Red Junction: A Novel - Printable Version

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Red Junction: A Novel - Jade - 04-14-2015

Hey everyone. For the past 3 years my husband has been working on writing his first novel, Red Junction. During that time, he was working closely with an agent who was very passionate about his book. Unfortunately during that time, his agent became a bit more passionate about something else: he had a baby. Now, his wife has obtained a University job that she has been gunning for for 10 years - and so they are moving out of London and his agent is retiring. This news just came about a week ago, exactly one week after Kile finished his final rewrite. His agent has said that he will be wrapping things up at the end of May, and at that time he will be making recommendations to other agents for his unsigned clients, but as we've been working in the very slow world of traditional publishing for almost three years now, we know that means getting put at the bottom of a reading pile, and usually at least a month between correspondences as there is a queue of already-working books ahead of you on an agent's table.

So, we figured, we have a completed novel, that we were originally going to self-publish anyway (we had made a Kickstarter for the publishing costs, and his agent contacted him from there), so why don't we just get it published? He had many friends and family who have been waiting a long time to read Red Junction (he's always been a writer, he just finally finished something), so we published it on Amazon this weekend.

Red Junction will not be everyone's cup of tea. At heart, it's a zombie western. In spirit, it's as if  Stephen King, Ernest Hemingway, and Cormac McCarthy had a three-way love child that was raised by Quentin Tarantino. These name drops are not my own - they are common names of writers to which other people have often compared his style. He's the real deal. Whether or not Red Junction is his breakthrough book is yet to be determined, but it's a fun read written by someone who knows how to craft a legit story.

There are zombies, there is gore. There are some situations of abuse. It's gritty. It's also funny, and at times, warm-hearted and poetically beautiful enough to bring a tear to your eye. Also, he's already conceptualized two sequels, so if you're into that sort of thing, there will be more!

Anyway, thanks for letting me post this here. The ebook is $2.99, and for the time being, it's free to Amazon Prime members and Kindle Unlimited members (one of those is only a two-week "borrow" though, but the author gets credit for a sale if the person who borrows it scrolls through more than 10% of the book, ~219pgs). If you're interested in reading it but don't have the extra cash, PM me and I might be able to work out some sort of trade (like for a review on Amazon or something Wink ). Again, I know this isn't really a target demographic (it's not really my bag at all), but I figured just about everyone out there at least knows a zombie freak, or someone who consumes horror ravenously, and might need a new quality read. Red Junction has been professionally edited through multiple rewrites, and should be totally free of typos/grammar errors and the like (save any I may have added post production.... like in the first edition that was uploaded when I had Copywright on the first page.... come on Jade....) so you should feel safe offering it as a recommendation to someone. It's not you're average junk zombie writing.

Thanks in advance, everyone!

RE: Red Junction: A Novel - Shemaya - 04-16-2015

I will tell my son...he is into this stuff.

Best wishes for success!  I admire creativity and the follow through to complete a project.

RE: Red Junction: A Novel - isis - 04-16-2015

OOOHHHH now I finally know what Kile looks like bc of his amazon page...What a sexy beast.

RE: Red Junction: A Novel - Jade - 04-16-2015

Thanks Shemaya! And lolol Icy, I considered posting that to the picture thread because I just love that picture so much!! <3 <3

RE: Red Junction: A Novel - Jade - 04-16-2015

This is how long his hair is. I'm extremely jealous, I've been growing mine way longer than he has but my hair almost has a "max length". Also it acquires length very slowly because it's curly.

[Image: nbB68zq.jpg]

Sorry guys, this thread is now about how much I love my husband. Heart Heart Heart

(and my backyard!)

RE: Red Junction: A Novel - Plenum - 04-16-2015

14 posts were split into their own conversation here, on the Art and Craft of Writing.

RE: Red Junction: A Novel - Jade - 09-10-2015

Hey everyone, Kile's book is free for the rest of the day on Amazon. If anyone wants an extra ebook in their library, or just wants to give my husband a nice energetic fist-bump (he's watching his tallies closely!), you can own it with just a couple clicks through your Amazon account:
