Favourite visions or confusing ones we haven't figured out - Printable Version

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Favourite visions or confusing ones we haven't figured out - Glow - 01-13-2017

I know lots of us have visions where we are taught.
Admittedly I'm a super slow learner and don't always get the message. Or I get it wrong and eventually I get another to clear up my mistake.

Maybe we could share some here and learn together.

So I will start with a favourite, when I'm feeling down I should utilize this one more.
I've told a lot of you here I kind of struggle with the awareness of seperation in this life. I like my uniqueness but I HATE the lack of intimacy. As a kid I was always a bit jealous of Siamese twins(now called conjoined) only even that wouldn't be enough I'd like to be joined to everyone. Oddly I do need quiet alone time but the underlying feel is that this being one alone, well I get why the creator would want to create other identities within itself.

So the vision

It's a big translucent but moving/swirling ball. Light but not glowing, clear like gel water. Swirls and rippples in the ball at all times.
Then one being would rise out to waist height and another would rise out to face that one, again to waist height so they could interact. When they were done(one was me) they would lower back into the moving ball, and be the ball together.

I think that one was pretty self explanatory but it's one of my favourites.

I have a long one to type out from 2 years ago, I get parts of it others went right over my head.
I bet I could get insight about it here so will get on it.

RE: Favourite visions or confusing ones we haven't figured out - APeacefulWarrior - 01-13-2017

Well, there was the time I (think I) almost blundered down my end of the "Tunnel of Light" without knowing what I was doing.  

This was well before I discovered the LOO or anything like that.  At times, when I would meditate, I'd feel myself sinking deeper into myself, almost like a staircase with "plateaus" of clarity at each step.   I'd often do this while high, since good pot had the effect of freeing my mind from my body enough it made meditation easier, but without just going to sleep.  And I'd often follow the glowing/happy feeling pot would give me inwards, because doing so somehow gave me a "straight" path down/inwards, or so it seemed.  

Anyway, in particularly deep sessions, I'd hit a point of stabilization where it was as though I was exploring an interior pseudo-space.  I could will my consciousness to move around within it, and I'd have hints of visualizations but nothing too concrete.  Until one day, I spotted a structure that looked like a golden-white aurora, complete with the ribbony look and general flowy-ness.  I was vaguely curious (since during meditation that deep I was pretty zen and only sort-of consciously thinking) but it was deep enough that I could only see it from a distance.  And, over a period of 2-3 years, I encountered it a few times.

As I was basically an agnostic rationalist at that point, this puzzled me quite a bit since I couldn't imagine what it could be.  Since I was following a "path" of happy/high feelings I thought I might be somehow visualizing my own hormonal system or something like that.  Which would be cool.  Otherwise, it was just something of a mystery.

Well, one day, I got some absolutely amazing green that sent me for such a loop that I closed my eyes and it was like WHAAMM elevator straight down/in.  Within moments I had achieved a level of inner clarity that would generally require half an hour of meditation, and the golden ribbon was "in sight."  Except this time I knew I could go significantly deeper.  So, existing as a zen spark of curiosity (and not much else) within my interior space, I decided to go check it out and\or see if there were other inner structures beyond the golden ribbon.

So I moved towards it, and noticed that lateral movements didn't seem to shift it in my perspective.  No matter if I moved diagonally or anything else, I just moved steadily closer to it.  Well, whatever, nothing says interior pseudospace has to be euclidean.  So I kept moving towards it, and it got bigger and bigger in my inner sight until it completely filled my view, while I was still totally zen and blissed out and childishly curious.

Then three things happened, pretty much simultaneously.  It turned blood red, I was suddenly terrified, and I was told NO by a distinctly not-me source.  

Almost instantly, I popped back to physical awareness, totally sober and totally freaked out.

And the thing is, it wasn't an angry\threatening\hostile NO.  It was a much more absolute NO communicating something to the effect of "What you're attempting is a bad idea, would not work, and only bad things could come from trying."  It was the NO of a parent stopping their child from grabbing a red-hot object or eating something poisonous.   Which is almost exactly what I felt like.  That strange combination of fear and shame that accompanies almost doing something really, really stupid and having your ass saved at the last second. That feeling actually persisted for awhile, even once I'd gotten my heart rate/breathing under control.

I couldn't get the event out of my head, either, despite not really believing in things spiritual at that point in my life.  Except that there was exactly ONE scenario I could think of that fit what had happened, with the problem being that it required me to accept the existence of something - the "tunnel of light" - that I'd never believed in.  Not to mention the idea of being mentally spoken to by an outside entity, which was apparently acting as gatekeeper.

Either way, for awhile there, I would very occasionally joke that God had spoken to me, but he only had one thing to say: NO.  

But then I had to cease using that joke, after I made other contacts.

RE: Favourite visions or confusing ones we haven't figured out - Minyatur - 01-13-2017

pI really am fond of separation, once this planet is done with 3D I'll most definitely just find another 3D veiled world to experience more of it and become entangled with the place in a similar fashion to what I did here.

To me the idea of higher intimacy is not so much meaningful or not even so much desirable. First of all, I feel no need whatsoever for it. Then, I'd still see it as separation (because it remains what it is) but containing a greater amount of facets of which my spark would be a portion of. I mean even if I'm part of a group of trillions, it remains a finite group within the All which experiences itself as separate from literally almost all of infinity.

Then there's the resolving of separation until you reach the Source, but I think this Creation has enough to offer that I won't find a need to lose sight of it ASAP. Always more to explore, always more to become, always more to radiate and share. You can find new archetypes to explore yourself through in the countless infinite galaxies and their solar systems.

About visions. Usually I get more of transcending feeling insights than visions although an image can/or can not be associated with it.

I've had one to see the moment invidivualization reaches back with the One. I saw a frame of the All merge within the One Mind containing Infinity and become one with the One Mind. The moment was like a moment everything reaches in it's own time. (I think I merely looked into my own stream's future)

I've had a strong sense of how space contains an infinite spectrum, I could feel my mind perceive infinite depth within the space surrounding me.

I've had a vision of my 6D mind and how it feels like.

I've had a vision of how the Logoic mind feels like and how the separation of ourselves is within it.

I've had a vision the the One spark that divides itself into our sparks which are then assembled into patterns within the void.

I've had "sights" of our solar system's time/space area outside any planetary time/space, seemed/felt like a Hall containing them.

RE: Favourite visions or confusing ones we haven't figured out - anagogy - 01-13-2017

I often will have what could be described as 'visions' or metaphors given to me in the twilight stages between sleep and waking.

One interesting one I had as a result of deep feverish mental pondering of the cosmology of the universe went something like:

I saw a black void or black hole (it was more of a black sphere), suddenly, in but a moment, it became an infinitely radiant star of blindingly brilliant light. The understanding being offered me was it represented the Logos, and as I watched I noticed that the light, even though it was infinitely bright at the base or source of the star, attenuated or reduced in brilliance as the rays stretched out into the void surrounding it (outer darkness if you will). And as the light stretched out into the void and attenuated, I saw that the color changed as it did so. The colors were consonant with the rainbow/density spectrum. So on the outer edges of the light it was red, and slightly closer was orange, and slightly closer was green and so on, until the light was brilliant white at the source. I also noticed there was a point at which the light could attenuate or stretch no further (red ray) and when it reached this point of twilight, it essentially bounced back and began its path backwards toward the center of the star again.

RE: Favourite visions or confusing ones we haven't figured out - AnthroHeart - 01-13-2017

I experience simulations, where after an event happens, it turns out it never really happened.
Like one time I remember rolling around on the floor of a police station. Then later it turns out I hadn't.

RE: Favourite visions or confusing ones we haven't figured out - Seeker of the One - 01-13-2017

Several weeks ago, at night I was falling asleep with really dark thoughts which were about desire to merge with darkness or follow the dark path. After I've fallen asleep, I don't remember if it happened in my dream or I was party awaken, or maybe lucid dreaming, but I felt that some entity with really dark energy was sitting at my chest, while I was separated from it with a blanket on my face, I felt that he was doing some ritual like energy transfer to me or kind of that. I asked him why I can't remove the blanket from my face and he replied that I am not ready to see him (or probably I would be scared if I saw him). Then when it's finished, I remember that I was rising up before the mirror which was next to my bed and saw that I was sheltered around with dark smog (I mean it was dark energy that looked like dark/black smog) and there was a black energy ball right beyond my 3rd eye, like it was integrated into it. My eyes were also dark. After that, I don't remember anything.

Any thoughts?

RE: Favourite visions or confusing ones we haven't figured out - Minyatur - 01-13-2017

(01-13-2017, 03:15 PM)Seeker of the One Wrote: Several weeks ago, at night I was falling asleep with really dark thoughts which were about desire to merge with darkness or follow the dark path. After I've fallen asleep, I don't remember if it happened in my dream or I was party awaken, or maybe lucid dreaming, but I felt that some entity with really dark energy was sitting at my chest, while I was separated from it with a blanket on my face, I felt that he was doing some ritual like energy transfer to me or kind of that. I asked him why I can't remove the blanket from my face and he replied that I am not ready to see him (or probably I would be scared if I saw him). Then when it's finished, I remember that I was rising up before the mirror which was next to my bed and saw that I was sheltered around with dark smog (I mean it was dark energy that looked like dark/black smog) and there was a black energy ball right beyond my 3rd eye, like it was integrated into it. My eyes were also dark. After that, I don't remember anything.

Any thoughts?

Seems to me like your call was answered by someone (acquainted soul?) willing to be your teacher.

RE: Favourite visions or confusing ones we haven't figured out - Glow - 01-13-2017

Apeacefulwarrior - I'd love to medite with you. I'm sure your zen states are contagious.
ps great storey and I love the joke.

Minyatur- I find it so interesting how generally I agree with your posts and we tend to have similar perspectives on so many things yet this one fundamental we are polar opposites.

I'm glad you are so happy to explore seperation as I seem to be the spark letting creation down a bit(or perhaps also needed for balance) since I so crave near seamless unity. I like each many petals of the flower but I want to remain on the flower not exploring the winds above or grass below.

RE: Favourite visions or confusing ones we haven't figured out - Glow - 01-13-2017

(01-13-2017, 01:43 PM)anagogy Wrote: I often will have what could be described as 'visions' or metaphors given to me in the twilight stages between sleep and waking.

One interesting one I had as a result of deep feverish mental pondering of the cosmology of the universe went something like:

I saw a black void or black hole (it was more of a black sphere), suddenly, in but a moment, it became an infinitely radiant star of blindingly brilliant light. The understanding being offered me was it represented the Logos, and as I watched I noticed that the light, even though it was infinitely bright at the base or source of the star, attenuated or reduced in brilliance as the rays stretched out into the void surrounding it (outer darkness if you will). And as the light stretched out into the void and attenuated, I saw that the color changed as it did so. The colors were consonant with the rainbow/density spectrum. So on the outer edges of the light it was red, and slightly closer was orange, and slightly closer was green and so on, until the light was brilliant white at the source. I also noticed there was a point at which the light could attenuate or stretch no further (red ray) and when it reached this point of twilight, it essentially bounced back and began its path backwards toward the center of the star again.
I had a similar vision though I think yours was saying more than mine was. I'd love to see how the red bounced back, I can almost imagine it but know I'm not quite seeing how it did that. I think I could contemplate that and see a verity of different metaphors .

My only very superficial one that is similar but not as deep was when I was struggling to understand infinity. I saw a fractal spiralling into and out of many directions. Each spiral large or small could spiral endlessly getting smaller and smaller or bigger and bigger and was exactly what each other piece of the infinite fractal was. Hard to explain but I know longer struggle to believe in infinity.

RE: Favourite visions or confusing ones we haven't figured out - Kaaron - 01-13-2017

(01-13-2017, 03:15 PM)Seeker of the One Wrote: Several weeks ago, at night I was falling asleep with really dark thoughts which were about desire to merge with darkness or follow the dark path. After I've fallen asleep, I don't remember if it happened in my dream or I was party awaken, or maybe lucid dreaming, but I felt that some entity with really dark energy was sitting at my chest, while I was separated from it with a blanket on my face, I felt that he was doing some ritual like energy transfer to me or kind of that. I asked him why I can't remove the blanket from my face and he replied that I am not ready to see him (or probably I would be scared if I saw him). Then when it's finished, I remember that I was rising up before the mirror which was next to my bed and saw that I was sheltered around with dark smog (I mean it was dark energy that looked like dark/black smog) and there was a black energy ball right beyond my 3rd eye, like it was integrated into it. My eyes were also dark. After that, I don't remember anything.

Any thoughts?
I had a similar experience in 1996.
I was lying on a friends couch and he was parelell to me on another one. I was drifting off to sleep and felt the sensation of spinning and levitating towards the ceiling as geometric shapes flashed in my mind's eye. The entire time I felt uncomfortable and unworthy.
After about 5 or 10 minutes, I fell back into my body with a jolt and sat straight up.
I looked over at my friend who had black shadowy blanket over him. I asked him if he was all good n he said he felt cold. I told him what I could see and that he should pray. He told me to f*** up but I insisted that he call out to God (I still believed in calling out to Jehovah as I was raised JW) but he wouldn't, at which point the shadow raised up from him into a shadowy cloak figure (like what you'd see a secret order wear in a ritual) and flew straight through, or into me.
The next day I was skateboarding with him. I pointed to a car driving past (which was far off) and said "that car will park in that park, two girls will get out and come sit on that seat". It all happened.
Since then he and 3 of his brothers have committed suicide. One of them did it on a date that he had fixed in his mind for years. He believed he had to die on the date he did, I've been told.
I don't know if it came from me or I picked it up off them.
Perhaps we're all just seeing that part of ourselves that we deny.

RE: Favourite visions or confusing ones we haven't figured out - Minyatur - 01-13-2017

(01-13-2017, 03:42 PM)Glow Wrote: Minyatur- I find it so interesting how generally I agree with your posts and we tend to have similar perspectives on so many things yet this one fundamental we are polar opposites.

I'm glad you are so happy to explore seperation as I seem to be the spark letting creation down a bit(or perhaps also needed for balance) since I so crave near seamless unity. I like each many petals of the flower but I want to remain on the flower not exploring the winds above or grass below.

Well I think one's ability to appreciate separation lies in one's ability to be well within it, although appreciation of non-appreciative states will kinda always follow them at some point.

You'd probably appreciate more a similar state of separation in a more harmonious world. For my part, I think I'm more than accustomed to 3D veiled (might just be my favorite mean of evolution) and also to this kind of planet. In term of this Creation I'm not sure whether my soul contains more experiences of harmonious time/spaces or disharmonious time/spaces, hard to tell because it simply does contain quite a lot and at some point everything does seem like light even if certain things used to be perceived as dark.

We could say your experience here simply does work you more (which is an aspect of why it is sought) than it does to me. A friend told me not so long ago it's like I don't really have a need to be in this density which is not entirely false, although the conception of a need can be subjective as that I also am here. If I had to describe my life, I'd say it was blessed by earth and heavens although this conception that it is blessed lies in my subjective appreciation of it. I wouldn't doubt countless would've been unwell with my life for any kind of reason, whereas I tend to see meaning in each thing and a underlying intent behind it all. I think I've seen enough of myself through harsh catalysts in past lives that the Universe sees no point in furthering that path for me, confusion can become predictable when explored enough. My life feels like a perfectly timed clock for what intent I had in coming here and how I meant myself to be shaped.