printable Version

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Latin phrases that express Law of One principles - im_not_me - 02-04-2017

This is going to sound crazy but what are some phrases in Latin that express principles of the Law of One?

RE: Latin phrases that express Law of One principles - isis - 02-07-2017

i went in search of latin phrases that express LOO principles a few years ago & i remember not having much luck. but i just did a quick skim thru anyway (of mainly just the 1st half) of this list:
spotted some i think are kinda fitting:
credo in unum deum - i believe in one god
natura nihil frustra facit - nature does nothing in vain
deus caritas est - god is love
e pluribus unum - out of many, one
ens causa sui - existing because of oneself
et facta est lux - and light came to be or was made
soli deo gloria (S.D.G.) - glory to god alone
amor fati - love of fate
ab aeterno - from the eternal
omnia cum deo - all with god
natura valde simplex est et sibi consona - nature is exceedingly simple and harmonious with itself