Identification with form at death - Printable Version

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Identification with form at death - AnthroHeart - 06-16-2016

What is it like to no longer identify with form? Will you no longer see any structure?

RE: Identification with form at death - APeacefulWarrior - 06-16-2016

As I understand it, it would be more accurate to say they can see ALL structures, especially as an entity moves through the higher densities. The energetic underpinnings of the universe become apparent, and aspects such as the possibility\probability vortices and the multitude of "quantum" timelines can be perceived.

Also, form isn't entirely abandoned, but... becomes more like wearing a mask, or an outfit of clothing. If an entity chooses to take on a certain aspect, or surround themselves with images or feelings of a certain nature, they 100% understand that those are simply illusions\projections\distortions. There's no identification with those projections as self in the same way most people identify with their bodies.

Besides, there is a transitional period. Ra was always pretty circumspect when discussing that part (since I'm thinking it's very personalized) but my understanding is that one continues to wear a shadow of their previous form\thoughts after they cross over, until they've come to grips with the whole being dead thing and are ready to re-open their consciousness to the cosmos.

RE: Identification with form at death - AnthroHeart - 06-16-2016

I think relationships would change too if our ego dies with us.

I think I experienced ego death once when I smoked Salvia. And then later when I smoked DMT. It's hard not to give into amazement.

I don't want my identification with form to hold me back. But there are forms here that I love dearly.

RE: Identification with form at death - anagogy - 06-16-2016

Forms give us specific perspectives, so without form there would be no specific separate perspective, it would basically be: awareness of infinite love, infinite intelligence, infinite joy, infinite power, infinite creativity, and infinite bliss. Of course it would be more than we could possibly speculate or accurately describe, but those are some basic crude approximations. It's Nirvana essentially.

Of course most won't experience that when they die, most will end up on the astral planes, which still comprise forms, albeit more fluid ones. A wanderer might end up a bit higher if their mission was complete.

RE: Identification with form at death - AnthroHeart - 06-16-2016

I want to visit the Devachanic plane.

RE: Identification with form at death - tamaryn - 06-17-2016

You are alive in all forms, instead of limited to the perspective of one. Just as you are now.

You are not even the form, just the awareness of it.