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Daily Q'uote - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: L/L Research Channeling Archives (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=12) +--- Thread: Daily Q'uote (/showthread.php?tid=12361) |
RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 09-30-2021 Q'uote of the Day October 30, 1992 "Love is a gift, but it also may become a distortion. One must learn how to balance that love with strength, with faith. I have said that the learning of wisdom and compassion on the earth plane has awed us, in a sense. And yet, great care must be taken that wisdom and compassion are not learned before faith and love, but simultaneously or after. Distorted compassion can lead to a distortion of wisdom which does not oppose negativity with love, but rather, feels need to hear it out; and in that way, negativity may play on that compassion and wisdom and manipulate the, as yet, immature faith and love." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1992/1030 Side note.. not a new quote so let intuition guide to this one.. An guess that im guided to be using myself as example.. at moment reading a book was drawn to it after a Law of One quote, that is providing an insight into service self realm which is definitely something usually would not do! Having a clear sense well clear enough ![]() That quote in transcript was dialogue with Ariel, afterwards Q'uo among others had this to say "Only when the pilgrim is solidly and firmly devoted to a life in faith so that the open heart’s energies flow and flow and flow without stop or hindrance is it time to consider wisdom." RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-01-2021 Q'uote of the Day November 6, 1994 "The awareness of the total being, then, begins the incarnation on bad terms with the physical body. The awareness that you are could not make its arms and legs move or its tongue speak for such a long, long time, and, indeed, the awareness never seems to completely embrace the physical vehicle. This distance which is perceived between the self and the ills of the body is an imbalanced perception, and we encourage each in the daily meditation and contemplation which each may offer to the Creator to do work which more and more creates that bond of unity between consciousness and physical vehicle. Much of illness is due to the disrespect paid to the physical body as that which is not holy. So, if the physical vehicle has the aches, the pains, then we suggest and encourage giving this situation respect and attention. This attention may be simply seeing the physical vehicle as the perfect mechanism, which it is. It may be sending light to those portions of the physical body which are perceived as hurting or ill." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1994/1106 Yes it can be easy to be cross with your body with those aches and pains however instead use that as catalyst to feel oneness.. it "creates that bond of unity between consciousness and physical vehicle", learn to rebalance that perception to see that all is well ![]() As there was not a new Daily Q'uote this was another quote intuition has picked up... The awareness of the total being, then, begins the incarnation on bad terms with the physical body. The awareness that you are could not make its arms and legs move or its tongue speak for such a long, long time, and, indeed, the awareness never seems to completely embrace the physical vehicle. This distance which is perceived between the self and the ills of the body is an imbalanced perception, and we encourage each in the daily meditation and contemplation which each may offer to the Creator to do work which more and more creates that bond of unity between consciousness and physical vehicle. Much of illness is due to the disrespect paid to the physical body as that which is not holy. So, if the physical vehicle has the aches, the pains, then we suggest and encourage giving this situation respect and attention. This attention may be simply seeing the physical vehicle as the perfect mechanism, which it is. It may be sending light to those portions of the physical body which are perceived as hurting or ill. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-02-2021 Q'uote of the Day March 28th, 2009 "…It is well to ask the self when faced with a challenge, “Where is the love in this moment?” When that question is asked, there are times that you can see no love in the situation. This creates the opportunity for you to open your heart and allow the Creator’s love to move through you, so that the love in this situation has come through you. It is not a discipline in which you must express what you know as much as it is a discipline in which you allow yourself to become a lighthouse, cleaning the lenses of your lantern so that there is no hate or jealousy that is clinging to you, so that you have become transparent in your personality. For you cannot love the world of your own self. You shall surely run out of love quickly, for the love of the mind and the human heart is finite. Yet the love of the one infinite Creator is, itself, infinite." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2009/0328 RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-03-2021 Q'uote of the Day November 13th, 2010 "You are in the athanor of life to burn away the slag and the dross and to find the gems and the gold that are within you. We assure you that you are precious, full of gems and full of gold, but as in the world of nature, the treasure is hidden beneath the soil of living. There are some who enjoy digging for those nuggets of gold and precious gems. There are those who are content to come across them in the process of dealing with catalyst. Either way is satisfactory, for both lead to those moments when you know why you are in the furnace and what is being burned away." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2010/1113 RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-04-2021 Q'uote of the Day October 18, 1998 "We are not suggesting in any way that it is no longer a good idea to meditate, or to ask yourself to meditate. We always encourage spiritual seekers to that activity, for it truly is a powerful, powerful tool. But a little meditation goes a long way, and it is possible that when the seeker does not find itself able to meditate regularly that the seeker may need to ask herself what it is that seems to be changing so quickly that is actually stuck. For many times the wisdom of the self pulls the self away from meditation because the organism instinctively is aware that it cannot handle more change right now. For that is what meditation actually offers, an enhanced vulnerability to change. Perhaps for those who are having difficulty in setting up daily meditation schedules that would be one concern: what issues am I stuck on?" https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1998/1018 Quote today is a good lesson on 'taking stock', not going beyond what heart is telling you.. there may be times where you can meditate so much other times not so much or at all.. just appreciate the moment wherever it takes you ![]() Disclaimer: just for future notice if new quote does not appear on L/L Research and if someone haven't placed one(please feel free to do so) then intuition will be used to find one as with this one today ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-05-2021 Q'uote of the Day February 20, 2000 "These projections of the self that are guides are also entities with their own identities, their own histories, and, to some degree, their own agendas. Some entities feel that they have one major guide and it is to this one entity that the self goes. Indeed, some have objectified this guide to a great extent. Each of you has seen examples of channeling from inner guides that various sources offer and each is familiar with the concept of getting in touch with the guide." Its a fascinating topic, guidance in the sense of just how varied it can be for each other.. is it coming more from within or external, name/names used, what culture/cultures is inspiration drawing from.. is it more talking or more feeling based or imagery, signs or combination.. shared or deeply personal, based on nature etc etc.. just to have a room full of people and talk on each ones experience is exiting to imagine is it not , well as long as people have experience otherwise may be a very short discussion ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-06-2021 Q'uote of the Day February 7th, 1999 "We encourage each of you to trust in the self, to listen to those hunches and intuitions that are the only voice into the conscious mind of the deeper and larger self that exists below the threshold of consciousness. Each of you is as the fruit of the true vine. Each of you has roots in heaven. Within each of you dwells perfection, truth and infinite love." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1999/0207 Links to yesterdays quote, the essence of guidance is "We encourage each of you to trust in the self," at first the step into guidance takes a great what seems like a foolish leap, however as that trust is embedded.. interesting in split second after nocking a few keys all that i just typed vanished.. was able to retrieve by undo function.. perhaps theres meaning there, being a fool perhaps ![]() To cement the linkage to guidance lets leave it at this line here "Each of you has roots in heaven". RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-07-2021 Q'uote of the Day March 6th, 2010 "...The drive...that moves from the inner realms of the subconscious mind, fed by that which is archetypical in nature, may also be described as that which you call the will, for as you exercise the drives, the desires, and the intentions that are generated within the subconscious mind and the lower levels of the conscious mind, you describe the force, shall we say, that may be brought to bear upon the actions, the movements, and the activities of an entity…The physical form, with its pairs of legs and arms, its eyes and mouth and so forth, offer an opportunity to the mind of an entity to manifest within the third-density illusion that which is desired. There is direction given to these desires and the will is that strength of the inner being, or the subconscious mind, that moves the entity in a certain direction or vector. https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2010/0306 Haha just love way Q'uo has a way with words.. "The physical form, with its pairs of legs and arms, its eyes and mouth and so forth, offer an opportunity to the mind of an entity to manifest within the third-density illusion that which is desired. " Always be mindful of what you truly desire, especially as the will is harnessed and directed, an image of a bow an arrow comes to mind.. there may be wind or concentration or other factors the can influence where the arrow lands but if one is truly in the moment the arrow will land where its especially desired.. well preincarnative choices come into play too maybe that impacts what type of bow arrow is metaphorically used ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-08-2021 Q'uote of the Day January 6th, 1991 "To analyze an unique entity is to do the impossible, for both that which we call love, or Logos, or the Creator, which is a portion of you, and the portion of you that is unique, are mysteries, now and forever. It is a matter of allowing that mystery to be a mystery. That is most helpful within the incarnational experience. It is acceptable to be unknown to the self in a final way if one realizes that that is the situation and will be the situation until the allowing of consciousness becomes such that one no longer desires to know about consciousness, but only to be consciousness. At that point, which we have not yet reached, there is the returning to the infinite One, and the creation moves from creation to creation, as entities are sent out and then return, that manifestation may blaze in its appropriateness within the infinity of intelligence." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1991/0106 "the allowing of consciousness becomes such that one no longer desires to know about consciousness, but only to be consciousness".. a powerful statement and a hint at going deeper into beingness attempt to let go of understanding it and just be.. completely be RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-09-2021 Q'uote of the Day May 10th, 1987 "It is often those times of the seeming accomplishment of a goal which one has long sought that seekers look to as a sign of work well done. However, we would suggest that there is little possibility of entities within your illusion ever being able to see with eyes clear enough to know when work has truly been accomplished, and it is those times of difficulty in general which are most valuable to the seeker of truth. Truly, there is no means by which one cannot serve and seek to be of more service, yet it is far better to continue the effort of seeking with great perseverance and without the necessity of counting the return that is most valuable to the seeker within your illusion, for the fruits of your seeking are metaphysical in nature and escape, for the most part, detection by those within your illusion." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1987/0510 "We are aware that the moments when one accepts the self as the Creator must be few and far between for those of you who dwell in third density, for it is the function of your physical illusion to fool you quite efficiently. " RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-10-2021 Q'uote of the Day July 23rd, 1989 " In the silent meditation, one simply is with the Creator, and slowly, the self of each self in that atmosphere becomes and is the Creator. This is the depth and the resonance of the present moment which infinitely intersects with eternity. And the more consciousness that each has of the eternal moment, denying time and space any final reality, there is a great opportunity for that entity to find knowledge that is being sought. Then there is the responsibility and the duty to put into action those things which are learned." "the more consciousness that each has of the eternal moment, denying time and space any final reality, there is a great opportunity for that entity to find knowledge that is being sought. " Love this, particularly 'denying time and space and final reality' as this one moment right now out flows all . And this quote too.. just because "The free choice is always your own. If you do not wish a lesson, if you are too weary, you may simply sit by the side of the road and let others go by for awhile. And when you are refreshed, you simply begin again where you stopped. There is no hurry, there is no worry, there is no concern, there is no attachment. There is only the challenge of the chase for the Grail and the infinite satisfaction of spending time with the one infinite Creator." The free choice is always your own. If you do not wish a lesson, if you are too weary, you may simply sit by the side of the road and let others go by for awhile. And when you are refreshed, you simply begin again where you stopped. There is no hurry, there is no worry, there is no concern, there is no attachment. There is only the challenge of the chase for the Grail and the infinite satisfaction of spending time with the one infinite Creator. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-11-2021 Q'uote of the Day April 1, 1990 "There is no need to balance in pairs, there is no need to find balances so that your so-called yin and yang energies are balanced betwixt two entities or more, for the true balancing is done as the prodigal child turns and says, “No more, no more. I am not in a state of enjoyment or happiness, all those things I have sought with money and with debauchery have proven to be false. Let me turn now and listen to that which before I did not hear, see that which I saw before but did not perceive, and understand in my heart those things which made no intellectual sense whatsoever." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1990/0401 Now pay attention the last sentence in the quote, its meaning an especially the use of the word 'whatsoever' ![]() "Yet the father saw this entity, this son, and to correct the biases of your holy work, this daughter," This transcript talks extensively on the classic story of the prodigal son, the father gives money to two sons one leaves and spends it all an comes back rich in experience but broke and willing to be a servant in the household while other child keeps money and stays with Daddy.. well Dad didnt want any of that with returning prodigal son and was just grateful to have son return and only showed love .. that is a very simple summary. please read the transcript for more, but what is especially fascinating is how Q'uo mentions its daughter not prodigal son, which think gives more equality to the story.. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-12-2021 Q'uote of the Day February 25, 1990 Be mindful, be faithful to yourself, to the love within you, to the consciousness that abides eternally, infinitely within you. You are the creation. Create well, my friends. https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1990/0225 A quote echoing with words of power today.. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-13-2021 Q'uote of the Day April 16th, 2000 " For each entity is a mirror unto you that shows you yourself and the face of the Creator at the same time. When you are unable to perceive that this is what is being shown to you, then there arise a myriad of emotions, both those that are what you call positive and those that are what you call negative, that you attribute to this entity. When, through your own personal work and perseverance, you have been able to see that the world about you reflects your attitude back to you, then you are able to open the door to forgiveness, to compassion, to mercy, to understanding, and to those qualities that truly stop the wheel of karma and allow you that progress that you desire: the opening of the heart so that compassion is felt, not just for those about you, but for yourself, for the Creator, and for all of the creation about you." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2000/0416 Its one concept that just sticks with you does it? The mirror analogy that is.. shows the value of being around people an not in a cave in the mountains ![]() An more you can invoke that blank slate.. or Magician tarot archetype, or Ra speak become more balanced then more clearer the mirror becomes and onus on you ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-14-2021 Q'uote of the Day October 1st, 1989 "…The Creator loves you with a passion most intense, for you are a portion of the Creator experiencing Itself—love experiencing love. True worship is a response to the unconditional love that lies at the center of the universe and of your being. Within you is infinity and within that infinity, an infinite intelligence. And this principle is one of love and so all that there is is love." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1989/1001 And to keep the motivational theme going, here's another one, as there is one thing that is needed is reminding.. constant reminding as its quite thick this illusion isnt it ![]() "Now, the beginning of worship is a clear realization that the true self of you is the Creator, that you are love, and that within you is the capability of manifesting or channeling the love and the light of the infinite One though each of you are within a finite illusion.." RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-15-2021 Q'uote of the Day March 6th, 2005 " You came into incarnation supported and bolstered, without any possibility of being abandoned or isolated, with a very solid, sturdy guidance system. It is up to you to create the structure with which you feel comfortable as a person for receiving this guidance." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2005/0306 " It is up to you to create the structure with which you feel comfortable as a person for receiving this guidance."" Yes so test the waters find what resonates and stick with it, well that takes away all the glamour doesnt it ![]() "Now let us look at this situation. The help that you have for this journey is your larger self. Here is a larger self that includes the Creator and all that there is." RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-16-2021 Q'uote of the Day November 8th, 2008 “When one is accessing the gateway to intelligent infinity, one has been able to open the chakra system so that there is no blockage, over-activation or narrowing that would prevent the infinite love and light of the one Creator from moving through the red, orange and yellow chakras and into the heart. The essential self rests in the open heart while the seeker uses the faculties of will, faith and purified intention to move through the blue and indigo energy centers and through the violet to the gateway.If you can picture the characteristics of a flame from a candle, you can see the chakra body as a whole in a kind of a rounded form that varies a bit, yet is always solid flame in the center. At the gateway, the self comes to a point of focus that then is ignited into another flame as it approaches and goes through the gateway, so that there is a mirroring of the flame beyond the gateway and the flame of the chakra system which is intimately tied into the earthly self which is approaching the gateway.” https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2008/1108 Thumbs up for the flame analogy, whenever you hear the words gateway to intelligent infinity that alone can evoke a sense of awe.. Website was providing some catalyst was not able to access until now.. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-17-2021 Q'uote of the Day May 13th, 2008 "The guidance that you seek so ardently is closer to you than your very breath. And yet when there is within a seeker that [which] is prejudiced against the perfection and the beauty of the self, a glass wall can obstruct the free flow of information betwixt the higher self and the self within incarnation." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2008/0513 RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-18-2021 Q'uote of the Day August 30th, 1992 "The gates to learning the truth open only to those who are able to use the keys. The first key is the silence of meditation. And after the resources of meditation, contemplation and prayer have aided the seeker enough to open the heart, then the choices become those focusing into the universal nature of the self and an archetypical understanding that allows the seeker to have more keys minted and placed in the spiritual grasp. Each period of learning at this level is called initiation by your people, and it is, indeed, the beginning of a new subtle pattern which you shall choose. Yet, this choice is not simple, for it is a choice of an entire pattern…of thought, of intuition, certainly not a clear-cut process. Rather than working upon opening the heart to all that there is in service, the initiatory lessons have to do with solidifying the nature of the self, of envisioning and seeing the more desirable pattern or way of being the self." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1992/0830 "The gates to learning the truth open only to those who are able to use the keys." Ahh the classic saying, 'pictures speak louder than words' well in this case, enter The Great Way of Spirit tarot card to do the talking https://www.lawofone.info/images/ RE: Daily Q'uote - SirJosephPaxton - 10-18-2021 Hi All, I've shared with Quan a little something that I am, for the nonce, spending some time on. Each day I am reading out loud the full channelings referenced in the Daily Q'uote. I have put these readings on YouTube. I'd like to think of the following self-criticisms more as setting realistic expectations than self-deprecation - maybe it's a little of both. In any event - the quality of these audio recordings is not the greatest, and in fact, it may not have much value for you or anyone on this board. I'm not spending any time on correcting mispronunciations, coughs, or weird fart noises that happen to get picked up by the mic. Sometimes I speak quietly because I don't want to wake the kids up. Sometimes my voice is not so quiet. I'm just squeezing this into my day wherever I can and there's no guarantee that I won't miss a day here and there, or quit altogether at some point. I have a day job that provides for my needs, so there's no pressure here to amass subscribers, listeners, likes, or anything of the sort - it's just my way of creating another vehicle for Quo's words and messages to make their way out there into the world, words and messages which I happen to find inspiring, informative, and sometimes very moving. Also, when I read these things out loud the words hit me differently. And I like it, so it's not a completely selfless endeavor. And I'm sharing all this with you - which I find absolutely terrifying. My initial preference was to keep this between Quan and I as our little secret but I thought I'd try acting out of hope instead of fear. If I get judged I get judged. I'll probably survive it. And yes I am aware there is a very gifted gentleman who currently has a number of videos based on Quo's channelings. The more the merrier I guess. Thank you Quan, and thank you everyone else. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpulkYdvxY7aT46puYD5Sfg RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-19-2021 Q'uote of the Day October 13th, 2009 "When one learns to ride a bike, one never really forgets how, but one can become very rusty. In the same way, once one has experienced the joy and the peace of the open heart, one has been able to see all that there is as interconnected. It is not to be forgotten. And yet, neither is it to be held or kept in one open setting. Rather, the energy body is intensely sensitive to incoming catalyst. This is why, so often, one experiences a wonderful opening of the heart, which is unaccountably followed by a series of events that tend to close the heart. Nor is this the action of circumstance or accident." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2009/1013 "This is why, so often, one experiences a wonderful opening of the heart, which is unaccountably followed by a series of events that tend to close the heart. " Haha yes and it can be so predictable sometimes yet that catalyst still get to you ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-19-2021 (10-18-2021, 05:35 PM)SirJosephPaxton Wrote: Hi All, Thank you for the inspiring and courageous work, a huge undertaking even just doing a few of them that is! So any that you do is bonus and gift! Q'uo will be happy too, okay okay enough pep talk ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-20-2021 Q'uote of the Day May 13th, 1990 "The Creator wished and wishes and will always wish in that infinitely small portion of its infinite self that is active, to manifest love, to love and feel the self of love in action.And so it created its children, children of love and free will, one unit of absolute love that can never change and will never be unique, and [an] absolutely equal portion of infinitely various free will. That is your nature. Your uniqueness lies not in that you are children of love, but in that no two unions of love and free will are the same. To the outer, or mathematical eye, to any measuring instrumentation that could be imagined, this uniqueness could not be discerned, for free will, when bonded with love, takes upon itself the quality of love. The free will portion of it, the active portion of it, is forever, and in a way that mathematics cannot describe, various. Each of you has an absolutely equal, identical portion of love, and each of you has an equal and unique measure of free will." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1990/0513 Now for those wanting more of a read.. here is a comparison between the two paths "The courage that it takes, in this heavy illusion, when free will is at its strongest, to take that free will, and in the middle of the night with no light to guide you but the moon, working in shadow, working by faith, working without vocabulary or understanding, choose to discipline the free will, which is the great triumph, the great challenge, of entities who are experiencing their free will at its very strongest, to choose to discipline that will in such a way that it becomes not willfulness which is eternally various, but willingness, a will to do that which is chosen: this is the greatest and most courageous step an entity can take in this illusion, for it goes against all sense data. It is only one who trusts love, by faith alone, that asks the will to choose to will the good—if we may use that word—the radiant, the positive, the caring, to choose to emphasize those things about each which are the same, and that is love." "It takes an equal amount of courage to become so self-involved that a choice is made to ignore any truth but that which the self has chosen for itself, and thus disciplines the will to ignore all incoming data, to focus only on gaining power and an intensity of love for the self which is, by definition, a love of the Creator. That others are like itself is simply denied, and understandably so from the point of view of the negative entity. The negative entity is one whose free will is of a certain quirk, shall we say, that makes it seem obvious that the differences are greater than the similarities, and that love owes to love, the self owes to self, the aggrandizement of the self into the nature of the Creator, love itself." Taking the words focused in the two above paragraphs discipline and love to a finer level, as its not two words that seemingly go together.. "The discipline that you exercise when you focus your desire and the energy of love that is yours may be used for whatever purpose, be that purpose to master the personality, to control events or entities, to seek more knowledge of the mystery of creation, or simply to seek union with the One, that whatever may flow from that union may flow through you, as you are a hollowed vessel that has given itself in service to the One, that each of its portions with which you come in contact might be blessed and benefited. Thus, discipline is a tool as any other that may be used for whatever purpose is chosen." So there is free will in a nutshell.. no actually the opposite caked in lots of words ![]() But waits there more.. Just to make clear distinction tho there are obvious limits to the service to self path "It is well stated that the greater power is that which comes through the entity rather than that which comes from the entity, for one is infinite, and the other finite. To surrender one’s will to a greater power is to open a door through which the power of the universe may move in a more or less undistorted fashion." Alright done.. now time to open the doors to silence RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-21-2021 Q'uote of the Day May 13th, 2008 "It is a great challenge to find complete and utter compassion for yourself. It is indeed one of the great challenges which you offer to yourself as you came into the incarnation. The reason that it is the key is that when you have become able to see yourself with eyes of love and love yourself, warts and all,…you then will find it child’s play to have compassion on others. For you are always harder on yourself than on others. That freedom that compassion gives to you is a palpable vibration that can be felt by other selves with whom you’re interacting." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2008/0513 "The way the energy body works, it requires a constant working through all of the chakras, starting with the very basic chakra, the red-ray chakra, and moving up to the orange and yellow rays and then to the green ray. It is a common desire of those who so eagerly seek the presence of the one infinite Creator to spend as much time as possible within the higher chakras, experiencing the infinite love and light of the one Creator. Yet always the entry into the higher chakras must be preceded by work in the lower chakras to clear the way." Yes so clear the way, work on the compassion for oneself... foundation must be built first.. the bells and whistles come later ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - IndigoSalvia - 10-21-2021 This excerpt and entire learn/teaching is exactly what I needed at this moment. Thank you. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-22-2021 Q'uote of the Day November 16th, 1986 " …A persistent difficulty in speaking of your matings…is the great variety of motives for inaugurating and sustaining such a relationship. Almost never is it for the reason that is most closely aligned with the actual function and purpose of the mated relationship. Almost never is suffering, hardship and trouble used as the reason for choosing a future partner. And yet, this is the precise experience you wish to share, for your illusion is created in order that you may suffer and learn. That is the purpose of there being an illusion, for self-consciousness must be awakened. The third density begins with a sense of self asleep, and happiness and contentment do little to awaken the soul. It is the interactions with others that bring grief, suffering, loss and trauma which create the opportunities you most cherished before the incarnation. Thus, it is well to choose the mate you want to suffer with and for the mate you feel will pull and pull as strongly as do you to carry equally the burden of illusion." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1986/1116 "Thus, it is well to choose the mate you want to suffer with and for the mate you feel will pull and pull as strongly as do you to carry equally the burden of illusion." And here in more detail why.. "Forgive and forgive again. Forgive yourself, forgive any who seem to have hurt you, remembering that you have faulty perceptions if you do not see love in every situation. You have the power to create children of your thoughts, daughters and sons of your heart by what you say and how open your heart and hands are. We ask you to create love. Love one another, my children. Always do what you must with no excuses and no need for recrimination, and always turn your face forward and use what you have learned. This environment which we have called third density is a gift. Every tear, every ache of the heart is precious. We hope you can give thanksgiving in the hard times and find joy in tears, for truly enough, there is sadness in any joy within the illusion—should there not also be joy in any sadness?" So allow all those times to appreciate the non transient, like a pendulum swinging from transient to non transient but finding the balance in each moment.. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-23-2021 Q'uote of the Day March 24th, 1996 "…Open the heart to that center which is the Creator: love.…This perfect light cannot be brought into your illusion, but it can be distorted by each heart that bears witness to it imperfectly. Love abides within each. Light dwells in the very heart of each. This is your truth. All else is language.The way to pursue being a witness to the light is to live today. The hopes for tomorrow, the regrets or memories of yesterday, aid in many things but do not aid in bearing witness to the love and the light within. By the time the impulse has reached the manifested expression it no longer bears witness to truth but to the judgment of the individual who is editing the self. Therefore, go ahead and edit the self, for such is the way of service to others. But allow the self to heal from these expressions by spending time and attention just letting go of and releasing the pains and joys alike to the infinite One. These are the harvests that the Creator desires." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1996/0324 Haha love this " Love abides within each. Light dwells in the very heart of each. This is your truth. All else is language". Very insightful transcript full of many great quotes about balancing and a kind passage on kindness, however this one links to the quote above and wants to be heard.. "It is easy for humankind to perceive spiritual evolution as a building process, going higher and higher and building one’s intelligence and wisdom so that greater and greater things are understood. Yet, it is our perception that it is somewhat the opposite that is the case. That is, that as the seeker evolves the seeker becomes more and more able to release self, to let go, to surrender that part of self which wishes to be perfect or better or wiser." RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-24-2021 Q'uote of the Day May 25th, 1986 "Within each evolutionary journey, within each density of illusion, within each incarnational pattern, each moment and each thought, there is the interaction and interplay of the positive and the negative polarity that is the fabric of all creation. Thus does each seeker recapitulate the essence of the one Creator, and when accomplished in a directed fashion, this process presents to each seeker the ever-expanding opportunity to grasp more and more of its nature as the one Creator." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/1986/0525 RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-25-2021 Q'uote of the Day January 23, 2010 "Your environment will change as you move through that process that takes you into graduation from this density to the next, but know you well that you shall not be judged except by your own preferences. For you shall walk into the sunlight. And it shall become fuller by exquisitely, carefully nuanced grades of density. And as you walk into the fuller light, it shall cease being third density and begin being fourth density. And yet you still may walk on. You may walk on until the light becomes too full and is uncomfortable to you. Then that is where you shall stop and that is where you shall stay. And if you are still in third-density light when you stop, then your energy body shall be transited to another third-density planet where you may again take up the lessons of polarity and that choice of how to serve: shall you serve others or shall you serve yourself?" https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2010/0123 Okay lets address the elephant in the room here.. clearly one of most controversial topics discussed in the material, the harvest or moving to another third density planet. Well what to say.. nothing! its up to what resonates with each person, its fun nerveless to consider whatever possibilities, but doesn't really matter when compared to this moment right now. As saying goes 'cross that bridge when you get to it' ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 10-26-2021 Q'uote of the Day November 13th, 2010 " …Service is an intimate thing, close to the heart and not easily perceived by others straightaway…You are doing what you came to do and if it changes tomorrow, you will still be doing what you came to do. Trust that the way your incarnation works is that you set your intention to serve and the more strongly that you are able to set that intention, the more help you will attract, the more synchronicities will confirm to you that you are on the right track, the more feedback you will get from the creation around you. Give yourself over to this interactive, unified process, and lay your weary burdens down in thanksgiving and joy, for you are serving and serving beautifully and with utter perfection, right now and always." https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2010/1113 |