Being Galactic Logos - Printable Version

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Being Galactic Logos - AnthroHeart - 02-25-2015

What's it like being a galactic logos, for those who have a faint memory of being in Logos' Light?

Does Logos have rest, having to manage an entire galaxy?

Or does it know nothing but Love and Unity?

Is it a 7D being? Or maybe a 12D being, if 7-12D represents higher degrees of Godhood?

Will we all be Galactic Logoi one day?

Are we Galactic Logoi now on the other side of the veil?

I have a feeling that being a galactic Logos is like blissful sexual union with every being in your galaxy.

RE: Being Galactic Logos - Steppingfeet - 02-25-2015

(02-25-2015, 06:25 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I have a feeling that being a galactic Logos is like blissful sexual union with every being in your galaxy.

That's a very interesting idea. It recalls the Biblical "not a sparrow falls" idea, that is, not a sparrow falls without God being aware of, or behind it.

Likewise I wonder if the Logos is aware of e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g that transpires within its purview. From human relationships to pebbles tumbling down the mountainside to the bonding of two atoms to the daydreams that pass through rippled waters of our minds.

Everything in the manifested universe, on different scales of locality (from galaxy to solar system to planetary system) is the progeny, you might say, of the Logos, us included.

I would imagine that the Logos IS total, all-encompassing, constant, unblinking awareness, and if we were to ascribe any human-conceived qualities to that awareness, "blissful sexual union" might be a decent start, though sexual in a far greater sense than we presently understand.

RE: Being Galactic Logos - AnthroHeart - 02-26-2015

Yesterday I meditated, and after about 10 mins I felt like I was dwelling with Logos. It was peaceful.

RE: Being Galactic Logos - AnthroHeart - 02-26-2015

I'm glad I'm the portion of Logos that has free will.