Daily Q'uote - Printable Version

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RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-26-2018

(04-25-2018, 06:36 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote:
(04-25-2018, 04:21 AM)Quan Wrote: The Daily Q'uote for April 25, 2018

"[A] key error among your peoples has been to forget that all things are one. It is a very simple truth. There are many, many ways to say this truth. But you are part of the entity sitting next to you, the entity on the other side of the world, the ground that lies closest to your feet at this time, and the ground of the entire planet. All of these energies coalesce within your energy system."

There is a being I really want to experience oneness with, and I realize how close he is. I'm learning not to try so hard, and just let it come naturally.

The next quote matches well with how to experience oneness on a deeper/clearer level.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-26-2018

The Daily Q'uote for April 26, 2018

"In doing metaphysical work you need to find your center. You need to find what you are living for and what you would die for. You need to find the ground of your being. You need to know at the bedrock level who you are. Because in time/space, in the metaphysical realms of eternity and infinity, that entity that you truly are, your essence, your vibration, your frequency, is your identity."

And when you do "find your center" or that oneness it is such a comforting feeling, just letting go completely, like sinking into a comfortable couch, well sort of  BigSmile 

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-27-2018

The Daily Q'uote for April 27, 2018

"There would seem to be�a unified and holistic heart that awaits the one who approaches the gateway to the open heart. However�the heart chakra has two distinct levels,�the outer courtyard of the heart and the inner sanctum of the heart.

You come into the outer courtyard of your own heart when you are ready at last to face your shadow self. Whatever you have not yet recognized or developed within your full personality, meets you in the courtyard of the open heart� In order to enter the inner sanctum of your own heart, you must do the work of greeting, understanding, accepting, feeling compassion for, and eventually redeeming every bit of undeveloped light that is a part of yourself.

It is our belief that each entity is the Creator. Just as a holographic image can be seen by any part of that image and reflect the whole, so are you a holographic spark of the one infinite Creator. Therefore, as you move into the inner sanctum of your heart, you need to carry your entire self with you."

"to enter the inner sanctum of your own heart, you must do the work of greeting, understanding, accepting, feeling compassion for, and eventually redeeming every bit of undeveloped light that is a part of yourself. "
After judging self and other selfs for so long sure takes a lot of work to instead accept all undeveloped light within/without but im up for the challenge  Angel

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-28-2018

The Daily Q'uote for April 28, 2018

"My dear ones, the energies of the biochemical mind are not all of your consciousness. The mind which lives and dies with your body complex is one geared towards knowledge which enables one to control its environment, to maintain survival and comfort, and to pursue goals within the reach of the horizon. It is your consciousness which neither lives nor dies but is infinite and eternal which asks the questions it cannot answer, which aims the incarnate self at goals which the self cannot encompass in total.

And the role within incarnation of this consciousness which is infinite is quite often reduced in efficacy because the intellectual mind complex is fairly [sure] that it may know and be sure of anything which it sets out to know. How confident you are in the efficiency of the intellect. Yet the experience of incarnation as it passes shows again and again the error made by any which assumes that because it knows truths it will be able skillfully to propagate those truths in a life pattern."

Haha I think this statement sums up why being humble is so important for service to others path
" intellectual mind complex is fairly [sure] that it may know and be sure of anything which it sets out to know" as soon as pride starts "How confident you are in the efficiency of the intellect." its so easy to do, and especially perhaps by reading a lot of spiritual material Tongue   The more you know the less you realise you know.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-29-2018

The Daily Q'uote for April 29, 2018

"You are an eternal essence, part of the Creator, and before your planet hung, round and beautiful in its orbit, you existed, complete and perfect. It is your birthright to experience infinity. Your conscious mind keeps you limited. In meditation, you enter the eternal, and as you allow your mind consciously to run down and become quiet, you tap in more and more to the great stream of love and wisdom which runs underground, shall we say, in your consciousness.

Perhaps you feel that in some ways you are not worthy to meditate and to seek understanding, but we assure you that all entities make what could be called errors in judgment. We ask you always, as you go into meditation, to release your previous perceptions of yourself, your identity, your faults, and your weaknesses, focusing only on that which you desire—knowledge of the truth. In meditation you shall become more and more aware of the true nature of the creation. You shall begin to see the unity that binds all in the Thought that created all."

"allow your mind consciously to run down and become quiet" key word being allow, so much training I had when growing up to keep mind busy but not vice versa, consequently I had developed a great imbalance Confused .  Also notice the word use of "run down" not stop as you dont stop your mind thinking, you just allow it to take course, hence the whole mindfullness movement and watching thoughts. If you keep at it mind will become quiet and if not... doesnt matter as long as you become quiet..the mind will follow, for its just a small part of the infinite self. 

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-30-2018

The Daily Q'uote for April 30, 2018

"Those things which are of the material world may seem most desirable, those things which are of the invisible world, most distant. Yet may we say that your material world is an illusion, known so to your scientists, who describe everything as whirling masses of energy, not masses of things, so that dependence upon the reality of anything upon the outside world plane is a jest, although a very convincing one.

To move into the true nature is gradually to move away from consensus reality as it is known by your culture and your society, and to move into an individual and idiosyncratic way of thinking, feeling and acting, a way in which you interpret your relationship with eternity in the light of your temporary involvement with your own body as well as the bodies and inextinguishable spirits of other souls, other portions of the Creator with whom you may come in contact. "

"dependence upon the reality of anything upon the outside world plane is a jest, although a very convincing one."  certainly gets me fooled  the spiritual path is considered being a fool too, i know which fool I would prefer to be.. lol oops did i just say that now I am really being a fool  BigSmile

Synchroncity in the 2nd paragraph for me I was just talking with a fellow friend on bring4th about lonelines and spiritual seeking, especially this part matches well "To move into the true nature is gradually to move away from consensus reality as it is known by your culture and your society".

Also comes to mind this part from Tao Te Ching..Chapter 20, a bit long for this small post so if your interested read it there Tongue  Perhaps not as prounced as that quote given the time period we are in now not in middle BC period, but it still has its merits.

RE: Daily Q'uote - AnthroHeart - 04-30-2018

I had a dream where I was going to do a commercial about the Tao te Ching. I tried to look up the meaning of dreaming about the Tao, but only found the Tao of Dreaming.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-01-2018

(04-30-2018, 01:25 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I had a dream where I was going to do a commercial about the Tao te Ching. I tried to look up the meaning of dreaming about the Tao, but only found the Tao of Dreaming.

Fascinating, any more detail you can remember?  Tao of Dreaming what is that?

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-01-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 1, 2018

"It would be preferable…to hope for, and aim for, taking the life itself lightly, so that there is not that feeling of struggle with the spiritual path but rather a feeling of playing and dancing and even romping with the spiritual path. There is something in the work ethic that suggests that it is important to work hard, even on the spiritual path. Yet, we would suggest that there are other ways to frame this effort so that it is effortless and simply becomes a game that is fun to play and fun to think about. Then, where before you were worrying or striving, you now are relaxed and moving in a dance, graceful and light-stepping, ready to laugh, ready to let it go and simply be."

Humour is such an amazing thing in life I love it BigSmile , quote also reminds me of this  "treat life as a joke, take death seriously".

RE: Daily Q'uote - AnthroHeart - 05-01-2018

(05-01-2018, 05:35 AM)Quan Wrote:
(04-30-2018, 01:25 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I had a dream where I was going to do a commercial about the Tao te Ching. I tried to look up the meaning of dreaming about the Tao, but only found the Tao of Dreaming.

Fascinating, any more detail you can remember?  Tao of Dreaming what is that?

I think I was going to start with the line "The Tao cannot be defined."

And I remember like house with a red roof.

I was planning out how to explain the Tao to those who were new to it.

I think the Tao of Dreaming is a book.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-02-2018

(05-01-2018, 11:04 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote:
(05-01-2018, 05:35 AM)Quan Wrote:
(04-30-2018, 01:25 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I had a dream where I was going to do a commercial about the Tao te Ching. I tried to look up the meaning of dreaming about the Tao, but only found the Tao of Dreaming.

Fascinating, any more detail you can remember?  Tao of Dreaming what is that?

I think I was going to start with the line "The Tao cannot be defined."

And I remember like house with a red roof.

I was planning out how to explain the Tao to those who were new to it.

I think the Tao of Dreaming is a book.
Red is very strong colour in chinese culture.
Have you also read the Zhuangzi  based on Tao, i love all the stories in it, translation can be a bit funny but its amazing read  BigSmile

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-02-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 2, 2018

"The habit of meditation is, like any other habit, one which is learned through repetition. There is often the concept of meditation as being a complete blanking out of the mind and a resting in heavenly bliss. Yet we would say to you�that you will also have a fruitful and helpful meditation spending your time in silence, watching your thoughts arise and allowing them to fall, watching them arise and allowing them to fall away, watching them arise and allowing them once again, and once again, to fall away�

The seeming turbulence of the surface of the mind does not in any way keep your deeper mind from realizing your intention to focus your will upon the seeking of the communication that is in the silence. And bolstered by this awareness of your intention and the setting of your will, your deeper self will use that meditation time just as it would if your outer experience were completely peaceful."

One thing that is so clear in Law of One and in Transcripts is meditation in silence or being in the silence. It can become so effortless sometimes, just like it used to be effortless to think all the time for me Tongue  Once you reach critical point the ease of spending time in it increases but then I notice when not in it the discomfort can be much more pronounced!

RE: Daily Q'uote - AnthroHeart - 05-02-2018

(05-02-2018, 04:57 AM)Quan Wrote:
(05-01-2018, 11:04 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote:
(05-01-2018, 05:35 AM)Quan Wrote:
(04-30-2018, 01:25 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I had a dream where I was going to do a commercial about the Tao te Ching. I tried to look up the meaning of dreaming about the Tao, but only found the Tao of Dreaming.

Fascinating, any more detail you can remember?  Tao of Dreaming what is that?

I think I was going to start with the line "The Tao cannot be defined."

And I remember like house with a red roof.

I was planning out how to explain the Tao to those who were new to it.

I think the Tao of Dreaming is a book.
Red is very strong colour in chinese culture.
Have you also read the Zhuangzi  based on Tao, i love all the stories in it, translation can be a bit funny but its amazing read  BigSmile

I haven't really read much. But I'm starting to read more. Now a book on forgiveness and another on expressive writing to get emotions down on paper.
I may read the Harry Potter series if it's on Kindle, so that I can get a little more familiar with more of my genre.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-02-2018

(05-02-2018, 05:04 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote:
(05-02-2018, 04:57 AM)Quan Wrote:
(05-01-2018, 11:04 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote:
(05-01-2018, 05:35 AM)Quan Wrote:
(04-30-2018, 01:25 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I had a dream where I was going to do a commercial about the Tao te Ching. I tried to look up the meaning of dreaming about the Tao, but only found the Tao of Dreaming.

Fascinating, any more detail you can remember?  Tao of Dreaming what is that?

I think I was going to start with the line "The Tao cannot be defined."

And I remember like house with a red roof.

I was planning out how to explain the Tao to those who were new to it.

I think the Tao of Dreaming is a book.
Red is very strong colour in chinese culture.
Have you also read the Zhuangzi  based on Tao, i love all the stories in it, translation can be a bit funny but its amazing read  BigSmile

I haven't really read much. But I'm starting to read more. Now a book on forgiveness and another on expressive writing to get emotions down on paper.
I may read the Harry Potter series if it's on Kindle, so that I can get a little more familiar with more of my genre.
That book Tao Te Ching and Zhuangzi are the two foundation books of Taoism, i highly recommend it if time is right. If not doesnt matter Tongue  

RE: Daily Q'uote - AnthroHeart - 05-02-2018

Can you give me a link to the kindle edition on Amazon for Zhuangzi. I see several books and am not sure which one. Thanks. In English of course.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-03-2018

(05-02-2018, 05:48 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Can you give me a link to the kindle edition on Amazon for Zhuangzi. I see several books and am not sure which one. Thanks. In English of course.

It is called The Complete Works Chuang Tzu  or can be called Zhuangzi
I copied and pasted into a word document and read it from there:
This is a translation Burton Watson.   Few things to consider the translations can vary so maybe try this one and try another translations see which one feels right.  

Furthermore there are references to emperors and different states so without knowledge of China could be bit confusing sometimes  but you can still read it.  Unlike Tao Te Ching this is more message comes out via the story's and parables.  It is very unique thou and has a sense of humour in it too Tongue I really enjoyed it and gets quite addictive to read I couldnt stop.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-03-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 3, 2018

"The play of intellect as it flashes is a thing greatly to value. And it is good to play with that part of yourself that analyzes and uses logic and compares things to other things. It would be unusual indeed to consider that the Creator offered you this intellect and then to tell you that it is not worthy. The problem with the intellect, especially in your culture, my friends, is that you either ride it and enjoy the ride, or you are ridden by it and a slave to it. The intellect needs to be in harness with the mind of your heart, that energy within you that is stayed on love."

Haha definitely experienced that with the intellect " you are ridden by it and a slave to it" but used to be more of an invisible slave not knowing any better.
This next part shows a more pleasant way..
"The intellect needs to be in harness with the mind of your heart, that energy within you that is stayed on love."  Intellect combined with intuition of the heart can be beautiful when in action, almost poetic like.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-04-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 4, 2018

"Remember that each is in truth love itself. Love does not contract; love does not fear; love drives out fear. If the entity is at heart a being of love, and if an entity is able to experience the self as a being of love, this is a tremendously important step towards becoming more skillful in the process of experiencing the self as a person of power, peace, bliss and magical effectiveness."

By tuning into our essense of love more and more is when magic really happens, that is "experiencing the self as a person of power, peace, bliss and magical effectiveness."  Its not about a magic wand or staff Tongue

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-05-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 5, 2018

"As you meditate, as you begin to widen your point of view, never rest, for there is always another refinement which may offer more beauty to your own consciousness of love, and for you to reflect that consciousness, for you to seem enlightened, a light to those around, is a most helpful thing to wish."

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-06-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 6, 2018

"Each seeker is here to become a direct co-creator by allowing that which is, the Logos, that one great original Thought, to be us and to move through us and out into the Earth plane. By blessing this energy and yet not holding it, by knowing there is enough, an infinite amount of this love and light, that it cannot be spent, the seeker is affirming that which is."

"yet not holding it, by knowing there is enough, an infinite amount of this love and light"
An more acceptance then greater capacity to take in more to move through.. like a battery getting bigger charge Tongue

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-07-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 7, 2018

"There is not a person, no matter what his station, his state, or expression of morality, that is not beautiful. Each entity at the soul level is tremendously beautiful. Indeed, each entity—being the Creator—has a beauty beyond all imagining, for each is all that there is; each contains the universe."

Obviously I avoid this word but not in this case! Yep im racist to the creator an proud of it  BigSmile , haha never can be enough as we all are  the one infinite creator, lovely uplifting quote today!

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-08-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 8, 2018

"We do not ask that you see money as a means to an end, we do not ask that you stop thinking about money�We ask only that it be recognized that worship of that which is known is idolatry and is not a satisfactory way in which to polarize one�s path or to accelerate the pace of one�s journey upon it.

Seek first the consciousness of love through meditation and analysis of action and thought, and that which is needed shall be given unto you according to the circumstances needed by you in your own opinion before this incarnational experience. All shall be given to you, for you see, no matter what the illusion of manipulation and manifestation may be, all this can be given unto you. All is indeed free. And that which is not, will not be.

Indirect worship of money may be much more common than thought, thinking about it a lot how to get more or where to spend it, or what else need to buy etc.  its easy to fill up much time doing that. Sprinkle emotions to the mix and it can be like a form of worship without even knowing..     No matter how you have.. when dieing though it is as useful as a piece of dirt Tongue  Maybe dirt more useful as your body can be buried in it!   
To realise everything is perfect just exactly how it is is not easy and "that which is needed shall be given unto you according to the circumstances needed by you in your own opinion before this incarnational experience." How freeing it is when this is realised  BigSmile

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-09-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 9, 2018

"�It is the darker emotions, such as anger, that when allowed to become refined and purified create the grit, the muscle, the determination, the energy of enduring and persevering and winning through to the goals of your incarnation. If you do not have that driving energy that is expressed in anger within you in a more purified and refined state, you do not have the energy to be patient with the self as it is refined in the athanor or the furnace of experience."

All emotions comes for love so by converting those darker emotions that appear to be about separation can be turned around and can turn out to be wonderful sidekick, like Robin and Batman Huh   Perhaps more fitting like the conscious and unconscious mind!

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-10-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 10, 2018

"The athanor of Earth works because you cannot see through the veil completely. You cannot know the larger picture. You cannot think your way into grasping why you chose the catalyst you chose and why you chose the patterns of important relationships and solitude and all the issues of your life as you chose them. And perhaps it is only a short cut to tell you that it was well planned and that you can trust yourself and your higher self as the planners of the incarnation you are now experiencing. "

A great definition of what trust truly means in this density..To realise that and live it, well that is something different entirely.

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-11-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 11, 2018

"Some entities seek to balance their open and loving hearts with more wisdom. Other wise souls come into incarnation hoping to break open their hearts and link that unconditional love vibration with wisdom in a more balanced and equal fashion. There are also some who seek the right use of power, balancing it either with love or with wisdom or with both. These are the usual areas of which concern the soul going into incarnation."

I imagine this quote is more for wanderers..

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-12-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 12, 2018

"Let your lives be about love and you shall make of your world the heaven it surely is. When you walk through the gates into larger life you shall only see more of the same, my friend, for you have been there all the time. This day you are in paradise. Believe it and act on it and let the word spread that heaven is on earth today. It is in your hands. It is on your lips. And it is in your heart."

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-13-2018

The Daily Q'uote for May 13, 2018

"You may think to yourself, �But my heart is not always stayed on love. There are many feelings that come from my heart that do not seem to be full of love. They seem to be full of grief, sorrow, anger and fear.� We can only encourage you to persist in paying attention to your feelings. And as you honor them and allow them their sway within your process, you will find that you are able to let those feelings go down into parts of you that are as the refining fire that purifies even the most dark feelings, gradually, over a period of time in your incarnation, until you are as supple and understanding with your feelings as you are with your intellectual processes."

RE: Daily Q'uote - hounsic - 05-13-2018

(05-13-2018, 06:50 AM)Quan Wrote: The Daily Q'uote for May 13, 2018

"You may think to yourself, �But my heart is not always stayed on love. There are many feelings that come from my heart that do not seem to be full of love. They seem to be full of grief, sorrow, anger and fear.� We can only encourage you to persist in paying attention to your feelings. And as you honor them and allow them their sway within your process, you will find that you are able to let those feelings go down into parts of you that are as the refining fire that purifies even the most dark feelings, gradually, over a period of time in your incarnation, until you are as supple and understanding with your feelings as you are with your intellectual processes."

I would definetly recommend anyone so inclined to read the full transcript.... Amazing

RE: Daily Q'uote - Surfboard - 05-13-2018

(05-13-2018, 05:57 PM)hounsic Wrote:
(05-13-2018, 06:50 AM)Quan Wrote: The Daily Q'uote for May 13, 2018

"You may think to yourself, �But my heart is not always stayed on love. There are many feelings that come from my heart that do not seem to be full of love. They seem to be full of grief, sorrow, anger and fear.� We can only encourage you to persist in paying attention to your feelings. And as you honor them and allow them their sway within your process, you will find that you are able to let those feelings go down into parts of you that are as the refining fire that purifies even the most dark feelings, gradually, over a period of time in your incarnation, until you are as supple and understanding with your feelings as you are with your intellectual processes."

I would definetly recommend anyone so inclined to read the full transcript.... Amazing

After reading the question, I couldn't help myself as I started to flap my hands and make happy sounds as I was so excited about the transcript. Thank you so much

RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-14-2018

(05-13-2018, 07:41 PM)Surfboard Wrote:
(05-13-2018, 05:57 PM)hounsic Wrote:
(05-13-2018, 06:50 AM)Quan Wrote: The Daily Q'uote for May 13, 2018

"You may think to yourself, �But my heart is not always stayed on love. There are many feelings that come from my heart that do not seem to be full of love. They seem to be full of grief, sorrow, anger and fear.� We can only encourage you to persist in paying attention to your feelings. And as you honor them and allow them their sway within your process, you will find that you are able to let those feelings go down into parts of you that are as the refining fire that purifies even the most dark feelings, gradually, over a period of time in your incarnation, until you are as supple and understanding with your feelings as you are with your intellectual processes."

I would definetly recommend anyone so inclined to read the full transcript.... Amazing

After reading the question, I couldn't help myself as I started to flap my hands and make happy sounds as I was so excited about the transcript. Thank you so much

Hahha love the commentary Surfboard.

Thank you for pointing that out too hounsic.