Worlds past the poles. - Printable Version

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Worlds past the poles. - Infinite Unity - 01-04-2017

Have any of you read the book Worlds Past The Poles? If you have what do you think of it?
I find this book interesting. I wouldn't be surprised in the least to learn that the entire third density is an octave like structure. That the Earth is infinite. Even the illusion of saperation known as space is actually the void. That other densities are actually octave like structures that intertwine with are very own in intricate ways. How amazing is the infinite creator.

RE: Worlds past the poles. - anagogy - 01-05-2017

I haven't read the book, but my understanding was that the ways of the octave redound to both the infinite bounds of macroscopic reality and even to the infinitely minute depths of the microscopic reality. 7 within 7 within 7 ad infinitum, with the 8th note always being the 1st note in the next octave of 7.

RE: Worlds past the poles. - Infinite Unity - 01-05-2017

I understand the same as you. These were not direct postulates from the book. But a mixing of !y own understanding, and the theory put forth in that book. I in no way endorse the nook as truth, however I did find it very interesting. My understanding is the equivalent of yours with seven at infinitum.