BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - Printable Version

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BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - MtDoraGuy - 06-15-2010

All of us 3d wanderers are one with our higher 6d self, or guardian/higher power (some call God). Part of our pre-birth contract for being on earth, at this time, is to learn from this life and help the world into the 4d transition through love/light. There is no better way than to BE-ing the moment.

BE-ing the moment means to see/learn/enjoy/love what is happening right now, this particular second you are living. The old saying, 'yesterday is gone and tomorrow hasn't happened', applies. All we have is the current moment. This not only includes see/learn/enjoy/love the beauty of nature and people, but our jobs and chores. We always choose what we can do at any moment, a self-will part of our 3d contract. The choice is always to make any experience positive or negative. If a negative experience happens, ask yourself, "What is my lesson in this experience? How can I learn from it?" You can also turn negative experiences into positive ones in the blink of an eye. When in doubt, just ask yourself, "where is the love in this moment". Your angels and higher power will flood you with all the comfort and love you are looking for.

Another lesson I have learned is to 'forgive yourself'. This releases a lot of karma from my current and past lives. Forgive yourself for what you do not understand, things you thought you should have done, or done better, and anything else you blame yourself for doing wrong. Remember, most is not our fault, but part of the 'Veil of Forgetfulness' and our 3d learning experiences ~ which is part of our 3d contract.

There is no better way to help yourself and the world during this current transition, than to bring love/light from your higher self through you to the world. It is like our 3d selves are beacons, or transmitters to elevate the positive forces working around/through the planet to lift our global consciousness and oneness to a higher vibration level - green,violet, white light.


RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - Ali Quadir - 06-15-2010

Also the veil is thinner in the now. It's much easier to follow your vibes and instincts when taking things a step at the time in the here and now. For some reason you usually end up wondering how you knew all that.. It just seemed like the logical next step every time.

Very good point. And we cannot stress it enough. If one was to stick to the now always and not do any other form of spiritual practice. That's enough. Nothing else is needed.

Of course there's a lot of reasons for people to abandon the now for future or past. Most of these are automatic. Forgiveness is an example of how to stop yourself from fleeing the now. Mindfullness is a technique to keep yourself there.

RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - solitary - 06-15-2010

To my understanding, a large part of our work as Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow is to comfort. I must admit that most of my comforting of others has usually manifested as more of a rough wool blanket by a campfire than as a Snuggie by a quartz heater, but we do what we can. On several occasions I've had to act as psychopomp, mostly to my beloved fur and feather people, but occasionally to other humans. And the sorrow of these moments is indescribable. I can only escort these fellow beings to the river, as it were, but I cannot cross it with them. Empathy and forgiveness of self and others are crucial in this process.

In the agony and ecstasy of mortality, ego and STS do not exist beyond the rudimentary tasks of taking care of oneself in order to take care of others. That's been my experience, anyway.

RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - Spiritbrother - 06-15-2010

I totally agree. This is such an amazing beautiful process. I love everything.

We all are love so let it shine

RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - Ali Quadir - 06-15-2010

And that's the key Smile

Remember Aladins lamp? Rusty old thing? But if you polish it, untill it shines the genie of our higher self pops out able to transform our life...

That story, is about the human heart. If you give yourself to life, life will give itself to you. But not right away. Sometimes it seems all our hopeful polishing ends in darkness. But then there's that tiny spatter of light reflecting back. A promise of the radiance and true power of the lamp.

As Yoda puts it, luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.

RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the Worl - Marina - 07-13-2010

I have just read an interpretation of the snow white fairy tale by a metaphysician from the early 1900s. She says that negative complexes like the "cruel step mother" or "witch" exit in our subconscious minds and "dissolve" as we find our true mission in life. Loving oneself in the moment (as a type of mission) has the power to heal the wounded self and also dissolve this type of complex that we perceive as coming at us from the outside world.

Loving oneself is empowering.

RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the Worl - Confused - 07-15-2010

Very comforting. Thank you for providing much needed peace through this post.

RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - seejay21 - 07-15-2010

MtDora guy said "BE-ing the moment means to see/learn/enjoy/love what is happening right now, this particular second you are living....."

Yes! Being in the moment contains everything there is. You are exactly right in how to find it!

RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - fairyfarmgirl - 07-15-2010

The one thing I struggle with in being in the Now is what about the needs of the house, the needs of the children, getting to work, making a living--Do not all of these things require pre-planning? How is it one is in the Now and still be able to pre-plan... and what about pre-incarnational planning... how can one possibly plan and only exist in the moment?

I simply am wondering... as I struggle with being in the Now when so much calls my attention-- continuously.


RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - seejay21 - 07-15-2010

(07-15-2010, 04:43 PM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: The one thing I struggle with in being in the Now is what about the needs of the house, the needs of the children, getting to work, making a living--Do not all of these things require pre-planning? How is it one is in the Now and still be able to pre-plan... and what about pre-incarnational planning... how can one possibly plan and only exist in the moment?

I simply am wondering... as I struggle with being in the Now when so much calls my attention-- continuously.


Like you’ve said before in other context, “that is the rub”. I’m totally with you. It is a bunch of Barrel Swallows. Being in the Now though is the opposite of being in a struggle. So if you’re struggling being in the Now, you aren’t. The problem with being in the now is that it simply isn’t compatible with where we have brought ourselves in our illusionary existence. It is a freakn’ huge reach to get there from here. This is the challenge agreed upon when we came here. I trust my true self. If my true self thought I could do it, then it should be easy for me. Smile

RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - Xenos - 07-16-2010

Wonderful post! Your words are like a checklist to my mind... Beacon of light, Be the moment, Forgiveness and just everything!
Thanks for brining a smile to my face Smile Even though it is a cliche, I still think it holds a lot of meaning,

"Enjoy your icecream while its on your plate!"

Why not share our icecream into one big pile? Freeze and Become the moment?!

RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - Lorna - 07-16-2010

(07-15-2010, 04:43 PM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: The one thing I struggle with in being in the Now is what about the needs of the house, the needs of the children, getting to work, making a living--Do not all of these things require pre-planning?

i find an easier way to think of being in the now as being fully present within each moment - living life consiously - i can't think of anyone i know who probably does this more than you fairyfarmgirl

so for me, being in the now means that when i'm working, i do so with clear intention and in a focussed and positive frame of mind

when my child needs me i fully listen to him and engage with him

when i update and write my ridiculously long 'to-do' list every few days i plan my activities with a heart that looks forward to the challenges and the activites of the days ahead, i consider each item in turn and address it

being in the now seems to me to be less about spotaneity, although it is good to always leave room for spontaneous things, and more about fully engaging with life in its every moment, living life conciously. in my experience the times when i do this successfully are the times when everything flows most easily and the joy of life is most clearly revealed

RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - fairyfarmgirl - 07-16-2010

I see. I have had a misunderstanding as what the now is. My understanding was the now is no planning, no thoughts of the future. Simply drifting along without any past or future thoughts. Only the one thought that comes to mind.

I have had a lot of anxiety over living in the now.

Thank you Lorna for assisting me in expanding my definition. I do take great care in the care of all that is around me and within me. I do focus on each task at hand.


RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - sabrecat - 09-11-2010


RE: BE-ing in the moment and 'forgiving yourself' lifts the consciousness of the World - AnthroHeart - 09-13-2010

I absolutely love being in the moment. I see it as a sort of restoring the balance between oneself and other selves. Lifting the consciousness by removing blockages to the flow of energy. Being and allowing are two very powerful tools.

However a small caveat that by being, there is the tendency to pick up other's issues and emotional imbalances, and this can throw one's energy into a frenzy. So beyond being, a certain degree of wisdom in actively transmuting energies with the help of Earth, Nature and guides goes a long way in making our journey as fluid and flowing as possible.