Heart chakra - Printable Version

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Heart chakra - ada - 08-22-2016

consciously visual your heart, coherently focus on the feeling, the mind is blank, let the creators will come forth from within the being that is you, spiral that feeling of love/light from the button of the heart to the top of the head, see reality as complete and filled love at every moment, I am love, I am you, we are one,

RE: Heart chakra - Aion - 08-22-2016

After you have done that, bring it all in to the heart and expand your heart and love around you like a sphere. Expand this until it fills the room. Then it surrounds the house, then out to the whole block. It grows until it encompasses the city, the state and the country, onwards until the entire planet is in your heart's field. From there continue expanding out in to the Solar System, touch the Sun and planets with your heart, out until you expand in to the whole Galaxy. Then, expand infinitely in all directions an embrace the All, making contact with the One, and there seeing that for all the love you have put out, the One returns it and so see the entirety of the universe then pouring the love back in to you that you gave out to it and complete the circulation.

Dwell in this circulation for as long as desired.