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Drinking and Spirituality - AnthroHeart - 04-11-2015

Does drinking an alcoholic drink prevent us from being spiritual? What if we get drunk?

Can we still channel the kundalini or intelligent energy if we're drunk?

I imbibe a few drinks, and wonder if I'm not sacrificing my spirituality.

If I cannot get deep into the quantum world of infinite possibilities.

To recognize infinity for what it is. To channel intelligent infinity.

The prospect frightens me as well as excites me.

RE: Drinking and Spirituality - Jeremy - 04-11-2015

I remember reading an article about a woman who abstained from alcohol for 6 months after living quite the party lifestyle. Her mental acuity along with memory and overall sense of well being was through the roof.

I know this doesn't involve spritual aspects but it paints a good picture of how alcohol affects the brain. I don't know how to do this either as I definitely enjoy drinking especially with the physically and mentally draining aspect of working in a hospital.

I guess it really depends on your goals. If you desire to reach the absolute pinnacle of spiritual awareness and being such as an adept, I would think complete abstention would be appropriate. For myself though, I think, where would the fun in that be lol

RE: Drinking and Spirituality - AnthroHeart - 04-11-2015

When I'm drunk I tend to think more spiritual than I do sober. Perhaps because nothing bothers me. Or I don't let situations bother me, and I'm free to explore the infinity of my mind.

Plus I'm not distracted by the sex of anthros or other humans.

RE: Drinking and Spirituality - Jeremy - 04-11-2015

Oh I definitely agree. Almost all of my deep writing has been while completely obliterated. Its the only way my mind ever quiets enough. To find this place of silence whole sober has been a task I have yet to even begin to accomplish.

RE: Drinking and Spirituality - Lighthead - 04-11-2015

(04-11-2015, 06:54 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: When I'm drunk I tend to think more spiritual than I do sober. Perhaps because nothing bothers me. Or I don't let situations bother me, and I'm free to explore the infinity of my mind.

Plus I'm not distracted by the sex of anthros or other humans.

I notice that when I get drunk (I don't usually get drunk), I get this laser beam focus. I don't know if it's because I'm a Scorpio or what. And I also don't know if it's subjective. In other words, that I think it's like a really good focus, but if someone were to give me a test to measure my acuity, I'd be off the charts dumb.

RE: Drinking and Spirituality - Plenum - 04-12-2015

(04-11-2015, 06:36 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Does drinking an alcoholic drink prevent us from being spiritual? What if we get drunk?

isn't one of the main effects of alchohol to loosen inhibitions?  people find themselves saying (and acting) in ways that they wouldn't do when they're sober, because they have put barriers in the way to free expression.  Some of those are the internalisation of social constraints - like no touching, no expressing of deep emotions - the classic phrase of a drunk - "I LUURRRVE YOU", which can't be admitted to or expressed when sober.

it could serve a spiritual effect by allowing the mind an outlet, a desperately needed one, for expressing such behaviours that are normally inhibited.  That way, the self (even if it can't remember it later on), finds itself expressing itself as an integrated self, and other-selves can see what someone is really thinking and feeling.

Dropping the inhibitions allows a greater clarity of self.

RE: Drinking and Spirituality - APeacefulWarrior - 04-12-2015

I tend to take a very dim view of alcohol, overall, except possibly as a short-term anesthetic in extreme circumstances. I don't think it helps people become spiritually connected and -at least in my own experience- it definitely blocks access to higher-level energies. Remember, alcohol is physiologically speaking a *depressant.* It represses the body, and slows it down. It seems quite hard to believe that it would be anything but a barrier to higher energies that require more intense vibrations to achieve.

There's some truth to the phrase -as Bring4th_Plenum brings up- that "in vino veritas." But even when it comes to finding\expressing one's inner self, I think there are much better options on the table.

That said, of course, everyone's path is different and there are the perennial tales of "drunken masters" able to achieve amazing things while under the influence. I just tend to think such people are rare, and that in most cases, alcohol would be a poor path to such abilities.

RE: Drinking and Spirituality - Zachary - 04-13-2015

(04-12-2015, 04:12 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote:
(04-11-2015, 06:36 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Does drinking an alcoholic drink prevent us from being spiritual? What if we get drunk?

isn't one of the main effects of alchohol to loosen inhibitions?  people find themselves saying (and acting) in ways that they wouldn't do when they're sober, because they have put barriers in the way to free expression.  Some of those are the internalisation of social constraints - like no touching, no expressing of deep emotions - the classic phrase of a drunk - "I LUURRRVE YOU", which can't be admitted to or expressed when sober.

it could serve a spiritual effect by allowing the mind an outlet, a desperately needed one, for expressing such behaviours that are normally inhibited.  That way, the self (even if it can't remember it later on), finds itself expressing itself as an integrated self, and other-selves can see what someone is really thinking and feeling.

Dropping the inhibitions allows a greater clarity of self.
Very well said, this has been my experience with alchohol. I would say during the experience it doesn't allow full processing/digesting of catalysts (depending on how much alchohol is involved). But I can honestly say my relationship with alchohol tends to be more magical and It has taught me much about myself. I'll be honest when I drink I like to go all in and explore the depths so to speak haha. A lot of stuff has come out that is actually quite the contrary of destructive. The destructive part for me is the draining effect it does have on the body...also a residual dulling of ones vibration that in my experience seems unavoidable. It can take me up to a week for me to shake it completely.  I drink very sparingly..usually I have zero desire to drink.

RE: Drinking and Spirituality - godwide_void - 04-14-2015

(04-11-2015, 06:36 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Does drinking an alcoholic drink prevent us from being spiritual? What if we get drunk?

Can we still channel the kundalini or intelligent energy if we're drunk?

There is nothing, including alcohol, which can ever inhibit or negate your spirituality, given that you are inherently a spiritual being in nature, ESPECIALLY any circumstances which manifest for you in a density of awareness which is fundamentally an interactive hologram which is founded upon the illusions of physicality, limitation and existential segregation for your consciousness to interface in as an existential node to gather experience for your true essence (although for the most part we've already transitioned beyond that density!). It primarily depends on your approach, your disposition and your psychospiritual make-up. 

The metaphysical effects of alcohol can impact your spirituality in the sense that you could become more psychically open and receptive to lower vibrational negative energetic influence, psychologically in regards to one's priorities and moral values and perspective, and in the inhibition and loosening of your emotions, especially with a temporary leaning towards carnal and/or materialistically oriented thoughts and desires.

However, at a certain stage in one's spiritual evolution (i.e. one's relation to and integration of spiritual awareness, configuration of consciousness and third eye capacity), the propensity for alcohol to become another means of sacramental (potentially even as an entheogenic tool!) arises, with one particular view being that it is simply another consciousness altering tool and the preconceived notion of it being spiritually disorienting or diminishing stemming from cultural stigmas. It can seem spiritually stagnant or counterproductive if one allows themselves to immerse themselves in such a mindspace with these expectations in store, or it can emulate the prior notion, especially if combined with meditation or the pursuit of new spiritual insight, despite this being a somewhat unorthodox slant, and the duration of its influence upon you being recognized as merely another altered state of being and consciousness among many which is producing another means of cognitive functioning and worldview; don't forget that at the end of the day, there is absolutely never a moment when your essence ceases being a manifestation within the imagination of the One Infinite Creator, existing parallel to and within It, and there are absolutely no existential circumstances and experiences within the One Infinite Creation which can manifest without having as its generating, facilitating and catalysing foundation the omnipresent infrastructure of the Creator.

As for your inquiry about it affecting your capability to be a conduit for intelligent energy or your ability to utilize the kundalini, prana/electromagnetic/etheric/psychic energy, it might cause you to be more fluid or more "confident" in manipulating/cooperating/perceiving it, or it might cause you to become a bit more "clumsy" or foggy in directing it, but it can never actually block you from being able to channel it considering you are completely comprised of and animated by intelligent energy.

RE: Drinking and Spirituality - Matt1 - 04-15-2015

I used to enjoy a drink or 6 although i have stopped now, funnily enough nearly all of my astral projections happened the day after i was drinking in the wee hours.

Does drinking affect spirituality?

The answer is simple.

Only if you want it to.

RE: Drinking and Spirituality - Bluebell - 04-15-2015

i think attitude has more effect than wut one drinks.