The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - Printable Version

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The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-20-2015

So I'm seeing...For lack of better words. A tiny colored dot in my vision. It will pop in for a split second then disappear, usually on the right side of my vision as an electric blue, pale violet, or bright blue 'dot'.

On top of this, I've been getting these...ear tones like Don described in the Ra Material but ONLY in my right ear. Sometimes it'll hit me and the tone will deafen what I can hear (actually it might just be loud) and its lasting variable lengths of time, longest was about 20 seconds nonstop.

Synchronicity wise the numbers on the clock are now leading me based off of my intent and current thoughts. Been seeing 111 A LOT
So I want to start acquiring control of my thoughts once more.

And with the syncs as they are, these sense cues must mean something.
I'm going to journal both phenomenon and see if I can deduce anything about why or how or if something causes them.

But...does anyone know or have any thoughts on these occurrences?

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - AnthroHeart - 09-20-2015

They could be precognition if you haven't identified what may be causing them. I had an ear tone in my right ear a few days ago. Usually it's in both ears together.

I've also heard that it's angels trying to talk to you but they talk so fast and at such a frequency that you can't understand them. I just ask  them to please slow down if they have a message. That was advice from a lady who talks to angels and can hear God talking. And she said that God never stops talking.

When I ask them to please slow down, I won't get their message right away. Sometimes it's a few days and then I'll get an image or a part of a sentence. The blue is the sign of communication, so maybe someone is trying to communicate.

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - tamaryn - 09-20-2015


Synchronicstic though cause this wide lens has opened for me recently as well, with Phosphenes, hallucinative heart vision.

Listening to music lately has been like evoking the musicians themselves.

Blue-Ray souls and seeing Blue.
The Link Between Visual Static, Phosphenes and Energy

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-20-2015

The phosphene ideal is sound and sounds correct to me. However. I question if that's all this is, or if there's more.

This started over a year ago, stopped, then started back up aagain. My first thought was I was seeing radiation damaging my eyes (I live in the west coast, fukushima radiation has been here for a while). Then I saw others talking of it before 2011 and it had me curious.

Unified universal field...a noticing of it? Interaction?... A distortion? What does it mean? Pineal Gland activation? What does it mean?

Maybe its an energy transfer? Am I seeing my guides briefly? Is it special for me or different for me?

It happens across the day, at work, at home, in bed. What's it mean???

I desire to know. Maybe its time to start meditating more again, this has never happened to me in meditation now that I think about it.

I also see Indigo dots on the right, and have seen red, orange-yellow, and pale red-orange dots on the left.

I have never had a desire regarding alchemy or transmutations, but if this is linked some how, my curiosity is awoken.

I want to know, studytiem!! ...crap I'm at work D:
Sunday-night-procrastination-expediated studytiieem!!

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - Aion - 09-20-2015

Trying to find the quote but there's a spot where Ra described a change in visual phenomenon which correlated with efforts of the higher self to call one to realize or remember the magical nature of reality.

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - Aion - 09-20-2015

When I get to a certain point in my meditations I see a full-on spinning mandala that starts in the center of my vision and gradually gets wider. It looks like many coloured spheres all spinning and rotating around eachother like a whirlpool.

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - AnthroHeart - 09-20-2015

I feel more than I see energy.

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - Aion - 09-20-2015

Me too, although my visual range has slowly increased over the years of meditating.

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-20-2015

(09-20-2015, 12:58 PM)Aion Wrote: Trying to find the quote but there's a spot where Ra described a change in visual phenomenon which correlated with efforts of the higher self to call one to realize or remember the magical nature of reality.


Might be correct as well, feels right.  Sounds right.  Makes sense to me.

I looked at the 216 pattern sequence of Phi and found myself looking at the fabric of existence in the most basic numeric form (and then quickly feel like an insane lunatic scrambling to write it down).  This hasn't happened since last year, from the voices coming back to seeing energy to these ear tones and dots in my vision...

Arrgh I feel like I'm going crazy, with spirituality o:

The Website I was looking at when my intuition went: WAITWAITWAIT I SEE SOMETHING!!
Then I scroll to the comments, very last comment lists the actual 216 sequence.  Its a giant repeating pattern.showing how it all happened/happens.  9, 8, and 1 on the top row have patterns going downwards.  Some columns match up with rows in number orders from top-down and left-right (and vice versa)

I've Seen 144, for over a year now.
Its my favorite number doubled (72*2)
Its the 12th sequence of the Fibonacci Sequence.

I don't know.  I wish I had someone to help me calm my doubts.

I'm kinesthetic and visual in terms of how I perceive energy.

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - Aion - 09-21-2015

What are your doubts exactly?

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - Aion - 09-21-2015

Have you ever read The Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak? I bet you'd have fun diving in to that, or hate it, it is like that.

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - tamaryn - 09-21-2015

Okay i believe we see 'things' when we enter an alignment / tunnel of understanding . The space/time aligns with time/space for an opening of space/time and you see the understanding being imbued in the moment; as a face, a patter, geometry, indigo dots of any colour. Understanding grows with all feelings, painting with colors and rhythm to your own energy. It is you that you see through. I'm still afraid of my power. I need to die to see through any thing to see what i am.

Synchronisitic music video:

@Aion, I'll be reading that book thanks, Smile

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-21-2015

If that is true, then 2:3 odds so far I'm an ascended master, if you corrolate my thoughts to when it occurs, two of three times since I've been journaling it I've seen the dot appear as I thought of possibly being a creator, linked to the 144,000 ascended masters, regarding the creation of the holographic universe.

Did you know the Symbol for Phi looks like a 1 inside of a 0?
And that it looks like a 2D torus?

My doubts:
I'm crazy.  Worry I might be partially schizophrenic from how clearly the voices come in again now that I'm trying to be more conscious and loving and less judgmental.  Its my biggest doubt, that all this, the beautiful love, consideration and kindness in those voices is all fake.
I'm not smart enough or educated enough in mathematics and sacred geometry (See Blatzaddicts post: Serious Adepts), to actually discover any truth to this creation whether intuitively or such, to share for others benefit...
Doubts in my self belief.  Doubts in my self.

I still occasionally stumble into a hellish reality that creates many GREAT doubts regarding my very existence as anything but a dream on the whim of a Moment's notice (my entire life and all existence is just an illusion, I'm an illusion and less than nothing)

I see the world and have doubts that all will be well.

I doubt the good will make up for the bad.

I doubt I am separated but doubt that belief is appropriate or fair to my Human or human self based on the most simple deductive open reasoning regards Free Will and how Humanity is treated on.Earth via 'catalyst'.

Doubt I'm an ascended master.

Doubt I'll ever see, hear, experience extranormal spiritual phenomena.

Doubt I'll ever get to a place in life to be a healer or a teacher of spirituality for others in both areas.

Doubt I'm alive some days and just in a dream.  (Because everything feels like a dream again and looks like it.)

Doubt I'm intellectual or smart, and just a dummy who thinks he knows when in reality he don't know nothing.

Doubt I'm even open with myself properly.

Doubt my social and sexual preferences, which makes me doubt even being a STO entity.

Doubt I'm even a Wanderer sometimes.

Much doubt, much indigo ray blockages that I bypass with pure faith and belief.  But it has a toll over time.

Which makes me doubt my love of self.  Maybe I love knowledge more than I.

Doubt I can wisely love properly or appropriately anyone at all.

Doubt my own love of my doubts.

I'm a very doubtful type now that I list it all out :l...

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - tamaryn - 09-21-2015

Ascended masters all forgetting who they are embarrassingly finding themselves fuddling with spiritual imaginations.

Still re learning mastery

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - The_Tired_Philosopher - 09-21-2015

It is only embarrassing humanly. Spiritually, its exciting to think about!! Shame would be there were I not humble enough to consider I wanted this, as did many others, so no shame is needed, embarrassment is even unneeded but it is Human. I am this great masterful loving being? ! !

Dear God, forgive me. For I have Synonymously Been.
Forgiveness: Given

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - Aion - 09-21-2015

(09-21-2015, 04:27 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: If that is true, then 2:3 odds so far I'm an ascended master, if you corrolate my thoughts to when it occurs, two of three times since I've been journaling it I've seen the dot appear as I thought of possibly being a creator, linked to the 144,000 ascended masters, regarding the creation of the holographic universe.

Did you know the Symbol for Phi looks like a 1 inside of a 0?
And that it looks like a 2D torus?

My doubts:
I'm crazy.  Worry I might be partially schizophrenic from how clearly the voices come in again now that I'm trying to be more conscious and loving and less judgmental.  Its my biggest doubt, that all this, the beautiful love, consideration and kindness in those voices is all fake.
I'm not smart enough or educated enough in mathematics and sacred geometry (See Blatzaddicts post: Serious Adepts), to actually discover any truth to this creation whether intuitively or such, to share for others benefit...
Doubts in my self belief.  Doubts in my self.

I still occasionally stumble into a hellish reality that creates many GREAT doubts regarding my very existence as anything but a dream on the whim of a Moment's notice (my entire life and all existence is just an illusion, I'm an illusion and less than nothing)

I see the world and have doubts that all will be well.

I doubt the good will make up for the bad.

I doubt I am separated but doubt that belief is appropriate or fair to my Human or human self based on the most simple deductive open reasoning regards Free Will and how Humanity is treated on.Earth via 'catalyst'.

Doubt I'm an ascended master.

Doubt I'll ever see, hear, experience extranormal spiritual phenomena.

Doubt I'll ever get to a place in life to be a healer or a teacher of spirituality for others in both areas.

Doubt I'm alive some days and just in a dream.  (Because everything feels like a dream again and looks like it.)

Doubt I'm intellectual or smart, and just a dummy who thinks he knows when in reality he don't know nothing.

Doubt I'm even open with myself properly.

Doubt my social and sexual preferences, which makes me doubt even being a STO entity.

Doubt I'm even a Wanderer sometimes.

Much doubt, much indigo ray blockages that I bypass with pure faith and belief.  But it has a toll over time.

Which makes me doubt my love of self.  Maybe I love knowledge more than I.

Doubt I can wisely love properly or appropriately anyone at all.

Doubt my own love of my doubts.

I'm a very doubtful type now that I list it all out :l...

I would like to offer you this exercise.

Quote:Questioner: We have decided to accept, if offered, the honor/duty of learning/teaching the healing process. I would ask as to the first step which we should accomplish in becoming effective healers.

Ra: I am Ra. We shall begin with the first of the three teachings/learnings.

We begin with the mental learn/teachings necessary for contact with intelligent infinity. The prerequisite of mental work is the ability to retain silence of self at a steady state when required by the self. The mind must be opened like a door. The key is silence.

Within the door lies an hierarchical construction you may liken unto geography and in some ways geometry, for the hierarchy is quite regular, bearing inner relationships.

To begin to master the concept of mental discipline it is necessary to examine the self. The polarity of your dimension must be internalized. Where you find patience within your mind you must consciously find the corresponding impatience and vice versa. Each thought that a being has, has in its turn an antithesis. The disciplines of the mind involve, first of all, identifying both those things of which you approve and those things of which you disapprove within yourself, and then balancing each and every positive and negative charge with its equal. The mind contains all things. Therefore, you must discover this completeness within yourself.

The second mental discipline is acceptance of the completeness within your consciousness. It is not for a being of polarity in the physical consciousness to pick and choose among attributes, thus building the roles that cause blockages and confusions in the already-distorted mind complex. Each acceptance smoothes part of the many distortions that the faculty you call judgment engenders.

The third discipline of the mind is a repetition of the first but with the gaze outward towards the fellow entities that it meets. In each entity there exists completeness. Thus, the ability to understand each balance is necessary. When you view patience, you are responsible for mirroring in your mental understanding, patience/impatience. When you view impatience, it is necessary for your mental configuration of understanding to be impatience/patience. We use this as a simple example. Most configurations of mind have many facets, and understanding of either self polarities, or what you would call other-self polarities, can and must be understood as subtle work.

The next step is the acceptance of the other-self polarities, which mirrors the second step.

First, find within yourself the opposite idea of doubt. Perhaps trust? Then go through all of your doubts you have listed here and find the appearance of their opposites within yourself. Accept then that both doubt and trust that exist within you.

Then see these things in others. See that others also hold doubt and trust and see that these are reflections of the same doubt and trust that you hold. Accept that they have these and that you are sharing this experience.

You are everything you think you are, but are you ready to BE that? It's not a question of capabilities, its a question of will.

RE: The Blue Pearl, Ear Tones? - TheFifty9Sound - 09-21-2015

The_Tired_Pilosopher, I have this exact same experience. I actually came back to bring4th to ask about it here -

Whilst I didn't mentioned the eartones, I get them with increasing frequency.

About eight years ago I went for a reading, and the lady randomly asked me if I had ever seen blue lights. I hadn't at the time and so didn't think anything of it. It wasn't till four or five years later this started occurring.

I still don't really know what it means, but I somehow find it comforting none the less.