What its really all about. - Printable Version

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What its really all about. - Matt1 - 06-14-2015

I have been thinking over the last little while now about the spiritual path i am walking and having looked into basically all the major Western, Eastern and New age traditions i have come to a few conclusions. These are that all of the different spiritual systems have an outer or exoteric and an inner or esoteric tradition. The outer traditions may seem to be different due to culture , but ultimately all of the esoteric teachings are teaching the same thing. That is to say that all things are part of a collective universal loving consciousness. It is possible to merge back to this original state of consciousness through the use of spiritual practices, which is basically being compassionate and going within the self through meditation. 

Having concluded that the main thing everyone wants out of reality or life is to be happy. I know that's really all i want at the end of the day. It became obvious that happiness cannot be reached through anything external to the self, thus leading me into an inward journey. It is clear that the greatest sense of happiness is love. Therefore you could say that we are all seeking love and that love cannot ultimately be found in external or material experiences, at least not a lasting love.  It then becomes obvious that if we are to find inner love we can only find this through acceptance and understanding of our selves, if we cannot fully accept and understand ourselves how can we truly love ourselves? The only way we can truly do this is through going inwards via meditation. I don't believe we have simply been born to reject the material and find inner peace, why have a material existence if only to reject it? It is clear then that the path of balance is key, not to over come any thought or emotion or to indulge in any thought or emotion.

Once we find this loving center of balance within our hearts, we can then sustain this through being of service to others. Which is ultimately where all of this is leading to, to be able to accept and love other selves. However without this foundation of inner seeking and acceptance , balance based on an inner love, it would not be fully possible to be of loving service to others. So on this spiritual journey i have found a retreat inwards, yet a new seeking outwards towards other selves. It is my sincere belief that with enough inner balance through meditating and loving service to others will bring about a transpersonal state of consciousness were our persona or ego dissolves into unity, or as Ra puts it intelligent infinity.

To be aware or mindful is to be compassionate or loving, to be compassionate or loving is to be wisdom. To see each moment as love/light , light/love compassion/wisdom is walking the great path. The great path is to see each moment as what i would put through the awareness of loving wisdom. This is only possible through inward discipline of mediation and the service to other selves which is really the foundation of our own happiness and love.

No amount of knowledge, philosophy will bring this awareness, it can only point to it. Thus i rest my pen or keyboard rather.

RE: What its really all about. - Bluebell - 06-14-2015

i think the material external world is exactly the same as the inner world. so happiness can be found in it, but only if u have that happiness already inside.

maybe, instead of shunning the external, embrace it. or not, i don't know ur path.

for me, after most of my life "on the inside" i'm trying now to embrace the external. i know i'm doing things backwards. everyone has their path though. i feel very lonely because i don't know anyone else like that.

RE: What its really all about. - Minyatur - 06-14-2015

(06-14-2015, 08:28 AM)Bluebell Wrote: i think the material external world is exactly the same as the inner world. so happiness can be found in it, but only if u have that happiness already inside.

maybe, instead of shunning the external, embrace it. or not, i don't know ur path.

for me, after most of my life "on the inside" i'm trying now to embrace the external. i know i'm doing things backwards. everyone has their path though. i feel very lonely because i don't know anyone else like that.

Ah! It is quite normal work on the inside. Smile 

This planet is already 4D in vibration but to open to it and perceive it, we need to work our inner vibrations to reach 4D ourselves and then it's as if the planet finally becomes able to show itself to us.

Many if not all are like that to at least some extent. The transition to the external clears a lot of ray blockages and is very liberating, but can't happen without inward work first.

You are not alone, I think it is very common for all of us to feel misunderstood by the external world.

Cheers, Smile If you read your online astrological birth chart, you might see you are not unlike others, you simply incarnated something among others.

RE: What its really all about. - Minyatur - 06-14-2015

I always loved others, to me becoming more STO was more about letting myself feel the love/sorrow of others. 

It changes my manner of loving others into a much more concious manner, but there is much resistance to it and it is quite a long work.

RE: What its really all about. - AnthroHeart - 06-14-2015

I don't believe this earth is already 4D. Still too much duality.

RE: What its really all about. - Minyatur - 06-14-2015

(06-14-2015, 01:42 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I don't believe this earth is already 4D. Still too much duality.

Only within the people, if you open yourself to the earth's vibrations you will see it already is 4D.

Sadly for earth to reach 4D fully, there will be the need of stagnant individuals to die here in other to continue their path elsewhere.

RE: What its really all about. - AnthroHeart - 06-14-2015

Dying is not so easy.

RE: What its really all about. - Minyatur - 06-14-2015

A good exemple of what I said is my sister. She has quite a lot of darkness within her and I told her to turn around and look outside to see the beautiful sky, light, vegetation, etc and when she did, she said she never saw such a lame sky. (it wasn't lame, it was beautiful)

Inner darkness does not let one appreciate the light environment around self.

RE: What its really all about. - Minyatur - 06-14-2015

(06-14-2015, 02:25 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Dying is not so easy.

It's not that they need to die. It's that when they will, their soul won't be consonant enough with this environment to reincarnate here again.

Old generations (parts of it, not an absolute) could be viewed like weights that are slowing down the transition by simply vibrating their own vibrations, by simply being.

RE: What its really all about. - Lighthead - 06-14-2015

(06-14-2015, 04:46 PM)Minyatur Wrote:
(06-14-2015, 02:25 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Dying is not so easy.

It's not that they need to die. It's that when they will, their soul won't be consonant enough with this environment to reincarnate here again.

Old generations (parts of it, not an absolute) could be viewed like weights that are slowing down the transition by simply vibrating their own vibrations, by simply being.

What I find interesting is that we even have to die to make this transition manifest. How bizarre is that.

RE: What its really all about. - Minyatur - 06-14-2015

(06-14-2015, 06:19 PM)Lighthead Wrote:
(06-14-2015, 04:46 PM)Minyatur Wrote:
(06-14-2015, 02:25 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Dying is not so easy.

It's not that they need to die. It's that when they will, their soul won't be consonant enough with this environment to reincarnate here again.

Old generations (parts of it, not an absolute) could be viewed like weights that are slowing down the transition by simply vibrating their own vibrations, by simply being.

What I find interesting is that even we have to die to make this transition manifest. How bizarre is that.

I wouldn't know, maybe if one can activate his rays to a 4D level it wouldn't be needed.

RE: What its really all about. - AnthroHeart - 06-14-2015

(06-14-2015, 06:22 PM)Minyatur Wrote:
(06-14-2015, 06:19 PM)Lighthead Wrote:
(06-14-2015, 04:46 PM)Minyatur Wrote:
(06-14-2015, 02:25 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Dying is not so easy.

It's not that they need to die. It's that when they will, their soul won't be consonant enough with this environment to reincarnate here again.

Old generations (parts of it, not an absolute) could be viewed like weights that are slowing down the transition by simply vibrating their own vibrations, by simply being.

What I find interesting is that even we have to die to make this transition manifest. How bizarre is that.

I wouldn't know, maybe if one can activate his rays to a 4D level it wouldn't be needed.

Try that without becoming mentally unstable.

RE: What its really all about. - Minyatur - 06-14-2015

(06-14-2015, 06:23 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote:
(06-14-2015, 06:22 PM)Minyatur Wrote:
(06-14-2015, 06:19 PM)Lighthead Wrote:
(06-14-2015, 04:46 PM)Minyatur Wrote:
(06-14-2015, 02:25 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Dying is not so easy.

It's not that they need to die. It's that when they will, their soul won't be consonant enough with this environment to reincarnate here again.

Old generations (parts of it, not an absolute) could be viewed like weights that are slowing down the transition by simply vibrating their own vibrations, by simply being.

What I find interesting is that even we have to die to make this transition manifest. How bizarre is that.

I wouldn't know, maybe if one can activate his rays to a 4D level it wouldn't be needed.

Try that without becoming mentally unstable.

I have a very huge ressitance toward being mentally unstable. I also handle being unwell very well which is why it never stays, if I accept it as a normal part of myself it fades away. My rays are currently very close to a 4D level, I need to find my major blockage in my root chakra but I've worked out my other major blockages already.

My sister told me to care with psychedelic drugs to not loose my mind and I felt like I instead finally found my mind. But I knew from the start that drugs were my programmed way to accelerate things for myself without much danger. I kind of hate to take my time but even if I did my work on myself in a fast manner through them, I need to learn patience in working with others.

We all have our own way we intended for ourselves. Some rely more on others, I wanted to find myself with the least external help (got much more of it than I wanted) to afterward be the one able to guide others.

RE: What its really all about. - AnthroHeart - 06-14-2015

It's really about not being a doormat to others.