What is the thing most real to you? - Printable Version

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What is the thing most real to you? - Aaron - 04-10-2010

Peel away all the layers. Get to the very core. What's the one true real thing in your experience? The thing that always remains. The thing that is most powerful. The thing that is closest to the Truth?

Interested in seeing others' answers... Tongue

RE: What is the thing most real to you? - Ashim - 04-10-2010

For me it is all about seeing the light and the love in the moment. The knowledge that our Creator has made my existance and continuity of identity possible acts as a contant reminder of the biggest 'truth' in my life. I know, deep down that we are infinite beings of light, that there is no 'death' and that all of our experience in 3D is part of an complex manufactured illusion used to 'test' us on our chosen lessons.
When I chose to direct Love/Light out and through my body this was a move of unconditional surrender to the Will of the Creator. Knowing this and feeling the Love / Light sent and received is as much 'proof' as I require. I stand like you in front of my Creator on the day of my physical demise. I feel his infinite Love and try to show my gratitude by living my life consciously by the Law of One.

Love & Light

RE: What is the thing most real to you? - Turtle - 04-10-2010

My breath, and my sensation of being totally aware/awake/alive.


RE: What is the thing most real to you? - Ali Quadir - 04-10-2010

I think to me..

Once you think about it, we have to go through this (whatever comes up)... Together (with whomever is there)... No sense in running, stare down the beast.

RE: What is the thing most real to you? - charlie2012 - 04-10-2010

A good question indeed Aaron!

For me, it used to be about helping the ones i loved the most around me. I have never had more than a few minutes at a time of doubt about how things will turn out for me in this world, i've always known that things will turn out fine, but i've always had concern for the ones i love.

Since my awakening process, i've noticed, remembered and understood that i love all of those around me, that i love everything. I now wish to be of service to all of creation. There is still a little time of transition until i will take on my final form of dedication of service to others. And i no longer have concern for the others, i know that everything will turn out just fine for them as well. I only wish to be of service to them.

But dear Aaron, what is the most real thing to you? Smile

Love & Light!

RE: What is the thing most real to you? - ayadew - 04-11-2010

It's interesting, what is real? Many things can be denied surely. But there are some things which cannot it seems.. and they are for me quite few:

The only things really real are... I exist.
I can feel.
I prefer to feel positive, meaningful, inspired, loving and not alone.

All other circumstances does not really matter.. so reality can change itself as it wishes, as long as I feel fine with it.

RE: What is the thing most real to you? - fairyfarmgirl - 04-12-2010

Awareness is the only that is real to the me that I call me... but it is also you and you and you infinitely... there is no I.

RE: What is the thing most real to you? - Ali Quadir - 04-12-2010

I in I... Little I in big I...
Just like Bob Marley was telling us about.
Not the I we usually use.
One love Jah Tongue

RE: What is the thing most real to you? - peelstreetguy - 04-12-2010

My conciousness. The part of me that is, "I Am".

RE: What is the thing most real to you? - fairyfarmgirl - 04-12-2010

(04-12-2010, 01:59 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: I in I... Little I in big I...
Just like Bob Marley was telling us about.
Not the I we usually use.
One love Jah Tongue


RE: What is the thing most real to you? - thefool - 04-13-2010

If I get to the bottom of it all and peal away all the layers then 'NOTHING" is left.

Only 'Nothingness' is real to me. If I can see it or visualize it then it is not real as reality can not be boxed in...

RE: What is the thing most real to you? - Aaron - 04-13-2010

Amazing responses, everyone. Smile

If I peel away all the layers of interpretation and just observe life and the way it is, what seems to be the most real "thing" to me, presented as a concept, is "Continuation", or Life's desire to continue itself. This can be expressed as Love. The root cause of all occurrences seems to be Love, and the after effect of all occurrences also seems to be Love.

Thank you for sharing. Heart

RE: What is the thing most real to you? - norral - 04-13-2010

HeartHeart love, brother, love HeartHeart
in the end its only love

HeartHeartHeart norral HeartHeartHeart

RE: What is the thing most real to you? - airwaves - 04-13-2010

(04-10-2010, 12:53 PM)Aaron Wrote: Peel away all the layers. Get to the very core. What's the one true real thing in your experience? The thing that always remains. The thing that is most powerful. The thing that is closest to the Truth?

Interested in seeing others' answers... Tongue

Underlying message of my whole experience thus far?

LOVE Heart

RE: What is the thing most real to you? - love everything - 04-17-2010

Hello Aaron,

What a question:

"What is the thing most real to you?"

When I 'see' the wind.........then I know IT IS going on

Love Everything xxx