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Postponed meditation - ada - 06-14-2016

In the past month or two I started having difficulties meditating and keeping my inner self silent.
This then lead to part denial of the Ra material and having doubts. The signs were still there, I just didn't know what to make of it.
Deep within my self I do want to heal and meditate, but being so busy with work and daily activities I became somewhat lazy/unmotivated.
Nevertheless I still try to be a loving and accepting entity and seek to see the creator within each and every individual that I meet in daily life experience.
Even when I had days off I chose playing computer games or watching TV series all day long. From time to time I took a space and tried meditating if only for a little time, but still with no success.
I couldn't keep my thoughts/images silent, my body was resisting my will. I've tried using pillows for comfort, music for peace, nothing came of it.
The past few days I decided to re-read the Ra material and since I've been getting really strong signs from the universe.
A couple of hours ago I decided to try and meditate, the only thought I kept was love and light. Still little came of it, I then deep within myself asked the confederation to help me as I only seek to serve the one creator.
I then felt a very calm shivering sensation in my body, I then visioned a point, from all around a violet color energy was coming and merging with it, little by little.
I don't know what to make of it as I don't specialize in chakras, just wanted to share and resonate this with the lovely community who has always reminded me what matters.

RE: Postponed meditation - Minyatur - 06-14-2016

About your experience I can't say I know what it was, I'd think if you ponder about it more then maybe you will perceive something.

About meditation, I don't think it is a duty to do and should come from your own desire to do it and that it becomes more and more natural with time. So give yourself a break. If you need time for yourself doing what you feel like doing, then do so without seeing a problem with it, be happy you get to enjoy these creations made by others.

If I had to give you an advice, I'd say focus on your own well being and observe that this alone will bring all the change that you desire for yourself. Respect yourself and love yourself both for your shortcomings and strong points, perceive that everything you seek already is within yourself and that it is only a matter of opening yourself to what you already are and always were, love and light.

RE: Postponed meditation - Cyclops - 06-16-2016

(06-14-2016, 01:28 PM)Papercut Wrote: In the past month or two I started having difficulties meditating and keeping my inner self silent.
This then lead to part denial of the Ra material and having doubts. The signs were still there, I just didn't know what to make of it.
Deep within my self I do want to heal and meditate, but being so busy with work and daily activities I became somewhat lazy/unmotivated.
Nevertheless I still try to be a loving and accepting entity and seek to see the creator within each and every individual that I meet in daily life experience.
Even when I had days off I chose playing computer games or watching TV series all day long. From time to time I took a space and tried meditating if only for a little time, but still with no success.
I couldn't keep my thoughts/images silent, my body was resisting my will. I've tried using pillows for comfort, music for peace, nothing came of it.
The past few days I decided to re-read the Ra material and since I've been getting really strong signs from the universe.
A couple of hours ago I decided to try and meditate, the only thought I kept was love and light. Still little came of it, I then deep within myself asked the confederation to help me as I only seek to serve the one creator.
I then felt a very calm shivering sensation in my body, I then visioned a point, from all around a violet color energy was coming and merging with it, little by little.
I don't know what to make of it as I don't specialize in chakras, just wanted to share and resonate this with the lovely community who has always reminded me what matters.

Quote:Questioner: OK. This is the central important point. Why, then, was it so— You’ve answered this, but it seems to me that if the polarization was the obvious thing that more effort would have been put forward to polarize. Let me see if I can state this… Before the veil there was an awareness of the need for polarization towards service to others in third density by all entities, whether incarnate in third-density, yellow-ray bodies or whether in between incarnations. What was the— I assume, then, that the condition of which we earlier spoke, the one of wealth you might say, was present through the entire spectrum of experience whether it be between incarnations or during incarnation and the entities just simply could not [chuckling] get up the desire or manifest the desire to create this polarization necessary for graduation. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. You begin to grasp the situation. Let us continue the metaphor of the schooling but consider the scholar as being an entity in your younger years of the schooling process. The entity is fed, clothed, and protected regardless of whether or not the schoolwork is accomplished. Therefore, the entity does not do the homework but rather enjoys playtime, mealtime, and vacation. It is not until there is a reason to wish to excel that most entities will attempt to excel.

This quote helped me a lot. I am very much the same way I sweep the material/meditation under the rug for long periods of time and just live life. The quote is about pre-veil conditions, but I feel it applies to what we have now post-veil.. A kind of wealth of not knowing or  being able to prove anything is very comfortable and peaceful. What helps me at the end of the day is I often think about the point of life, of existing as a human being. We are intelligent but we are animals in the end, eating, growing, passing the time then dying with no universal point to it all. I look at this and simply think it just feels like a poor point. So that's why the Law of One interests me once again because i feel it offers the potential for something more, offers a chance of richer existence and experience. And so I meditate more often ZZzz . It is very hard to actually desire to implement the things Ra outlines, but very easy to think you should. The Law of One material resonates right away intellectually, but it is shallow and your subconscious doesn't actually care for it for a long time until something happens, or there is a need somehow for it, beyond just thinking about it. The quote I feel also hints that non of us here can actually help you with that either, or each other in that regard. Sorry about the ramble.

RE: Postponed meditation - Jade - 06-16-2016

I use the analogy of long-distance running for meditation. It's really important to practice, every day even. If you practice every day for months, the "distance" you can go before fatigued increases. If you start slacking on practice, at first you don't notice. But slowly, the distance you can cover becomes shorter, and the harder it is to practice then after a few days off.

Meditation is important. I don't say this to compound anyone's guilt for not meditating, but I have tried to make a dedication to meditating every day for three years now. Of course, I miss some days. But I never skip more than one day at a time. And, the difference between daily meditation and almost daily meditation is big enough to feel. I've had a schedule change recently so my meditations have been spottier than I'd like as I adjust, and this creates a tangible difference in my experience.

I don't think meditation necessarily becomes easier as one balances themselves. I see meditation as a prerequisite to properly balancing the self. I think the act of sitting down and setting one's intentions to connect with the creator is key. If we do this every day, we benefit. It's a function of the will to make an attempt to connect with intelligent infinity.

RE: Postponed meditation - anagogy - 06-16-2016

What type of meditation do you do Jade?

RE: Postponed meditation - YinYang - 06-16-2016

I sometimes listen to guided meditations by Tara Brach, you can download them for free. I realise stillness is the best, but sometimes training wheels isn't a bad idea.

Here's her intro to meditation talks.

RE: Postponed meditation - Minyatur - 06-16-2016

Caught this when refreshing facebook one minute after it was posted :

The Daily Q'uote for June 16, 2016 Wrote:"We encourage each who hears these words to take the self very seriously in terms of developing a daily practice that feeds the metaphysical self, whether by meditation or prayer, contemplation or rumination, the gazing at inspiring objects, or the reading of inspired words. You will find these techniques of entraining the mind to be most helpful. There are many ways in which the person who sees the hunger and the thirst of the self that is emerging for metaphysical truth to offer that truth to the inner self. It is our opinion, however, that truth is a fluid and changing thing and very personal and subjective in its nature. For each entity there will be landmark truths that come and stay for a very long time. There will also be truths that are seen to transform and to migrate as lessons come to one and as the self develops."

Made me think maybe you can find something other than plain meditation to also help. Contemplation of our most glorious ever changing piece of art sky does wonder on me.

RE: Postponed meditation - Jade - 06-16-2016

(06-16-2016, 12:27 PM)anagogy Wrote: What type of meditation do you do Jade?

I don't follow any formal guidelines. I usually share meditation space/time with my husband, and he usually does yoga as well as meditation. I lie down (though lately I have felt the need to change to sitting position, but that's been trying), and... I guess do what I feel needs to be done that day. Sometimes I do breath work. Sometimes I do grounding. Sometimes I clear my chakras or work on ferreting out blockages/issues. Sometimes I use crystals (I have a set near my meditation space that I pull from) Sometimes I do a more outward sending of love/light to specific areas (home, here, work) or Gaia or all of Creation. Sometimes I totally leave my body for the whole time. On good days, I do all of that. What I always do is attempt to shut down my conscious mind and connect with my time/space self. I also always light incense, and try to always give gratitude for my experience. I also offer gratitude for my guides and do a blanket invocation for their assistance. I usually spend 15-45 minutes in this space.

Of course, sometimes, I sit there and ruminate about something mundane and feel like I haven't accomplished anything. But I know it's the intention to make the connection that is important, not the perceived success/fail of the event.

RE: Postponed meditation - Patrick - 06-16-2016

I do not meditate often, but on the other hand I am pretty much in spiritual contemplation all the time.

RE: Postponed meditation - AnthroHeart - 06-16-2016

(06-16-2016, 05:47 PM)Patrick Wrote: I do not meditate often, but on the other hand I am pretty much in spiritual contemplation all the time.

Same here except that I get angry when I'm around angry people.

I also frequently ask for the help of higher beings.

RE: Postponed meditation - Patrick - 06-16-2016

(06-16-2016, 06:44 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: ...
I also frequently ask for the help of higher beings.

This is very wise of you.

I don't ask for help often enough and there is so much available.

Thank you for the reminder! Smile

RE: Postponed meditation - AnthroHeart - 06-16-2016

(06-16-2016, 06:52 PM)Patrick Wrote:
(06-16-2016, 06:44 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: ...
I also frequently ask for the help of higher beings.

This is very wise of you.

I don't ask for help often enough and there is so much available.

Thank you for the reminder! Smile

A 5D being is powerful enough to alter reality, so I think they would be a great resource.