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Daily Q'uote - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: L/L Research Channeling Archives (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=12) +--- Thread: Daily Q'uote (/showthread.php?tid=12361) |
RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-21-2021 The Daily Q'uote for May 21, 2021 "The nature of the human is to be ethically oriented and to desire to serve, to love and to know. Trust your emotions to help you learn these things. And as you relate to others, trust the emotions in them that resonate with your own in terms of dealing with each entity at the soul level." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2009/2009_1226.aspx RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-22-2021 The Daily Q'uote for May 22, 2021 "�If you analyze spiritual questions, such as the purpose of your life, beyond a certain point you are attempting to build a stairway to heaven made of facts and inferences, logical deductions and analyses. Yet life bursts the bounds of logic and analysis. Life is mystery and often seems to descend into various chaoses. There are dark nights of the soul between the daylights of epiphany and transformation. Only in moments of clarity that are gifts from spirit can one know beyond all telling that all is truly well." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2010/2010_1113.aspx RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-23-2021 The Daily Q'uote for May 23, 2021 "That which you worry about, that which you fear, you call to you. We would encourage you to watch your thoughts like a hawk. When you find them becoming toxic, ask yourself to stop thinking along those lines. Ask yourself how your highest and best self would approach the situation that has you in worry and fear. When that thought comes to you of what the highest and best would be, try it on, my friend. See if it feels more comfortable to you, more profitable, more skillful, and more helpful than your fearful thoughts. This is the kind of choice which does not look like a choice of polarity, but it is. The choice of fear is the choice to have life be about you. The choice of love is the choice to have life be about the one infinite Creator." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2006/2006_0416.aspx ""That which you worry about, that which you fear, you call to you. " highlight, underline, make bold perhaps .. "We would encourage you to watch your thoughts like a hawk. " love the hawk reference ![]() "The choice of fear is the choice to have life be about you. The choice of love is the choice to have life be about the one infinite Creator." Especially like this distinction, life be about you an your personality shell in third density or you being the creator. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-24-2021 The Daily Q'uote for May 24, 2021 "Thoughts are things in the metaphysical world. The way thoughts make you feel are also things in the metaphysical world. As you think, so you are. It is your choice as to how you wish to conduct your thoughts�You may also choose to change your habitual patterns of thought so that the energies, rather than being constricting, tightening and tensing, become expansive, generous, loving and joyful. It may feel, at first, when you substitute an expansive thought for a constrictive thought, that you are faking it. And yet we say to you�this is an illusion. And in this illusion you are playing with energy. That energy, as it happens within this illusion, penetrates down into physical form and becomes manifested as a physical body and a physical experience. Yet it begins with thought." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2008/2008_0412.aspx "It is your choice as to how you wish to conduct your thoughts�You may also choose to change your habitual patterns of thought so that the energies, rather than being constricting, tightening and tensing, become expansive, generous, loving and joyful." Quote links nicely to yesterday's, basically the gist of it is all summed by this discussion from L/L Research Jim when catalyst has gone awry.. "The aim of this catalyst is to remove the heavy, depressed feeling and replace it with one favoring the use of the light touch and being more patient and tolerant with ourselves. The goal of all catalyst is to cause a feeling within ourselves as "all-sufficient, as the Creator containing all that there is and full of joy." In 74.11, Ra gave us an outline of the way that we can process any catalyst to gain knowledge of ourselves and to accept ourselves, and then to eventually become the Creator" RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-25-2021 The Daily Q'uote for May 25, 2021 "As you move into the heart chakra, you move into what could be termed an outer courtyard. You stand before the open heart. And yet there is a gate that you must cross. It is guarded by the lions of discrimination. Those lions guard that gate until such time as you have accepted yourself. This seems a simple thing, and yet for those who habitually are self-critical, it is not so simple at all. How can one forgive oneself for self-perceived faults and errors? �The way to forgive the self is to realize that you gaze at the illusion of self, thrown out by your personality shell. You may take it on faith that within that personality shell lies a beautiful, worthy, wonderful, exquisite spirit, unique in all the creation� When you see bits of your personality that you would wish to be other than they are, you have allowed yourself to judge yourself. We would ask you then to find it within yourself to refrain from judgment and instead hold out your arms and embrace yourself with your own open heart." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2008/2008_0513.aspx "We would ask you then to find it within yourself to refrain from judgment and instead hold out your arms and embrace yourself with your own open heart." Embrace yourself and by extension all other self's, for regardless of viewpoint or opinions, personal bias etc, we are all one .. just so thankfully for this forum and all those involved here, whether its reading only or posting, just presence brings so much cannot describe.. Oh cheesy speech sorry but heart wanted to speak ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - BlueLoveLotus - 05-25-2021 Hi Everyone!!! I.think you’re all beautiful, worthy, wonderful, exquisite spirits! Thank you for helping me stay inspired! Thank you Q’uo!!!! And thank you Jim, Don and Carla!! RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-26-2021 The Daily Q'uote for May 26, 2021 "The Law of One suggests not that you follow the Creator or its prophet or representative, but that you become aware that you are the Creator. Therefore, it suggests that you take responsibility for your life, your choices, and the way you live, day by day and hour by hour. It is not a philosophy that places urgency upon this quest for the truth. It is a philosophy that says that you have all the time that you need to make your choices and to follow your evolutionary path to complete the circle that you have begun, from the Creator, moving through densities and densities of experience into the heart of the one Creator once again, so that your source and your ending are the same and so that you never end." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2010/2010_1016.aspx Here is a quote of empowerment.. Now just need to hold up a sign giving it a 10/10 , and then *insert sound of a big gong*. RE: Daily Q'uote - BlueLoveLotus - 05-26-2021 Hi Quan!!! Thank you for reaching out. Thie past few months have been extremely challenging- the catalyst is raining down. Your quotes mean so much to me. Thank you than you thank you Quan!!!! Wes RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-27-2021 (05-26-2021, 09:30 AM)BlueLoveLotus Wrote: Hi Quan!!! Thank you for reaching out. Thie past few months have been extremely challenging- the catalyst is raining down. Your quotes mean so much to me. Thank you than you thank you Quan!!!! Wes Haha no thank you! Raining or no raining the storm always will pass, sometimes just might be in slow motion ![]() here transcript that came to mind might be of help or perhaps meant for someone else out there.. ahhh catalyst works in mysterious ways ![]() https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2006/2006_0926.aspx RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-27-2021 The Daily Q'uote for May 27, 2021 "The benefits of being in a physical body that works in third density have to do with your not knowing the truth. You have deliberately placed yourself in a situation where the truth is not obvious. It is not obvious that all is one. It is not obvious that this one thing is love. It is not obvious that each of you is a part of the creative principle, an ineffable and inextricably intertwined part of that one thing that is all things, the one great original Thought of unconditional love that is the one infinite Creator. Why would you wish to place yourself in a position of unknowing? My friends, you wished to learn and you wished to serve and above all you wished to choose. And all of these things needed to be done by faith, faith in things unseen and unprovable. " http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2007/2007_1229.aspx ""The benefits of being in a physical body that works in third density have to do with your not knowing the truth." Yes embrace the mystery, look at the opposite imagine life if there was no mystery ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-28-2021 The Daily Q'uote for May 28, 2021 "The only light which is visible metaphysically speaking to the seeker is paralleled by the light of the night sky, the stars, and the reflected light of the your planetary satellite. Metaphysically speaking, that star is called hope or faith. It is not a light which ameliorates the darkness but it is a signal, a sign if you will, that light there is and light abundant." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1986/1986_0112.aspx "It may seem a paradox that in order to manifest the glory and the joy which one has found in the darkness of inner silence, one must then give up all human opinion concerning situations, behaviors, activities and personalities to whom you wish to be serving." That servicing goes to oneself also.. realising that pure 'unconditional love'... Is anything more powerful in this language than that concept? RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-29-2021 The Daily Q'uote for May 29, 2021 "We speak from the point of view that the Creator has made a great sacrifice in causing a portion of Its being to have mind and to become independent, for there is much effort in accepting the free will of portions of Itself which seem disharmonious with other portions of Itself. And yet the Creator has repeatedly made this sacrifice of wholeness without effort in order to bring Itself an expanded Self. The Creator, shall we say, takes the very, very long view and looks upon all that occurs through all the densities and dimensions, of which there are an infinite number, in order that It may key into Its own Self all of the selves that have become unique and learn all those things which each unique portion has learned. And you yourself are a sacrifice to your own mind, for without mind you would constantly be in a state of meditation and all things would be whole and entire unto themselves and one with you and acceptable in every respect." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1986/1986_0316.aspx Cant resist, must include the next 2 paragraphs, just pops out ![]() "Separation seems to run very deep and one forgets that the stones sing, that the earth shouts with rejoicing, and that the trees skip in the springtime. How easy it is to feel oneself separate from life that indwells all things. How easy it is to feel separate from oneself, to feel that there are factions within the self which must be reconciled, to find oneself analyzing and reanalyzing to no avail. The only road from separation into unity is keyed with meditation. Some there are who benefit from meditating at great length. Some there are who benefit from meditating a brief few minutes in each day, and some there are whose meditations are in action and through action they are centered and one with all that there is. Therefore, do not assume that you know what meditation is and what your goals should be towards it, but rather, as you meditate, listen to that voice which speaks within and meditate as that voice instructs you. There is no set time nor is there a set method. There is one thing however which we must emphasize and that is the fidelity to the practice." RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-30-2021 The Daily Q'uote for May 30, 2021 "�The Creator has gifts for you to aid in transformation, to surprise you and to offer you the opportunity to teach yourself that which you have begun to learn but have not yet finished; and that incalculable something which the balancing law offers as a teaching but which has been rarely spoken of and even less rarely grasped: that is, that there is such a thing as growth. There is that which rains when there is drought and which shines to brighten an interior dim landscape. There is an inborn keel which shall manifest itself within your life experience, not when you expect it but always as a gift, and whether these occurrences are happy or unhappy, you may find within yourself the blessing of lessons which are more simply learnt because you have been learning their opposite." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1986/1986_0706.aspx RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 05-31-2021 The Daily Q'uote for May 31, 2021 "�Within the darkness that is complete lies your heart, beating without sound, gleaning that light as you intensify and intensify your seeking to the point at which your inner beating heart is manifested as the star of hope, the beacon of faith. Can you then see? You can see the star. At that point that is all that you can see. It does not shed light upon your path but by your own seeking you have planted that which is no thing, but which is a symbol of light, the light that shall shine until there is no darkness, the light that is without time and without space. Footstep after footstep you walk on, lighted by a dim but very real star, a star kindled within your heart and within no other. Walk on in majesty, walk on in humility, walk on in trust, for you are not alone in this darkness, you are not alone upon this path and you are not beguiled or mistaken in seeking light. When you reach past the phenomena to touch your own heart, it is then that you have placed your feet upon the path." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1986/1986_0209.aspx RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-02-2021 The Daily Q'uote for June 2, 2021 "�We would have no specific meditational technique to offer above all others, for each shall find a particular way of seeking in the meditative state which shall be more efficacious than others. Yet the variety of choices is large. Each choice, however, to be most efficacious, in our opinion needs to be based upon the great desire to seek what you may call the truth within each portion of one�s life, and then in a particular portion of the daily experience choose to reflect the light which one has received back to the Creator in a manner of communing with the one Creator which will allow the seeker then to become aware of the essence of all things within the life pattern." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1986/1986_1019.aspx "will allow the seeker then to become aware of the essence of all things within the life pattern." Yes becoming aware of that essence, sums it nicely ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - BlueLoveLotus - 06-02-2021 Hi everybody! Reminds me of Chuang Tzu: when there is no more separation between this and that, it is called the Still point of the Tao. From the still point in the center of the circle, one experiences the infinite in all things. RE: Daily Q'uote - flofrog - 06-02-2021 I like the idea that we have enough light to reflect it to Creator/Creatrix... that gives hope. ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-03-2021 The Daily Q'uote for June 3, 2021 "All of us have known these entities who, by their very being, improve the vibrations of a place. Yet always know that it is not from you that these things come. It is through you. There is not a key that unlocks the doors of the heart that has anything to do with the human mind or the will in the worldly sense of that mind. Rather, it is the naked soul, the bare and unadorned spirit that is the object of perfection, that is love itself, and that is each of you. May you find ever more creative ways to share the infinite love and light that will come through you by blessing that energy and by consciously sending it out into the world." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1999/1999_0207.aspx RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-04-2021 The Daily Q'uote for June 4, 2021 "Money is relevant in your illusion. Enjoy it if you have it, seek it if you must, disregard it if you can, but manifest plenty and the consciousness of love." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1986/1986_1220.aspx RE: Daily Q'uote - Margan - 06-05-2021 Daily Q'uote for June 5th: https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2010/2010_1113.aspx "You are in the athanor of life to burn away the slag and the dross and to find the gems and the gold that are within you. We assure you that you are precious, full of gems and full of gold, but as in the world of nature, the treasure is hidden beneath the soil of living. There are some who enjoy digging for those nuggets of gold and precious gems. There are those who are content to come across them in the process of dealing with catalyst. Either way is satisfactory, for both lead to those moments when you know why you are in the furnace and what is being burned away." RE: Daily Q'uote - Margan - 06-06-2021 Daily Q'uote for June 6th: "You have come into an illusion upon this planet and your life must be lived within that illusion in order for you to choose, by faith alone, to seek the Creator. And it is in faith that you forgive yourself, accept yourself, and fall in love with yourself." https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2008/2008_0513.aspx and it gets even better: "When you see those faults occurring, do not think judgmental thoughts, but think affectionately, “Ah, there is my personality again,” and give yourself a hug. We do not suggest that you cease attempting to become a better person. We encourage that journey towards the light. However, upon that journey you walk with feet that move through transformation. One of the transformations is to begin to see yourself as a magical, beautiful and entirely worthy being." Hug yourself! have you hugged yourself today? if not, then do it now ![]() and then this gem: "We ask you not to see that which is not there. We simply ask you to see that which is not on the surface. We ask you to move deeper and find that portion of yourself that we would call consciousness. You share this consciousness with every third-density entity upon this planet. And, indeed, in the deepest sense you share this consciousness with all there is. For it is the consciousness of the Creator. It is the consciousness of unconditional love. Form a haven then, when you feel yourself moving into self-judgment, of choosing to refrain from going further with that thought, and instead taking up that thought of appreciation of the self just as you are. When you have gathered all of the bits and pieces of self that you might have shrugged aside because they were not your best parts, then and only then can you truly come into the tabernacle of the open heart. It is then that the lions will let you pass. When you move into the open heart, then remain in silence for awhile. Allow the silence to fill you. For there is information being given to your subconscious mind within that speaking silence. Simply rest, letting the love you have for the Creator flow and radiate until you begin to feel that answering pressure of love from the Creator, that incredibly strong, answering love. Rest there; be fed, and be comforted." Again, I cannot help but be amazed at how much this ties in with Eastern religions - Ramana Maharshi, Advaita, etc. To find that space inside the open heart and remain there. So lovely ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Margan - 06-06-2021 (06-02-2021, 05:36 PM)flofrog Wrote: I like the idea that we have enough light to reflect it to Creator/Creatrix... that gives hope. Well actually, it is all that there is. Light, or consciousness, whatever you want to call it. It came from the creator, it is being reflected by the creator in all things and beings, it goes back to the creator. I like the idea (haah I almost wrote "I light the idea" ![]() I asked "do you think even Hitler also emitted that light" and he said "yes". So yes, there is enough light for everyone since it is all there is. ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - flofrog - 06-06-2021 I was just teasing Quan, Margan, which I love to do lol I am with you how it ties so well with my little favorite, the Advaita... RE: Daily Q'uote - Margan - 06-06-2021 Oh and I was of the belief that this was a purely scientific study-based thread, without any frivolous joking or teasing being allowed. ![]() ![]() You know what when I read Ra many years ago I didn't get at all what they were talking about. It came to a point where I even hated them and suspected they were a negative channel..... Then I read some Ramana and I didn't get what he was saying either. Qu'o appealed to me right away with their abundance of love and warmth. Then I came across Anandamayi Ma and I started to get a glimpse of what it was all about and become acquainted with the concept of Advaita. Slowly slowly I discovered Nisargadatta, Ramesh and finally reread Ramana and began to understand what he meant. Here am back now and after all these years, even Ra is starting to make sense to my old and weary brain ![]() Even if "I only understand it intellectually" (haha, running gag among Advaitins ) Honestly I think part of the confusion might stem from the different types of approach being used to convey one and the same thing - I suspect Ra (and also Ramana) are using a more left-brain kind of language, whereas the others ( Bhakti in the Advaita approach) like Anandamayi Ma and also Q'uo are appealing to the right-brain types, like me. But maybe slowly slowly there is starting to be some integration of the two halves, in order to facilitate unity ![]() Sorry for the digression ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - BlueLoveLotus - 06-06-2021 Thank you Margan! And thank you for including so much! What an awesome inspirational message! RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-07-2021 (06-06-2021, 02:59 PM)flofrog Wrote: I was just teasing Quan, Margan, which I love to do lol Hey! Whats this! lets just keep the focus on the quotes not poor me ![]() ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-07-2021 The Daily Q'uote for June 7, 2021 "That which is perceived as the truth will become the truth. Thusly, be extremely choosy about that which is accepted as the truth." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2002/2002_0809.aspx "Extremely" hmm perhaps not right word, the truth just so obvious in society.. mean just normal part of conversation talking about catalyst and meditation or polarity, service to others ![]() ![]() RE: Daily Q'uote - RitaJC - 06-07-2021 (06-07-2021, 06:23 AM)Quan Wrote: Hmm sorry just day dreaming here, wow wouldnt that be hilarious just bumping in random person an they talking to you about that like its weather or something.. Instead of How are you or hows the weather ? Be phrased oh hows the catalyst today, oh really its been tough so meditating much? Or lets have quick meditation now then You do realize that as long as you accept as the truth that what you're describing is impossible you can't experience it? E.g., since I started questioning that belief those conversations are happening in my experience more and more frequently. It really can be that simple. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-08-2021 (06-07-2021, 10:20 AM)RitaJC Wrote:(06-07-2021, 06:23 AM)Quan Wrote: Hmm sorry just day dreaming here, wow wouldnt that be hilarious just bumping in random person an they talking to you about that like its weather or something.. Instead of How are you or hows the weather ? Be phrased oh hows the catalyst today, oh really its been tough so meditating much? Or lets have quick meditation now then Of course an thats important to point out.. anythings possible in this mysterious life ![]() Those words bring this quote to mind "89.30 Questioner: Would Ra’s attitude toward the same unharvestable entities be different at this nexus than at the time of harvest of third density? Ra: I am Ra. Not substantially. To those who wish to sleep we could only offer those comforts designed for the sleeping. Service is only possible to the extent it is requested. We were ready to serve in whatever way we could. This still seems satisfactory as a means of dealing with other-selves in third density. It is our feeling that to be each entity which one attempts to serve is to simplify the grasp of what service is necessary or possible. RE: Daily Q'uote - Quan - 06-08-2021 The Daily Q'uote for June 8, 2021 "Emotion has been systematically undervalued among your peoples for a great span of your experience, much to the detriment of the whole and unified self which seeks to manifest through third density illusion the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. What passes for emotion among many are not so much feelings as basic instincts such as reproduction, companionship and practicality. The role of emotions, while idealized within your culture, is in fact a false role, in that emotions do not serve the function which they are capable of serving�that is, the further knowing of the self and the ennoblement of the expression of life within the consciousness of manifestation." http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1989/1989_1112.aspx Emotions an their functions, well this is certainly a topic you could talk on until the cows come home ![]() Aww an then a sweet caring message from Qúo "How much we wish we could aid those who are caught in surface emotion, yet always it is the free will choice of each to use its intellect, surface emotion, or to move in consciousness into a more helpful and useful focus of mind and heart, so that one may discover the true, deep and abiding emotions that create a life in faith." An how much deep emotion can you feel in that first sentence, can bring a tear to the eye.. true compassion. |