Daily Q'uote - Printable Version

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RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 07-30-2022

Q'uote of the Day
April 14th, 2006

" Practices which aid an entity in becoming more aware of his own heart are those practices which are very momentary. It is difficult to discipline the self to use the present moment. But it is in the present moment that you may practice opening the heart.

Now lets continue to the main performance..

"In orienting you and those like you to the actual situation, we would ask each to move back in perspective until there is a broadness that takes in all of the third-density pattern. A pattern involves a choice of how to be and how to serve. In third density, the path to graduation involves a simple choice followed by a series of congruent choices which progressively tune the spirit under such discipline to the point where that spirit is able to surrender to love.

The difficulty is in releasing all of the intelligence and knowledge that is so proudly carried and so skillfully used in the outer manifestations of life on planet Earth.

In order to dig down into the treasure of self, you must break the container that holds all of that pride or arrogance of accomplishment. When you have released this structure, you will find that you are as vulnerable as a tiny kitten, such as the one that is snuggled up against this instrument’s ankle at this moment. Only when you have become as a tiny child, free of the burden of your wisdom, can you at last break the bunker of self-consciousness."

An lets throw in the encore...


Can you speak of the response on the inner planes to those who choose to relinquish their status as spiritual achievers and surrender their proudly held, imbalanced acquisitions for the common good?
new speakerQ’uo

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. The response to one who has at last been able to lay aside pride, break the pottery of intellect, and offer the naked soul, as it is, to the one Creator in all humility, is embrace, inclusion, comfort and support. Indeed, these are the responses of your guidance system and those spiritual forces which surround you regardless of your circumstances.

However, to one who has indeed cast aside arrogance, the voice of spirit becomes quite audible and there is a liveness of interchange that is not possible while the egoic structure of the personality shell retains its knowledge of its self-sufficiency.

We speak as if there is a “we” and a “they,” a “you” and an “I.” And this is not precisely correct. For there is an ever-flowing movement of energy along lines of force which are created by your thoughts and feelings rather than there being a dynamic of two.

You are experiencing ways of structuring the self so that it may be known to the self. We do not wish to take away every structure of your thoughts in an instant. Rather, we would that you would conceive of this journey as a dance. It is a dance in which your movements express a gradual increase in your ability to be naked and without personality.

In the privacy and the intimacy of your silent meditation, allow all to fall away as it will and sit with that which is left until it, too, falls away. And then sit with that which is left until it, too, falls away. Repeat this process until when you sit, you simply sit."

Okay the curtain can close now.. time to leave and embrace the performance from Q'uo

RE: Daily Q'uote - Sacred Fool - 07-31-2022

(07-30-2022, 08:34 AM)Quan Wrote: Q'uote of the Day
April 14th, 2006

" Practices which aid an entity in becoming more aware of his own heart are those practices which are very momentary. It is difficult to discipline the self to use the present moment. But it is in the present moment that you may practice opening the heart.

This is hilarious!!!!!!  I quoted this session in a post today in the concealed Meta Forum.  All this you quoted today, Quan, is from a session by Carla R. for me sixteen years ago.  Thanks very much!

And, by the way, I can vouch for the accuracy of the idea that it is difficult to discipline the self...for any purpose, in my case.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 07-31-2022

(07-31-2022, 02:42 AM)Sacred Fool Wrote:
(07-30-2022, 08:34 AM)Quan Wrote: Q'uote of the Day
April 14th, 2006

" Practices which aid an entity in becoming more aware of his own heart are those practices which are very momentary. It is difficult to discipline the self to use the present moment. But it is in the present moment that you may practice opening the heart.

This is hilarious!!!!!!  I quoted this session in a post today in the concealed Meta Forum.  All this you quoted today, Quan, is from a session by Carla R. for me sixteen years ago.  Thanks very much!

And, by the way, I can vouch for the accuracy of the idea that it is difficult to discipline the self...for any purpose, in my case.

Wow had no idea.. or perhaps on a unconscious all is one level(sorry couldnt resist that Wink   )

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 07-31-2022

Q'uote of the Day
January 21st, 1996

"That which has to do with the relationship of consciousness in the personal sense with consciousness in the creative sense or the sense of being the Creator will always fly before any gust of wind that attempts to chase it and the more words that are thrown at it, the faster it will flee. "

It is like in the Hobbit story.. where the group of lets just say .. travelers are on a long winding journey through a twisted forest and reminded before entering that they have to keep on the path no matter what.. however after some time due to fatigue and hunger they lose sight of those words and hear a party of elves eating and drinking with music so due to the temptation they stray from the path into the forest seeking the party.. however each time the get close the party vanishes.. then appears again further away from the path ..this continually happen an happens even quicker the faster they run towards. Mind goes blank on what happens next.. so will stop at that. Well besides the point is more a metaphor.. There comes a time in seeking when you realise as all is one why seek when you already are.. there is not 2 there is one!

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 08-01-2022

Q'uote of the Day
March 17th, 2002

"The energy has changed. And you are experiencing the dawn of that which some call fourth density and some call fifth density. It is the density of love or understanding. In this environment guidance is ever closer and ever more powerful to help. In this environment emotions and desires call forth the appropriate vibration of guidance. That is to say, entities at this particular time have a maximum ability to polarize, positively or negatively. All guidance is not positive. The guidance comes because of the vibration of calling that is sent out. This is as if one were a radio listener who was tuning that radio that was the self, looking for the best station, the most pleasant and desired station within that band of vibration which carries the radio waves. "

"In this environment emotions and desires call forth the appropriate vibration of guidance" so bemindful of what you are choosing to dwell on.. hence Q'uo often talks on how essential the attitude All is Well ..

Lets paint a pretty picture with some more words from another transcript
"your area of work is to increase your faith and strengthen your ability to, as Kierkegaard said, take a leap into the midair of faith. When you are living in faith, you have, as the one known as J said, an overwhelming awareness that all is well. And so you can dwell, even in the midst of seemingly very limiting or challenging circumstances, in joy and gratitude. This is your area of work, to toss yourself into midair, to rely upon the knowledge that all is well, especially when it does not at all seem that all is well.

Indeed, in worse conditions it is more important for you to rest, to find peace in your heart, and to allow a reassuring presence to flow through you and to aid those about you who may be losing heart. These things are not done for linear reasons. These things are a product of a life lived in faith. It is a discussion in itself as to the interplay between the personality shell and a life lived in faith. As you press on, living a life in faith, you will find things falling away from you that you thought were absolutely part of your personality. This does not mean that you cease to have a personality. It means that those quirks and oddities of personality that are no longer necessary for you to do the job you came to do will fall away of their own accord when they are no longer needed."
The paragraph proceeding these two is a nice bonus read too.. a grounding to balance that fourth density desire if needed.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 08-02-2022

Q'uote of the Day
November 6th, 2010

" In doing metaphysical work you need to find your center. You need to find what you are living for and what you would die for. You need to find the ground of your being. You need to know at the bedrock level who you are. Because in time/space, in the metaphysical realms of eternity and infinity, that entity that you truly are, your essence, your vibration, your frequency, is your identity. "

The 2nd last day of bring4th.. strangely mind is very quiete besides a bubble of emotion wanting to bubble up if i delve on that thought.. silence it is and perhaps that is why nothing coming out of this quote, or perhaps silence is part of the center and leading by example Wink

RE: Daily Q'uote - omcasey - 08-02-2022

I know there are many who hope, and would greatly benefit from this the continuance of this beautiful and much needed daily  f l o w . .  { { {  f l o w  } } }

Again, in much respect and gratitude for this service and all you've created here, Quan.


RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 08-03-2022

Q'uote of the Day
February 12th, 2006

"Make the shift within your mind of the doingness of consensus reality to the beingness of time/space or metaphysical reality. Realize that those things which in the physical are mere shadows—that is, your thoughts—become living, breathing objects, essences and creatures in the metaphysical world.Your intentions are very real, metaphysically speaking, and your subsequent actions, metaphysically speaking, are as the shadows of those intentions. That which may seem glorious in consensus reality may have almost no weight in the metaphysical world and that which seems only a shadow in the physical world may have tremendous weight in the metaphysical world, thereby turning logic on its ear and all of your ambitions to dust. "

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 08-03-2022

Well last post here.. but Daily Quote will continue on in forum here..
Has Law of One specific area too.. still has daily quote on website.  A big thank you!
And a bigger, massive gigantic thank you to the L/L Research crew for having the Bring4th forum for all these years! What a pleasure to even post here.
Of course thank you for all that were part of it these years too. Hopefully can see you on the other side.... well the other forum that is Wink

Remember meeting someone in the past who said it was part of their culture not to believe in good byes.. so along that note, will keep it brief Tongue

Side Note:
Omcasey thank you too for providing the continuation.. an stangely synchronistic was feeling exactly same way before seeing that post, heart didn't speak in obvious way more of a patience wait an go with the flow type way too.

RE: Daily Q'uote - hounsic - 08-03-2022

Thank you Quan for your service! See you on the other forum

RE: Daily Q'uote - BlueLoveLotus - 08-03-2022

(08-03-2022, 05:45 AM)Quan Wrote: Well last post here.. but Daily Quote will continue on in forum here..

Thank you to the wonderful group of souls that have been visiting this thread for inspiration - I have been truly carried by this group through dark  moments.  Thank you Quan! Thank you Margan! Thank you Flofrog! Thank you Hounsic! Thank you Sir Joseph Paxton! Thank you RitaJC! Thank you Pat19989! Thank you Sacred Fool! Thank you OMCasey! Thank you everyone!!!

I'm excited to check out the new Daily Q'uote!!! Also, during the past few years I've been guided to Sacred Geometry and Chi Gong Energy Healing and I'm feeling the call to make videos now on YouTube under my name Wesley Stupar. I just did one on how to make a merkaba and I'm excited!!!

Lao Tzu:

The ancient Masters didn't try to educate the people,
but kindly taught them to not-know.

When they think that they know the answers,
people are difficult to guide.
When they know that they don't know,
people can find their own way.

If you want to learn how to govern,
avoid being clever or rich.
The simplest pattern is the clearest.
Content with an ordinary life,
you can show all people the way
back to their own true nature.

RE: Daily Q'uote - omcasey - 08-03-2022

(08-03-2022, 05:45 AM)Quan Wrote: Side Note:
Omcasey thank you too for providing the continuation..  an stangely synchronistic was feeling exactly same way before seeing that post, heart didn't speak in obvious way more of a patience wait an go with the flow type way too.

It has been my pleasure to help create an new space for the continuance of Bring4th and all of what is good. Truly.

I wonder what will happen now, though, with the new announcement.

The kaleidoscope is still turning.......... ( wide open space ).

We would still love for you to provide your grace.


RE: Daily Q'uote - BlueLoveLotus - 08-05-2022

Hi Everyone! The new Daily Q'uote is live at

All is One

RE: Daily Q'uote - omcasey - 08-05-2022

(08-05-2022, 02:09 PM)BlueLoveLotus Wrote: Hi Everyone! The new Daily Q'uote is live at

All is One

And we are ever so grateful.  Heart