The Dream Thread - Printable Version

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RE: The Dream Thread - AnthroHeart - 06-06-2014

I rescued 2 boys from a prison by paying $5000 each. The older one had large triangular handcuffs on, which were released by a machine which used a laser beam.

Had another dream involving lasers, but don't recall the details.

RE: The Dream Thread - isis - 06-07-2014

My significant other finally talked me into watching all the of the Breaking Bad episodes with him...watched 2 more eps last night...(on about the 7th-ish)

Last night I dreamed I made meth for more than a few people then distributed it to them. lol

RE: The Dream Thread - Jeremy - 06-08-2014

I had a pretty freaky occurrence last night. As I was drifting off to sleep, I was hearing all kinds of unrecognizable sounds. It was very pronounced and it was getting more intense. All of a sudden, I heard an extremely loud SNAP! And I jumped because I swore it felt like someone popped my neck with a rubber band. I mean, it felt so real, I could still feel the after effects when I sat up and looked around my room. Once I laid back down, I kept feeling my neck as it was a little sore also.

RE: The Dream Thread - xise - 06-08-2014

I've had several interesting dreams over the past few days. I'm in Peru and typing out long posts in a ***** (iPhone) so they will have to wait till I come back. One about an entity seemingly trying to confine me in my dreams, a dream of dying and talking to Ra and them telling me that my purpose was not to become a workaholic but to do my mission of lightening the vibration of the planet, another dream where I meet a bunch of Peruvian spirit guides who tell me I have the opportunity to jump timelines, and a dream where negative entities start affecting those close me to try to make me unhappy. All but the last were lucid.

RE: The Dream Thread - AnthroHeart - 06-08-2014

I was in a grocery store in one part, trying to find some meat.

Another point I think I was superman in 3rd person. I was trying to rescue a boy Alex from a group, but they told me I couldn't rescue him. They were going underwater to the bottom of the ocean in a large vehicle that was like a city underwater. I made some icecream with coffee in it, and ate that. Then I thought that Alex might want some. I remember looking for the cafeteria. I found it and it was empty.

In another point I was fiddling with a window air conditioner to make it super cold. It was down right freezing.

RE: The Dream Thread - xise - 06-08-2014

I°m at an internet cafe (with a weird keyboard layout for punctunation). The dreams:

The imprisonment dream
I was in a dream, but there is a haze over most of it. Suddenly, I become lucid and my awareness is crystal clear. I°m facing an elevated table like you see Judges sit on in court. There is a cruel female Judge sitting there. As soon as I become aware, I look her straight in the eye and send a telepathetic message "I know I°m dreaming". She looks a little more angry than she already was and eyes me. I can°t move during all of this - I feel bound, but I am not worried. She finishes her visual inspection and then I collapse into unconciousness and it feels like it is something that she forced upon me. It did not feel like a dream, it felt like real contact with an entity.

I then wake up.

The death and Ra contact dream
I°m with a childhood friend who has been known to have a mean streak. We°re going waterskiing or something. He knows I°m not the best swimmer but we all have lifejackets. Once we°re in the middle of the ocean, when we°re on the boat, he somehow cuts of my lifejacket and pushes me overboard and just watches. I manage to tread water for a bit but the waves are high. The shore is barely visible. I try to swim toward it but get tired. I start to drown.

As I die, I become lucid. After my spirit emerges from my body, I know I°m not really dead but am dreaming so I call out to Ra (I like to try to make contact with entities while lucid).

I°m transported to a large apartment. There are maybe a dozen people there. One elder friendly lady seems to be in charge. I ask them who they are. They smile. She tells me they are all aspects of myself but that I already know that. There are several large couches where we all sit down. They begin to ask questionings about my life°s direction, particular with respect to work. I don°t remember specifically the questions, but I do remember thinking that they were trying to hint at some point but I wasn°t sure what point it was. At some point, the elderly lady tells me that I°m not meant to become a workaholic (random aside: my short term plan of going into consulting after bschool could be considered a workaholic type 60 hr/week job, though my long term plan of starting my own nonprofit to help others may or may not be). She tells me that I chose to incarnate to lighten the vibration of the planet. These words resonate with me strongly and I burst into tears. I°m still sitting and then all of them get up and softly chant something and they all place one item a piece on the coffee table infront of me. The last one to place is the elderly lady and she tells me that I will never want for shelter or money and that I should feel free to follow my dreams.

I then wakeup.

Peruvian Spirit Guides and Jumping Timelines Dream
I°m hanging out at night in a hotel in Peru at night. I met two other local Peruvian guys and we°re planning on meeting up with their friends and going out at night. They are spiritual. One does like something like shrooms but much shorter in duration while we°re waiting. I ask him if he could take a look at my orange ray. He looks at it and says that its good, and points out that I°ve done some recent work on it but that its now in great shape. I talk to the sober guy as the shroomed guy sobers up as we wait. My back is to the door. In the conversation, both guys stop talking and look behind me. I turn around and I see this beautiful Peruvian girl, she makes eye contact with me, then walks over. She then looks at the guys, and points to me, and asks "Is that him?" They nod. It strikes me as more of an interaction between people who on the job than friends who are going out.

Then, the dream fast forwards to the end, and I°m viewing myself in third person. I°m there with maybe 15 people about half Peruvian locals, half tourists, all 20s and 30s in age, we°re sitting on the steps of the hotel bsing, it°s clear that this is about 4-5 nights in the future. I look at myself and I see a different version of myself. Different hairstyle. I°m talking about some sports team that I°ve never heard of in real life and I°m talking as if I°m big sports fan (I°m not in real life, though I do watch profootball). That version of me is also vibrating a ton of love and looks so happy.

Then the dream fast forwards to the middle, I°m looking via third person again. Its the normal me. I see about 15 people. It°s the first night and basically everyone we were waiting for arrived. I notice that the Peruvians with us look exactly the same as they did at the end. However, half of the tourists look like different versions than the ones I saw at the end, including myself.

The dream then skips to where I°m talking to the two guys and the girl from the beginning. It starts to become lucid. They tell me that I have the opportunity to jump timelines. I tell them I°m not really sure how to jump timelines, but I guess I could learn more from google. They tell me that I already know how to manifest my reality and that jumping timelines is basically just manifestation. I realize that the Peruvians in these dreams were spirits who were here to help tourists make this transition.

I then wakeup.

Negative Entities Going After My Friends Dream
My best friends and I are at a bar. One good friend in particular, David, is sitting across from me. He°s married and is wearing his wedding ring, but his wife is not with us. A beautiful girl comes over and sits down next to us. She has some prefunctory question and its clear she just wants to flirt with us. She focuses on my friend David. I notice how she looks like one of his ex°gfs. As the night goes on, they°re basically only talking to each other. I chuckle at how some women are attracted to married men like moths to a flame. I think nothing of it because although David likes to flirt, he doesn°t cheat. He°s probably one of the most upright friends I have. As look away and look back, to my shock, they are making out. All my friends are shocked too because David is going at it like he°s possessed. I try to gently get David°s attention but can°t since I°m across the table and the place is crowded. I try to get some other friends on the other side of the table to kind of get David°s attention. During this time, an unfamiliar lady comes and sits beside me. I don°t really pay attention to her until she starts laying out some occult cards in some sort of pattern on the table. I realize what°s going on is unnatural. My orange ray and green ray channel into my yellow ray and I feel my aura extend past my body, encompassing the entire bar. I reach over the table and halfway pull the girl on David away. As I do so, the makeup on her face begins to dissolve and there is only diseased flesh underneath and David°s face seems to be catching a small portion of the disease. She appears frightened by me and I tell her telepathetically to "Go". She leaves.

I return my attention to the lady laying cards beside me. I tell her that David is my blood brother and that I will not allow them to harm him. Her face changes into a man°s and he looks like the servant of the Sauron from lotr who talks to the heroes at the black gate - his mouth is filled with sharp teeth. He tells me that they will find a way to hurt my friends. I grab him by the collar and walk him to outside of the bar. I tell him I°ll give him his cards. I go back inside the bar and quickly pile up the cards he had on the table. I don°t take extra caution to not bend the cards and some of them bend while I do this because the table is not flat. I then go back outside and give him the pack of cards. He tells me that they will continue to make my friend°s lives hell just as they once did with Aaron°s (don°t know why you came up Aaron, as you haven°t really shared anything more with me personally than you have on the forums, and sure you may have posted about negative contact but so have many others and I really don°t worry about you man since I know youve worked through whatever it was). I am not impressed and I stand and watch the entity leave the parking lot.

I then wakeup.


Feel free to interpret this stuff. I have my interpretations but I appreciate the interpretation of others.

RE: The Dream Thread - Adonai One - 06-08-2014

I walked into a black SUV which appeared to be full of well-known politicians in black suits and ties. We drove around a dense city for a few minutes or so until we ran into a few police officers shooting people of an unknown disposition. I saw an officer take out a glock and place around 4-5 shots into a screaming man with the tip of the gun pressed directly into his torso, who then fell to the ground. The officer then called him an explicit name and looked at us with a maniacal smile.

While the driver stopped the car, respecting the presumed authority of the officers, I felt a sense of dread and that we may be shot as well since the officer's looked a bit deranged and out of place. I feared we might be shot without reason.

I ordered the driver to continue driving further and that I did not care if he ran over the officers in front. He did not respond. In a anger, I yelled an intent to the universe that I was going to survive this situation and that I would not die.

The car was driven forward slowly and the officers moved out of the way.

RE: The Dream Thread - Plenum - 06-09-2014

(06-07-2014, 11:04 AM)isis Wrote: My significant other finally talked me into watching all the of the Breaking Bad episodes with him...watched 2 more eps last night...(on about the 7th-ish)

Last night I dreamed I made meth for more than a few people then distributed it to them. lol

next you'll be dreaming about 'Los Pollos Hermanos'.

(and don't look that up! if you keep watching, you'll find out soon enough BigSmile)

RE: The Dream Thread - AnthroHeart - 06-09-2014

I dreamed I got shot in the head. And after that dreamed I woke up to a dog eating 1000's of pounds of hot dogs.
It was relatively peaceful after I was shot.

RE: The Dream Thread - Plenum - 06-10-2014

(06-09-2014, 11:03 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: And after that dreamed I woke up to a dog eating 1000's of pounds of hot dogs.

hmmm. I wonder what the symbolism of that is?

any other details from that dream?

RE: The Dream Thread - Ankh - 06-10-2014

(06-05-2014, 03:58 PM)Horuseus Wrote: Just bouncing a few ideas out there. Hope it helps!

Thanks a lot, Horuseus! Yes, it did!

RE: The Dream Thread - AnthroHeart - 06-10-2014

(06-10-2014, 01:06 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote:
(06-09-2014, 11:03 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: And after that dreamed I woke up to a dog eating 1000's of pounds of hot dogs.

hmmm. I wonder what the symbolism of that is?

any other details from that dream?

Before that a guy went into a trailer and shot a friend. Then he shot me. No other details I can recall.

RE: The Dream Thread - Ankh - 06-10-2014

I had another recurring dream. I was inside a little, wooden cottage in the woods. It was I and two or three other entities inside that cottage. Suddenly two or three wild animals got inside the cottage and started to hunt us. All of us, except one, started to run into one room, and we would be safe there if we would locked ourselves in there. But there was one of us who got stuck in a room with one of these animals, a little black panther. I thought about leaving her there for a while, but then decided that I couldn't do that, as it was a little girl. So I run back to that room where she was stuck with that panther hoping that she didn't get injured. She wasn't, and I went to an attack towards this panther with couple of scissors in order to save that girl. I managed to scare this animal away, but the door to the woods was still open and we still weren't safe in that cottage.

This is not the first time I get dreams like that. Most of the times there are bears, but this time it was cat-like animals, like that little, black panther.

Interpretation of that dream:
Woods represent still hidden, non illuminated parts of the self. The cottage is the conscious self. Those animals are catalysts which come through the opened door, which is the veil. So, I guess that there are still catalysts which I don't deal with, so they "hunt" my conscious self, like those animals do in that dream.

I am glad that I didn't run to hide this time though, but decided to help that little girl. I was very, very scared in this dream, but I still decided that I can't leave that girl behind.

Those two or three other entities might be different parts of the self. This little girl for instance could be the significant self, which is "both the actor and acted upon". So while some parts of the self can run away, there is really no escape from the self.

In this dream it is shown that I am still chasing away the catalyst (instead of dealing with it), but at least I've stopped running.

RE: The Dream Thread - isis - 06-10-2014

(06-09-2014, 07:48 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote:
(06-07-2014, 11:04 AM)isis Wrote: My significant other finally talked me into watching all the of the Breaking Bad episodes with him...watched 2 more eps last night...(on about the 7th-ish)

Last night I dreamed I made meth for more than a few people then distributed it to them. lol

next you'll be dreaming about 'Los Pollos Hermanos'.

(and don't look that up! if you keep watching, you'll find out soon enough BigSmile)


They're so well-written. I definitely plan to keep watching.

Just finished ep 9 tonight & still didn't learn what is this "Los Pollos Hermanos" - so I couldn't resist looking it up.

Part 2:

Last night I dreamed I answered my phone by saying "Hello?" then someone responded with "Hello?" so I hung up on them.

RE: The Dream Thread - Plenum - 06-11-2014

(06-10-2014, 09:43 PM)isis Wrote: THANKS, PLENUM...YOU SPOILER. (IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT.)


RE: The Dream Thread - Jeremy - 06-11-2014

I dreamt that I was on a street where my cousin had grown up, at an intersection, there were two other groups of three people walking towards us until we met at the intersection all from different directions. As we passed each other, I realized we dressed like three differet decades of rock musicians. As my group continued to walk, we came to a house where we lined up at the door. A longer line of people filled in behind us. There was some woman there with me, I wanna say it was my ex and she was pushing us to go in because it was some celebrity's house but I'm not sure who which is when I was awaken by my alarm.

RE: The Dream Thread - Spaced - 06-12-2014

I had a dream last night that I had a really long splinter in my finger. I managed to extract it by pushing it out from the bottom and went on my way. Later my finger started hurting again and I saw that there was part of the splinter that I hadn't gotten out, and I managed to push that bit too, although it came out of a different hole in my skin. After I had gotten it out I realized it was the lead from a mechanical pencil.

Later in the dream my dog had ran away and I followed him into a dark tunnel. It was slow going through the tunnel because for some reason there were skunks everywhere and I didn't want to get sprayed. One of the skunks was a little larger than the others and had white leopard prints on it's back instead of stripes. I eventually found my dog and he was fighting with the skunks and had been sprayed so I picked him up and walked out of the tunnel with him.

RE: The Dream Thread - isis - 06-18-2014

in a part of my dream this morning i was walking around with a dark blue cat in my arms & i was wearing a dark blue shirt

RE: The Dream Thread - Dani - 06-18-2014

My brother and sister were Monica and Ross from Friends. My mother, the opposite of Phoebe, had the "role" of Phoebe in my dream and my father was Chandler. I was Rachel and Joey was Joey because he's cool enough as is. XD
All of us were searching in a cluttered isle at the grocery store for an apple pie, which we found successfully. C: ^_^

(06-18-2014, 11:24 AM)isis Wrote: in a part of my dream this morning i was walking around with a dark blue cat in my arms & i was wearing a dark blue shirt

@isis: Could the cat have been a Russian Blue or a similar breed? If you'd like to see related breeds, you can search for the Russian Blue in Cats 101 on You Tube. >^.^<
Your dream inspires me to draw a picture. Smile

RE: The Dream Thread - isis - 06-18-2014

(06-18-2014, 12:38 PM)Dani Wrote: My brother and sister were Monica and Ross from Friends. My mother, the opposite of Phoebe, had the "role" of Phoebe in my dream and my father was Chandler. I was Rachel and Joey was Joey because he's cool enough as is. XD
All of us were searching in a cluttered isle at the grocery store for an apple pie, which we found successfully. C: ^_^

(06-18-2014, 11:24 AM)isis Wrote: in a part of my dream this morning i was walking around with a dark blue cat in my arms & i was wearing a dark blue shirt

@isis: Could the cat have been a Russian Blue or a similar breed? If you'd like to see related breeds, you can search for the Russian Blue in Cats 101 on You Tube. >^.^<
Your dream inspires me to draw a picture. Smile

yeah, i guess so - it did have short hair. it looked much like this:

[Image: British_blue_hugo.jpg]

i didn't kno cats could have blue fur

RE: The Dream Thread - Nicholas - 06-18-2014

My dream a few nights ago involved several people squabbling at opposite ends of a table. I was watching them and wanted them to stop, so I focused my attention on the table and made it wobble. Everyone stepped back for a second and it seemed nobody realised I was there as no attention was directed at me. They continued arguing so I focused even more and lifted one side of the table off the floor. Again they just looked at the table and carried on arguing. Then I became angry and tried to lift the whole table up, nothing happened and woke up instead?

RE: The Dream Thread - Hotsizzle77 - 06-21-2014

There was a little puppy who bit me in my hand. The ferocious puppy wouldn't let go. The owners of the pet didn't help me at all. I ended up swinging my arm trying to bang the puppy off the ground so he could let go of his bite, which he did eventually.

RE: The Dream Thread - AnthroHeart - 06-21-2014

(06-21-2014, 08:36 AM)Hotsizzle77 Wrote: There was a little puppy who bit me in my hand. The ferocious puppy wouldn't let go. The owners of the pet didn't help me at all. I ended up swinging my arm trying to bang the puppy off the ground so he could let go of his bite, which he did eventually.

Did you feel pain? I've felt being electrically shocked in a dream and that hurt. I've also had something glued to my arm in a dream and that hurt a bit too.

RE: The Dream Thread - isis - 06-23-2014

last night i dreamed i went to church & right when i got there i realized it was a communion sunday, bc i saw lots of bread & grape juice on a table, & this excited me. i remember singing "as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end...Amen"

in another part i was taking a friend to a breathtaking place that i went to in another dream. it was a really mountainous place & u had to pass a physical test before they'd let u in

RE: The Dream Thread - isis - 06-26-2014

i've come across the term "shadow self" more than once but it's not something i'm exactly familiar with. i've never dwelt on it, never researched it, never really thought twice about it. i've only got a vague idea of what it means. i've never used the term myself...& yet the term made it in my dreamland this morning

in the dream, i took some guy to the church i went to when i was growing up. when we got there we noticed tons of ants outside of the church. when we got inside the guy said to me, "there's way too many ants out there for my shadow self to accept." then i replied with, "poison them"

RE: The Dream Thread - ramontomonton - 06-27-2014

Hello good day to every one, (just want to share my dream)

I had a dream last night, I was inside the church attending a regular mass when suddenly the light candles went out and there was darkness inside the church. It was three (3) candles in front of the Virgin Mary and the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, I was sitting on the second row then my grandmother ask me to light the three (3) candles and I lighted it by a candle that I was holding.

Next part of my dream was about my deceased father who pass away seven years ago. We were in a place not so familiar to me and ask me to drive him somewhere i didn't know. *When my father was still alive I used to drive him when he goes out of town.*

The last part was I was driving my car and there were many people on the street, I'm moving slowly then I accidentally hit my neighbor on his ankle (My tire ran on his ankle because he steps backward). Then his mother became so angry and chased tried to stabbed me with a knife on my chest. Luckily for some reason I wasn't hit.

It's odd because the woman who chased me is a good person in real life very opposite in my dream.

Then i woke up this morning with my head aching.

RE: The Dream Thread - AnthroHeart - 06-27-2014

A couple of nights ago my dad had an air hose in his mouth from an air compressor that was out in a barn. He was filling his mouth with air. That's all I remember. There was an orange hose that was very long.

RE: The Dream Thread - Dani - 06-29-2014

(06-27-2014, 01:12 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: A couple of nights ago my dad had an air hose in his mouth from an air compressor that was out in a barn. He was filling his mouth with air. That's all I remember. There was an orange hose that was very long.

That dream sounds frightening, GeminiWolf. I wonder what it means?...

yeah, i guess so - it did have short hair. it looked much like this:

[Image: British_blue_hugo.jpg]

i didn't kno cats could have blue fur

Yes, but not too many; mostly those who are similar to the Russian Blue. The description of your dream created an image in my mind that still crosses the path of my thoughts occasionally when I think of my kitten. I hope that you're having a nice day. Smile

RE: The Dream Thread - Nicholas - 06-29-2014

(06-26-2014, 11:22 AM)isis Wrote: "there's way too many ants out there for my shadow self to accept." then i replied with, "poison them"

Thanks for sharing isis.

I cannot see my shadow when I am walking about during sunlight times unless I become consciously aware of the fact that I am blocking the light somewhat. The metaphor 'shadow' is therefore a good example in referring to the parts of our mind that we have given no conscious attention to. Ra called this 'knowing the self' and is the foundation, or solid ground from which we can grow from.

I have highlighted above the most revealing part of your dream that you have shared, should you desire to take up this opportunity for self discovery and give it some attention.

That's a great dream to have!

Sent with love.

RE: The Dream Thread - Hotsizzle77 - 06-29-2014

I was in a classroom where some of my old classmates were sitting next to me. The teacher was a young man who was funny and cool and swore a lot. He started talking about wanderers and he said something about taking a blood sample for those who think they are. I think the teacher told everyone to raise their hand but I was the last to raise it, he pointed at me and told that he needs a blood sample from me. Not sure what that means but I was ready to tell him I was a 4D wanderer lol