Are We Ra? - Printable Version

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Are We Ra? - AnthroHeart - 02-02-2016

Is it possible that I am Ra, who was channeled in 6D simultaneously with my 3D experience here?

Are all of us who are of Ra, existing in 6D right now, simultaneously?

So we never really left 6D at all?

RE: Are We Ra? - The_Tired_Philosopher - 02-02-2016

Why not both?

To all of your post.

You are/n't Ra
You are/n't in 3D and 6D (if not all densities)
You did/n't leave 6D

RE: Are We Ra? - APeacefulWarrior - 02-03-2016

I tend to think that a great many of the people hanging around here are among Ra's Wanderers. It would only make sense that his message would resonate most strongly with those who would naturally be most in-tune with his vibrations to start with.

Like TTP said, there isn't necessarily a contradiction there. The veil means we get to live our own lives, with our own experiences, while still being connected to our higher sources on levels we just don't get to perceive. Or at least, its extremely difficult to perceive. From their point of view, they ARE us, but we get to have a totally different perspective on the matter. Or something like that.

RE: Are We Ra? - Indigo Blue Dragonfly - 02-03-2016

I see it as I/We are part of Ra, but we are ourselves trying to evolve. I am so conscious each time I have an unpleasant or downright awful thought. Due to my internal monitoring, I don't even know if I will make it to 4th sometimes. I feel like my soul came from a higher density to be here now. Perhaps, I became corrupted! If so, I'm doing the best I can to make amends.

RE: Are We Ra? - Jade - 02-03-2016

I would make a wild guess and say at least 50% of the people who post here would be considered Ra wanderers. We're those who are most obsessed with the material and integrating it into 3D reality. It makes the most sense that in the process of eliminating the distortions that they have taught, that they would send Wanderers to help interpret the material more thoroughly on the earth plane.

I do think that we have other 6D wanderers from other SMCs, too, who resonate very strongly with the purest interpretation of the LOO as opposed to any of the earth-filtered religions.

RE: Are We Ra? - Spaced - 02-03-2016

I am not Ra. Except when I am.

RE: Are We Ra? - BlatzAdict - 02-03-2016

Umm excellent point what if we are all part of SMC Ra, they said we have to go through the same rules everyone else does to ascend, but we are not here to ascend ourselves we're here to make sure the majority does

but then i'm not even sure we can make sure of that if the universe is in a state of becoming, it gives me headaches thinking of the conundrum as to how best to be of service to others.

RE: Are We Ra? - AnthroHeart - 02-03-2016

Ra has helped me directly at least 3 or more times. It's been a nice ride.

RE: Are We Ra? - Verum Occultum - 02-04-2016

Perhaps you are meditating in your light-body in a blazing temple of psychedelic structures, remaining extremely centered and still in silence, leaving your body behind to 6D. Once you (choose) to go back to 6D and awaken from your astral journeys, you will remember this experience as a weird, or a vivid dream.