Thoughts of a future 4D Internet - Printable Version

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Thoughts of a future 4D Internet - 4Dsunrise - 05-21-2015

4dphilosophyproject (at)

If you have a serious interest in developing the IUP and producing a philosophical treatise and curriculum for mainstream university study send an email. Elaborate on what your goals are and what specific interests you may have related to this project.

Thoughts on getting a 4D Internet up and running

Here's what I hope to see as one practical spinoff from the IUP research project that you may find attractive. The IUP and RS2, so far, appear as a coordinated pair that should be foundational for 4D research and development.

If you have your own take don't hold back with your ideas -- this is a creative think tank exercise so even radical undeveloped ideas can be promising. The IT folks here probably can give some good feedback.

My quasi-theory is the following:

What will a 4D Internet be like?

It will be a fiber optic network in the sense that the fibers are interfacing T/S and S/T nexi and plexi composed of organic thought-based 'liquid light' which is a stepped up 4D alloy of Hydrogen, Helium and Carbon which has plasma type properties. The 4D Hydrogen/Helium/Carbon alloy is unique to 4D physics and is noninvasive, interpenetrating and pliable to thought.

The 4D alloy theory is an educated guess and open to further IUP and RS2 research. Ideas for this are more than welcomed.

The main grid is an upper atmospheric grid of this liquid light that is a sphere composed of hexacells very similar to an elaborate and intricate Bucky Ball sphere of Buckminster Fuller's.

There is an outer connected grid sphere above this main one and it is also fluid and pliable and is algned with planetary and astrological patterns ie zodiacal. In Jose Arguelles book Earth Ascending these outer grids are called bio-psychic fields.

An enhanced and improved ley line surface and sub-surface grid is connected to the above grids with the usual vortex and vortex line structure with additional properties provided by the 4D liquid light as plexi with chakra system-like properties. So the 4D Internet will be far more organic, robust and pliable than the 3D Internet.

What will the 4D Internet provide?

It will provide for selective, narrow-band telepathy and telempathy to connect with specific people of like-mind and kindred spirit. You will also be able to attune to and connect with Terran data bases. System distortion, blockage and signal noise will be constantly detected and corrected to reach tolerable levels that will make effective communication and communing possible.

In the social complex realm you should be able to sense mental, emotional and personality accord or discord and be able to adjust your reception parameters to stave off unwanted transmissions and to optimize desired transmissions.

Group social nodes will readily form and restructure the network into more efficient and simple indexed form. These nodes will help fashion a search engine that will be a new Gaia-based archival retrieval system.

Prefrontal cortical and parietal upper crown centers will be the main reception/transmission and processing centers aligned with ida, pingala and sushumna plexi of the chakra system in both the head and remaining chakra centers.

Close your eyes, project a desire to connect with like-minded and kindred spirits and think and feel a kindred spirit next to you. Head tinglings and pressure changes will indicate a connection followed by audio-visual and warm throat and heart center sensations.

You will gradually learn to modulate frequencies which are tones of color and sounds that will represent the conceptual and archetypal index provided by the Gaian search engine system.

Focusing on a specific tone will allow you to access a specific social node or archival data base of the Terran bio-psychic library.

Gaia is a general planetary mythos in that every planet has a Gaian ecological and mythological system. So Terra's Gaian mythos is diffferent from say Venus's Gaian mythos. This is where the notion of planetary mythos/topos/logos complex in the IUP system is of value.

Finally, the frenetic random surfing of the 4D Internat is discouraged and will quickly overload your receptors and cause your grid connection to go offline. This should be a rare event in 4D as you will be also busy offline forming bonds and doing activities in your physical locale.
That's the gist so far. There's so much more to think about here so have at it with questions and comments.

RE: Thoughts of a future 4D Internet - AnthroHeart - 05-21-2015

Gaia is the 3D earth.
Terra is the 4D earth.

RE: Thoughts of a future 4D Internet - 4Dsunrise - 05-23-2015

Quote:Gaia is the 3D earth.
Terra is the 4D earth.

Sources? I'd be interested read up on this.

This is strictly my notion which is fluid and open to change.

Mythos is Gaia
Topos is Earth
Logos is Terra

Together they form a planetary mythos/topos/logos complex or planetary MTL complex where Gaia, Earth and Terra are deeply interconnected and interactive.

The MTL complex exists from 1D through 4D and can extend into 5D, 6D and 7D.

An example is Venus which evolved from 1D to 6D but then the 6D society left the planet to where it now is a 5D planet. The Mars MTL complex is reverted back to early 2D.
from wiki:
Gaia was the great mother of all: the primal Greek Mother Goddess; creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe; the heavenly gods, the Titans, and the Giants were born to her. The gods reigning over their classical pantheon were born from her union with Uranus (the sky), while the sea-gods were born from her union with Pontus (the sea).

Gaia encompasses all the Universe so that's why I assign it as a general mythos of every planet. Each planet has its own unique modified Gaian mythos which is also modifed by its Sun.

The RS2 physics and the four elements earth, air, fire and water have topos character -- so rocky planets have mainly an earth topos, gas planets mainly an air topos, etc -- elemental combinations are common. This a new idea as I'm typing it here so barely cooked.

Terra as a logos is also a barely cooked idea. The Terra myth/story is more specific to our Earth whereas the Gaia is universal so may have deeper logoic roots to our local Sun.

RE: Thoughts of a future 4D Internet - Minyatur - 05-23-2015

Can the current internet be used in a telepathic manner?

RE: Thoughts of a future 4D Internet - 4Dsunrise - 05-23-2015

(05-23-2015, 08:50 AM)Minyatur Wrote: Can the current internet be used in a telepathic manner?

Chat rooms perhaps -- I once felt that effect back in 1998 in this crowded metaphysics chat. Someone was real pissed at us for being so new agey and zapped us.

RE: Thoughts of a future 4D Internet - AnthroHeart - 05-23-2015

Is Earth's Logos Terra, or are you referring to Ra's Logos of the galaxy?

RE: Thoughts of a future 4D Internet - Nicholas - 05-23-2015


If you truly yearn for 4D to become a reality then why not fill in the details of your profile?

Ask me anything and I will tell you. Check my own details, its all there. Question me, analyse me if you like, I will answer.

Is that not 4D?

Our internet connectivity is the shadow of 4D and we only need to colour it Smile

RE: Thoughts of a future 4D Internet - 4Dsunrise - 05-24-2015

(05-23-2015, 04:48 PM)Nicholas Wrote: 4Dsunrise,

If you truly yearn for 4D to become a reality then why not fill in the details of your profile?

Ask me anything and I will tell you. Check my own details, its all there. Question me, analyse me if you like, I will answer.

Is that not 4D?

Our internet connectivity is the shadow of 4D and we only need to colour it Smile


You make a valid point. I initially did provide a profile but later erased it after feeling some slight negativity in a thread in the politics subforum a couple years ago.

It's no big deal really. It happens on forums all the time. I'd just rather focus on this research project idea and work with a few people either in a secluded subforum or off forum.

Until that happens B4 is still a great forum for presenting new ideas and there are some insightful people responding to some OP's. It's a first class forum -- probably the best of its kind.

There used to be a LOO email group back in 1998 when Carla participated and we were, like you are now, in a sharing and open mode but it had its portion of drama and negativity. This one poster was a self-proclaimed 4D STS and he spared no one with his digs and put downs. He hated the STO/STS debate and my best post was telling him that we should all try thinking in a STC or service to Creator mode for a few days and appreciate both polarities. He actually appreciated that sentiment.

So, my use of questioning and analyzing is strictly for reevaluation and critique purposes of the RM and Quo material to develop a treatise and curriculum and a teacher's guide. I actually go into philosophy grad student mode when asking which comes across as overly critical.

It's all for preparing to address their questions in this 3.8/4.1D period which is now the Density of Understanding and I think is opportune for an academic approach.

To your point of our 3D internet connectivity -- it has its positives for sure and may evolve towards the very early 4D internet system. Who knows? The 4D physics may surprise us all and make a radically changed system as I theorize.

It's all a journey!

RE: Thoughts of a future 4D Internet - Nicholas - 05-24-2015

Thanks for responding 4Dsunrise, and for elaborating a little. 

I am reminded of Avatar the movie blockbuster when reading your OP here. I am no academic, nor am I as eloquent or educated as you appear to be.

"It's all a journey!" It seems you have astutely perceived one of my long standing shortcomings!

Thanks again Heart