Thank you to L/L Research - Printable Version

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Thank you to L/L Research - Glow - 01-01-2017

[attachment=1585]Stumbled across this today.
Made me see. He knew but was alone.
That homesickness truly is eased by the comradely of knowing we may not be home but there is a reason we are here. Kurt ldidn't find LOO, he just felt alone, perhaps like he was crazy for feeling as he did and 25 years ago the Internet was a baby so not so easy to seek others and info.
[attachment=1585]I remember when he blew his head off.

I think at one point my dis ease could have gone that far. I think it has for many wanderers that cannot get past the feeling of separation. So thank you Ra and the entire L/L team, and all you here.

This quote truly sums up a part of the wanderer experience. It's beautiful.

RE: Thank you to L/L Research - Plenum - 01-01-2017

it's great that we've found a home here together Smile