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Daily Q'uote - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: L/L Research Channeling Archives (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=12) +--- Thread: Daily Q'uote (/showthread.php?tid=12361) |
RE: Daily Q'uote - BlueLoveLotus - 04-20-2022 QuanQ'uote of the Day Happy Wednesday! Lao Tzu: When a superior man hears of the Tao, he immediately begins to embody it. When an average man hears of the Tao, he half believes it, half doubts it. When a foolish man hears of the Tao, he laughs out loud. If he didn't laugh, it wouldn't be the Tao. Thus it is said: The path into the light seems dark, the path forward seems to go back, the direct path seems long, true power seems weak, true purity seems tarnished, true steadfastness seems changeable, true clarity seems obscure, the greatest art seems unsophisticated, the greatest love seems indifferent, the greatest wisdom seems childish. The Tao is nowhere to be found. Yet it nourishes and completes all things. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-21-2022 Q'uote of the Day January 24th, 2009 " …It is not necessary to be overly concerned or to will or to project or push the sending of love/light from you to another person. In actuality you do not have to do anything. You simply have to set your intention, offer your prayer, and then move out of the way. For love/light is not flowing from you, or at least it shall not be for very long. You shall exhaust your human supply quickly. Rather, whether it is from your being or through your hands, the love/light moves through you, not from you, coming from the one infinite Creator. It is for this reason that there is never any concern when love/light is offered, because it is the Creator's light, and it is not an invasive or pushy light. It goes where the need is. And if the entity to whom you are sending light does not wish it, then it shall gently surround that entity but not enter its auric field. For free will is infinitely respected by the Creator's light. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2009/0124 RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-22-2022 Q'uote of the Day January 24th, 2009 " …The mind of the world can take you only so far, whereas the mind of the heart, that consciousness of love, can transform your world into a beautiful place. It can transform the daily grind into a great adventure. Say that you are attempting to deal with a family member that seems to be intractably determined to avoid coming into harmony with you. The challenge then is to re-see that family member. See that entity as the Christ and watch your defensiveness and anger subside.Now, you are the only one who is aware of this entity’s true nature. Certainly the other-self is not. Had the family member seen himself as the Creator and a being of great love, he would not place himself in opposition to you or stand in the way of supporting and encouraging you in everything you do. So this is your secret. Only you know the true identity of this family member. But since you know, it changes your experience of this entity. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2009/0124 RE: Daily Q'uote - BlueLoveLotus - 04-22-2022 (04-22-2022, 09:38 AM)Quan Wrote: Q'uote of the Day Lao Tzu: The gentlest thing in the world overcomes the hardest thing in the world. That which has no substance enters where there is no space. This shows the value of non-action. Teaching without words, performing without actions: that is the Master's way. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-23-2022 Q'uote of the Day May 13th, 1990 "…Absolute love may be seen in your system of physics as that which you call the speed of light. This is incorrect information, but it is as close as we can come to demonstrating the absolute constancy of love. It does not demonstrate the passion, the intensity of this love, but merely its constancy. Love cannot change. Love is what is. Love is beingness before beingness begins. This love has a small portion of its infinity, which is in itself an infinity. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1990/0513 RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-24-2022 Q'uote of the Day September 15th, 1996 " Each of you remembers a better way, and we would call that way the way of the open heart. Compassion opens the night and makes it daytime. Seek always, then, to center in love to revel and enjoy being loved by the infinite One. And that which your love is to do, those places where your love is to shine, will come too and you will know them. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1996/0915 RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-25-2022 Q'uote of the Day September 15th, 1996 "Each of you remembers a better way, and we would call that way the way of the open heart. Compassion opens the night and makes it daytime. Seek always, then, to center in love to revel and enjoy being loved by the infinite One. And that which your love is to do, those places where your love is to shine, will come too and you will know them. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1996/0915 RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-26-2022 Q'uote of the Day October 19th, 1986 " …In the process and state of meditation, one begins to become aware of the unity of love which binds all things and which moves all experiences in intricate patterns which then offer the lessons of love to those of your illusion. The desire, then, to seek the heart of the life pattern is that desire which is most helpful to propel one into the meditative state, no matter what technique of meditation is chosen. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1986/1019 RE: Daily Q'uote - BlueLoveLotus - 04-26-2022 (04-26-2022, 05:02 AM)Quan Wrote: " … one begins to become aware of the unity of love which binds all things ...Happy Tuesday everyone!!! Lao Tzu: Without opening your door, you can open your heart to the world. Without looking out your window, you can see the essence of the Tao. The more you know, the less you understand. The Master arrives without leaving, sees the light without looking, achieves without doing a thing. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-27-2022 Q'uote of the Day August 21st, 2005 " …Each of you is as a lighthouse. Tend your light and let it shine. Polish the glass walls of the house of self to be sure that the light that is flowing through you may cast itself out into the world around you without impediment or smudge. You are not the light. You cannot control the light. You are an instrument that allows the love and the light of the infinite Creator to flow through you and out into a dark world. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2005/0821 RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-28-2022 (04-25-2022, 08:06 AM)Quan Wrote: Q'uote of the Day Apologies, just noticed a double day post of quote! Well to make up for it, I was going to say ill provide extra quotes another time.. but thats intellect doing the talking not heart ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-28-2022 Q'uote of the Day December 20th, 1986 " …We can offer to those who wish to be free of idolatry [of money] is a consciousness of other’s needs, for if stewardship of any gift and talent is expressed, then the gates of abundance open and one is flooded with plenty. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1986/1220 Another, here is one more.. its a type of quote that is handy to keep in the back pocket! "Seek first the consciousness of love through meditation and analysis of action and thought, and that which is needed shall be given unto you according to the circumstances needed by you in your own opinion before this incarnational experience. All shall be given to you, for you see, no matter what the illusion of manipulation and manifestation may be, all this can be given unto you. All is indeed free. And that which is not, will not be. Each has designed for himself a special incarnation offering powerful experiences of lack and plenty, pain and peace. If you have little money, think not that you do not deserve more. If you have much money, think not that you deserve less. But whatever your environment, fill it with your love of the Creator and allow that love to reach to the infinity of the Creator’s laughing face, that His light may shine infinitely through you that you may become plenty to others." RE: Daily Q'uote - SirJosephPaxton - 04-28-2022 (04-28-2022, 05:06 AM)Quan Wrote:(04-25-2022, 08:06 AM)Quan Wrote: Q'uote of the Day I honestly thought you posted it twice for emphasis (a channeling so nice it had to be posted it twice ![]() ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-29-2022 (04-28-2022, 09:01 AM)SirJosephPaxton Wrote:(04-28-2022, 05:06 AM)Quan Wrote:(04-25-2022, 08:06 AM)Quan Wrote: Q'uote of the Day Oh wow well maybe unconsciously was meant to then ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-29-2022 Q'uote of the Day December 18, 1973 "Your scientists should realize that there is a purpose to the creation that far surpasses what they suspect. They should avail themselves to the purpose in meditation. Then they would find that they would begin to understand the plan, and thereby they would be able to use their knowledge to build within the plan, not as they do now with no heed at all to the truth, and with plans of their own which have no relationship to truth." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1973/1218 Science would then advance very rapidly, there has been examples of famous discoveries made through such means eg dreams, sudden insights.. but not considered such value in the past focus however maybe now it will an moreso in group settings.. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 04-30-2022 Q'uote of the Day May 24th, 2008 " Surface emotions are usually quite impure. However, when one can abide with one's feelings and observe them as though they were guests coming to tea, offering them hospitality and courtesy, sitting with them and listening to them, then the emotions have found respect and honor. And this allows them to go deeper, interconnecting the [surface] self with the deepest part of the roots of consciousness. For this is what emotions eventually become if they are allowed to go through the process of purification. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2008/0524 "And this allows them to go deeper, interconnecting the [surface] self with the deepest part of the roots of consciousness. " RE: Daily Q'uote - BlueLoveLotus - 04-30-2022 Thank you Quan!!! Every being in the universe is an expression of the Tao. It springs into existence, unconscious, perfect, free, takes on a physical body, lets circumstances complete it. That is why every being spontaneously honors the Tao. The Tao gives birth to all beings, nourishes them, maintains them, cares for them, comforts them, protects them, takes them back to itself, creating without possessing, acting without expecting, guiding without interfering. That is why love of the Tao is in the very nature of things. - Lao Tzu RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-01-2022 Q'uote of the Day September 2nd, 2001 " You have set yourself within a situation where you are at once universal and unique. You are living a life and at the same time you are living forever, never stationary and yet unified. This is the key to grasping the nature of the spiritual journey. It is truly a journey because the Creator is never still. The Creator’s nature is extremely strong in freedom. This freedom of will creates a state of cyclical discovery, the desire to know more, the desire to seek. It is your nature because it is the Creator’s nature. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2001/0902 " You are living a life and at the same time you are living forever, " one truth the is merely calling out for some meditation to unroll , an another truth "It is truly a journey because the Creator is never still. The Creator’s nature is extremely strong in freedom" Perhaps this is symbolically shown in the physical body eg thinking so then meditating to quit/stop thinking.. but then in that silence wanting the opposite the freedom to think again ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-02-2022 Q'uote of the Day February 26, 1989 "Each perception, moment by moment, which each seeker has is the product of many, many choices, made upon a subconscious level, according to programs, shall we say, in the biocomputer of the brain, which were often set so very, very far back into the young days of incarnation that the seeker simply does not know its own program of perception. You see, because of the nature of the illusion of time and the limitations of the biocomputer given each, it is improbable that an entity will use more than perhaps 5 percent of that which is perceived by raw senses and fed into the biocomputer as raw sense data. You do not know that which you are throwing away, that which you are overlooking, because you have already eschewed it. Thus, if there are difficulties in remembrances within this incarnational experiences, it is well to move back to the time that the programs were set in place. Now, as you may deduce, the biased amount of information which you have received from the senses—that is, biased in accordance with conscious, and most often unconscious programming—then goes through a complex procedure of choices. The choices concern how or whether one will respond to that which has been perceived. Perceptions are hierarchical, in terms of survival being the first consideration of any entity, concerns of the self being second in importance, concerns of relationship being next, concerns with society being next, and all of these things coming before that which is the first purely spiritual concern, that of opening the heart, not to one or another thing, but in terms of strengthening, empowering and [crystallizing] one’s authority as a channel for the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. Thus, one’s memories have no chance of being objective at any time. They are biased from the beginning, and as your memory becomes older and dimmer, it moves through one of two simple processes. Either it is gilded with a loving hand, to emphasize its beauty, its depth of meaning, its poignancy and its truth, or it is simply blocked and segregated as that which seems too self-destructive to allow within memory or to be healed at that particular moment in space and time." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1989/0226 A description on memories, so remember the quote ![]() One part focuses on relation to perception an its hierachy order(to each energy center/chakra). One distinction in this discussion is the green ray center an what opening heart means....its good to highlight this as its such a central part of all of our lives in this density... "all of these things coming before that which is the first purely spiritual concern, that of opening the heart, not to one or another thing, but in terms of strengthening, empowering and [crystallizing] one’s authority as a channel for the love and the light of the one infinite Creator." Its one memory have many times of talking to people about that, as being focused on love brings on a different meaning to someone starting to be interested in spiritual matters, as the definition of what love is changes and expands. Well I guess it just keep expanding as you seek more, probably infinitely ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-03-2022 Q'uote of the Day January 14th, 1996 " There are many words among your peoples to describe this basic inalterable reality from which all things spring. Among those words we choose love. The love of the one infinite Creator is a vibration, a logos, if you will, and that pure love has generated that which you call light in order to create a manifested world. You are made of light which has been regularized and built upon. Within your essence, unchanged and unchangeable, resides this vibration, this logos. This is your true self. That true self peeks up into the passing days like the tip of a great iceberg, barely clearing the water, yet being a mighty mass below the surface. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1996/0114 These two quotes have popped up recently for me an am drawn to insert them right here... "my friends, the basic vibration of the Creator, perfect love, is a vibration which is given not only through us, but through your aides and guides, whom you would call angels, through your own inner self, through teachers upon your own spiritual planes, as you would call them—everywhere, everywhere, my friends, within the creation. This original Vibration of love is reality. In meditation you are seeking not an electromagnetic wave from us; you are seeking perfect love. What we can give you in this channeling wave is a means of service to others. Also, it is, as we are well aware, a comfort to some of you to know that we are present. For, indeed, our presence is a supporting one in that we love each of you, and wish only to comfort you and help you through your experience. Seek beyond these words. Meditate to perfection. What this channel gives to you in words is only a poor physical food for your physical mind. Spiritual food, my brothers, lies in silence, in contemplation, in what you would call prayer: in listening to the original Thought of creation, the original Vibration that, out of nothingness, created all that there is. Listen now to the silence again. And listen beyond words. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1976/0118 "Again, we go back to meditation. If you have a difficult relationship or a difficult concept to conquer, meditate and request that light be given to you upon this subject. When you can say, “I have no past, and I have no future, but at this moment I hate no man. I love all beings and all those with whom I may have any score to settle, those things I have settled with,” at this point you are beginning to be able to pass the great test of this vibration. It is a difficult one, and it is to show love in the darkness when you seem to be by yourself, not knowing that, in reality, those who love you on other planes of existence are all about you. Those who love you in this life but cannot speak are, without words, supporting you. All these things you cannot know; but, above all, you cannot know by mind alone that which must be given to you by direct intuition of the truth—the one simple truth, my friends, that we are all one and that we must love one another. Many of your masters have spoken to you of this, and we can only repeat it. It is the only lesson worth learning. Past lifetimes? They are a kaleidoscope; they are you. But so are your future lifetimes. Imagine yourself as part of a great circle where consciousness dwells within this part of it at this time. But all that you must do at this time is meditate and seek the love of the Creator. And then, when you have it, send it forth. As we have said, this is not an easy concept." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1979/0617 RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-04-2022 Q'uote of the Day February 9th, 1986 " Without this heart, all actions are without spiritual reality, all fruits are withered in the merciless glare of the spiritual sun. You see, the fruit does not become the plant which becomes the seed which is then sown. That is not the way of growth. And yet your peoples so often consider their spiritual path in just such a reverse manner, first looking at the fruits, wondering how to arrange them by asking for phenomena and working backwards to the heart that sows the seed. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1986/0209 Taking an action or intention blessed by your heart just can bring such a peacefullness in life, that blessing may first start off very small but in time becomes your all ... but first you must take the plunge.. The classic Ra example of the fool archetyple, "One great aspect of this archetype is the aspect of faith, the walking into space without regard for what is to come next. This is, of course, foolish but is part of the characteristic of the spiritual neophyte. " You can still envision possiblities but just let what is meant to be unfold after that in good faith ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-05-2022 Q'uote of the Day March 6th, 2005 " Each of you came here very focused on learning and service. And yet you walk through the veil of incarnation and you forget that focus so that as you live your life, you are learning not by rote, not by memorizing lessons that some teacher or authority figure has given you, but by every thought that you have, every desire that you are able to identify. The refinery of Earth is one in which you decide what to refine, what to pursue, what to bring up from the treasury of your own subconscious material and how to mine that material for the jewels that it contains. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2005/0306 How to go about this? Well that is one of most interesting discussions can have with other seekers.. an in a reflection upon oneself to in that discovery. Please have patience with yourself in this process.. the answers will surely come when one is ready. "You came into incarnation supported and bolstered, without any possibility of being abandoned or isolated, with a very solid, sturdy guidance system. It is up to you to create the structure with which you feel comfortable as a person for receiving this guidance. To some extent, you may do reading into religions, philosophies, myth and archetype, for each culture has ways of describing and structuring guidance. For the Native Americans, for instance, every animal has a role to play in guiding. Each animal that you meet, therefore, is a messenger. There are systems of guidance which employ inspired human beings who act as gurus; and these gurus are able to focus spirit in such a way that realizations come to the student who is devoted to the guru. There are those religious systems which ask of one that one follow a certain master such as the one known as Jesus, the one known as Buddha, or the one known as Allah and his prophet. There is an almost infinite array of ways to approach beginning to become aware of guidance. In general, we would say that you must follow the path of greatest resonance. If there is a master who resonates to you so much that you wish to follow in the footsteps of that master, then you will take a certain path towards guidance. If you find that you are more comfortable following the chain of coincidences, of those things that speak to you from day-to-day, then life itself becomes the messenger of guidance. And, in many cases, by the simple discipline of beginning to record one’s dreams or one’s thoughts after meditation, one is able to gain access to that web of love and support that is all around you and waiting with the greatest of eagerness and joy for the opportunity to be heard. We describe this and characterize this as guidance of a positive or service-to-others nature." If guidance is something you are still seeking, enjoy finding out what works for you, reading and exploring of different material or perspectives from others and "the path of greatest resonance" will reveal it self more and more.. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-06-2022 Q'uote of the Day October 13th, 2009 " …When one is in incarnation, one feels very alone and isolated within his flesh and bones. It is our opinion that the actual spiritual truth is that you are never alone. Rather you are in a world of mirrors. Everyone whom you meet mirrors back to you yourself in one aspect or another. How inconvenient to see aspects of yourself that are unattractive! And yet it is helpful to realize that even the most disturbing or difficult relationship offers you a chance to see a part of yourself that you have not looked at, at least not in that way… Your opportunity here is to look straight into that mirror and say, “Thank you. I will seek after that shadow part of myself, that self that looks like this, and I will love it and I will accept it and I will hold it to me in my heart until it has been redeemed by my love.” https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2009/1013 "You see, the catalyst is not so much about anyone else as it is about you. The work that you do spiritually is not so much about others as it is about yourself. When you become able to gaze into such catalyst with gratitude and thanksgiving, you are free of the fear and the anger and other negative emotions that will close your heart. And as you love that shadow in yourself, you find that you can gaze for the first time at such an entity that is attempting to harm you, and you are then able to see past the mirroring effect to the unity betwixt you and the other self and the Creator." RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-07-2022 Q'uote of the Day March 22nd, 2008 "You are a creature which is a part of the godhead principle and within every cell of your body lies the truth. The creation within you and without you is full of the truth. You dwell within an environment which is inherently and fundamentally instinct with the truth. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2008/0322 RE: Daily Q'uote - SirJosephPaxton - 05-07-2022 (05-07-2022, 07:39 AM)Quan Wrote: Q'uote of the Day The question from G's "friend" had me laughing (and taking notes). I love when we can make light of societal taboos. What a wonderful session, Quan - thank you for sharing. And thanks to "G" for his courage in asking that question in a room full of people. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-08-2022 (05-07-2022, 10:06 AM)SirJosephPaxton Wrote:Thank you for the response too(05-07-2022, 07:39 AM)Quan Wrote: Q'uote of the Day Haha, there where a few questions there from G which one in particular were you talking about ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-08-2022 Q'uote of the Day December 29th, 2007 " This instrument is fond of recalling a song sung by the one known as Frank in which part of the chorus is “do-be-do-be-do.” We encourage you to think of that very wise phrase as you quite seriously, but hopefully with a lightness of heart as well, go about your intention of becoming more and more able to slow down to now. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2007/1229 "Slow down to now", love that term of expression.. as you slow down to now so will life and perception of time itself, as the NOW becomes ever more and expansive.. Well why not finish this daily quote with a few more, as this transcript is jam packed full of delicious quotes ![]() "It is well to support a life in faith with the prayer, with the meditation, with all of those ways to work in consciousness. Yet above all things, we encourage each never to forget or devalue the system as a whole. If you remain in the upper chakras, working with your heart and your communication and your meditation and work in faith to the exclusion of paying the most exquisite attention to your sexuality, your state of mind as regards whether or not you are happy to be here and full of life and glad to be living; if you put aside relationships so that you may spend more time meditating; if you devalue your work because you wish to be a spiritual person, you’ve lost your focus. For it is your whole self that is sacred. Your sexuality, for instance, has so many layers to it! Yet it must begin with that wonderful “yes” of lust and chemical attraction. And then you can begin to let it lift, through relationship, to open-hearted relationship, to that love of a legal relationship, and from there to the upper-chakra work of true affection, true communication, and mutual work in consciousness which is sacred sexuality. There is no detail, no matter how seemingly mundane of life, that is not bursting with the sacred and the divine. Consequently, although naturally we do encourage the meditation and the prayer and all of those beautiful ways of working in consciousness to discipline your personality and become centered more and more on who you really are, we also encourage you to look for the love and the sacredness in washing the dishes, cleaning the toilet, feeding the cat, and whatever it is that you are doing at the present moment. All of it is part of the dance of the One." This quote is a handy reminder to appreciate all aspects of oneself, as all can be utilised in oneness, an by embracing the all-ness spiritual progression\returning is ever so much easier! RE: Daily Q'uote - SirJosephPaxton - 05-08-2022 (05-08-2022, 09:40 AM)Quan Wrote:(05-07-2022, 10:06 AM)SirJosephPaxton Wrote:Thank you for the response too(05-07-2022, 07:39 AM)Quan Wrote: Q'uote of the Day That would be the question on masturbation. ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-09-2022 (05-08-2022, 10:58 AM)SirJosephPaxton Wrote:(05-08-2022, 09:40 AM)Quan Wrote:(05-07-2022, 10:06 AM)SirJosephPaxton Wrote:Thank you for the response too(05-07-2022, 07:39 AM)Quan Wrote: Q'uote of the Day Yes was just teasing but you knew that ![]() It is tho an interesting topic in sense of spiritual side of things.. its one thing that is not really covered much in mainstream movies or tv series albeit any sexual spiritual work at all.. However interestingly there was on recent series.. quite gruesome that has covered it called 'See' (humanity lost ability to see everyone is blind in post apocalyptic type scenario.. A woman well Queen.. uses it tho more for dark magic tho not positive sense with manifestation. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-09-2022 Q'uote of the Day January 12th, 2008 " It is ironic, is it not, that in the search for truth the answers lie not in discovering that which can be known, but in discovering that the secrets to the mystery of transformation lie in unknowing and faith. Faith is the most powerful force in the universe, it being another name for realized or positively realized love. You live in a universe made of love. The original Thought was a Thought of unconditional love. " https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2008/0112 |