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Uncomfortable Dreams - AnthroHeart - 01-13-2017

Do others here tend to mostly have uncomfortable dreams? Usually where the situation is a little uneasy?
Like you're at school or in a lab and not able to do things right, or not know what to do?

I feel lost in many of the dreams I can remember.

It is rare where I have a dream that feels like I'm not struggling to do work.

But I did read on this forum before that what we remember from dreams is not what really happened in the dream.

So maybe I'm doing work, and just find the process of doing work arduous.

RE: Uncomfortable Dreams - Glow - 01-13-2017

I almost never remember my dreams but I had 2 the other night I remembered. Both I'd deem uncomfortable, more awkward maybe. Both I don't really understand though generally I only remember the dreams that are meant to educate me.

Do you think your dreams have something in them you are missing? Like a lesson?

RE: Uncomfortable Dreams - AnthroHeart - 01-13-2017

I don't know. When I look at my past, I feel like a really bad person.
I mean I've never punched anyone, even if they deserved it. But I've hurt others in different ways.

I am uneasy around my mom, but not sure if that's why I have frequent dreams of being at the laser lab I was at in college, except in the dream it's bigger,
and in the dream I don't really work with lasers. It's just being around the same professor.

I sleep, but I don't truly rest. My heart is so tender that I feel like crying at times. I get that achy throat you get when you get choked up.

I guess I am lucky I didn't get my dream come true of becoming an anthro, because it would be loads more trouble.

I just worry that when I die, and open up to my higher self, that I won't be interested in that anymore. And that it will never happen.

If you look at me now, I'm a pretty good person, but I can count at least a dozen times I was terrible. Like chasing down another kid who punched me in the face, threatening him when I was a teen.

I feel like at least one time in my life I died, and ended up in the sun, but came back in about an hour or so. As I was floating through the sun, some patches were hotter than others. And I felt I was there because of my sin. I had wanted to die, because I was absolutely exhausted from living.

Lying down before sleep makes me feel comfortable for a few minutes. But then I am restless, and toss and turn.

I don't know if waking or dreaming is actually harder for me. Dreams are rarely fun, and life is almost never fun. But I tend to carry a bad attitude.

RE: Uncomfortable Dreams - AnthroHeart - 01-13-2017

Plus life keeps beating me over the head with synchronicities. It's pretty uncomfortable how they happen, like upper management knows me too well.

I'm ultrasensitive as well, emotionally.

RE: Uncomfortable Dreams - AnthroHeart - 01-14-2017

Sometimes dreams are downright creepy. I just had one where a dog was in a plastic collapsible folder (like those that go in filing cabinets), which was in the center console of a car. And the plastic folder was trying to eat him in a creepy, I believe jerky motion.

Creepy things that fold up is one of my worst dream experiences.

RE: Uncomfortable Dreams - isis - 01-14-2017

medications could be a factor, diet could be a factor, people/animals in your life could be a factor, the current state of the earth could be a factor, & the list goes on. i wouldn't take it personal.

i had an uncomfortable one the night before last.
i was at someone's house & didn't want to leave but had to bc i had a class to go to. then they started trying to talk me into not going & they said something along the lines of, 'what if this is a dream?' & i was like *huge sigh* bc i was absolutely positive i was not dreaming. i ended up choosing to miss the class & was feeling so much apprehension about my choice & i existed in that state of worry for quite some time before finally waking & discovering it actually was a dream.

RE: Uncomfortable Dreams - Glow - 01-14-2017

Gosh Isis that sounds like actustressful.

Mine were just weird.

The first one we (I don't know who but a group) Were in a confusing department store when suddenly all the isles of clothes became trees and paths led out to rivers and streams.
It was quite. Beautiful and we wanted to see it.

Then the weird started a group oh natives arrived and the came from the opposite direction and were wearing black feather crown pieces. Like a lot of feathers. To getbput you had tocalmly Walt up make eye contact and do this stare eye to eye.

I was a bitbnevouss but waited my turn when I got there I thought it was going to be reverent and meningful but before I could make eye contact instead of the serious atmosphere he simply told me s a super cheesy joke. I was pretty shocks.

RE: Uncomfortable Dreams - Kaaron - 01-14-2017

I used to have dark dreams alot.
I've found meditation as I fall asleep helps me with having more peaceful dreams.
It doesn't matter if you don't hold the meditation all the way into your dream, I feel more that the intention of wanting to be at peace and to feel love is something that not only strengthens this within, it also is calling to higher density beings to draw near to you as a protection.
I get the classroom/school thing alot too.
I feel that this is when you're being trained by your higher self and other confederation types.
You are dedicated to your path and although you might not think it...what you've done in the way of "negative actions" are NOTHING on the "bad guy" scale. Remember that the Apostle Paul used to find Christians and persecute them before he changed from Saul to Paul.
We're here to make a choice and you have made yours...just imagine how intensely amazing it's going to be for you when you see yourself in all your glory.
Keep your head up cos the best s*** happens to those who suffer the most.