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Daily Q'uote - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: L/L Research Channeling Archives (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=12) +--- Thread: Daily Q'uote (/showthread.php?tid=12361) |
RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-08-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 8, 2017 "The undifferentiated and unpotentiated infinite Creator has no bias. There is one thing. That one thing is self-understood and self-grasped and is content. However, the infinite Creator, choosing by the first distortion of free will to know Itself, has created a system of densities through which all of its sparks may proceed in order to experience all that can be experienced, to satisfy all desires, and to move through all the learnings of each density. Each of you is a member of a third-density environment at this time� It is because of the opacity of the illusion and its relentless system of opposites that third density works. For third density is about making a choice, a very fundamental choice, of service to self or service to others. It is indeed desirable to increase that bias, attempting more and more to maximize service to others within your life and your thought, so that you may accelerate the rate of your own spiritual evolution." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2009/2009_0214.aspx RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-09-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 9, 2017 "There are certainly many ways to look at what the heart of one�s existence is. One might ask what the overriding principle of a life is, or what the most beloved thing is, or what the thing most desired is. And yet it is always to be remembered that a life is lived in the present moment in order to be lived well. The center of that present moment is always love. A guiding key question for one who seeks the heart of existence is, �Where is the love in this moment?� " http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2009/2009_0203.aspx "The center of that present moment is always love" Moment is love and you reach /open to her/him..Femine/masculine energy or however your belief system is. I love the Tarot cards the imagery there from Ra especialy show it in the form of lovers for instance Signifcator of Spirit, Great way of Spirit, Transformation of Mind. "Where is the love in this moment?� " Very powerful i find with repetive use, or more personalised "Where is love in this moment". So much to say on this quote im biting my tounge as being in present moment can mean very different things to many peoples beliefs. And also I tend to ramble on and on, so better I stop now ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-10-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 10, 2017 "When you are tempted to feel helpless, hopeless and despairing, we would encourage you to remember that you do not need to relate to some idea of the Creator and please the Creator. Neither do you need to relate to the world and in some way please the world. In terms of your spiritual work, you have only yourself to please� You are not helpless. You are a person of infinite power. You are not hopeless, unless you choose to take that pose and stand as a statue, ignoring the movements of life. You may well be despairing because you have allowed yourself to identify the illusion as the realest portion of your life. In actuality, in terms of spiritual evolution, that which occurs outside of your mind is food for the mill. The pay dirt of spiritual seeking lies not in circumstances but in how you choose to respond to them." Just give in to the despair, hopelessness not just give in make it as big as possible.. then accept it as, a part of you expressing itself trying to help you and rest in silence with it. Or if not ready to accept on that level(ive had plenty of experience with those emotions including today) then balance with the opposite bias or put it on the shelf for a rainy day. So when feel peace can revisit it and attempt it them. "The pay dirt of spiritual seeking lies not in circumstances but in how you choose to respond to them." I love the use pay dirt havent heard that expression for a while ![]() http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2006/2006_1112.aspx RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-11-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 11, 2017 "�Third density was not designed to be a quiet and steady dive to the center of self. It was designed to be turbulent, as the shaker that breaks rocks into pieces or large pieces of ceramic into small pieces of ceramic, polishing them and shaping them by friction and impact. To come at the action intended in third density another way, we could use the figure of the fiery furnace which tempers and strengthens the brittle, callow young soul so that it becomes an instrument of great flexibility and strength. Your world is intended as a refinery of souls." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2007/2007_1110.aspx The last paragraph brings to mind a quote ive heard untold times in movies, tv series! Not sure who originally said it? You probably have heard of it.. It goes along like this, a bit brutal but gets the point across.."that what doesnt kill you makes you stronger". RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-12-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 12, 2017 "As we understand your time, the harvest shall be an event which is in process for many of your years. You shall come to it naturally, unless by your own artifacts you remove yourselves from your bodies. Be ready to die now. Be ready for harvest now. And then you are free to live for the Creator and in His service for however long you draw breath within the physical vehicle which loves you and has given itself to your use. Love it also, and see it as the helpful thing it is, but do not be its slave." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1986/1986_1130.aspx The big mysterious word of Law of One, who has not spent much time contemplating on this.. Harvest. Be ready to die now is something after having well many near death experiences, one in particular really woke me up since then i especially live to that. Especially using it to attempt each moment to leave nothing unresolved with loves ones and appreciating each moment too, easy isnt it ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-13-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 13, 2017 "�The more you rest in trust and faith, the more room that you give coincidence to work for you." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2002/2002_0204.aspx Most challenge is getting that momentum initialy when you only have just pure faith but once you hit a critical point those coincidences back up that faith within and propel one forward more and more. More you give more you get back i suppose ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-14-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 14, 2017 "�All of the things that are in your life are placeholders for things of the spirit. All things are alive. All things are ready to tell you their story, so you have a much more complex interesting, intricate, vibrant universe than the intellect perhaps can perceive. There are upwelling energies from the archetypal level that are simply waiting for the opportunity to work their magic within the fragile structure of human incarnation. There are wonderful, powerful spiritual energies that are just waiting for channels through which they may run, be blessed and come into the power and ownership of the Earth in general." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2002/2002_0224.aspx "All things are ready to tell you their stories" I think one of most fasincating things particulary in higher densities stories of whole civilisations, planets, solar systems..Can you imagine? RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-15-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 15, 2017 "The being that you are is a combination of spirit and the physical. They are intertwined within you so that you are one mind/body/spirit complex, all together, not separated. Consequently, from the standpoint of spirit within flesh, the central service to others of any life will always be the way you have allowed your energies to open, so that you may be an instrument for the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. This instrument sometimes calls this process �becoming transparent to the light.� The net result of one who is more and more comfortable with being who he is is that whatever the personality is, it is open to the light so that the light can shine through him and out into the world. This radiance of being shall always be each entity�s main purpose." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2009/2009_0203.aspx "This instrument sometimes calls this process �becoming transparent to the light.� " Transparent is this equivelant to acceptance of whatever comes in the moment? Its pretty much my focus at moment is acceptance along these lines, if enough i do feel this nice transparent type lighter feeling if not enough i get a heavier type feel aka more grounded. The paradox being i find its acceptance of both these feeings.. Hence the following "This radiance of being" the classic summary of service to others ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-16-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 16, 2017 "This flashing of fourth density is a magical thing. It is a matter of the state of mind of the person, and it is extraordinarily difficult to talk about that state of mind, but belief and faith are a state of mind, perhaps we would even say that knowing is a state of mind. If one knows that something is true, that person becomes able to demonstrate that truth. It is the depth of the knowing that creates the state of mind which opens the gateway to intelligent infinity and allows that Christ-consciousness energy its freedom of passage, and when that energy is flowing freely, even if that entity has no idea of what is occurring, the planet itself and the people around that entity will feel the light shine, will feel the warmth that is radiated and will be drawn towards that light and that gentleness of energy that moves with those who are full of love." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2001/2001_1209.aspx This quote follows from yesterday how powerful radiance of being is..especially when you are unaware of your own effect on others... RE: Daily Q'uote - hounsic - 12-16-2017 Amazing passage!!! RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-17-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 17, 2017 "Consciousness is not yours alone. You share the innermost identity of yourself with all that there is. Walk�out of the small rooms and dim hallways of fear and come out into the outdoors of wind and water and fire and earth. Come from the local to the infinite. Come from the world of detail to the world of the four directions, the elements, and the powers. Come to the great cross of life: the vertical reach to the infinite; the horizontal reach within incarnation to loving and being loved. And know that it is in the little things that you shall create a new heaven and a new Earth. May you do each little thing as if it were a great honor and privilege! May you shine as the lighthouse you are!" http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2006/2006_1112.aspx A bit corny or cheesy perhaps but gets the message across ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-18-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 18, 2017 "When a third-density entity allows or surrenders to that ineffable energy of unconditional love, which has often been called Christ consciousness, then the experiencer of this love vibration is dwelling, unknown to herself oftentimes, in fourth density. That quality of love, when the veil is removed, simply places one in a fourth-density environment. In this fourth-density environment the social memory complex is alive and well because the nature of consciousness in fourth density allows that pattern and that pattern is a model that is higher than or that will replace the lower density when there is the awareness to see the higher density. In other words, when the spirit is not embodied in incarnation and the soul involved is vibrating at this level, the disciplines and studies involved in creating a social memory complex begin to be available, certainly, but even before such study and discipline the roadway is there upon which the seeker finds it convenient and easy to walk. " http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2001/2001_1209.aspx Ahh the social memory complex such mystery attached to this term in the veiled third density... RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-19-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 19, 2017 "So there is a tremendous amount of positive energy available, �for those who seek to purify their emotions and to see into their desires to the heart of desire. Those who are doing that, focusing and learning of self, shall indeed find miracles occurring, peace becoming possible within the heart. All of the fourth-density environment is available within the mind�s eye, within the chambers of that sacred heart, which is the metaphysical heart, the seat of the one infinite Creator within each of you. As you are able more and more to come into a state of trust and faith, as you are able more and more to find the heart of self, the heart of desire, the heart of service, that which means love and positivity to you personally, the more you shall receive angelic or positive guidance, the more you shall see helpful coincidences occurring, the more you shall see evidence of unseen hands at work." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2002/2002_0317.aspx Its such great work to do this.. "those who seek to purify their emotions and to see into their desires to the heart of desire" but immersing more into that "state of trust and faith" in something larger.. gradually like a onion peeling its layers you get to the heart of self more and more , well something along those lines if your not fond of onions ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-20-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 20, 2017 "One of the questions that was asked was �What studies or disciplines might be helpful for those perceived to be at the fourth-density level and to create a social memory complex?� Certainly the most important tool is silence, for truly until you have come to a certain degree of silence within yourself the energy exchanges of the quality of fourth-density would be difficult. For there will be fear. Times spent in silence over a period of time, a little at a time but daily, are extremely helpful for opening those higher densities to the self within so that the self is beginning to pre-echo and foreshadow fourth density without even thinking about it." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2001/2001_1209.aspx This quote made me laugh as I was imaging fourth densityy without that silence.. "truly until you have come to a certain degree of silence within yourself the energy exchanges of the quality of fourth-density would be difficult. " i think the "would be difficult was a very nice way of putting it dont you think?! ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Sprout - 12-20-2017 (12-20-2017, 08:25 AM)Quan Wrote: The Daily Q'uote for December 20, 2017 Made me imagine a scene in an early 4th density cycle where both see each others thoughts and one's screaming thoughts internally while the other looks at him awkwardly. Haha. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-21-2017 (12-20-2017, 09:28 AM)Sprout Wrote:(12-20-2017, 08:25 AM)Quan Wrote: The Daily Q'uote for December 20, 2017 Lol, it will be fascinating time when 4th density truely begins I think be a must for 5th density and above to assist amongst all the newbies ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-21-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 21, 2017 "The particular energies of this particular time and space for each of you have an unusually strong and generous energy at this time for the simple reasons that your entire globe is in that area of time/space in which your Earth�s fourth density is coming into birth. We cannot say how long this labor shall last but while it is occurring there are great needs within your people and your planet, great pressures for change that are the product of this particular phase of planetary labor. And these things are affecting not only each of you in subtle ways but also the nature of time and space and the nature of light. In other words, your world is changing around you [and] there is some urgency to expressing the truth of the self and that in order to better express this truth�[it] is and shall be prime time for finding new ways more fully to express the self in its heart and in its soul. " http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2002/2002_0204.aspx Yes it's peak hour on the road to 4th density transition.. all aboard oh wait that's a train metaphor not a car :?) RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-22-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 22, 2017 "The energy has changed. And you are experiencing the dawn of that which some call fourth density and some call fifth density. It is the density of love or understanding. In this environment guidance is ever closer and ever more powerful to help. In this environment emotions and desires call forth the appropriate vibration of guidance. That is to say, entities at this particular time have a maximum ability to polarize, positively or negatively. All guidance is not positive. The guidance comes because of the vibration of calling that is sent out. This is as if one were a radio listener who was tuning that radio that was the self, looking for the best station, the most pleasant and desired station within that band of vibration which carries the radio waves." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2002/2002_0317.aspx RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-23-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 23, 2017 "You ask what Jesus the Christ would think of the way your people celebrate Christmas. My friends, Jesus is very pleased. He is pleased [to see] all that is given and received of love, generosity and cheerfulness. This entity never confused the personal life that he lived with the Christ he channeled and in the end gave way to completely, but always knew the source and called it the Father. Call it what you will. We have no dogma or doctrine, but celebrate love. It is the Creator who is pleased that those who do celebrate the spiritual advent of light into the darkness. Yet that Creator will also celebrate the same event on another level in each of your lives, whatever your season of Christmastide may be, whenever your star beckons." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1986/1986_1214.aspx The quote sums up perfectly the meaning of Christmas or Jesus's birthday for Law of One don't you think? RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-24-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 24, 2017 "At this time where the world experiences the shortest of days and the longest of nights, at your Christmastide, your light festival, know that the baby that lies within the manger in the story in your Bible is alive and lying in the manger in your heart. Know that that consciousness of Christ that the one known as Jesus carried is carried by others as well. That there are always Christs within your inner planes, those who dwell in that state of consciousness that is so fruitful and helpful for those within the Earth planes, but know most of all that the savior and redeemer of the world lies within the single unified heart. For each of you has in perfect accomplishment the awareness and the ability to be Christed. And as destiny rules, each of you shall be given your times to express perfect love." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1998/1998_1220.aspx Another Christmas quote to chew on ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-25-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 25, 2017 "We are aware that the time of the birth of Christ has various meanings to various entities, and we can assure each that there is a Christ within each that responds to this time within each entity that occurs, whether it be at your Christmas time or at any other time during your year. There is the babe within that awaits the birthing; there is the attending of this babe by those portions of the self that are wise and which bring gifts to this young self that is being born." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1994/1994_1225.aspx Haha I love this "There is the babe within that awaits the birthing" very cute by Q'uo and the top it off "there is the attending of this babe by those portions of the self that are wise and which bring gifts to this young self that is being born." Nice quote (or English way of saying A lovely Quote) to bring the cherry on top to cap off the desert in this case Christmas quotes, excuse the silly metaphor ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-26-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 26, 2017 "The concept of the Christ was this—that intelligent infinity as experienced by the Logos and with the bias of the Logos would enter a third-density experience, not erasing the one known as Jesus� personality or being, but coming into the closest possible harmony with that being. There needed to be one who wished to sacrifice an incarnation to the ever-increasing pleasure and agony of the Creator, …for it is the nature of the Christ and the nature of third density that the two, perceiving each other, should react�the third density with a lack of understanding, and the Christ with wonder, joy and sacrifice� In the end, Jesus the man became so able to bear both joy and agony that this entity stopped experiencing the Creator and for long periods of time became the Creator experiencing third density. Such is the perfect channeling of love. The achievement of the perfect channeling was the mystery of union between Creator and illusion." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1986/1986_1214.aspx RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-27-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 27, 2017 "After this bonding, the burden of channeling rather rapidly began to tire the master teacher, Jesus. At the time of the crucifixion, as this instrument calls it, there were almost no tears left, there were no bones unbroken, there was no companionship that had not been betrayed in one form or another. Nevertheless, Jesus the Christ lived well and did not stop the channeling until the breath left the physical vehicle. We witness to this Christ with thanksgiving and joy, not suggesting that any worship or not worship, but celebrating the Creator poured into a channel who could share in full the nature of the Logos, the nature of love, the Creator�s powerful, terrible love." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1986/1986_1214.aspx Wonderful example of forgiveness but like quote says not purely for worship purposes instead more of" thanksgiving and joy and celebration". An example to pave the way in exploring forgiveness and therefore love in ones own life and subsequently to others also. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-28-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 28, 2017 "�The inheritance of each portion of the one Creator is the one Creator. Much there is that shall be learned during that time of incarnation within the third-density illusion where the veils of forgetting are moved into place to enable that experience within this illusion to be of an intensity that provides each portion of the Creator the fullest range of opportunity to know the power of love to redeem and resurrect even the tiniest portion of the one Creator. Thus, when each seeker moves to the point at which it may so perfectly channel the one Creator in its love aspect, then each portion of the life pattern takes on an holy appearance and all is seen as sacred." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1986/1986_1214.aspx This quote follows on from yesterday. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-29-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 29, 2017 "�Through meditation the consciousness of abundance may be encouraged, and as truth always drives out falsity, as love always drives out fear, so true abundance drives out the false idol. The consciousness of abundance does not mean that all that one wishes will come immediately, or at all, within any particular length of time or any incarnation. It means rather that there is an awareness that that which is to be shall come to one through natural plentifulness." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1986/1986_1220.aspx I really like reading those words "Through meditation the consciousness of abundance may be encouraged" maybe because it is such a paradox? Meditation brings abundance the not-doing brings something defies rational side but not the non logical side as it is tapping into the source of all and hence "awareness that that which is to be shall come to one through natural plentifulness." RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-30-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 30, 2017 "�Infinity lies within you, and you may choose to channel an infinite love which does not fail. The more you are in contact with this infinite love, the more you may manifest it and so bear fruit, not fruit that you may judge as fruit, but fruit which adds to your beingness which the Creator shall see, bless and amplify." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1986/1986_1130.aspx To be or not to be that is the question ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 12-31-2017 The Daily Q'uote for December 31, 2017 "You are�that nexus in which timelessness meets time and insight meets intellect. You do not need to let those two separate. You may continue to live a worldly life and at the same time, ever and always, daily enhance your connection with the divine. Remember that you are priests. It is said in your holy works that you are a nation of priests, and so you are, each of you those which conduct the sacred rite of living within the temple of your body, your mind, your emotions, your intellect, and your spirit." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2007/2007_1229.aspx First few sentences remind me of a quote that went something like this to keep one foot in this world and other foot in the other. There are exeptions but maybe thats what it means to be truely grounded? RE: Daily Q'uote - Nía - 12-31-2017 (12-31-2017, 02:52 AM)Quan Wrote: First few sentences remind me of a quote that went something like this to keep one foot in this world and other foot in the other. This one from The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, maybe? Aaron Wrote:This is what your life asks of you: to live the illusion as full-heartedly as you can while still knowing this is illusion. Herein is the intersection of relative and ultimate reality, the intersection of the cross. You have one foot in relative reality, one foot in ultimate reality, and there is no separation between them. Some of you have understood that you have one foot on each side of this threshold, but you feel as if there were a wall, an infinite wall, dividing relative and ultimate reality so that you may only experience one at a time. It is very hard work to learn to blend them, to bring compassion and wisdom together. But that is what you are here to learn to do. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 01-01-2018 (12-31-2017, 03:41 PM)Nía Wrote:It was from book called Wild Nights, David Deida i read some time ago. I did not know about similar quote being in the Aaron/Q'uo Dialogues, thank you for pointing that out Nia much appreciated. I especially like this part "It is very hard work to learn to blend them". "But that is what you are here to learn to do." it is very much like blending, learning to mix those 2 parts together perhaps like a smoothie? Haah or maybe thats a bit strange metaphor(12-31-2017, 02:52 AM)Quan Wrote: First few sentences remind me of a quote that went something like this to keep one foot in this world and other foot in the other. ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 01-01-2018 The Daily Q'uote for January 1, 2018 "…See yourselves as warriors for light and truth, let yourself become fierce. Do not be afraid to gaze at the murderer within, the liar within, the adulterer within, the lazy person within, or whatever other distortion hits your attention with all of the power of a harsh wind or a severe rain. Stand in the wind, glory in the rain, and give thanks. When you are giving thanks for this catalyst, you are releasing from yourself pride and pretension. You are emptying your mental pockets of all of the tools that you have in the everyday world that are supposed to fix things. You empty yourself of these tools because that which is hitting you is not to be dealt with from the level of third density. It is to be dealt with from the level of fourth density. There is no concern as to what this means, my friends, for you have heard it many, many times, in many different ways. You are love. You are light. You are all that there is. You are not going anywhere. You are never at risk." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2006/2006_0917.aspx Well the first quote for the year of 2018. I like it as a way to start off being a warrior. First paragraph is something im really using a lot in balancing of the body work ive been a pretty harsh judge in the past forming much bias,to unwrap now(especially emotional bias )..which leads to next paragraph Accepting it all! Being proud to not be proud ![]() |