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RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-14-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 14, 2018

"�Within the tiny boundaries of a little life and a seemingly quite limited personality and character, you hold the Creator�s highest hope for knowing Itself, not only now in terms of space/time but now in terms of time/space and now in terms of the entire creation. The power of your position is astounding in many ways. It is as well that an entity awakening from the dream of Earth to a knowledge of its larger self has no idea of the power that it carries."

"to a knowledge of its larger self has no idea of the power that it carries"
Power beyond belief an thats just touching a snow flake on the tip of the iceberg Tongue

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-15-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 15, 2018

"An entity may rest in faith for a whole life long knowing�that all is well, without ever leaving the sanctity of the open heart. Indeed it is not necessary to work with the gateway to intelligent infinity in order for a seeker to live a life of highly polarized service to others and to graduate into fourth density when the time comes.

The heart and its energy center hold the key to moving forward with the evolution of mind, body and spirit, in that the heart is that sanctuary in which the immediate presence of the one infinite Creator is always available. Indeed, it is the nature of the green-ray energy center to be sanctified and utterly positive, resounding with the vibrations of unconditional love."

In way first paragraph is a paradox as gateway to intelligent infinity most effortless way to work with it is just to "rest in faith for a whole life long knowing�that all is well, without ever leaving the sanctity of the open heart." As energy will naturally build up by balancing the first 3 chakras to the open heart, the dam will break eventually to higher ones. If not it doesnt matter anyway..  That is why I love this universal english mantra "All is well" im curious if other languages have very similar or many sentences that mean same thing.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-16-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 16, 2018

"The key to creating of the life a sacred journey is the attitude with which this journey is taken. We would suggest that the invocation of gratitude and thankfulness is a great key in bringing one�s day-to-day life into focus. For no matter whether that which faces one in any particular instance would be thought of by the world as a blessing or as a challenge, yet still, in essence, that which lies before you is the perfect gift for this moment, containing your service and your learning."

" in essence, that which lies before you is the perfect gift for this moment, containing your service and your learning."  Often it is not until a future moment that can look back on a past moment to really appreciate what it offers..  For me some things took many years before i realised that or perhaps still have not realised Confused

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-17-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 17, 2018

"Entering into silence is an unnatural decision to the earth-bound entity."

"What did you do this morning?" "Oh I sat in silence", "ÿou didnt do anything else?"  "nope" Haha may seem strange to some, well maybe more than some and it certainly seems unnatural to do. But more you do it more natural it becomes Tongue  I feel unnatural now that I don't enter into silence! Like a fish out of water.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-18-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 18, 2018

"Never suspect that enlightenment benefits the enlightened one. Enlightened entities, my friends, for the most part, work very hard and do not consider themselves enlightened.

No, enlightenment is for the benefit of lightening others� weary loads, lifting other people�s spirits with an enlightened smile or a few soft words. Seek the essence of compassion. Seek the Creator which is all truth and all love. Enlightenment will be your harvest. We wish you a good appetite for meditation, my friends, for it will stand you in good stead."

The big, mighty, powerful word of the spiritual language, Enlightenment, Feel that power when saying it? Tongue  This quote shows helps enlighten what enlightenment can really mean.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-19-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 19, 2018

"We wish each entity those delights of travel, those mountaintop experiences, those great and profound realizations that come. Those times are precious, and yet each of you will find that when all is said and done it is the vibratory level of the beingness of each entity that sticks in the mind and in the heart like no other sense memory can. Each of us knows blessing when we experience it."

Even the most profound realisations can pale in comparison to "the vibratory level of the beingness of each entity" as this moment right now is most important, not that which has past but the present is the best present BigSmile

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-20-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 20, 2018

"Each has designed for himself a special incarnation offering powerful experiences of lack and plenty, pain and peace. If you have little money, think not that you do not deserve more. If you have much money, think not that you deserve less. But whatever your environment, fill it with your love of the Creator and allow that love to reach to the infinity of the Creator�s laughing face, that His light may shine infinitely through you that you may become plenty to others."

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-21-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 21, 2018

"The nature of the human is to be ethically oriented and to desire to serve, to love and to know. Trust your emotions to help you learn these things. And as you relate to others, trust the emotions in them that resonate with your own in terms of dealing with each entity at the soul level."

Important word here is trust, as it can be tempting to block out emotions but with trust they can provide insight to something much deeper or profound.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-22-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 22, 2018

"�If you analyze spiritual questions, such as the purpose of your life, beyond a certain point you are attempting to build a stairway to heaven made of facts and inferences, logical deductions and analyses. Yet life bursts the bounds of logic and analysis. Life is mystery and often seems to descend into various chaoses. There are dark nights of the soul between the daylights of epiphany and transformation.

Only in moments of clarity that are gifts from spirit can one know beyond all telling that all is truly well."

Time and time again these quotes synchronicity resonates much with me Angel

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-23-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 23, 2018

"That which you worry about, that which you fear, you call to you. We would encourage you to watch your thoughts like a hawk. When you find them becoming toxic, ask yourself to stop thinking along those lines. Ask yourself how your highest and best self would approach the situation that has you in worry and fear.

When that thought comes to you of what the highest and best would be, try it on, my friend. See if it feels more comfortable to you, more profitable, more skillful, and more helpful than your fearful thoughts. This is the kind of choice which does not look like a choice of polarity, but it is. The choice of fear is the choice to have life be about you. The choice of love is the choice to have life be about the one infinite Creator."

""That which you worry about, that which you fear, you call to you." it reminds of the the ghost movies usually the one who is most scared will attract the attention first, which as quote suggest typically be the one who hasn't made a choice service to others or service to self. As the thoughts you have is ultimately your choice and that "This is the kind of choice which does not look like a choice of polarity, but it is".

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-25-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 25, 2018

"As you move into the heart chakra, you move into what could be termed an outer courtyard. You stand before the open heart. And yet there is a gate that you must cross. It is guarded by the lions of discrimination. Those lions guard that gate until such time as you have accepted yourself. This seems a simple thing, and yet for those who habitually are self-critical, it is not so simple at all. How can one forgive oneself for self-perceived faults and errors?

�The way to forgive the self is to realize that you gaze at the illusion of self, thrown out by your personality shell. You may take it on faith that within that personality shell lies a beautiful, worthy, wonderful, exquisite spirit, unique in all the creation� When you see bits of your personality that you would wish to be other than they are, you have allowed yourself to judge yourself. We would ask you then to find it within yourself to refrain from judgment and instead hold out your arms and embrace yourself with your own open heart."

"those who habitually are self-critical, it is not so simple at all"  Oops yes guilty as pleaded. Taken a lot of balance work to undo my lovely habits of the past  Blush  Especially given the old old habits were replaced by new modern form of spiritual self criticism!
All the critisim is is just "bits of your personality" nothing more just wanting loving acceptance. Cute how Q'uo states the next line not a straight solution but to ask ...   "We would ask you then to find it within yourself to refrain from judgment and instead hold out your arms and embrace yourself with your own open heart."  

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-26-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 26, 2018

"The Law of One suggests not that you follow the Creator or its prophet or representative, but that you become aware that you are the Creator. Therefore, it suggests that you take responsibility for your life, your choices, and the way you live, day by day and hour by hour. It is not a philosophy that places urgency upon this quest for the truth. It is a philosophy that says that you have all the time that you need to make your choices and to follow your evolutionary path to complete the circle that you have begun, from the Creator, moving through densities and densities of experience into the heart of the one Creator once again, so that your source and your ending are the same and so that you never end."

The batter has lined up at the plate what will be thrown/pitched today BigSmile  Oh its a curve ball coming straight from Law of One!  First 2 sentences reminds me of book I jsut read Thou Art God.. no not the name of it thats what was said in it .. title being Stranger in a Strange Land referenced from Carla.
Rest that follows is a huge focus for me at moment in communication about making own choices to others, throw away the trainings wheels on the bike or crutches to walk and "take responsibility for your life, your choices, and the way you live, " let free will hit the home run thrown by love? Sorry maybe bit far with the metaphors today, oops theres another one Tongue

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-27-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 27, 2018

"The benefits of being in a physical body that works in third density have to do with your not knowing the truth. You have deliberately placed yourself in a situation where the truth is not obvious. It is not obvious that all is one. It is not obvious that this one thing is love. It is not obvious that each of you is a part of the creative principle, an ineffable and inextricably intertwined part of that one thing that is all things, the one great original Thought of unconditional love that is the one infinite Creator.

Why would you wish to place yourself in a position of unknowing? My friends, you wished to learn and you wished to serve and above all you wished to choose. And all of these things needed to be done by faith, faith in things unseen and unprovable. "

"Truth is not obvious" the world obvious is used that shows this can be pierced through the veil, the word choice its not obvious is more encouraging than not possible Wink A bit a catalyst of the spirit archetype.. Faith can get you there, whats that George Michael/ limp bizkit take on the song wheres its sung  "you gotta have faith" the latter rendition is certainly a wake up call .. *hint its;yelled very loud* something i need sometimes! Well hopefully not that loud Sad

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-28-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 28, 2018

"The only light which is visible metaphysically speaking to the seeker is paralleled by the light of the night sky, the stars, and the reflected light of the your planetary satellite. Metaphysically speaking, that star is called hope or faith. It is not a light which ameliorates the darkness but it is a signal, a sign if you will, that light there is and light abundant."

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-29-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 29, 2018

"We speak from the point of view that the Creator has made a great sacrifice in causing a portion of Its being to have mind and to become independent, for there is much effort in accepting the free will of portions of Itself which seem disharmonious with other portions of Itself. And yet the Creator has repeatedly made this sacrifice of wholeness without effort in order to bring Itself an expanded Self. The Creator, shall we say, takes the very, very long view and looks upon all that occurs through all the densities and dimensions, of which there are an infinite number, in order that It may key into Its own Self all of the selves that have become unique and learn all those things which each unique portion has learned. And you yourself are a sacrifice to your own mind, for without mind you would constantly be in a state of meditation and all things would be whole and entire unto themselves and one with you and acceptable in every respect."

I read this transcript only recently, this following line is a nice backdrop that precedes this quote "You are the Creator, and as you experience each other, the Creator gains experience."  Keeping these sentences in mind personalises the quote somewhat more that each of us is the Creator and adds a beautiful after a car being washed BigSmile

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-30-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 30, 2018

"�The Creator has gifts for you to aid in transformation, to surprise you and to offer you the opportunity to teach yourself that which you have begun to learn but have not yet finished; and that incalculable something which the balancing law offers as a teaching but which has been rarely spoken of and even less rarely grasped: that is, that there is such a thing as growth. There is that which rains when there is drought and which shines to brighten an interior dim landscape. There is an inborn keel which shall manifest itself within your life experience, not when you expect it but always as a gift, and whether these occurrences are happy or unhappy, you may find within yourself the blessing of lessons which are more simply learnt because you have been learning their opposite."

A ode to the beauty of balancing exercises BigSmile  
Law of Ones surmises with eloquence here:

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-31-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 31, 2018

"�Within the darkness that is complete lies your heart, beating without sound, gleaning that light as you intensify and intensify your seeking to the point at which your inner beating heart is manifested as the star of hope, the beacon of faith. Can you then see? You can see the star. At that point that is all that you can see. It does not shed light upon your path but by your own seeking you have planted that which is no thing, but which is a symbol of light, the light that shall shine until there is no darkness, the light that is without time and without space. Footstep after footstep you walk on, lighted by a dim but very real star, a star kindled within your heart and within no other. Walk on in majesty, walk on in humility, walk on in trust, for you are not alone in this darkness, you are not alone upon this path and you are not beguiled or mistaken in seeking light. When you reach past the phenomena to touch your own heart, it is then that you have placed your feet upon the path."

Quote matches perfectly to Jims blog recent discussions especially today "after saying that both the positive and negative adepts have the same  archetypes of Matrix and Potentiator of the Spirit, Ra then suggests that the Catalyst of the Spirit is where each polarity will begin to make its own unique choices of where and how to seek truth." an this part in particularly which I am especially interested in " In 80.10 Ra says that this work within the Catalyst of the Spirit is most challenging"   that being work on hope/faith.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-01-2018

The Daily Q'uote for June 1, 2018

"There is a tremendous amount of letting go implicit in the training of the self to enter into the silence and to release the contents of the intellectual mind. We heartily recommend this entering into the silence upon a daily basis, because it is a kind of training that is like the exercise of the body that strengthens the muscles."

Its a constant dance, tensing from intellectual mind then letting go and going back to the silence.. 
Notice when recommending entering into the silence Q'uo mentions "heartily recommend", a very fitting word for us service to others folk Tongue

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-02-2018

The Daily Q'uote for June 2, 2018

"�We would have no specific meditational technique to offer above all others, for each shall find a particular way of seeking in the meditative state which shall be more efficacious than others. Yet the variety of choices is large. Each choice, however, to be most efficacious, in our opinion needs to be based upon the great desire to seek what you may call the truth within each portion of one�s life, and then in a particular portion of the daily experience choose to reflect the light which one has received back to the Creator in a manner of communing with the one Creator which will allow the seeker then to become aware of the essence of all things within the life pattern."

Oh so many meditational techniques, many years ago I remember stumbling upon Vigyan Bhairav Tantra a 5000 year old text that describes over 100 meditation techniques! A lot of fun to try em out, Osho did a commentary
Intro :
Index:   In the ends tho does it matter? its all just to increase awareness whether you use a technique or no technique...   
"communing with the one Creator which will allow the seeker then to become aware of the essence of all things within the life pattern"

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-03-2018

The Daily Q'uote for June 3, 2018

"All of us have known these entities who, by their very being, improve the vibrations of a place. Yet always know that it is not from you that these things come. It is through you. There is not a key that unlocks the doors of the heart that has anything to do with the human mind or the will in the worldly sense of that mind. Rather, it is the naked soul, the bare and unadorned spirit that is the object of perfection, that is love itself, and that is each of you.

May you find ever more creative ways to share the infinite love and light that will come through you by blessing that energy and by consciously sending it out into the world."

"All of us have known these entities who, by their very being, improve the vibrations of a place." Not the doing that being that matters.
"Yet always know that it is not from you that these things come. It is through you" An important reminder to leave pride at the door unless you are being proud not to be proud, perhaps that can be an exception BigSmile

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-04-2018

The Daily Q'uote for June 4, 2018

"Money is relevant in your illusion. Enjoy it if you have it, seek it if you must, disregard it if you can, but manifest plenty and the consciousness of love."

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-05-2018

The Daily Q'uote for June 5, 2018

"You are in the athanor of life to burn away the slag and the dross and to find the gems and the gold that are within you. We assure you that you are precious, full of gems and full of gold, but as in the world of nature, the treasure is hidden beneath the soil of living. There are some who enjoy digging for those nuggets of gold and precious gems. There are those who are content to come across them in the process of dealing with catalyst. Either way is satisfactory, for both lead to those moments when you know why you are in the furnace and what is being burned away."

That word slag never pleasant to say is it! Or perhaps I need some balancing work on it? BigSmile    "There are some who enjoy digging for those nuggets of gold and precious gems." Certainly i like the digging but maybe not always while digging more towards the end of the process perhaps, can be quite tiring sometimes.. today I think I found a rather large gem however i need to polish it off a lil bit Tongue  

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-06-2018

The Daily Q'uote for June 6, 2018

"You have come into an illusion upon this planet and your life must be lived within that illusion in order for you to choose, by faith alone, to seek the Creator. And it is in faith that you forgive yourself, accept yourself, and fall in love with yourself."

Harkens to the great quote "Love Thyself" its exhausting to love others if not have love for oneself , more love oneself easier to love others!

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-07-2018

The Daily Q'uote for June 7, 2018

"That which is perceived as the truth will become the truth. Thusly, be extremely choosy about that which is accepted as the truth."

"be extremely choosy about that which is accepted as the truth." And be open minded to new possibilities as truth evolves with you.

RE: Daily Q'uote - AnthroHeart - 06-07-2018

(06-07-2018, 05:25 AM)Quan Wrote: The Daily Q'uote for June 7, 2018

"That which is perceived as the truth will become the truth. Thusly, be extremely choosy about that which is accepted as the truth."

"be extremely choosy about that which is accepted as the truth." And be open minded to new possibilities as truth evolves with you.

Mike Dooley from the Secret told a story about where he used to keep saying he was tired and exhausted.
At first he wasn't. He just said that. But after some time, he actually became tired and exhausted.
What wasn't true at first became true because he kept saying it.
Then when he stopped saying it, after a few weeks he was normal again and no longer tired all the time.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-08-2018

(06-07-2018, 10:17 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote:
(06-07-2018, 05:25 AM)Quan Wrote: The Daily Q'uote for June 7, 2018

"That which is perceived as the truth will become the truth. Thusly, be extremely choosy about that which is accepted as the truth."

"be extremely choosy about that which is accepted as the truth." And be open minded to new possibilities as truth evolves with you.

Mike Dooley from the Secret told a story about where he used to keep saying he was tired and exhausted.
At first he wasn't. He just said that. But after some time, he actually became tired and exhausted.
What wasn't true at first became true because he kept saying it.
Then when he stopped saying it, after a few weeks he was normal again and no longer tired all the time.
Its incredible how it works, reminds me to of a story a person snuck onto a long distance train in Australia, some people do for free travel.. little did he realise it was a very cold carriage and he had no way of getting out.. as he was dieing he did a journal to record all the ailments. WHen he was found..I think he may have survived but was very close to pasing on and the journal was found. It was used by researchers to understand what the body goes through when facing cold over long period..     The catch tho the cold climate was even not turned on.. it was all the persons mind! He imagined everything..  However all the symptons with great detail matched perfectly to what someone would go through if it really happened

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-08-2018

The Daily Q'uote for June 8, 2018

"Emotion has been systematically undervalued among your peoples for a great span of your experience, much to the detriment of the whole and unified self which seeks to manifest through third density illusion the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. What passes for emotion among many are not so much feelings as basic instincts such as reproduction, companionship and practicality. The role of emotions, while idealized within your culture, is in fact a false role, in that emotions do not serve the function which they are capable of serving�that is, the further knowing of the self and the ennoblement of the expression of life within the consciousness of manifestation."

Huge focus for me at moment is emotions as I certaily undervalued them in the past when it came to spiritual work, only emotion i often cared for when meditation was feeling bliss. Hence the following..
"Emotion has been systematically undervalued among your peoples for a great span of your experience,,"   Surface emotions gave a bad rap/reputation when doing this that the deeper emotions where not appreciated. But if valued how much easier spirtual work is, as stated here why "the further knowing of the self and the ennoblement of the expression of life within the consciousness of manifestation" 
Or in another transcript I just read recently
"The creation is consciousness , and the consciousness is pure emotion, not pure intellect"
"The fabric of the universise as we understand it to be. The one great original Thought is not a thought, it is purified emotion. Is is love."

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-09-2018

The Daily Q'uote for June 9, 2018

"Spirituality is being authentic, whoever you are, and finding that power within you, using whatever story, or thought, or inspiration may move you to move deeper and deeper and with more and more respect into that portion of you which contains infinite treasure, as though you were indeed an earthen vessel filled with gems. This is your true nature. Not the vessel, but the gems. Your physical body is that which carries you about and enables you to be so blind that you must live by faith, and not by proof of words of any kind."

Great quote, very inspiring BigSmile  The first paragraph is very important not just to follow your heart but why respecting free will of others is so important especially here "using whatever story, or thought, or inspiration may move you to move deeper and deeper".  Haha an a spice of humour here "Your physical body is that which carries you about and enables you to be so blind that you must live by faith", yes very blind sometimes Cool

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-10-2018

The Daily Q'uote for June 10, 2018

"�The advantages of male or female sexuality begins with the note that sexuality itself has advantages. The advantages of being polarized are a fruitfulness which one cannot gain without polarity. This may be seen to be literally true in human sexuality, wherein male and female come together to allow the opportunity of a pregnancy to occur. In the sense of working with one�s conscious awareness of the passing moments of experience, polarity is that which actively encourages the self to move into relationship. The sexual polarity creates a bias towards seeking companionship. The companionship may then move in any of a number of ways, all of which bear fruit in terms of an increased rate of catalyst, and therefore, an increased opportunity to learn from the catalyst."

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-11-2018

The Daily Q'uote for June 11, 2018

"�When you return home from this illusionary experience of life on Earth, there is a fullness to your experience that was not there before. You have added to the self in ways that you know not while in incarnation. And you have given a harvest of new information to the one infinite Creator. It is a joyful time. And it is as though you had never been gone."

"It is a joyful time. And it is as though you had never been gone." This can be interpretted various ways, perhaps that in comparison life on earth time the spent is a blink of an eye compared to being back home. The reference to "what "a joyful time" on returning, such exitement just talking about it  Angel Tongue