Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy Technique (QHHT) - Printable Version

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Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy Technique (QHHT) - Nicholas - 09-15-2016

Here is a really good intro video explaining the processes of QHHT. What I found most helpful for me personally is how I can withdraw information from my own subconscious while in a feta sleep state. Similar to dreaming but not quite, and I didn't quite understand it until watching this video. One such experience was discovering that earth is not my home vibration, which is bitter/sweet, because I feel this to be a treasured and beautiful place in which to be an indigenous member, yet satisfied by the closure of my own curiosity. I digress  Smile

RE: Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy Technique (QHHT) - Nicholas - 09-15-2016

Bring4th member, BrownEye, sharing his experiences as a QHHT practitioner.

RE: Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy Technique (QHHT) - Dekalb_Blues - 09-20-2016

My experience re. QHHT in a nutshell by DeKalb_Blues.


Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch' intrate. [Leave every hope, ye that enter.] -- Dante Alighieri, Inferno

[Image: calvinandhobbesgifs4-1343699842.gif]


We interrupt this regularly-scheduled diurnal terrestrial incarnational programming to bring you...
[Image: calvinandhobbesgifs1-1343699849.gif]

... YOU. As your larger future form. You do remember your future, don't you? Remember it now: for that is how it came to be.

[Image: post-30641-Calvin-and-Hobbes-dancing-gif-8Ews.gif]

We remind you both of the enigmatic Mystery-Clad Source, and [redacted per Law of Confusion].

[Image: giphy.gif]


[Image: Calvin-18314.gif]

DISCLAIMER: Results may vary. Objects in mirror closer than they appear. Kids, don't try this at home. No Irish need apply. Do not use facility while train is in station. Cheers.

RE: Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy Technique (QHHT) - AnthroHeart - 09-20-2016

My mom is a level 1 QHHT practitioner. She hypnotized me with it, and after it was done she said I made the whole thing up.

_______ - GentleWanderer - 09-21-2016


RE: Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy Technique (QHHT) - Nicholas - 09-30-2016

(09-21-2016, 03:50 PM)GentleWanderer Wrote: Is QHHT really different from others form of hypnosis of is it more a marketing name ?
With a good hypnotherapist like i've read with Brian Weiss it's possible to know and heal almost all you want or need (i'm overstating) about past lifes, any events that happened in your past current life, your contracts and pre birth agreements, future lifes and incarnations ...

I don't think it is any different at all with regards to Brian Weiss and Dr Michael Newtons research. The label, QHHT is more to set it apart from the more traditional forms of hypnotic therapy, I believe, which aims to hack into our habitual patterns using instructions or suggestions. "Quantum" pertaining to the soul or higher self level of communication, rather than instructing our personal subconscious to react differently to repeating triggers.

I personally lean more towards Delores because of her motherly and simplistic qualities  Smile

RE: Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy Technique (QHHT) - herald - 09-30-2016

QHHT uses a deep trance. Newton Institute teaches a light trance method.

_______ - GentleWanderer - 10-01-2016


RE: Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy Technique (QHHT) - Dekalb_Blues - 04-18-2017

(09-20-2016, 07:58 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: My mom is a level 1 QHHT practitioner. She hypnotized me with it, and after it was done she said I made the whole thing up.

[Image: giphy.gif]