Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Printable Version

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Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Haleakala - 01-29-2017

Aloha all,

I have been a student of the LOO for about 8 years, and have also periodically read the Q'uo channelings with deep interest, and always gaining much insight. I am new to the forums though.

Health and diet is a topic of great interest to me, so I was excited to see this forum stream dedicated to it. Are there any Ra or Q'uo channelings that directly relate to this topic? I can't remember ever reading any, except for maybe some specific instructions given to Carla during the Ra sessions to help with the channel connection.

Curious and interested,

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - anagogy - 01-29-2017

Ra: "[...] We do not suggest any hard and fast rulings of diet although we may suggest the virtue of the liquids. [...]"

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Haleakala - 01-29-2017

Many thanks. Seems like a good line to keep in mind when dealing with diet, as there are many who tend towards hard and fast rulings and like to preach them. Smile

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - isis - 01-29-2017

"We do not give advice as to such things as diet, etc., because it is our firm belief that these details are meaningless. That which you put into the body is an illusion. The good that you get from it is a function of your belief that it will do you good. The harm that you will get from it is also a function of your belief that harm will come from it. Nothing within the physical has power over you unless you allow it to. Do as you deem wise, and then remember, as we say, that whatever you do, it is a kind of cartoon. The greatest and noblest and most tragic things are passing fancies, my friends. Accept them for what they are, accept feelings for what they are. All are true, but all will pass. Do not forget to laugh."

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Jade - 01-29-2017

(01-29-2017, 02:38 PM)anagogy Wrote: Ra: "[...] We do not suggest any hard and fast rulings of diet although we may suggest the virtue of the liquids. [...]"

To be fair, in context, this is also specifically information for Carla, and is one of two suggestions:

Quote:83.28 Questioner: I noticed you started this session with “I communicate now.” You usually use “We communicate now.” Is there any significance or difference with respect to that, and then is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. We am Ra. You may see the grammatical difficulties of your linguistic structure in dealing with a social memory complex. There is no distinction between the first person singular and plural in your language when pertaining to Ra.

We offer the following, not to infringe upon your free will, but because this instrument has specifically requested information as to its maintenance and the support group does so at this querying. We may suggest that the instrument has two areas of potential distortion, both of which may be aided in the bodily sense by the ingestion of those things which seem to the instrument to be desirable. We do not suggest any hard and fast rulings of diet although we may suggest the virtue of the liquids. The instrument has an increasing ability to sense that which will aid its bodily complex. It is being aided by affirmations and also by the light which is the food of the density of resting.

We may ask the support group to monitor the instrument as always so that in the case of the desire for the more complex proteins that which is the least distorted might be offered to the bodily complex which is indeed at this time potentially capable of greatly increased distortion.

This is also because they cannot "infringe on free will", because they have already offered more specific dietary information to Carla. This one has a clear suggestion that following the advice they offered earlier will help her avoid illness.

At the beginning of the next session, Don asked Ra to clarify what they meant by "least distorted complex protein". Ra's answer is quite clear:

Quote:84.2 Questioner: In the last session you mentioned least distorted complex protein in that the body complex of the instrument was capable of greatly increased distortion. Would you define the protein of which you spoke and we would like to know, increased distortion in which direction, towards health or ill-health?

Ra: I am Ra. We were, in the cautionary statement about complex protein, referring to the distortions of the animal protein which has been slaughtered and preservatives added in order to maintain the acceptability to your peoples of this non-living, physical material. It is well to attempt to find those items which are fresh and of the best quality possible in order to avoid increasing this particular entity’s distortions which may be loosely termed allergic.

We were speaking of the distortion towards disease which is potential at this space/time.

84.3 Questioner: What disease in particular were you speaking of and what would be its cause?

Ra: I am Ra. One disease, as you call this distortion, is that of the arthritis and the lupus erythematosus. The cause of this complex of distortions is, at base, pre-incarnative. We refrain from determining the other distortion potential at this space/time due to our desire to maintain the free will of this group. Affirmations may yet cause this difficulty to resolve itself. Therefore, we simply encouraged the general care with the diet with the instructions about allergy, as you call this quite complex distortion of the mind and body complexes.

The great majority of our "animal proteins" are slaughtered cruelly and preservatives have been added to increase its shelf life, so that's pretty difficult to avoid. Ra says here too that it's possible to overwrite these distortions with affirmations (the potential for disease, not the allergies - the allergies are preincarnative), but to also pay attention to what the body complex rejects ("general care with the diet with the instructions about the allergy" "the instrument has increasing ability to sense that which will aid its bodily complex"). Ra also says that "allergy" is a simplistic word for a "quite complex distortion of the mind and body complexes".

The body complex is our personal vehicle as well as the whole of physical reality. It seems to me that ingesting the least distorted bodily complexes will keep our own bodily complex the least distorted.

Ra also says this, much earlier in the material, hence the inability to repeat this information based on infringing upon the free will of the group:

Quote:40.14 Questioner: In dietary matters, what would be the foods that one would include and what would be the foods that one would exclude in a general way for the most or the greatest care of one’s bodily complex?

Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, we underline and emphasize that this information is not to be understood literally but as a link or psychological nudge for the body and the mind and spirit. Thus it is the care and respect for the self that is the true thing of importance. In this light we may iterate the basic information given for this instrument’s diet. The vegetables, the fruits, the grains, and to the extent necessary for the individual metabolism, the animal products. These are those substances showing respect for the self. In addition, though this has not been mentioned, for this instrument is not in need of purification, those entities in need of purging the self of a poison thought-form or emotion complex do well to take care in following a program of careful fasting until the destructive thought-form has been purged analogously with the by-products of ridding the physical vehicle of excess material. Again you see the value not to the body complex but used as a link for the mind and spirit. Thus self reveals self to self.

Here is the previous statement of "what foods benefit the instrument" that Ra is referring to here:

Quote:18.4 Questioner: Are there any foods that are helpful or harmful that the instrument might eat?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument has body complex distortion towards ill health in the distortion direction corrected best by ingestion of the foodstuffs of your grains and your vegetables, as you call them. However, this is extremely unimportant when regarded as an aid with equality to other aids such as attitude which this instrument has in abundance. It, however, aids the vital energies of this instrument, with less distortion towards ill health, to ingest foodstuffs in the above manner with occasional ingestion of what you call your meats, due to the instrument’s need to lessen the distortion towards low vital energy.

Here's the end of that session, where Ra reminds them of the important of diet, for physical balancing (again for Carla, but it seems generally applicable)

Quote:18.27 Questioner: Not completely. What specifically shall we do for physical balancing?

Ra: I am Ra. One: take care with the foodstuffs. Two: manipulate the physical complex to alleviate the distortion towards physical complex pain. Three: encourage a certain amount of what you would call your exercise. The final injunction: to take special care with the alignments this second session so that the entity may gain as much aid as possible from the various symbols. We suggest you check these symbols most carefully. This entity is slightly misplaced from the proper configuration. Not important at this time. More important when a second session is to be scheduled.

So it seems to me Ra's basic advice is, seemingly in this order:
1. Respect for your body (and subsequently, the bodies of other selves)
2. Have a positive attitude towards food
3. Listen to the body, honestly, and stop ingesting that which does it harm

The "virtue of the liquids" was specific advice to Carla during that specific time of distortion, repeated again I believe during a time of Jim's illness/initiation, but I would agree that it's probably generally good advice for the health of a person. I can't ever get enough water.

The biggest cause of dietary distortion, I believe, is when people equate making sacrifices with feeling like they are punishing themselves. This is why Ra encourages "no hard and fast rules", because beholding oneself to punishment is very counterproductive. For instance, in the material, Ra talks about Carla's decision to give up shopping for a year because she feels as if she's been too materialistic. Ra says that was the wrong reason to make a potentially selfless gesture, and therefore it was hurting her more than helping her. I think our society puts a taboo on "dieting" ("fasting" as Ra refers to it above, positively as an aid for programming the self) and people believe they are punishing themselves when they refrain from eating something that tastes good and brings them pleasure. Hence, the "quite complex distortion of the mind and body complexes".

Ra Wrote:As to the instrument, the journey from worth in action to worth in esse is arduous. The entity has denied itself in order to be free from that which it calls addiction*. This sort of martyrdom, and here we speak of the small but symbolically great sacrifice of the clothing, causes the entity to frame a selfhood in poorness which feeds unworthiness unless the poverty is seen to be true richness. In other words, good works for the wrong reasons cause confusion and distortion. We encourage the instrument to value itself and to see that its true requirements are valued by the self. We suggest contemplation of true richness of being.

Carla's biggest distortion that hindered the Ra contact was her martyr tendencies. This is why all of the questions about diet are countered with affirmations of Carla's positive attitude, to encourage her to not get down on herself regardless. That's a pretty important step for those on the positive path.

This is just my interpretation of the material. As someone who used to be very, very sickly (daily) who changed their diet (before the Law of One complicated things! Tongue) and now is almost without bodily distortion, I can't help but see the correlation between health and what I eat. (And, to be fair, when I changed my diet, we specifically built in leniencies so as not to feel caged in) However, I do know there are plenty of people who are perfectly healthy eating whatever they want. I believe any suggestions for dietary changes are for people who have found that they are thinking more often about what they eat and why they eat it, and how it affects them. Carla was doing high magical work, and her distortions were prime targets. Not everyone struggles with health, but changing what I ate eliminated so many bodily distortions that I can't scoff at the power of making such a decision, and I can't help but notice the times where Ra correlates my experience. And, I can't help but share my experience, in case there are other people who are as sickly as I was who need encouragement that seemingly simple acts can create sweeping changes. This is because, at their core, all of the choices we make are symbolic, and we can attach whatever meaning pleases us the most.

Ra Wrote:Firstly, we underline and emphasize that this information is not to be understood literally but as a link or psychological nudge for the body and the mind and spirit.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Haleakala - 01-29-2017

Thanks for your thorough and thoughtful reply Jade. Very helpful.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - anagogy - 01-29-2017

(01-29-2017, 04:12 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: To be fair, in context, this is also specifically information for Carla, and is one of two suggestions:

While true, the fact that they are giving dietary advice specific to an particular individual person is pretty telling in and of itself -- i.e. its not going to be the same for everyone. So even in that context it would imply then, no hard and fast rules for all people. If one person is a special circumstance, anyone might be. We just have to listen to our bodies to divine that information.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Nía - 01-30-2017

Hi Haleakala,

welcome to the forums!

(01-29-2017, 02:43 PM)Haleakala Wrote: Seems like a good line to keep in mind when dealing with diet, as there are many who tend towards hard and fast rulings and like to preach them. Smile

My feeling regarding your perception here is, that this pattern surfaces, at least most of the time, more about ethical choices than about 'diet'. Veganism, for example, for most people, is a lifestyle choice of least harm, and therefore, by these, not actually considered a 'diet'. And that's where people (me included) can get emotional - when their ethical values, ie nonkilling, nonviolence, least harm, or even nonharm, are not being shared - with other-selves (of 2D and 3D alike) paying the price for these other-selves' choices. Of course, I don't know whether you're referring to people who live a vegetarian, vegan, fruitarian... lifestyle for ethical or other idealist reasons and advocate for it, or simply to people that have concerned themvelves with food matters and think to 'know' what's best for others also (ie paleo, ketogenic, or any sort of diet), but for me, this is a noteworthy difference.

Concerning Ra, Q'uo & Co, as Jade pointed out articulately already, they have to make sure not to infringe on anyone's free will, so giving specific information would be impossible for them (even telling Carla what to eat and avoid probably cost them some polarity).

Another principle especially Q'uo have pointed out, is to eat what is 'necessary' to oneself:

Quo Wrote:Eating a diet which is balanced in its ability to provide the body what it needs in order to provide its portion of vital energy. You may fruitfully consider the grains, the vegetables, the dairy products to the extent that they are necessary, the animal products of an high order of being when necessary to increase low vital energy.

Ra Wrote:The vegetables, the fruits, the grains, and to the extent necessary for the individual metabolism, the animal products.

So, in addition to the principles Jade made out, finding out what the body really needs, what would actually is necessary for one's own best health in one's specific circumstances, should also make sense.

Another information regarding that topic I find quite interesting, is Morris' report of a hypnotic regression to a past life (shared with Carla, Don, and others of the L/L community) in a higher density, himself suggesting it being 4D, probably referring to the information Ra gave about the type of food ingested in 5D: "You would call this type of food nectar, or ambrosia, or a light broth of golden white hue", prepared by thought, which would be different from what he remembered: A Wanderer’s Last Home (parts of his report has been published in the introduction to the Ra Material/LoO book 1 as well).


RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Jade - 01-30-2017

(01-29-2017, 04:53 PM)anagogy Wrote:
(01-29-2017, 04:12 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: To be fair, in context, this is also specifically information for Carla, and is one of two suggestions:

While true, the fact that they are giving dietary advice specific to an particular individual person is pretty telling in and of itself -- i.e. its not going to be the same for everyone. So even in that context it would imply then, no hard and fast rules for all people. If one person is a special circumstance, anyone might be. We just have to listen to our bodies to divine that information.

I'm pretty sure "no hard and fast rules" is because of this part of their philosophy:

Ra Wrote:It may seem that the rational or analytical mind might have more of a possibility of successfully pursuing the negative orientation due to the fact that, in our understanding, too much order is by its essence negative. However, this same ability to structure abstract concepts and to analyze experiential data may be the key to rapid positive polarization. It may be said that those whose analytical capacities are predominant have somewhat more to work with in polarizing.

I do think this implies that "soft and slow" rules are okay, but of course, unique to each person. Smile

I decided to look up a few more instances of channelings where the entity says something specific about diet.

Here is Latwii discussing how people get into cycles of eating sugar, which diminishes energy, and needing to replenish with large quantities of red meat, which are bad for you:

Quote:Questioner: Yes, I have another one. It’s concerning the relationship of the body with the mind. It seems, or I find it (inaudible) taking an inordinate amount of sweets, and sugar is present in large amounts in my body, that my thought processes tend towards a more depressed kind of state, that I feel I wind up (inaudible) more prey to the ego games that we play in our lives, and more of a feeling of selfishness, and less of giving. Is there a relationship to the state of the body to the mind that such things occur?

My brother, that is indeed correct. As we said before, there are various degrees of perfection in the combustibility of nutrients that enter the furnace that is your physical vehicle. Those things which are of the sugar family are very unfortunate in their tendencies towards causing the person to become more within his or her own personality structure. It is, as this instrument would say, a downer. It is intended to give energy, however it does not, it removes energy from the electrical field of the body.

You see, there is a concept of inwardness and outwardness, and that which you know as sugar in many of its forms is an inward-looking combustible. Therefore, when ingested it will produce more consciousness of the self and therefore more tendency towards pettiness and, as you said, game-playing. On the other hand, there is an even greater difficulty; that is that as the body craves balance, and as all things crave balance, so a very inward food will request that the body ingest a very outward food, that which causes the body to gain the energy which it has lost, and therefore this will encourage the body to eat an equally large amount of what you would call red meat. This is an imperfectly burned substance, and should be used in your furnace with some caution, for the byproducts are often difficult to deal with when taken in excess, and you need to have some of your filters replaced after a long period of using these substances.

Thus, there is indeed a great deal of connection between mind and body for the simple reason that your mind dwells within the confines of the physical body while it is awake, unless of course you are fasting for a long period, in which case it might not stay with the body at all.

That, incidentally, is one of the purposes of fasting. Contrary to some modern beliefs, it is not a method of losing excess avoirdupois but rather a means of transcending the physical illusion and ascending to a more fine and well-tuned illusion. Thus the teacher known as Jesus fasted, as did many others in your holy works and others throughout the world.

May we answer your question further, my brother?

Here is Q'uo encouraging the purification of one's diet, when it is right for the entity, as an application of their metaphysical principals:

Quote:B: Thanks, Q’uo, for this channeling You know I pore over your words almost daily. To realize my highest known desires, is it necessary that I change or purify my diet, and, if so, to what degree?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The degree of purification of one’s diet, of one’s thoughts, or of one’s actions is completely a function of one’s free will. As one wishes to increase the level of being with the knowledge that this quality informs all service, then it is well to take an action such as [the one] you have suggested, the improving of one’s diet, to serve as a training aid, shall we say, a function or an action in the physical world, which grounds the desires that are spiritual in nature so that the daily round of activities is informed by such inspiration, such desire, and such perseverance.

Thus, it is completely a function of your free will as to how your personality sees such physical expressions of metaphysical principles. Trust your own heart, your own knowing of that which is appropriate. “Seek and you shall find,” it is truly written.

Here Q'uo advises Carla to eat a large variety of foodstuffs, so that her body has as much opportunity to gain the nutrients it needs as possible:

Quote:Carla: Yes, a couple more (inaudible). I have observed in my eating, not preferences, but in what is easiest for me to eat in that I am not able to eat very much solid food. If I can make this choice for myself of what to eat it would be all liquid or partially liquid or whatever. I realize you can’t give me a diet, but, in general, gazing at someone with longstanding difficulties, could you confirm that the intelligent thing to do would be to eat even more sparingly, and even more sparingly until an equilibrium is reached?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We are aware that your intuitive capabilities allow you to discern those foodstuffs that are available to you that would be most easily assimilated by your body. And we would recommend that you utilize this intuitive capacity in the greatest degree during this time of difficulty for your digestive tract. We would recommend that there be a variety of foodstuffs, as great as possible, in whatever form, be it solid or liquid, that you ingest, in order that your body be given as much opportunity to take from those foodstuffs that which was offered and that which it needs.

The human body has a great deal of ability to utilize foods in the most appropriate manner, however, there is a certain variety that is necessary in order to allow the body to find those ingredients which are most helpful to it in whatever its given condition. Thus, we do not recommend one kind of diet that is liquid or solid, over the other. Rather, the blending of these in a fashion which feels to you to be appropriate according to the time and condition of your body.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Haleakala - 01-30-2017

I was referring to anyone who adheres to hard and fast rulings of diet and attempts to preach or push them onto others as if they know what is best for them. I am myself nearly vegan, consuming only ethically harvested dairy and eggs when needed. I have chosen this lifestyle for the past 17 years for many reasons, many of which are ethical. Just curious if anyone had noted of any specific or general guidelines on the topic of diet within the channelings. I had remembered the Ra session that spoke of the ambrosia of light that was consumed. This makes sense to me. As I continue lightening the life and opening to the flow of the love of the Infinite One, I notice my preferences naturally tending towards that which is more "pure" and "light". Then again, I don't think that it is completely necessary for spiritual evolution, and neither I nor anyone else is in a place to determine what is best for any individual. I find all of your comments very helpful. Mahalo

(01-30-2017, 06:51 AM)Nía Wrote: Hi Haleakala,

welcome to the forums!

(01-29-2017, 02:43 PM)Haleakala Wrote: Seems like a good line to keep in mind when dealing with diet, as there are many who tend towards hard and fast rulings and like to preach them. Smile

My feeling regarding your perception here is, that this pattern surfaces, at least most of the time, more about ethical choices than about 'diet'. Veganism, for example, for most people, is a lifestyle choice of least harm, and therefore, by these, not actually considered a 'diet'. And that's where people (me included) can get emotional - when their ethical values, ie nonkilling, nonviolence, least harm, or even nonharm, are not being shared - with other-selves (of 2D and 3D alike) paying the price for these other-selves' choices. Of course, I don't know whether you're referring to people who live a vegetarian, vegan, fruitarian... lifestyle for ethical or other idealist reasons and advocate for it, or simply to people that have concerned themvelves with food matters and think to 'know' what's best for others also (ie paleo, ketogenic, or any sort of diet), but for me, this is a noteworthy difference.

Concerning Ra, Q'uo & Co, as Jade pointed out articulately already, they have to make sure not to infringe on anyone's free will, so giving specific information would be impossible for them (even telling Carla what to eat and avoid probably cost them some polarity).

Another principle especially Q'uo have pointed out, is to eat what is 'necessary' to oneself:

Quo Wrote:Eating a diet which is balanced in its ability to provide the body what it needs in order to provide its portion of vital energy. You may fruitfully consider the grains, the vegetables, the dairy products to the extent that they are necessary, the animal products of an high order of being when necessary to increase low vital energy.

Ra Wrote:The vegetables, the fruits, the grains, and to the extent necessary for the individual metabolism, the animal products.

So, in addition to the principles Jade made out, finding out what the body really needs, what would actually is necessary for one's own best health in one's specific circumstances, should also make sense.

Another information regarding that topic I find quite interesting, is Morris' report of a hypnotic regression to a past life (shared with Carla, Don, and others of the L/L community) in a higher density, himself suggesting it being 4D, probably referring to the information Ra gave about the type of food ingested in 5D: "You would call this type of food nectar, or ambrosia, or a light broth of golden white hue", prepared by thought, which would be different from what he remembered: A Wanderer’s Last Home (parts of his report has been published in the introduction to the Ra Material/LoO book 1 as well).


RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Nía - 01-30-2017

Here's another one by Latwii, on the effects of certain dietary choices (ie sugar) on the meditative state:

Latwii Wrote:C: When I do meditate there are times I have this vision of traveling at extreme speeds through space. And I almost have a feeling that I’m partially leaving my body. Is this happening or is it just a sensation of meditation?

I am Latwii. My brother, there are various explanations possible for this phenomenon which you are experiencing. A partial leaving of the body is one, but potential, may we say, explanation for this phenomenon. There are other possibilities which include your diet, which you mentioned before. Occasionally the chemical balances or imbalances within the brain may be affected by those ingredients which are ingested by your peoples as a normal part of your daily existence. Care in diet can often be of assistance in making the meditative state a clearer channel for the expressing of those vibrations which are attempting to be made manifest during your meditation.

In this particular case of which you speak, we may say that it is a combination of these two possible explanations which is acting and causing an imbalance in your experience of the meditative state. One is attempting to express as the leaving of the cares or the body as you experience. The other, the intake of certain chemicals or foods is inhibiting this expression.

May we be of further service, my brother?

C: Is this chemical that you speak of the ingestion of sugars?

I am Latwii. You are correct, my brother. We could not say this without your finding for yourself of this truth.


RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Infinite - 01-30-2017

Well, based in the esoteric/spiritual traditions:

- Meat must be avoided;
- It's preferable crude food because the cooking withdraw part of the prana of the aliments;
- Avoid the sintetic food. The reason is that the process of refinement eliminates the equilibrium of the natural aliments (that are formed by water, air, earth, fire and prana).
- The most dense substances that affect negativity the aura are: meat, drugs (like tobacco, marijuana, etc.), alcohol and sugar. It's recomended avoid that.

Peace, love and light.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - anagogy - 01-31-2017

(01-30-2017, 06:51 AM)Nía Wrote: Concerning Ra, Q'uo & Co, as Jade pointed out articulately already, they have to make sure not to infringe on anyone's free will, so giving specific information would be impossible for them (even telling Carla what to eat and avoid probably cost them some polarity).

I've heard this idea espoused by members before, but to be honest, it doesn't really hold up to logical scrutiny for Ra to supposedly respect free will in such a bizarre way. After-all, consider the time when Don asked if the starving individuals in Africa should be allowed to keep starving since, you know, to his perceptions, a blue ray understanding hypothetically implied that at some level they chose that. Ra immediately corrected him, and said the proper course of action is that they should be fed. Ra didn't 'respect his free will chosen idea' and refuse to give him alternate information since he already had ideas about it, rather, they immediately gave the opposite answer Don expected and asked about.

If you think about it, that would be kind of an absurd stipulation if they weren't allowed to correct the distorted ideas of the channeling participants. In fact, the channeling would be immediately rendered null, void, and pointless by such an edict before it even began because if anybody had an prior opinion about anything, Ra wouldn't be able to speak about it. 

I don't mean to come across as daft, but wouldn't that just be silly?

There were also a few examples in the Ra material, where free will abridging information was offered by Ra with a concession towards some loss of polarity, because apparently they felt the information was more important than respecting the law of confusion (law of free will). So frankly, this idea that Ra secretly wanted to advocate a vegan diet, but didn't want to alter the groups, (or if you like, specifically Carla's) free will decision to eat meat, seems highly improbable to me.

So when you actually take all these logical factors into account, you are left with only a few plausible explanations: Either: 
1) Carla's physiology was soooooo different from us "normie" humans that meat was good for her but not the rest of humanity, 
2) meat eating isn't as much against the cosmos as vegans have convinced themselves of, or 
3) it is against the unity of the cosmos, but Ra didn't think it important enough to correct them on it.

I'm not just saying this to be contrarian, I'm genuinely curious how you people reconcile that, because I don't think you can really escape these conclusions if you think about this critically: 

option 1) I've never bought -- it always seemed more of a rationalization that people whose dietary ideology reviles and forbade any mention of animal products in the Ra material, and served as a means by which to lawyer themselves out of any offhanded mention of such protein being conceivably related to such a profane notion that it constituted any part in the 'proper care of the body complex'. 
option 3) doesn't make sense either considering the other times they just went ahead and supplied information contrary to the groups currently held (and already free will chosen ideas -- of which correction of false ideas is a natural part of the student/teacher relationship), and so of course I'm a proponent of 
option 2) because it seems frankly apparent to me from my time on this planet, that all life feeds on life, and always has, and I think it is very very natural to the earth (but that isn't to say it can't and hasn't become disproportionately parasitical -- e.g. factory farming). I'm not saying that veganism isn't 'higher vibrational' by the way -- perhaps it is for all I know.  (though I think there is a lot of species-ism that goes on (i.e. "plants don't cry when you kill them therefore it is better to eat them than the organisms that have evolved mobility" -- but then again, different, and lacking vocal cords and muscles, doesn't mean it has less consciousness). My concern is more centered around inclinations toward thinking one particular behavior/diet is the 'right one' and all others should be shunned because they are somehow 'wrong' -- whatever that means. I just think that concept is extremely distorted, and anytime I see any intimation of it (which I am sensing in this thread), I feel called to address it.

Also, when you think about "pre-veil" conditions, I have an extremely hard time imagining or believing that all the animal kingdom was not eating each other, even then. Again, I think it is entirely natural for animals to eat other animals -- and that includes the human animal. I mean do you think that wolves weren't eating flesh in those times? That bugs weren't eating other bugs? That all beings were partaking of plants? Did you know there are planets where there are mobile plant beings (beings such as this have been sighted in certain ET contact accounts)?  I'm sorry, but I don't believe life works that way (the way that says plants are the only morally correct food, and anything else is negatively polarizing). Eating flesh is part of the circle of life. Flesh comes in many forms -- plant and otherwise.

I only bring all this up because the rationalizations don't personally make sense to me, and never have, though I think if someone easily thrives on a vegan diet and are happy with themselves I think that is great (just as I think someone who is happy on a ketogenic diet is just fine as well). I would just be careful of falling into the trap of thinking that is what everyone is 'supposed' to do (that sort of thinking is always dangerous and inevitably leads to judgment in my opinion, despite good intentions otherwise). 

As an aside, I also have a hard time taking any Q'uo channelings as anything more than 'interesting ideas to consider' because of the sheer number of times those particular channelings have contradicted themselves. I don't care enough to dredge up all of them (one could do a search on these forums for it, there have been a few scintillating discussions about it), but there are ALOT (I chalk that up to it being 'conscious channeling' rather than any kind of deliberate obfuscation -- one of the reasons I generally steer clear of such conscious channeling -- too much distortion) That's not to say Ra never contradicted themselves either. But this is just me personally, I know many others here hold Q'uo on the same level as the Ra channelings, which I've never really understood, but each to their own.

Having said all that, Haleakala, if you are still watching this thread, I can tell you anecdotally, and personally, that I have seen people thrive on all diets: carnivorous, vegan, omnivorous, and I have seen people not thrive on all sorts and different diets (sickly vegans and omnivores alike). I think people make too much of diet to be honest. I think you can find vibrational alignment with any diet. I think the important thing is finding what is right for you, individually. Don't fall prey to the group think of any particular subculture, living out the reality of their belief systems. Everybody is focusing evidence of their beliefs into being to the same degree as their purity of faith.

The nature of reality is such that no diet is the "The One True Diet" and I believe that is by design, lest someone reduce 'rightness' to something black and white. That would present an extremely pallid and shallow experiential nexus for incarnational catalyst. That would not be representative of the Logos I have come to know.

Follow your heart, All is Well. 

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Haleakala - 01-31-2017

Having said all that, Haleakala, if you are still watching this thread, I can tell you anecdotally, and personally, that I have seen people thrive on all diets: carnivorous, vegan, omnivorous, and I have seen people [ Wrote:not [/i]thrive on all sorts and different diets (sickly vegans and omnivores alike). I think people make too much of diet to be honest. I think you can find vibrational alignment with any diet. I think the important thing is finding what is right for you, individually. Don't fall prey to the group think of any particular subculture, living out the reality of their belief systems. Everybody is focusing evidence of their beliefs into being to the same degree as their purity of faith.

The nature of reality is such that no diet is the "The One True Diet" and I believe that is by design, lest someone reduce 'rightness' to something black and white. That would present an extremely pallid and shallow experiential nexus for incarnational catalyst. That would not be representative of the Logos I have come to know.

Follow your heart, All is Well. 

I opened up this topic simply because I was curious what others had noticed in the channelings concerning diet. I didn't see a thread explicitly concerning this, so I thought to pose the question. I am quite happy with the way that I eat and always do follow my heart-centered intuition on this. I also feel no judgement towards others who make different choices. All of your replies have been interesting. My feeling is that when we are really listening to the still small voice within and making a sincere effort to fine-tune with Intelligent Infinity this becomes a non-issue, because we will simply lose taste for the foods that take us out of this tuning. It can be important, but it clarifies itself for each individual as the real inner work is diligently done.

Please forgive my fumbling with the quoting.. Confused

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Nía - 01-31-2017

(01-31-2017, 02:06 AM)anagogy Wrote: So frankly, this idea that Ra secretly wanted to advocate a vegan diet, but didn't want to alter the groups, (or if you like, specifically Carla's) free will decision to eat meat, seems highly improbable to me.

I actually wasn't referring (only) to the eating of meat here, but to any advice more specific than what was given. But I get your point.

A couple of ideas on your thoughts:

(01-31-2017, 02:06 AM)anagogy Wrote: So when you actually take all these logical factors into account, you are left with only a few plausible explanations: Either: 
1) Carla's physiology was soooooo different from us "normie" humans that meat was good for her but not the rest of humanity, 
2) meat eating isn't as much against the cosmos as vegans have convinced themselves of, or 
3) it is against the unity of the cosmos, but Ra didn't think it important enough to correct them on it.

Following that strain of thought (about Ra preferring a meatless/vegan diet), there would also be many other, or additional, possible explanations, but I will just note one example that comes to mind: At the time is was much more difficult to make vegan (and ethical in general) choices, and especially to live a healthy vegan/ethical lifestyle, for a lot of the vegan (organic, local, fair trade...) foods available today weren't at the time (that's almost 40 years ago now!), so eating animal products was closer to a 'necessity' then than it is now. But that's not really a road I wanted to go down, because all of it is speculation, and doesn't lead anywhere.

By the way: I don't think eating meat, or as Ra called it, slaughtering animals, is 'against the cosmos' - how could it be; there is but One. But it without doubt causes immense suffering (and violent death) in individualised portions of the One, which you, leaving all the science aside, can extrapolate from Ra themselves, because they ascribed feelings of terror (is there much worse?) to 'advanced second-density beings', which animals raised for food clearly also are:

Ra Wrote:Ra: I am Ra. (...) The Orion group uses the physical examination as a means of terrifying the individual and causing it to feel the feelings of an advanced second-density being such as a laboratory animal. The sexual experiences of some are a sub-type of this experience. The intent is to demonstrate the control of the Orion entities over the Terran inhabitant.

For convenience, here's the whole part mentioned above, about complex protein (meat), the distortions it contains and causes in the consuming bodily complex, and slaughtering animals:

Quote:Ra: I am Ra. We am Ra. (...) We may ask the support group to monitor the instrument as always so that in the case of the desire for the more complex proteins that which is the least distorted might be offered to the bodily complex which is indeed at this time potentially capable of greatly increased distortion.


Questioner: In the last session you mentioned least distorted complex protein in that the body complex of the instrument was capable of greatly increased distortion. Would you define the protein of which you spoke and we would like to know, increased distortion in which direction, towards health or ill-health?

Ra: I am Ra. We were, in the cautionary statement about complex protein, referring to the distortions of the animal protein which has been slaughtered and preservatives added in order to maintain the acceptability to your peoples of this non-living, physical material. It is well to attempt to find those items which are fresh and of the best quality possible in order to avoid increasing this particular entity’s distortions which may be loosely termed allergic.

Another thought about choices being made as of today is that, as Terran entities are evolving further, and the 3D entities being incarnate at this time are, as Ra have said, ever closer to reaching harvestability, same might be true for (advanced) animals - a state which Q'uo called 'the ever-rising consciousness of animal forms'. So what I'm suggesting is that maybe 'the animals' of 1971 are not the same (type of) animals of 2017, or at least the evolutionary state of them isn't  - the ones being incarnate in proximity to humans, and so with a certain likelihood of being invested in, might be further evolved than they were 40 years ago. That is at least my own perception from hundreds of visits to factory farms (conventional and organic alike), animal testing laboratories, slaughterhouses, and the like: It is not meaningless, or irrelevant, to cause this immense suffering to any type of conscious being (you won't get 'humanely raised meat' even from an organic free-range farmer without livestock transport, and slaughtering). This is not theory, this is no thought experiment, this is not illusion, this is not about 'diet': This is true real-life suffering to the extreme, without the possibility for these 2D entities of 'understanding' what happens to them, and why - which, at the very least, is given to 3D entities enduring extreme suffering. Go there and look them in the eye, and you will know what I mean, and it will (hopefully) break your heart. It is not possible for a compassionate entity who consciously faces this reality (being an illusion doesn't make the experiences less real, or less important, as you know) to be responsible for more of this type of suffering than absolutely non-avoidable. Yes, I'm being emotional there, because I have seen and felt (and heard, and smelled) that suffering innumerable times.

You might all be aware that vegans, usually, or let's say, ideally, don't advocate for themselves, for being 'right' or 'better' in any way, or even against anything, but for the animals, to end the suffering of our fellow advanced 2D entities, as much as is possible in an illusion, where physical existence in itself causes suffering.

Concerning your argument

(01-31-2017, 02:06 AM)anagogy Wrote: option 2) because it seems frankly apparent to me from my time on this planet, that all life feeds on life, and always has, and I think it is very very natural to the earth (but that isn't to say it can't and hasn't become disproportionately parasitical -- e.g. factory farming).
Also, when you think about "pre-veil" conditions, I have an extremely hard time imagining or believing that all the animal kingdom was not eating each other, even then. Again, I think it is entirely natural for animals to eat other animals -- and that includes the human animal. I mean do you think that wolves weren't eating flesh in those times? That bugs weren't eating other bugs? That all beings were partaking of plants? Did you know there are planets where there are mobile plant beings (beings such as this have been sighted in certain ET contact accounts)?  I'm sorry, but I don't believe life works that way (the way that says plants are the only morally correct food, and anything else is negatively polarizing). Eating flesh is part of the circle of life. Flesh comes in many forms -- plant and otherwise.

You certainly don't want to put 2D choices necessary for survival (in contrast to humans, animals don't have a 'so-called opposable thumb' to grow and prepare vegan foods for them) on a level with the choices 3D entities make that clearly, today, are not necessary for survival. Isn't this what choice is all about - to choose the least harm, the best possible option available for all involved, in every situation?

Apart from that (and the fact that I value Q'uo highly, even if I certainly don't hold them on the same level as Ra; while I think, that the contradictions mostly base on a. the limits of (our) language, b. the distortions of the channels, and c. our lack of precise understanding), I agree with most of what you have said. Thanks for your thoughts, honestly!

(01-31-2017, 02:06 AM)anagogy Wrote: (though I think there is a lot of species-ism that goes on (i.e. "plants don't cry when you kill them therefore it is better to eat them than the organisms that have evolved mobility" -- but then again, different, and lacking vocal cords and muscles, doesn't mean it has less consciousness).

Absolutely agree => Did you know plants can learn from experience? (Bring4th thread) Wink


RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Nía - 01-31-2017

Short addendum:

(01-31-2017, 02:06 AM)anagogy Wrote: (though I think there is a lot of species-ism that goes on (i.e. "plants don't cry when you kill them therefore it is better to eat them than the organisms that have evolved mobility" -- but then again, different, and lacking vocal cords and muscles, doesn't mean it has less consciousness).

Considering this topic, there's another point I find worth considering: We're talking at the moment of advanced 2D entities, which means those, that are closer to reaching harvestability, those, potentially hoping for investment through 3D entities - and these include pets, laboratory animals, at least to a certain degree farm animals, and regarding plants, mainly trees (maybe also houseplants and others that have a longer lifespan than annual plants, as well as plants considered holy by certain groups of people or are worshipped for some reason (see Ra)). So regarding our choices in relation to plants, it actually seems to be more about wood/timber (ie heating - we are, for example, heating with waste products only) than grass, cereals, vegetables and the like (not denying your last point, but expanding on it).

Ra Wrote:Ra: I am Ra. There are three types of second-density entities which become, shall we say, enspirited. The first is the animal. This is the most predominant. The second is the vegetable, most especially that which you call sound vibration complex “tree.” These entities are capable of giving and receiving enough love to become individualized. The third category is mineral. Occasionally a certain location, place as you may call it, becomes energized to individuality through the love it receives and gives in relationship to a third-density entity which is in relationship to it. This is the least common transition.


RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Jade - 01-31-2017

Quote:I've heard this idea espoused by members before, but to be honest, it doesn't really hold up to logical scrutiny for Ra to supposedly respect free will in such a bizarre way. After-all, consider the time when Don asked if the starving individuals in Africa should be allowed to keep starving since, you know, to his perceptions, a blue ray understanding hypothetically implied that at some level they chose that. Ra immediately corrected him, and said the proper course of action is that they should be fed. Ra didn't 'respect his free will chosen idea' and refuse to give him alternate information since he already had ideas about it, rather, they immediately gave the opposite answer Don expected and asked about.

If you think about it, that would be kind of an absurd stipulation if they weren't allowed to correct the distorted ideas of the channeling participants. In fact, the channeling would be immediately rendered null, void, and pointless by such an edict before it even began because if anybody had an prior opinion about anything, Ra wouldn't be able to speak about it.

There were also a few examples in the Ra material, where free will abridging information was offered by Ra with a concession towards some loss of polarity, because apparently they felt the information was more important than respecting the law of confusion (law of free will). So frankly, this idea that Ra secretly wanted to advocate a vegan diet, but didn't want to alter the groups, (or if you like, specifically Carla's) free will decision to eat meat, seems highly improbable to me.

So when you actually take all these logical factors into account, you are left with only a few plausible explanations: Either: 
1) Carla's physiology was soooooo different from us "normie" humans that meat was good for her but not the rest of humanity, 
2) meat eating isn't as much against the cosmos as vegans have convinced themselves of, or 
3) it is against the unity of the cosmos, but Ra didn't think it important enough to correct them on it.

It seems like to come to these conclusions, that you ignored all the quotes that were posted before.

Quote:We offer the following, not to infringe upon your free will, but because this instrument has specifically requested information as to its maintenance and the support group does so at this querying. We may suggest that the instrument has two areas of potential distortion

Quote:Questioner: In dietary matters, what would be the foods that one would include and what would be the foods that one would exclude in a general way for the most or the greatest care of one’s bodily complex?

Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, we underline and emphasize that this information is not to be understood literally but as a link or psychological nudge for the body and the mind and spirit. Thus it is the care and respect for the self that is the true thing of importance. In this light we may iterate the basic information given for this instrument’s diet.

Latwii Wrote:C: Is this chemical that you speak of the ingestion of sugars?

I am Latwii. You are correct, my brother. We could not say this without your finding for yourself of this truth.

I mean, I'm not making up this "cannot infringe upon free will" thing. Obviously Ra has limits to what they can and cannot say. Feeding the starving children didn't abridge anyone's free will, because no one gave up what they were doing in the Ra channeling to go feed hungry orphans. Telling people what they should and shouldn't eat eliminates a HUGE swath of catalyst/choice available for people. And for that example, it was still a direct response to a question of Don's, not something Ra offered freely.

Here's a mundane instance where Don asks Ra about a crystal skull, and Ra says they cannot comment because it will affect their actions in the future.

Quote:76.22 Questioner: I had one that is totally, possibly, [of] no value. You don’t have to expand on it, but there is a crystal skull in the possession of a woman near Toronto that may be of some value in investigating these communications with Ra since I think possibly this had some origin from Ra. Can you tell me anything about that? And then, finally, is there anything that we could do to improve the contact or to make the instrument more comfortable?

Ra: I am Ra. Although your query is one which uncovers interesting material we can not answer due to the potential an answer may have for affecting your actions. The appurtenances are carefully placed and requisite care taken. We are appreciative. All is well.

And Ra doesn't advocate a vegan diet. Ra advocates eating only the amount of animals proteins that one truly needs for their body complex. The reason people get upset about this is because there is a huge discrepancy between how much meat people eat and how much meat we actually need. It's cultural.

Quote:I'm not just saying this to be contrarian, I'm genuinely curious how you people reconcile that, because I don't think you can really escape these conclusions if you think about this critically: 

option 1) I've never bought -- it always seemed more of a rationalization that people whose dietary ideology reviles and forbade any mention of animal products in the Ra material, and served as a means by which to lawyer themselves out of any offhanded mention of such protein being conceivably related to such a profane notion that it constituted any part in the 'proper care of the body complex'. 
option 3) doesn't make sense either considering the other times they just went ahead and supplied information contrary to the groups currently held (and already free will chosen ideas -- of which correction of false ideas is a natural part of the student/teacher relationship), and so of course I'm a proponent of 
option 2) because it seems frankly apparent to me from my time on this planet, that all life feeds on life, and always has, and I think it is very very natural to the earth (but that isn't to say it can't and hasn't become disproportionately parasitical -- e.g. factory farming). I'm not saying that veganism isn't 'higher vibrational' by the way -- perhaps it is for all I know.  (though I think there is a lot of species-ism that goes on (i.e. "plants don't cry when you kill them therefore it is better to eat them than the organisms that have evolved mobility" -- but then again, different, and lacking vocal cords and muscles, doesn't mean it has less consciousness). My concern is more centered around inclinations toward thinking one particular behavior/diet is the 'right one' and all others should be shunned because they are somehow 'wrong' -- whatever that means. I just think that concept is extremely distorted, and anytime I see any intimation of it (which I am sensing in this thread), I feel called to address it.

I'm sorry, the specieism that vegans exhibit (most vegans advocate to stop animal farming BECAUSE plants have feelings, too! and most farmed plants go to feeding livestock) is extremely moot. Meat eaters define specieism, because there's only about 5 species that humans eat regularly for meat. We breed and kill millions of homeless dogs and cats a year, and just burn their carcasses. Logically, we should recycle their bodily complexes if people want to eat meat, right? I'll eat all vegetables, and advocate for their rights to not be farmed in monocultures and fed to fatten up animals that wouldn't be eating them in their natural state, anyway.

And you are the one who has previously told me that they reason it's okay to eat animals and not humans is because they are lesser than humans by being trapped in a second density body. So, I don't believe I'm the one drawing lines in the sand about what physical features are okay to consume and which aren't. I just try to eat things that I don't kill when I eat them (you can eat a tomato without killing the plant), and things that have evolved specifically to be eaten by humans (I eat a tomato, in theory, I poop out tomato seeds. I eat a lamb, there's no recycling of that body complex as such), or things that don't exhibit trauma that my brain has evolved to recognize while being harvested. It is obvious to me that a cow in a slaughterhouse is in distress. The plants in my garden seem okay with me harvesting from them while they continue growing.

If we piece apart the Ra material and examine it "logically and critically", then we can dismantle basically everything Ra has said. Of course the material encourages cherry-picking, but either Ra was lying about abridging free will or they weren't? Or I'm not exactly even sure what point about free will, and/or logic, you are trying to make. Obviously there are things Ra can and cannot say. Why have they never described what an indigo ray experience is like?

Anyway, if you feel there is a sense of a "right diet" being promulgated in this thread, I think you're taking issues with what the channelings say, not how they are being presented.

Quote:Also, when you think about "pre-veil" conditions, I have an extremely hard time imagining or believing that all the animal kingdom was not eating each other, even then. Again, I think it is entirely natural for animals to eat other animals -- and that includes the human animal. I mean do you think that wolves weren't eating flesh in those times? That bugs weren't eating other bugs? That all beings were partaking of plants? Did you know there are planets where there are mobile plant beings (beings such as this have been sighted in certain ET contact accounts)?  I'm sorry, but I don't believe life works that way (the way that says plants are the only morally correct food, and anything else is negatively polarizing). Eating flesh is part of the circle of life. Flesh comes in many forms -- plant and otherwise.

Okay, but we evolved from chimps. Chimps very rarely eat anything other than fruit. If we evolved more closely alongside wolves, this would be a better argument, but I would still advocate that part of the shift from third to fourth density would involve a more conscious awareness of how and what we eat. The thing about animals is that the veil doesn't distort their communion with each other, even in the eating of each other. Humans have severely distorted meat and the consumption of meat. That's really the biggest problem. Ra even makes the comment about "animal protein which has been slaughtered and preservatives added in order to maintain the acceptability to your peoples of this non-living, physical material. It is well to attempt to find those items which are fresh and of the best quality possible". This is obviously a judgement by Ra that what we are eating is not optimal for our bodily complexes - at least, the way we harvest it is wrong. And again, my point was that almost all of our meat is handled this way. Most carnivores or omnivores eat meat while it's still alive. Carrion eaters, which we more closely resemble, have digestive systems meant to handle the types of pathogens that old meat creates. We have to substitute this with antibiotics, chemicals, cooking, etc.

Quote:I only bring all this up because the rationalizations don't personally make sense to me, and never have, though I think if someone easily thrives on a vegan diet and are happy with themselves I think that is great (just as I think someone who is happy on a ketogenic diet is just fine as well). I would just be careful of falling into the trap of thinking that is what everyone is 'supposed' to do (that sort of thinking is always dangerous and inevitably leads to judgment in my opinion, despite good intentions otherwise). 

As an aside, I also have a hard time taking any Q'uo channelings as anything more than 'interesting ideas to consider' because of the sheer number of times those particular channelings have contradicted themselves. I don't care enough to dredge up all of them (one could do a search on these forums for it, there have been a few scintillating discussions about it), but there are ALOT (I chalk that up to it being 'conscious channeling' rather than any kind of deliberate obfuscation -- one of the reasons I generally steer clear of such conscious channeling -- too much distortion) That's not to say Ra never contradicted themselves either. But this is just me personally, I know many others here hold Q'uo on the same level as the Ra channelings, which I've never really understood, but each to their own.

As conscious channeling, from someone who ate meat and didn't take too much care with their diet (Carla), don't you think the "distortion" would go a different way? Also, I posted the quotes in the context of the OP's request. I know you don't read Q'uo. I don't know anyone who considers Q'uo "on the same level as Ra". I see Q'uo as a companion to Ra, and the quotes perfectly acceptable and ontopic to the discussion. I understand that you disagree with them, although the quotes posted really just echo what Ra has said, too.

Anyway, I've seen no one in this thread advocating "one true diet". Did anyone even mention veganism in the context of channeled quotes before you went on a tirade against it? This is what I personally distilled as the core advice from what Ra says:

1. Respect for your body (and subsequently, the bodies of other selves)
2. Have a positive attitude towards food
3. Listen to the body, honestly, and stop ingesting that which does it harm

Do you believe these are contradicted in the Ra material? Do you believe this is advocating "one true diet"? I'm the first person to cheer people on when they go gluten free, because of this quote:

Quote:40.13 Questioner: Then you are saying that cancer is quite easily healed mentally and is a good teaching tool because it is quite easily healed mentally and once the entity forgives the other-self at whom he is angry cancer will disappear. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. The other portion of healing has to do with forgiveness of self and a greatly heightened respect for the self. This may conveniently be expressed by taking care in dietary matters. This is quite frequently a part of the healing and forgiving process. Your basic premise is correct.

It is obvious to me that Ra advocates a conscious awareness while eating food, and that healing can be affected by a change in diet. This is why I feel compelled to speak out when people appear to advocate that the Ra material promises freedom for entities to consume whatever they please without any ill effects. If you have any other quotes that support this, or whatever point you're trying to make (if I'm missing it), I'd certainly be happy to hear them.

If it appears I was advocating one true diet, that is my personal bias, and I apologize. My true intentions were to highlight that there can be a spiritual link to what one eats - no, not that there "can be", but that there "is", especially for those of us who are already aware that we are balancing our mind/body/spirit complexes. And that if you begin to hone that link, and use the transformation of the mind, that these things take care of themselves.

I'll end this post the same way I did my first post, which was a request by Ra to not overthink these things critically or logically.

Quote:Firstly, we underline and emphasize that this information is not to be understood literally but as a link or psychological nudge for the body and the mind and spirit.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - anagogy - 02-01-2017

(01-31-2017, 12:53 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: I mean, I'm not making up this "cannot infringe upon free will" thing. Obviously Ra has limits to what they can and cannot say. Feeding the starving children didn't abridge anyone's free will, because no one gave up what they were doing in the Ra channeling to go feed hungry orphans.

I think it is a bit naive to think that even this simple information won't affect future actions. I can tell you that section definitely affected *my* future, and how I relate to certain individuals. The Ra material, as a whole, has CHANGED the futures of anybody who seriously read it. So if changing the future is the grounds by which Ra's wisdom crosses the line into 'infringing on free will', then the Ra material as a whole constitutes a massive infringement. The entire course of my life was changed by this material, and I'm just one individual. Consider that the sum effect must be, in actuality, quite massive.

I can't actually believe it works so simply. It just doesn't make any sense (at least, to my mind).

Also, just because someone didn't give up all their worldly possessions and devote themselves to feeding hungry orphans, doesn't mean that simple advice didn't profoundly affect their future behaviors/actions. That is a massive brush stroke to paint the course of temporal events with to make such a bold claim.

Ra wasn't limited by their effect on future actions per se from my point of view, but rather, by whether a given set of information was already available in the world at large in some way or some form (floating around somewhere in our social memory complex). I believe that is what they actually consider infringement on our future. That's why they couldn't give information with regards the crystal skull, for example, because the information was not known, yet other obscure information they *were* able to give, such as information on UFO's, metaphysical structures, and other interesting anomalous information because it *was* known by other members of our societal complex (it also seems if a given set of information was utterly unverifiable, they were also able to give information about it). That way, someone always has the free will to dismiss the information as having come from human minds -- thus they retain the free will to 'remain in confusion'.

(01-31-2017, 12:53 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: Telling people what they should and shouldn't eat eliminates a HUGE swath of catalyst/choice available for people. And for that example, it was still a direct response to a question of Don's, not something Ra offered freely.

The point of bringing that particular point up was that Ra corrected a mistaken assumption inherent in the question. The question is not significantly different from asking what dietary nutrients should be taken into the body complex for optimal health. The whole reason I presume you and Nia brought up free will in regards to the diet question posed to Ra was, to my understanding, because you believe Ra wanted to tell them to eat vegan, but was restrained by the free will of the question. So whether Ra offered it freely or not, doesn't really make a difference from my perspective. It still is a case in point example of Ra offering a correction of a mistaken assumption (i.e. they weren't limited to working with the presumption inherent in the question in regard to the information they could then distribute -- that would be a crippling limitation on teacher/student communication).

(01-31-2017, 12:53 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: And Ra doesn't advocate a vegan diet. Ra advocates eating only the amount of animals proteins that one truly needs for their body complex. The reason people get upset about this is because there is a huge discrepancy between how much meat people eat and how much meat we actually need. It's cultural.

I can't speak for others, but I don't think that is why people get upset (though it might upset some people). If all the meat producers in the world stopped distributing meat, I seriously doubt I would go out and hunt for meat (but then I come from a family of hunters, so who knows), but I would be fine with it mentally (and in time, I'm sure my body would adapt). What bothers me is when people presume to know what OTHER peoples bodies require as optimal fuel. That's when it becomes upsetting, because who can possibly know that? By the way, I'm not accusing you, personally, of that but if anybody thinks they know what another's body requires without recourse to their opinion as the indwelling creator of that body complex, they have stepped into a judgmental realm in my opinion.

(01-31-2017, 12:53 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: And you are the one who has previously told me that they reason it's okay to eat animals and not humans is because they are lesser than humans by being trapped in a second density body.

I'm sorry, but that is a blatant misrepresentation of what I have said.

I've actually never said anything close to that. You will never hear me say that animals are 'lesser' than humans, because I simply don't believe that, and never have believed that, thus I don't preach it as such. All I've ever said is that orange ray identified beings (2nd density) are DIFFERENT than yellow ray identified beings (3rd density). They follow different rules and are learning different lessons than a 3rd density being. Every density acts as nourishment for the density higher than them, though what constitutes 'food' becomes increasingly more subtle with each increasing threshold of consciousness.

(01-31-2017, 12:53 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: Anyway, if you feel there is a sense of a "right diet" being promulgated in this thread, I think you're taking issues with what the channelings say, not how they are being presented.

I have remarkably few problems with what Ra has said. I do occasionally take issue with certain peoples interpretations of what Ra has said. For example, what other reason would you possibly bring up the 'free will' issue with regard to Carla's dietary question if not to subtly imply that Ra really wanted to tell her not to eat meat but couldn't due to a free will barrier? If that is the case then you ARE promulgating a diet you think is the 'right one' (and by logical extension, you have adjudged a diet involving meat to be the 'wrong one'). Its fine if you feel that way, I'm just voicing my objection to it.

(01-31-2017, 12:53 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: Okay, but we evolved from chimps. Chimps very rarely eat anything other than fruit.

2-8% of a chimps diet is meat (depending on who you ask -- there is some dissenting opinion among experts). That is substantial in my opinion, even if most of their diet is not meat. But if your argument is: we shouldn't ever eat meat because we evolved from chimps and chimps don't eat that much meat you are essentially making the argument that the genetic apple doesn't fall far from the tree, so to speak. The thing is though, sometimes it does! So it really doesn't matter whether chimps eat meat or not because it doesn't have any bearing on what another group of bodies eats or does not eat, or craves or does not crave. All animals share a certain genetic heritage, and all animals have slightly different natures. There are always outliers in any group of normative characteristics.

(01-31-2017, 12:53 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: If we evolved more closely alongside wolves, this would be a better argument, but I would still advocate that part of the shift from third to fourth density would involve a more conscious awareness of how and what we eat. The thing about animals is that the veil doesn't distort their communion with each other, even in the eating of each other. Humans have severely distorted meat and the consumption of meat. That's really the biggest problem. Ra even makes the comment about "animal protein which has been slaughtered and preservatives added in order to maintain the acceptability to your peoples of this non-living, physical material. It is well to attempt to find those items which are fresh and of the best quality possible". This is obviously a judgement by Ra that what we are eating is not optimal for our bodily complexes - at least, the way we harvest it is wrong. And again, my point was that almost all of our meat is handled this way. Most carnivores or omnivores eat meat while it's still alive. Carrion eaters, which we more closely resemble, have digestive systems meant to handle the types of pathogens that old meat creates. We have to substitute this with antibiotics, chemicals, cooking, etc.

I more interpreted Ra's words to suggest it was preservatives that were the main concern. That is why Ra said it is well to find those items which are fresh and of the best quality possible. Keep in mind, they were still on the subject of meat at that point. Fresh meat = better than dead meat filled with preservatives. I don't believe Ra was attempting to be cryptic or mysterious there or tip toeing around free will issues. They were simply pointing out that preservatives remove life force, which I've known for most of my life (and they have essentially stated meat is effective for lessening the distortion towards low vital energy, which I've also known my whole life, provided it is fresh). I've heard many other channeled entities state the same thing. The thing about preservatives is that in order to preserve food you have to kill or immobilize that which is active within it. Food doesn't actually go bad, technically speaking, rather, something just eats it before you do. But if you make the matter in question unappealing even to those bacteria, we might want to ask ourselves why even these lower vibrational 2nd density forms won't even partake of it (answer: because the life force was removed). This applies to far more than just meat of course.  

(01-31-2017, 12:53 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: As conscious channeling, from someone who ate meat and didn't take too much care with their diet (Carla), don't you think the "distortion" would go a different way? Also, I posted the quotes in the context of the OP's request. I know you don't read Q'uo. I don't know anyone who considers Q'uo "on the same level as Ra". I see Q'uo as a companion to Ra, and the quotes perfectly acceptable and ontopic to the discussion. I understand that you disagree with them, although the quotes posted really just echo what Ra has said, too.

Your quotes were perfectly applicable to the OP's thread. I was just voicing my opinion on channeled material in regards to dietary matters (and in particular, my opinions on consciously channeled material), which, in my opinion, is also quite applicable to the OP's thread. In summary, not a fan of it, and the more I see people post conscious channeling as proof or "confirmation" of their views the more thoroughly convinced I've become that conscious channeling pretty much invariably just reflects the latently conscious opinions of the so called 'channeler'.

I also don't think it is necessarily fair to Carla to say she didn't take much care with her diet. That fact that they posed these questions to Ra specifically in regards her diet, is pretty good evidence she DID take care with her diet. It seems like you are drawing that conclusion solely based on the fact that she partook of meat? Or maybe you have information about Carla I'm not privy too? I always got the impression she took her health pretty seriously.

(01-31-2017, 12:53 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: Anyway, I've seen no one in this thread advocating "one true diet". Did anyone even mention veganism in the context of channeled quotes before you went on a tirade against it?

Tirade against veganism? I think that is a bit of an overly dramatic characterization of my post. I actually spoke very favorably of veganism if you had cared to notice. For the record, I think veganism is great. I also think ketogenic diets are great, and paleo diets are great. I think a lot of different diets are great. Many people find health in different ways.

(01-31-2017, 12:53 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: 1. Respect for your body (and subsequently, the bodies of other selves)
2. Have a positive attitude towards food
3. Listen to the body, honestly, and stop ingesting that which does it harm

Do you believe these are contradicted in the Ra material? Do you believe this is advocating "one true diet"?

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here. Why would I think the Ra material contradicted these ideas? Should I? I can't think of any part of my previous post that implied such.

The bit about "the one true diet" was an allusion to how religion and diet are similar in many respects. Most religions believe they have the the one correct conception of the divine and all others have incorrect conceptions of the divine. In reality, they all have pieces of the correct image, and none have the full truth. That was the only point being made by that phrase. I apologize if that wasn't clear for some reason.

(01-31-2017, 12:53 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: It is obvious to me that Ra advocates a conscious awareness while eating food, and that healing can be affected by a change in diet. This is why I feel compelled to speak out when people appear to advocate that the Ra material promises freedom for entities to consume whatever they please without any ill effects. If you have any other quotes that support this, or whatever point you're trying to make (if I'm missing it), I'd certainly be happy to hear them.

If it appears I was advocating one true diet, that is my personal bias, and I apologize. My true intentions were to highlight that there can be a spiritual link to what one eats - no, not that there "can be", but that there "is", especially for those of us who are already aware that we are balancing our mind/body/spirit complexes. And that if you begin to hone that link, and use the transformation of the mind, that these things take care of themselves.

I'll end this post the same way I did my first post, which was a request by Ra to not overthink these things critically or logically.

While I'm not sure if I would agree with your interpretation that Ra was requesting us not to 'overthink' things, it might be good advice nonetheless.

But as a counterbalance, I would only suggest we should probably not 'underthink' these things either.

I apologize if my words offended anyone in any way. I didn't really want to turn this thread into another rehashed veg/meat debate, but it seems pretty much impossible to broach certain subjects without such occurring. I think veganism is just fine.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Diana - 02-01-2017

We are all who we are at this moment. We are all evolving (I don't see any arguments against this observation).

"Diet" is an unfortunate word with connotations and stigma, much like the word "God." What one eats is a choice. The choice may be unconscious, but it's still a choice.

One may come to the level of consciousness where listening to one's body is possible. One may reach a level of consciousness where a connection is felt between self and other-selves, and to all things.

With an open heart, it's difficult to be here as this place is so full of suffering and harm. It's also full of beauty and possibilities. But when it comes to surviving in a 3D body, one must make choices about what to eat, or perish (until such time that human consciousness evolves to a gentler or more creative energy exchange).

So, ask yourself what you care about, and make choices. Are you (to no one in particular) interested primarily in your physical body health? Are you interested in the health of the planet and ecosystem? Are you interested in the welfare of all living things? Does all of this matter to you?

You will know what to do. 

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - xise - 02-02-2017

Long time since I posted here. I wanted to briefly share my dietary experiences in the last two and half years:

I've been vegan since Fall of 2014. Compared to vegetarianism it's much, much harder for me, mostly for social reasons. I was a vegetarian for about 14 years of my life (though only vegetarian 3 years prior to Fall of 2014). As a vegan, I find that I literally can't eat much at the overwhelming majority of restaurants my meat eating friends attend, which usually had a vegetarian dish or two. I find myself repeatedly having to deny food at dinners/parties/networking events from hosts because it's not vegan, and they almost always ask for the reason.

Diet is a personal choice. It's good to listen to one's body, but I find people use this advice in a very shallow way. If you give this advice to a (drug) addict, they might reason that they need their addiction. So the question often becomes, of those people who use the argument 'listen to your body', how many have truly tried a vegetarian diet for 3 months? a vegan one? One cannot listen to your body without taking a deep view and really giving humane/animal compassion alternative diets a chance. But let's not discount it's hard. It's really hard to be vegan for me, and I assume others will have the same difficulty for vegetarian diets. And it's even harder if one is psychologically addicted to meat.

Vegetarianism has been proven to work for hundreds of thousands of people over thousands of years - research Jainism, so while it's possible Jains have some special gene or trait, it's more likely that everyone can exist is a vegetarian. But whether they want to, or whether they value compassion toward high sentience 2D entities such as animals more so than they value the large personal difficulty in switching or trying to switch diets, that's up to them. I have to admit that though I consider animal compassion a high priority in my life, even I'm considering returning to a vegetarian diet knowing full well about the $%^ stands for cows giving milk, male chicks being ground alive in the egg industry, and other atrocities. Though to be honest, I don't think I will. Every day I continue to remain a vegan, it gets easier - I find new recipes, I become better at cooking vegan, I find pre-existing vegan restaurants, and vegan foods are becoming more and more popular at the grocery store. So I suppose only time will tell.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Minyatur - 02-02-2017

(01-31-2017, 07:09 AM)Nía Wrote: It is not possible for a compassionate entity who consciously faces this reality (being an illusion doesn't make the experiences less real, or less important, as you know) to be responsible for more of this type of suffering than absolutely non-avoidable. Yes, I'm being emotional there, because I have seen and felt (and heard, and smelled) that suffering innumerable times.

I think this is untrue. In most cases I'd agree but this is highly untrue in the case of wanderers because there will be many of them who already contain knowing better than this. This form of compassion has a threshold that is a step of light that allows you to reach a higher and purer degree of love that does not hurt itself with others but instead perceive the meaning, purpose and beauty of suffering.

Offering the service of meat eating whilst in a balanced and loving state can be a very good service as while it may sound counter-intuitive, one day most eaten animal will have to go through a phase where they will need to forgive themselves to have required to be eaten by other-selves (considering that most other-selves do this while hurting themselves in the process and also require to be in a hurt state to begin with) to become that which they desired to become through it. The only thing with this service is that it is heavy in this nature, so you have to be wiling to entangle yourself with these energies in a conscious fashion because they will weight on you.

I get that I may come off as non-compassionate quite a lot as my energy field probably may seem like an enclosed shell to most people on this forum and I still got many programmed barriers to go through before I can have a truly open emotional body in my normal sober state, but I did see myself without this shell, with my barriers removed and with my emotional body fully open, and I saw the highest form of compassion known to my soul that I desire to come to crystalize for good within this self that I am, and it is highly dissonant with your statement. In my highest love I'd be more likely to roll myself on the ground finding it hard to cope with the beauty of each being/event within this world than I'd be to be unable to provide this type of service in a compassionate state.

It is to be taken into account though that most wanderers here are the brothers and sisters of sorrow, and those are literally the ones who do not desire to walk the step I mentioned. They avoid finding joy for what makes them feel sorrow, but as they wander world after world it remains a step that they will walk and then they will rejoice in that the Creator seeks suffering because they will understand why it is sought. I must say I believe there are members on this forum who do contain knowing better but struggle to desire to reach the portion of themselves that does because just like the brothers and sisters of sorrow, they are in a state where it feels more right to be hurt by the suffering of others than it is seek to move beyond this and find love for it unfolding as it unfolds.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Diana - 02-03-2017

(02-02-2017, 09:45 PM)Minyatur Wrote: I think this is untrue. In most cases I'd agree but this is highly untrue in the case of wanderers because there will be many of them who already contain knowing better than this. This form of compassion has a threshold that is a step of light that allows you to reach a higher and purer degree of love that does not hurt itself with others but instead perceive the meaning, purpose and beauty of suffering.

Suffering, and observing suffering while understanding free will is one thing. It's another thing entirely to contribute to suffering.

I so totally disagree that eating meat is a service. I understand the theory of what you and others are saying. But this a service to whom, to what? Why even do it? Because you want to help the animals? Why not just cause no harm to suffering animals and let them have their free will without trying to control it, or guide them with your superior wisdom? Why is it your job to interpret, control, and be involved in the suffering of other-selves (animals) to the extent you are involved in it in this manner? 

Why not just let them be free? Why not let them have the freedom to go about their journeys, as we have, in their own way? In order to do that, you must disengage, detach from any involvement, just as Ra was so careful not to infringe upon free will.

Are you trying to say that some wanderers (and do I presume you are one?) here are so advanced they can eat meat, see the beauty in the suffering of the animals who were tortured and slaughtered, and that makes it okay to contribute to barbaric and inhumane treatment of life forms other than human? Are you going to also contribute to the torture and slaughter of humans because in a higher consciousness you perceive the meaning, purpose, and beauty of suffering? Do you not think, that perhaps, at that level of awareness, you would not be involved in the drama at all?

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Nía - 02-03-2017

I am completely with Diana there, as you might have guessed. Smile

Something else occurred to me when re-reading session 102:

(01-31-2017, 02:06 AM)anagogy Wrote: 1) Carla's physiology was soooooo different from us "normie" humans that meat was good for her but not the rest of humanity, 

Maybe that's not as unlikely as it might seem (her physiology having been different), as this suggestion doesn't seem to be suited too well for 'the rest of humanity':

Ra Wrote:Ra: I am Ra. The liquids not containing carbonation, the well-cooked vegetable which is most light and soft, the well-cooked grains, the non-fatted meat such as the fish. You may note that some recommended foodstuffs overlap allergies and sensitivities due to the juvenile rheumatoid arthritic distortions. Further, although sugar such as is in your sweetened desserts represents a potential, we may suggest that it be included at this period for aforementioned reasons.

Plus, there was much at stake if the contact could not continue due to health reasons on Carla's side.


RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Minyatur - 02-03-2017

(02-03-2017, 12:17 AM)Diana Wrote: Suffering, and observing suffering while understanding free will is one thing. It's another thing entirely to contribute to suffering.

Well yeah sure they are two different things. But so long a service cannot be provided in a conscious and balanced fashion, it will require other-selves to be in a unconscious and unbalanced state for it to be provided. Isn't that why this place is veiled to begin with?

Like I said many times on this forum, anything can be done through love and compassion with the right understanding.

(02-03-2017, 12:17 AM)Diana Wrote: I so totally disagree that eating meat is a service. I understand the theory of what you and others are saying. But this a service to whom, to what? Why even do it? Because you want to help the animals? Why not just cause no harm to suffering animals and let them have their free will without trying to control it, or guide them with your superior wisdom? Why is it your job to interpret, control, and be involved in the suffering of other-selves (animals) to the extent you are involved in it in this manner? 

Well I beg to differ.

When i sought to know why my heart feels differently about this than your own (or others'), as more unconscious I considered that to be the default normal state I should be feeling about it, I saw that it was a service I required for myself and came to distill and accept and even forgive myself to have required. Through the Law of One this distillment of my own catalysts extends in acceptance to others and how hypocrite would it be for my soul to feel it is wrong to partake in an activity I had initially required others to also provide to me?

(02-03-2017, 12:17 AM)Diana Wrote: Why not just let them be free? Why not let them have the freedom to go about their journeys, as we have, in their own way? In order to do that, you must disengage, detach from any involvement, just as Ra was so careful not to infringe upon free will.

Well isn't this exactly what this is about? How is their spirit moving to a time/space of sure death and pain not their own journey? Or maybe you'd rather deny them this path and do know better what another's journey should be?

If this planet stopped providing this service, you'd probably see a lot of higher selves moving their 2D spirits to other worlds that will.

(02-03-2017, 12:17 AM)Diana Wrote: Are you trying to say that some wanderers (and do I presume you are one?) here are so advanced they can eat meat, see the beauty in the suffering of the animals who were tortured and slaughtered, and that makes it okay to contribute to barbaric and inhumane treatment of life forms other than human? Are you going to also contribute to the torture and slaughter of humans because in a higher consciousness you perceive the meaning, purpose, and beauty of suffering? Do you not think, that perhaps, at that level of awareness, you would not be involved in the drama at all?

Well like I already said, it is a required service. So beyond what I do as an individualization, it remains sought by the Creator and will manifest in others whom I also am.

I know it'd be much freeing to stop being entangled with these energies, but that'd just be to pass on the dirty work to others strictly. In my view it's always a matter of resonance, so I can only explore why I was and still am resonant with it and will see that I am unable to carry it on once dissonant.

I'd venture to say altogether that the souls who struggle the most with this are the ones who evolved through a peaceful and harmonious 2D where they have experienced freedom and being invested into with love, whereas the ones who don't find much struggle in this, of whom many are quite the loving souls, are the ones who experienced a similar 2D, distilled it and healed from it.

This is the mechanic I see played out on this forum and I think with our veils removed it'd be fairly obvious why each feels as it feels and as such there would be much less misunderstandings about this subject.

Truth is, I don't doubt that I'll go vegan in this life nor that my soul will drop entangling itself with the karma of meat eating at some point. But, truth be told, it won't ever be for the reasons you don't and if I had to move through 2D again I'd still want a play of light and dark to shape me more than light solely.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Diana - 02-03-2017

(02-03-2017, 10:04 AM)Minyatur Wrote:
(02-03-2017, 12:17 AM)Diana Wrote: Suffering, and observing suffering while understanding free will is one thing. It's another thing entirely to contribute to suffering.

Well yeah sure they are two different things. But so long a service cannot be provided in a conscious and balanced fashion, it will require other-selves to be in a unconscious and unbalanced state for it to be provided. Isn't that why this place is veiled to begin with?

Like I said many times on this forum, anything can be done through love and compassion with the right understanding.

Providing service in a conscious and balanced fashion is like trying to control another's catalyst. Any being will find the catalyst needed. You do not have to provide it. If you are wanting to do that, it is a catalyst for you.

Consider Ra. They did "answer the call." But they did absolutely nothing but offer the sort of support that requires the recipient to do all the work. They didn't guide us to the slaughter, kill us, and eat us. They simply put forth information and sent love with no free will infringement. Regarding animals—feed them if they're starving (from Ra), send them love.

By acting on your imagined, intuited, or otherwise guessed-at reasons for offering this service, you are becoming karmically entangled with the whole mess by seeking to control another's evolution. It reminds me of the Christian Jesus, taking sins away from the masses, denying them the opportunity to figure it out for themselves and own their own progress.

(02-03-2017, 10:04 AM)Minyatur Wrote: When i sought to know why my heart feels differently about this than your own (or others'), as more unconscious I considered that to be the default normal state I should be feeling about it, I saw that it was a service I required for myself and came to distill and accept and even forgive myself to have required. Through the Law of One this distillment of my own catalysts extends in acceptance to others and how hypocrite would it be for my soul to feel it is wrong to partake in an activity I had initially required others to also provide to me?

Okay. So this is your catalyst. It's wonderful you can forgive yourself. But this derives from you. Let's not pretend it's the higher consciousness view, where suffering is seen as beautiful (I'm not denying that concept), and because of that, choices to contribute to suffering are more evolved than choices not to.

(02-03-2017, 10:04 AM)Minyatur Wrote:
(02-03-2017, 12:17 AM)Diana Wrote: Why not just let them be free? Why not let them have the freedom to go about their journeys, as we have, in their own way? In order to do that, you must disengage, detach from any involvement, just as Ra was so careful not to infringe upon free will.

Well isn't this exactly what this is about? How is their spirit moving to a time/space of sure death and pain not their own journey? Or maybe you'd rather deny them this path and do know better what another's journey should be?

If this planet stopped providing this service, you'd probably see a lot of higher selves moving their 2D spirits to other worlds that will.

So? That may be true, and it may not be. The question always is, what do YOU want to do. Not: Okay, some people need to be tortured and murdered so I will provide that service. Do you not see the flawed logic here?

(02-03-2017, 10:04 AM)Minyatur Wrote: Well like I already said, it is a required service. So beyond what I do as an individualization, it remains sought by the Creator and will manifest in others whom I also am.

I know it'd be much freeing to stop being entangled with these energies, but that'd just be to pass on the dirty work to others strictly. In my view it's always a matter of resonance, so I can only explore why I was and still am resonant with it and will see that I am unable to carry it on once dissonant.

There is no reason at all to do "the dirty work." This sounds like a messiah complex to me. Or simply a justification to do something unnecessary. It's something you are working out in your own journey for whatever reasons.

Minyatur, I love your philosophical mind. I don't mean to single you out, but I see posting here as a responsibility beyond my own personal reasons. There are many, many people who come here to read. This is why I challenge the concept that eating animals is an advanced and higher consciousness sort of service. In doing so, it is not my intention to control what others think, rather, as part of a collective community here, I offer my individual views as a part of that whole.

(02-03-2017, 10:04 AM)Minyatur Wrote: I'd venture to say altogether that the souls who struggle the most with this are the ones who evolved through a peaceful and harmonious 2D where they have experienced freedom and being invested into with love, whereas the ones who don't find much struggle in this, of whom many are quite the loving souls, are the ones who experienced a similar 2D, distilled it and healed from it.

This is a very simplistic supposition. Though it's not out of the realm of possibilities. But where does that leave us in terms of evolving as we are all doing whether we know it or not?

Doing service here, by enmeshing one's self in the karmic goings-on, seems fine at the level of the karmic mess here. Beyond that, one would not be directly involved as one would have moved past it. This is my opinion. Detachment, not attachment, in my experience is the higher consciousness state. That is not to say detachment is without love, just the opposite; detachment is a precursor to unconditional love while attachment demands conditional love in my view.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Diana - 02-03-2017

(02-01-2017, 04:22 AM)anagogy Wrote: The point of bringing that particular point up was that Ra corrected a mistaken assumption inherent in the question. The question is not significantly different from asking what dietary nutrients should be taken into the body complex for optimal health. The whole reason I presume you and Nia brought up free will in regards to the diet question posed to Ra was, to my understanding, because you believe Ra wanted to tell them to eat vegan, but was restrained by the free will of the question. So whether Ra offered it freely or not, doesn't really make a difference from my perspective. It still is a case in point example of Ra offering a correction of a mistaken assumption (i.e. they weren't limited to working with the presumption inherent in the question in regard to the information they could then distribute -- that would be a crippling limitation on teacher/student communication).

Let's not forget that Carla was the channel. Carla had distortions as we all do. Ra was channeled through her paradigms/filters. Whatever information we got from Ra came through her. She ate fast-food burgers, and had "beliefs" about what foods were "good" for her. I won't judge that, but I see that as a paradigm.

I think it's presumptuous to say Jade and Nia thought Ra wanted to tell Carla to be vegan, and rather insulting. My perception is that they are both more intelligent and open-mined than that. Ra probably would have loved to tell Carla to drink light for sustenance, but that's not possible here, yet. Vegan is not the end-all and be-all; it's merely a step toward light.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - xise - 02-03-2017

(02-03-2017, 01:41 PM)Diana Wrote:
(02-01-2017, 04:22 AM)anagogy Wrote: The point of bringing that particular point up was that Ra corrected a mistaken assumption inherent in the question. The question is not significantly different from asking what dietary nutrients should be taken into the body complex for optimal health. The whole reason I presume you and Nia brought up free will in regards to the diet question posed to Ra was, to my understanding, because you believe Ra wanted to tell them to eat vegan, but was restrained by the free will of the question. So whether Ra offered it freely or not, doesn't really make a difference from my perspective. It still is a case in point example of Ra offering a correction of a mistaken assumption (i.e. they weren't limited to working with the presumption inherent in the question in regard to the information they could then distribute -- that would be a crippling limitation on teacher/student communication).

Let's not forget that Carla was the channel. Carla had distortions as we all do. Ra was channeled through her paradigms/filters. Whatever information we got from Ra came through her. She ate fast-food burgers, and had "beliefs" about what foods were "good" for her. I won't judge that, but I see that as a paradigm....

Ra also makes 'mistakes' (I use the term loosely, because in the grand sense, there are no mistakes, but I mean it as doing something intending a certain result but getting a different, unexpected one). They admit to mistakes freely regarding their time on the physical plane with regards to empowering those who only cared about power.

Ra also their own distortions. To me, a person used to reading a lot of conservative lawyer jargon when a lawyer wants to give the most conservative advice possible without giving bad advice or getting into trouble, a lot of Ra's discussion of they-can't-answer-a-question-due-to-free-will, but wait sometimes they can answer a borderline question despite free will (and usually rationalize a little bit out loud), sounds like an entity that is really unsure of the bounds of infringement upon free will but is taking a safe conservative approach. Which for me again reinforces the idea that they aren't anywhere close to perfect, and that Ra themselves are still figuring things out, and sometimes give no or limited advice on subjects that they could actually offer a lot more guidance, their free will concerns notwithstanding.

I'll probably make a post about my personal journey for the last two and a half years at some point, but if anything, my personal experiences indicate that there is a lot of confusion and uncertainty and lack of understanding (and disagreement) by higher discarnate positive entities on how best to help humans. I think in a certain sense these entities, by trying to teach us, are also heavily learning about wisdom and compassion, and don't always get it 'right' (or anywhere close to right as shown by Ra empowering power-hungry entities when they came physically; using the word right loosely again as bringing about intended results).

So I really don't think you can treat what Ra said about diet as gospel - considering Carla's distortions, considering Ra's fallibility, considering Ra's tendency to tip-toe around subjects due to free will concerns, and especially considering how limited Don's inquiries were about the subject.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - Minyatur - 02-03-2017

(02-03-2017, 01:12 PM)Diana Wrote:
(02-03-2017, 10:04 AM)Minyatur Wrote: Well yeah sure they are two different things. But so long a service cannot be provided in a conscious and balanced fashion, it will require other-selves to be in a unconscious and unbalanced state for it to be provided. Isn't that why this place is veiled to begin with?

Like I said many times on this forum, anything can be done through love and compassion with the right understanding.

Providing service in a conscious and balanced fashion is like trying to control another's catalyst. Any being will find the catalyst needed. You do not have to provide it. If you are wanting to do that, it is a catalyst for you.

Consider Ra. They did "answer the call." But they did absolutely nothing but offer the sort of support that requires the recipient to do all the work. They didn't guide us to the slaughter, kill us, and eat us. They simply put forth information and sent love with no free will infringement. Regarding animals—feed them if they're starving (from Ra), send them love.

By acting on your imagined, intuited, or otherwise guessed-at reasons for offering this service, you are becoming karmically entangled with the whole mess by seeking to control another's evolution. It reminds me of the Christian Jesus, taking sins away from the masses, denying them the opportunity to figure it out for themselves and own their own progress.

I don't think you have much ability to impose a form of control by buying meat at a grocery store or odering a form of food that contains meat.

What tells you that meat does not call to be eaten and integrated within a living body? For it's energies to be transmuted?

(02-03-2017, 01:12 PM)Diana Wrote:
(02-03-2017, 10:04 AM)Minyatur Wrote: When i sought to know why my heart feels differently about this than your own (or others'), as more unconscious I considered that to be the default normal state I should be feeling about it, I saw that it was a service I required for myself and came to distill and accept and even forgive myself to have required. Through the Law of One this distillment of my own catalysts extends in acceptance to others and how hypocrite would it be for my soul to feel it is wrong to partake in an activity I had initially required others to also provide to me?

Okay. So this is your catalyst. It's wonderful you can forgive yourself. But this derives from you. Let's not pretend it's the higher consciousness view, where suffering is seen as beautiful (I'm not denying that concept), and because of that, choices to contribute to suffering are more evolved than choices not to.

I think it is important to note that I did not say that, but merely that it is doable from an open heart and a state of compassion.

It is not my catalyst per say as much as it is a repeating pattern of Creation in the interaction of 3D with 2D which we all have the duty to distill in our own time. If I'm able to see why I could be born as a 2D being who was mistrated to create distortions in my following evolution, then I can accept that others follow similar footsteps for similar reasons because they also desire to share a fate similar to my own. And this in turn reduces the karmic involvement I have in dwelling in these energies.

(02-03-2017, 01:12 PM)Diana Wrote:
(02-03-2017, 10:04 AM)Minyatur Wrote: Well isn't this exactly what this is about? How is their spirit moving to a time/space of sure death and pain not their own journey? Or maybe you'd rather deny them this path and do know better what another's journey should be?

If this planet stopped providing this service, you'd probably see a lot of higher selves moving their 2D spirits to other worlds that will.

So? That may be true, and it may not be. The question always is, what do YOU want to do. Not: Okay, some people need to be tortured and murdered so I will provide that service. Do you not see the flawed logic here?

No, I do not see the flawed logic. I've also been tortured and murdered in my soul's past just like I also tortured and murdered others, so even these are services I consider myself to contain on both ends and to have distilled.

I am not in a state where I am resonant with offering these services to others and I doubt I'd be in any way able to hurt an animal directly as I am now, but to eat meat is not challenging to me with the level of entanglement I have and so far this has yet to change.

Those who provide a service are always those resonant with providing this service, else they'd be doing what they are resonant with.

(02-03-2017, 01:12 PM)Diana Wrote:
(02-03-2017, 10:04 AM)Minyatur Wrote: Well like I already said, it is a required service. So beyond what I do as an individualization, it remains sought by the Creator and will manifest in others whom I also am.

I know it'd be much freeing to stop being entangled with these energies, but that'd just be to pass on the dirty work to others strictly. In my view it's always a matter of resonance, so I can only explore why I was and still am resonant with it and will see that I am unable to carry it on once dissonant.

There is no reason at all to do "the dirty work." This sounds like a messiah complex to me. Or simply a justification to do something unnecessary. It's something you are working out in your own journey for whatever reasons.

Minyatur, I love your philosophical mind. I don't mean to single you out, but I see posting here as a responsibility beyond my own personal reasons. There are many, many people who come here to read. This is why I challenge the concept that eating animals is an advanced and higher consciousness sort of service. In doing so, it is not my intention to control what others think, rather, as part of a collective community here, I offer my individual views as a part of that whole.

Here I'd like to offer a somewhat perhaps counter-intuitive notion. Threads about meat eating are the threads in which I write that empowers most my heart ray because to write all that I write requires to really dive within myself to find where my heart lies. So I guess in this case I'm more compassionate toward 2D lifeforms than I am with humans.

So I don't say these things without love and instead saying these things align me more with love. I do love your heart, but to me it is not necessary either that it endlessly tortures itself with all these things either, however beautiful that is. I'm not trying to get any vegan to eat meat, but it is hard to not perceive how much they can torture themselves with this catalyst which indicates a period of distilling something and as such I provide the inspiration I get from reading.

You can be in a state where you'd be able to eat meat in compassion, but that would in no way obligate you to do so. Though, maybe if I was a 2D animal, I'd be happy to one day evolve into something that'd see it had been eaten by you without you having hurt yourself over it and then I'd get to enjoy a Creator to Creator entanglement in-between us that would reach far beyond that event.

I get how it can sound as philosophy but to me it's not so much about philosophy. I put into complex wording feelings I don't know how to share without complex wording.

(02-03-2017, 01:12 PM)Diana Wrote:
(02-03-2017, 10:04 AM)Minyatur Wrote: I'd venture to say altogether that the souls who struggle the most with this are the ones who evolved through a peaceful and harmonious 2D where they have experienced freedom and being invested into with love, whereas the ones who don't find much struggle in this, of whom many are quite the loving souls, are the ones who experienced a similar 2D, distilled it and healed from it.

This is a very simplistic supposition. Though it's not out of the realm of possibilities. But where does that leave us in terms of evolving as we are all doing whether we know it or not?

Doing service here, by enmeshing one's self in the karmic goings-on, seems fine at the level of the karmic mess here. Beyond that, one would not be directly involved as one would have moved past it. This is my opinion. Detachment, not attachment, in my experience is the higher consciousness state. That is not to say detachment is without love, just the opposite; detachment is a precursor to unconditional love while attachment demands conditional love in my view.

It is simplistic because it is just a matter of picnic and my picnic is neither one of light or darkness but one of both light and darkness. So I did not want to grow in plain love and I don't want to be something that knows only to provide plain love.

I do agree though that consciously evolving, despite everything I said, will include letting go of such things because everything you dwell in that is not healthy for others won't ever be much healthy for yourself. But it goes back to what I said that when I stop it won't be for the reason you and others have stopped.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - anagogy - 02-04-2017

(02-03-2017, 05:25 AM)Nía Wrote: Maybe that's not as unlikely as it might seem (her physiology having been different), as this suggestion doesn't seem to be suited too well for 'the rest of humanity':

Ra Wrote:Ra: I am Ra. The liquids not containing carbonation, the well-cooked vegetable which is most light and soft, the well-cooked grains, the non-fatted meat such as the fish. You may note that some recommended foodstuffs overlap allergies and sensitivities due to the juvenile rheumatoid arthritic distortions. Further, although sugar such as is in your sweetened desserts represents a potential, we may suggest that it be included at this period for aforementioned reasons.

Plus, there was much at stake if the contact could not continue due to health reasons on Carla's side.


Carla was great and all, and I respect the hell out of her, but I really think this is just wishful thinking. That is to say, it doesn't feel even remotely like an actual real world possibility to me. If it did, I would admit it, I assure you. I would be the first to sacrifice my sacred cows of dogma. To be honest, this sort of thinking just comes across to me as a more subdued version of religious hero worship. Give it a couple hundred years, and Carla will be transformed into the equivalent of the Virgin Mary for the "Church of Ra". Virtually all religious icons eventually get elevated in the minds of their followers to near super human status. It happened to Jesus with Christianity, it happened to Muhammad with Islam, it happened to Joseph Smith with Mormonism, it happened to L Ron Hubbard with the Church of Scientology, it happened to Siddhartha Gautama with Buddhism. Everybody wants the people who play a role in bringing forth what they perceive as great and awe inspiring philosophies to not be as human as the rest of us.

My advice is: don't drink the kool aid. They're just like the rest of us, for the most part. More alike us than different, I assure you.

I'm not sure what, precisely, you were attempting to point out here with your bolded text and what not. Maybe you can be more clear what you saw in it. I think Carla's body was just like your average 3rd density vehicle with various distortions such as allergies and what not. It is true there is a degree of variation among people, but not to the extent you're implying. At least, that is my gut sense about the issue.

(02-03-2017, 01:41 PM)Diana Wrote: I think it's presumptuous to say Jade and Nia thought Ra wanted to tell Carla to be vegan, and rather insulting. My perception is that they are both more intelligent and open-mined than that.

You know, I find this rather interesting because what you've stated right here comes across as *FAR* more presumptuous, judgmental, and insulting than anything I said, or commented upon.

Without having any idea why they said what they said in the first place, you've essentially casually implied that if that was, in fact, what they thought, then they are unintelligent, and close minded for thinking that.

Even *I* would not have went so far as to imply that. I more took it as an innocent, albeit misguided perspective, which I was happy to point out the limitations of. And by the way, no alternative explanation for bringing up free will in regards to Carla's dietary instruction has been brought up, and as such, I still can't think of even a single alternate reasoning for that particular point.

I'm sure you probably will say you didn't mean to imply such a thing, but it is interesting how words can come across isn't it? Tricksy little hobbits aren't they?

(02-03-2017, 01:41 PM)Diana Wrote: Let's not forget that Carla was the channel. Carla had distortions as we all do. Ra was channeled through her paradigms/filters. Whatever information we got from Ra came through her.

I actually emphatically disagree with your assertion right here.

Do you want to know what separates a sixth density "narrow band" contact from your regular old hum drum channeling?

Well, I'm glad you asked, it is precisely the fact that it is *NOT* being filtered through the channeler's paradigms/filters. That is why it is a far more advanced feat to receive such a communication.

Consider the following exchange:

Quote:21.1 Questioner: I have a couple of questions I don’t want to forget to ask in this period. I’ll ask them first.

The first question is: Would the future content of this book be affected in any way if the instrument reads the material we have already obtained?

Ra: I am Ra. The future, as you measure in time/space, communications which we offer through this instrument have no connection with the instrument’s mind complex. This is due to two things: first, the fidelity of the instrument in dedicating its will to the service of the Infinite Creator; secondly, the distortion/understanding of our social memory complex that the most efficient way to communicate material with as little distortion as possible, given the necessity of the use of sound vibration complexes, is to remove the conscious mind complex from the spirit/mind/body complex so that we may communicate without reference to any instrument orientation.

21.2 Questioner: A little appendage to this. Do you use your vocabulary or the instrument’s vocabulary to communicate with us?

Ra: I am Ra. We use the vocabulary of the language with which you are familiar. This is not the instrument’s vocabulary. However, this particular mind/body/spirit complex retains the use of a sufficiently large number of sound vibration complexes that the distinction is often without any importance.

This is precisely WHY the Ra material is so filled with Light.

You see, it wasn't a case of "vibrational thought balls" being injected into the mind of a channeler, that she was then "unpacking" and delivering in her own personal super special unique way. This is what separates a narrow band sixth density contact from other forms of channeling. The Ra social memory complex was literally removing her m/b/s complex from her physical body, entering her physical body and manipulating (and not that gracefully I might add) her vocal chords to enunciate the words of Ra in modern English.

Now, of course, this doesn't mean anyone should take the Ra material as gospel, and Ra still makes mistakes (which, I'll admit, does surprise me that a sixth density being is even capable of such) but most of the errors in transmission had to do with numbering which is a foreign concept in sixth density. Forgivable crime to my way of reckoning. Had they wanted, they could have manifested a complete physical body to speak their words with, but they learned the folly of this type of aid back in ancient times.

Anyway, point being that they weren't talking through Carla's mind during the Ra contact -- they were addressing a sixth density being manipulating the vocal chords of Carla's physical apparatus -- a distinction of some significance in my humble opinion.

(02-03-2017, 01:41 PM)Diana Wrote: She ate fast-food burgers, and had "beliefs" about what foods were "good" for her. I won't judge that, but I see that as a paradigm.

I'm guessing that you brought up fast food burgers because you have assumed this is some kind of proof that she ate unhealthily (I apologize if I'm jumping to conclusions, I just can't think of any other reason why you would see the need to include this particular detail of her diet). This would be a presumptuous thing to assume. I can tell you matter of factly, though I'm sure most don't want to believe or even hear this, that when you align yourself with intelligent infinity, you would be shocked at the things summoned into your diet for the optimal health of your body. Simply put, you can't even summarily write off the food you might partake of at a fast food joint. Simply put, no part of the creation is complete waste to be sloughed off and never thought of again. The creation is enormously efficient in its application of the elements of experience.

No one can know what nutrients the indwelling creator needs to reform the pattern of illusions that comprise the mind, body, and spirit and thus perfect the body complex in this present moment.

The laws of god do not follow the intellectual edicts of 3rd density new age raw foodists, or dietetic experts/professors, or even your local green smoothie drinking health guru. Infinite intelligence will defy all such limitations, lest you reduce god to some kind of formula or rule. In the same way that you cannot judge the polarity of an act by its outward appearance, nothing can be written off dietary wise by its outer appearance. All has value in a certain context. And even the seemingly healthiest of the healthy food will be improperly absorbed and utilized if that alignment is not present.

Please, understand, I mean no offense to anyone. I'm only working through my own distortions, and trying to help others to do the same in the process. Take what resonates with you, and discard the rest if you must. The judgments we apply to others, we apply to ourselves.

RE: Diet Guidance from Channelings? - sjel - 02-04-2017

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