New information about the harvest - Printable Version

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New information about the harvest - Ethernysana - 03-13-2015

Before we begin, as time unfolds more information will be allowed to flow in.
We had to choose carefully where and to whom we share the information because we respect the power of the free will/free choice.
This information will only be available here and to certain individuals via email.
We believe most people who visit this forum are at least of the heart consciousness so we choose to share the following information with you.
Before all this, we always had to speak in riddles to respect the free will of others.
However, the veils are slowly dissolving and that allows information to be released at its natural pace.
It won't matter no more whether we choose to share the following information with you or not.
Your highest self and subconscious has already made the choices necessary for your own growth and the next step.

1. The union between the higher self/self is happening already. Each being will complete the union at different times.
2. Synchronicity will happen more often to the ones who have connected to themselves. Manifestation will also become easier and more fluid.
3. A general overview: 2014(year1) a new beginning, 2015(year2) duality, 2016(year3) catalyst/trinity/unity, 2017(year 4) structure/being. 2+3+4= 9(completion) The newer energies will finish seeping in after 2017
4. During next (3) years, it is catalytic for it symbolizes the holy trinity of self/spirit/source. Learning potentials will be accelerated during this time period.
5. It is a general review of the chakras for year (1): individuality/instincts/red ray, year (2): duality/attraction/opposition/orange ray, year (3): self connecting other selves/unity/society/yellow ray

We feel that 2015-2016 is an important time, the ones who desire change and evolution will finally utilize the yellow ray in a positive manner. We no longer fight the battle alone with our societal self, we fight the battle together as one being. We become one entity and by doing so, we open the pathway to the green ray(heart chakra). We will view other beings as an extension of our own being and treat others the way that we would like to be treated. We clean up after ourselves and the mess we made.

By year 4(2017), many people will have already opened their heart consciousness, the green ray and massive change will come pouring in. It can be perceived that in 2017, 4D consciousness will be achieved for many people. Harvest/ascension will then proceed.. The splitting of the Earth may then happen around 2017-2018 if we follow this timeline.

This is just a general overview of the timeline that we currently live in. Time can compress and expand. However, everything seems to be unfolding as it should.

Let us rejoice in the love and light of our one infinite creator. Together we shall push towards that positive timeline.

RE: New information about the harvest - chaospanda - 03-22-2015

I remember listening to this Kryon lecture a while back. I don't think there will be a rapture scenario in 2017. There is a progressive shift as people shift in and out of probable realities. What I deducted from Kryon is that there will be a major opening of potential to create our own reality in the higher dimensional framework. As in, we are finally given permission to access the energy of instantaneous manifestation. After that, for those who are of a higher vibration, our abilities potentiate.

RE: New information about the harvest - tamaryn - 03-23-2015

Thank you for that youtube link, that was a nice listen. It was kinda funny to listen to his voice with that background music sounded like he was narrating chariots of fire or something lol.

Sorry I don't have much constructive to say!

RE: New information about the harvest - Ethernysana - 11-10-2016

2016 is truly an amazing year of transformation and many things that were once hidden beginning to come to the surface.
I can only open my heart more and more to let in more energies to flow into our present; that which is divine love.
Let's keep opening and expanding together!

RE: New information about the harvest - Henosis - 01-30-2017

I was given this same information via my Higher Self. I heard beginning with December 2013, which is basically 2014 as you mentioned, will correspond to a ray.

I heard that in the middle of this year, the middle of the fourth year, the middle of the year associated with green ray, the second half of the seven year period will manifest and this is what has been called the Great Tribulation, or final 42 months of the world (third density). This time period will begin within 3-5 months. It is important to note that this will not be a joyous period for the majority of humanity, but a painful one of physical and emotional suffering.

I was told this three years ago. The time is nigh. Let the inner light of the Creator shine on all Beings.

RE: New information about the harvest - Nau7ik - 01-31-2017

(11-10-2016, 10:18 PM)Ethernysana Wrote: 2016 is truly an amazing year of transformation and many things that were once hidden beginning to come to the surface.
I can only open my heart more and more to let in more energies to flow into our present; that which is divine love.
Let's keep opening and expanding together!

2016 was a transformative year for me as well!

I still think the shift will be gradual, that we will live out our incarnations and die, and third density humanity will die off as fourth density bodies and beings are born.

But I think it's clear that small changes are accumulating, and this gradual process may seem to cause instantaneous changes.

Very interesting time to be alive!

RE: New information about the harvest - SeekOne - 01-31-2017


RE: New information about the harvest - Henosis - 01-31-2017

We shall see. I understand the potential reasoning behind each theory. Much of what Ra says appears to even lean toward a gradual shift, while some comments hint toward a climactic event. He didn't tell us everything and I think he left out some details intentionally for various reasons. After years of contemplation and an assortment of mystical experience, I see a necessity for an instantaneous shift. STS entities are not going to slowly die out. Greed is a bottomless pit. They currently control all things worldly and they are not going to relinquish this power, but intensify it. I do think there will be an obvious warning in the very near future that the time is near.

Love and Light

RE: New information about the harvest - sjel - 04-22-2017

(03-13-2015, 06:04 PM)Ethernysana Wrote: By year 4(2017), many people will have already opened their heart consciousness, the green ray and massive change will come pouring in. It can be perceived that in 2017, 4D consciousness will be achieved for many people. Harvest/ascension will then proceed.. The splitting of the Earth may then happen around 2017-2018 if we follow this timeline.

My heart chakra certainly underwent a painful experience recently, although I would not say it is opened yet. It felt like the prelude to the opening.

What do you mean splitting of the Earth? A few months ago Hohongwitutiwa, a member of the Hopi tribe, described something similar, that the third density core of the Earth would be ejected from one of the poles. I'm not sure I really believe that, but who knows what could happen.

RE: New information about the harvest - Infinite Unity - 04-22-2017

(01-31-2017, 10:56 AM)Nau7ik Wrote:
(11-10-2016, 10:18 PM)Ethernysana Wrote: 2016 is truly an amazing year of transformation and many things that were once hidden beginning to come to the surface.
I can only open my heart more and more to let in more energies to flow into our present; that which is divine love.
Let's keep opening and expanding together!

2016 was a transformative year for me as well!

I still think the shift will be gradual, that we will live out our incarnations and die, and third density humanity will die off as fourth density bodies and beings are born.

But I think it's clear that small changes are accumulating, and this gradual process may seem to cause instantaneous changes.

Very interesting time to be alive!

This is a good theory in my opinion. It is possible to have what we would think of as instantaneous external shifts. I personally had 2 major energy shifts in mid November of 2016. the later 9/21/2016 was very very major. I personally see it as the gateway to 4th density. However that is neither here nor there, and is a personal conjecture. I do believe the mean of the population will be harvested post incarnation. However I am in total agreement of possible seemingly instantaneous shifts. Mostly in the internal as I see it though.

It is a very interesting time to be alive!

Sjel I hope you are ok. The outer heart can be very dark, and is the prelude to the heart. To me it is an example of the creators choice of the original thought, in a sense that, this is the ultimate end to exsistence without love, and when that battered raft lands on the shores of love, it is ready to accept it fully.

RE: New information about the harvest - sjel - 04-22-2017

(04-22-2017, 08:10 PM)Infinite Unity Wrote: Sjel I hope you are ok. The outer heart can be very dark, and is the prelude to the heart. To me it is an example of the creators choice of the original thought, in a sense that, this is the ultimate end to exsistence without love, and when that battered raft lands on the shores of love, it is ready to accept it fully.

No yeah it was awesome. It wasn't immersive pain, it was like pulling out a festering splinter in your leg. It hurts so much, but the pain actually feels INCREDIBLE because it's being removed. 10/10 experience would do again (but can't because the initial heart splinter was already removed. There's surely a whole host of other layers to be removed however)

RE: New information about the harvest - Infinite Unity - 04-22-2017

Ive had a very similar experience.