The Choice - Printable Version

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RE: The Choice - Aaron - 01-13-2013

Moderator note:

Some posts have been split off into a new thread, "Basis of Ra Material Interpretation and Focus of Law of One Study".

RE: The Choice - JustLikeYou - 01-13-2013

βαθμιαίος Wrote:Very true. The difference I see is that balanced service to others seems like it automatically results in service to self (because it regularizes and harmonizes the lower centers), but service to self only results in service to others through the efforts of those others. In other words, the "victims" of the negative entity can choose to respond positively, but they could also remain unpolarized or choose to respond negatively.

I still object. The manipulated are still served by being manipulated. If they do not have the will or the strength to polarize in response to an attempt to control, then such persons require more experience of being controlled in order to tire of it. Extreme acts of violence can also be grandfathered into this same conception, given the laws of karma which necessitate a reverse experience eventually.

When one serves the Creator, one serves All. This cannot be avoided.

Found a quotation!

Ra Wrote:To serve the self is to serve all.

RE: The Choice - βαθμιαίος - 01-17-2013

Thanks for your thoughts. I see it as a difference between theory and practice. In theory, there's no difference between serving self and serving others. In practice, one path is more efficient and the other has constant difficulty.

RE: The Choice - Ankh - 01-17-2013

(01-10-2013, 09:16 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: The difference I see is that balanced service to others seems like it automatically results in service to self (because it regularizes and harmonizes the lower centers), but service to self only results in service to others through the efforts of those others. In other words, the "victims" of the negative entity can choose to respond positively, but they could also remain unpolarized or choose to respond negatively.

I think that service to self automatically results in service to others too. Since we are One, and there is no distinction, negative polarity, when offering the love as they know it, when trying to sway third density, is offering the catalyst of this polarity to third density, i.e. still serving others automatically. But it does so in its own way, and there is definitely a difference between these two paths.

I liked what you wrote here:

(01-17-2013, 10:27 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: I see it as a difference between theory and practice. In theory, there's no difference between serving self and serving others. In practice, one path is more efficient and the other has constant difficulty.

Maybe, seen from sixth density or grand scheme of One Creator (or something like that), there is no difference between these two different ways of service to One Creator, but in densities below mid-sixth, there is a difference. There are two paths after all and they are different. As Ra said - some enjoy sunlight, beauty, joy and having a picnic there, and others enjoy another sort of picnic, that of darkness, difficulties, pain and suffering of others. Ra then continues: "It is free will of each entity which chooses the form of play, the form of pleasure." (19:17) And we are in the density of Choice, where our free will is about to choose the form of play, or pleasure, or progress towards One Infinite Creator.

The choice, or polarization, is perhaps a bigger concept than these simple words: service to self or others. I think that Tenet was right about it. But service to either self or others is definitely within this concept of Choice/polarization, but there is more to it. For instance, from today's Q'uote:

Q'uo Wrote:Serving someone is not necessarily pleasing the entity. Serving someone is not necessarily doing anything to, with or for an entity. Serving someone is fundamentally the awareness that you and the person you are serving are one entity, united, singular and absolutely equal. Rejoicing in the apparent differences, a servant of the light relates to other selves as “themselves,” knowing that the self and the other-self are a certain kind of entity, citizens of eternity, dwellers beyond time and space, within a universe that is as wide as infinity and as small as the interior of the human heart.

I guess that maybe we will never fully understand this concept in its entirety while still here in 3D behind the veil and quarantine, crawling in this confusion and darkness with a little candle, trying to find the "light"?

RE: The Choice - Ankh - 03-28-2013

I still don't understand the aspect of Faith in this Archetype.

There is something that I have been pondering in regards to harvestability of native third density:

Ra says on several occasions that opening of the green ray energy center is what is required to become harvestable (for 4D positive). Among others, this thread has been helpful to understand that. BUT there is also this quote:

Ra, 49.6 Wrote:When this uncoiled energy approaches universal love and radiant being the entity is in a state whereby the harvestability of the entity comes nigh.

Approach to the universal love + radiant being (activation of blue ray in my understanding) = nigh in harvestability.

"Nigh" means close, but the entity is not there yet, in my understanding.

Then I found this quote:

Ra, 48.10 Wrote:The activation, while in yellow ray, of violet-ray intelligent infinity is a passport to the next octave of experience.

The green ray is called springboard. A springboard to blue ray, and then the gateway, indigo ray. Violet ray, which is what is measured during the Harvest, is the passport to the next density, if I understand the "passport" quote correctly?

So an entity must not only open the green ray and blue ray, it has also to pierce the indigo and violet rays? This quote supports this notion:

Ra, 47.11 Wrote:The first body which activates itself upon death is the “form-maker” or the indigo-ray body. This body remains — you have called it the “ka” — until etherea has been penetrated and understanding has been gained by the mind/body/spirit totality. Once this is achieved, if the proper body to be activated is green-ray, then this will occur.

As I understand this, when the totality in 7D, has gained an understanding of indigo ray body in yellow ray, and the next set of experiences is judged to be in fourth density, then the fourth density body will be activated.

The indigo and violet rays activation though, if that is what is required for the Harvest to fourth density, while in yellow ray, has, in my understanding, not be manifested:

Ra, 58.23 Wrote:Contact with indigo ray need not necessarily show itself in any certain gift or guidepost, as you have said. There are some whose indigo energy is that of pure being and never is manifested, yet all are aware of such an entity’s progress. Others may teach or share in many ways contact with intelligent energy. Others continue in unmanifested form, seeking intelligent infinity.

Thus the manifestation is a lesser signpost than that which is sensed or intuited about a mind/body/spirit complex. This violet-ray beingness is far more indicative of true self.

Soooo... if indigo and violet rays need indeed to be penetrated, whether it is then manifested or not, for the Harvest into the fourth density, then - yes, I understand the aspect of Faith of this Archetype.

But if it is not required to pierce the indigo and violet rays, then I don't understand this aspect....

I'm confused. Any thoughts, guys?

RE: The Choice - dandan - 03-28-2013

RA 39
Questioner: Is this also true of all of the other rays?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall answer briefly. You may question further at another
The negative ray pattern is the red/orange/yellow moving directly to the
blue, this only being used in order to contact intelligent infinity.
In positively oriented entities the configuration is even, crystallinely clear,
and of the seven ray description.
Are there any short queries before we leave this instrument?

RE: The Choice - JustLikeYou - 03-28-2013

The Choice is not centered around Harvest. The concepts that cluster around this archetype concern the overall picture of 3D in terms of separating entities into the two groups: those who walk the right-hand path and those who walk the left-hand path. In this context, Harvest is of tangential significance.

Those who walk the right-hand path do not need to "penetrate the eighth level" in order to be harvestable. They do need to make contact with intelligent infinity in order to [choose their own entrance into 4D, but at the harvest at the end of the cycle, all that is necessary is a sufficiently open heart. My understanding is that those who walk the left-hand path do need to contact intelligent infinity in order to be harvestable because this is what allows them the ability to exist in 4D vibrations without the heart center open.

The centrality of faith, though, is very relevant to both paths because, after a certain point it will be discovered that forward movement along the chosen path requires an enormous amount of faith - regardless of harvestability. The more you polarize, the more faith will be necessary in your journey -- because the more differently thereby will your motivations be from most others and the more challenging thereby will your catalyst be. So those who are merely striving for 51% are really only scratching the surface of the Choice.

And yet, even the opening of the heart requires some faith, though perhaps microcosmic: we must learn to trust each other without absolute evidence that the other-self is trustworthy. This is the raw beginnings of the perception that All are One.

RE: The Choice - dandan - 03-28-2013

The universal love comes first. When the entity open green light energy center, He will go to service. An entity is eager to serve others, will open blue light energy center. The strength of the desire, also will open the indigo. And Violet ray just a tester. The most important indicators is : fifty-one percent for others.

Such as:
Measure the temperature: Indoor 25 degrees, But indoor refrigerator is 0 degrees. This is not a complete example.

My English is not good, I hope you can understand, thank you very much.

RE: The Choice - Ankh - 03-28-2013

Thank you for your thoughts, JustLikeYou. You're right, *the* Choice don't have anything to do with harvestability. I got astray and confused when pondering the faith aspect of this Archetype. Since the faith is a property of the indigo ray, my thoughts led me to where they did... But I'm still confused! BigSmile

Thank you for your thoughts too, dandan. I loved how you said "light" instead of ray. That sounds beautiful! And welcome to this forum! Smile

Some quotes that caught my attention in regards to the faith aspect of this Archetype:

Ra, 97.9 Wrote:In no way whatsoever should we, as humble messengers of the One Infinite Creator, wish to place before the consideration of any mind/body/spirit complex which seeks its evolution the palest tint of the idea that these images are anything but a resource for working in the area of the development of the faith and the will.


Ra, 80.20 Wrote:...for consciousness which has been disciplined by will and faith is that consciousness which may contact intelligent infinity directly.

Umm... Ok... And then, in the relation to this Archetype:

Ra, 67.30 Wrote:One great aspect of this archetype is the aspect of faith, the walking into space without regard for what is to come next. This is, of course, foolish but is part of the characteristic of the spiritual neophyte.

RE: The Choice - Ankh - 04-03-2013

(03-28-2013, 11:09 AM)JustLikeYou Wrote: They do need to make contact with intelligent infinity in order to [choose their own entrance into 4D, but at the harvest at the end of the cycle, all that is necessary is a sufficiently open heart.

This is a bit off topic, but since I have wondered about it, I wanted to follow this up a little bit.


Ra, 40.4 Wrote:It is necessary for graduation across densities for the primary energy centers to be functioning in such a way as to communicate with intelligent infinity and to appreciate and bask in this light in all of its purity.


Ra, 41.19 Wrote:This is why the brilliance or rotational speed of the energy centers is not considered above the balanced aspect or violet-ray manifestation of an entity in regarding harvestability; for those entities which are unbalanced, especially as to the primary rays, will not be capable of sustaining the impact of the love and light of intelligent infinity to the extent necessary for harvest.

So as I understand this, a positively polarizing entity does not need to penetrate indigo and violet rays perhaps in order to become harvestable, but it has to have its blue ray balanced at least, as it is a primary ray.

But as mentioned, this is off topic. :p

RE: The Choice - AnthroHeart - 04-03-2013

Too bad it's off topic Ankh. I was so wondering how to tell if our blue ray is balanced.

RE: The Choice - Ashim - 04-03-2013

(04-03-2013, 02:47 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Too bad it's off topic Ankh. I was so wondering how to tell if our blue ray is balanced.

It's all about honesty in communication Gemini.
See if you can communicate without bias.

RE: The Choice - Ankh - 05-06-2013

Dang! I have some problems now, with faith...

I made this Choice about 4 weeks now, and then I experienced this Archetype in my own, unique way. (I've been meaning to write about it, but it hasn't happened yet.)

Anyways, when I experienced this Archetype after I've made this Choice, there was no "faith" about anything, there was a knowingness, while experiencing this Archetype. Now, 4 weeks later, I'm back in "reality" so to speak, and I have problems with faith. To complicate things a little bit, I made this same Choice about 3 years ago now, just before finding Ra. The same thing happened back then - there was a knowingness in that moment - but then... I didn't keep walking down that road, because of the doubts, and no faith in what I decided. I didn't have any conscious understanding of what was happening back then either, and so... I was back at the same "crossroad" 3 years later, which happened 4 weeks ago as I said.

I was born and lived in an opened heart for the first of my 7 years, and then my life changed. Due to the traumatic changes that followed after these first seven years, I don't trust the Creator in the aspect of love and service to others. And I have difficulties because of this right now, after making this choice.

I realized today, that faith is not just a little aspect of one Archetype, but really needs my full attention for the moment.

I don't have problems with faith in many other aspects, like invoking Higher Self, talking to unseen friends, family and teachers, or evoking great force of Light, or whatever you want to call it, but in this little, tiny aspect of this greater All, I have problems... When Ra says "moment contains love", my reaction is - really?? Are you sure?? Where?? Can you show me??

Well, now I decided that I will give a lot of attention/focus to this aspect of this Archetype, and one way of doing this is to use my will. So from now on, I decided to say this little prayer, every day, as often as I can:

I put my Faith in Love and Service to All.

I put my Faith in Love and Service to All.

I put my Faith in Love and Service to All.

(03-28-2013, 11:09 AM)JustLikeYou Wrote: And yet, even the opening of the heart requires some faith, though perhaps microcosmic: we must learn to trust each other without absolute evidence that the other-self is trustworthy. This is the raw beginnings of the perception that All are One.

I have been thinking more and more about what you said here. And I think you're right. Because of my traumatic past, I do have issues with trusting others. How do I know they won't hurt me? How do I know they won't take advantage of me? etc. etc. Opening the heart and putting your life in hands of service to others, is all about faith for me right now...

RE: The Choice - JustLikeYou - 05-08-2013

For some, it takes a great effort of faith to believe that there is a conscious being who hears and responds to your prayers and that your intention to send love and light has a real effect.

But this is beginner faith. Once this foundation of faith is laid, more lessons will be discovered. For me, the greatest lessons of faith involve the ability to trust that the decisions I make in my life are the ones which I had planned in the beginning. Or, to put it another way, every step I take when I walk out of my front door could potentially be guided by the influxes which come through the Spirit complex. As I move through the motions of the day, I never know what will happen next. I have occasionally jumped straight into giving a spiritual message to a stranger. I didn't look for someone to give a message to -- it just came to me and I trusted that it was right. My life decisions have all come to depend upon faith in the face of adversity -- not just from my family and friends, but from what appears to be practical. In fact, the more important the decision, the more practical questions there are which seem to surround it. And when it comes to the greatest act of faith in my life -- the Work to which I have committed my life -- I have virtually no evidence beyond my own conviction. This kind of faith is not at all easy to maintain because there is no great being of almighty trustworthiness which appears before me to say "YES, THIS IS THE WAY."

This kind of faith is why the archetype has so often been called "the Fool."

Also, it may help to you to remember that sometimes that one container which contains the love of the moment is you.

Ankh Wrote:How do I know they won't hurt me? How do I know they won't take advantage of me?

Ra encourages us to see how the imbalances of others mirror our own. But lost in this suggestion is the converse truth that the most balanced parts of myself are reflected into others. Trust comes easily to me because I know what sincerity and authenticity look like. Since I know them in myself, I can find them in others. And when others falter, it is also easy to see how hard they tried. There are so many good people out there who want only the best for you and everyone else.

RE: How does this help me with life and/or adept work? - Plenum - 06-23-2014

Moderator Note: The following conversation has been merged with this thread.

(06-23-2014, 07:55 PM)Adonai One Wrote: The card is well unified depending on how you see it, yet offers a task and decisions to make.

Why be at peace when there is a gator ahead? This shows the truest choice in every situation.

very true lol. Gator alert!

what do you think those two bags he is carrying are (on the stick)?

what's in them, and what do they signify?

RE: How does this help me with life and/or adept work? - Adonai One - 06-23-2014

Balancing what has been experienced and what will be desired as experience, the former being easily accepted and lighter (behind) and the latter being heavier and recently garnered and much more desired. The latter is figuratively heavier due to having less wisdom regarding new experiences.

It compares satisfaction in the present while desiring what is in the future. These will be inherently balanced once the choice is made: Both will be satisfying.

RE: How does this help me with life and/or adept work? - Plenum - 06-24-2014

Adonai One Wrote:Balancing what has been experienced and what will be desired as experience, the former being easily accepted and lighter (behind) and the latter being heavier and recently garnered and much more desired. The latter is figuratively heavier due to having less wisdom regarding new experiences.

It compares satisfaction in the present while desiring what is in the future. These will be inherently balanced once the choice is made: Both will be satisfying.

excellent! thanks for that.

and what about the overlapping moon and Sun (with a cool smiley face to boot).

what is the symbolism of that?

RE: How does this help me with life and/or adept work? - Adonai One - 06-24-2014

(06-24-2014, 09:05 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: excellent! thanks for that.

and what about the overlapping moon and Sun (with a cool smiley face to boot).

what is the symbolism of that?

Faith and lack of faith (fear) in the respective choice, contrasting.

RE: The Choice - ricdaw - 08-07-2014

I read through the entirety of this insightful topic/thread waiting for someone to describe the Choice as the culminating choice, rather than the choice of STS v STO.  But no one did.  So let me throw it out there just in case someone else finds it interesting or useful.

I think the Fool is both card 0 and card 22.  As card 0, the Fool is the leap of faith of the soul that decides to incarnate in the Earth Life School (ELS).  Ra did not describe the origin of souls.  But if souls come from outside our solar system, they are probably attracted to the ELS and they may want to explore its “classes.”  But this exploration comes with a price.  The ELS is intensive.  There will be lots of incarnations to achieve the lessons because our lifetimes are so short now.  And, once you are in the ELS, you’re probably committed to several thousand years (25,000) before you might be able to graduate out.  (Acknowledging that some special people can self-graduate early.)  The Fool card then is the state of the traveling soul who decides to drop down here into the ELS.  It’s like walking off a cliff.

For the Wanderer, this excursion is particularly fraught with peril (alligator).  Because there is the Forgetting.  Wanderers have already graduated from this level of education, and to go back down might mean a whole new round of karmic entanglement with the ELS inhabitants.  For another 25,000 years!  So the Choice to enter the ELS is a great big deal.  

In a smaller way, each incarnation recapitulates this card all over again.  You’ve lived your life.  You die.  In heaven you work on the next life, do some planning, make arrangements psychologically with your new parents, and then you jump back down all over again!  Geronimo!  The Forgetting applies every time you incarnate. You really have no idea if you will come out of the next life better than you went in.  So the Fool card is accessed at the beginning of each lifetime.

Now, card 22 is the CHOICE.  But, I posit, not the choice between STO and STS (that is implied) but the choice to GRADUATE.  That eclipse on the card is a rare celestial event.  Harvest is a rare celestial event.  So perhaps that eclipse is also representational/symbolic of harvest?  The Fool walks under the sun/moon eclipse of harvest.

So what is the CHOICE?  Move forward to the end of your life.  You’re in heaven now standing on those stairs of light.  You can tell by where you are standing that you have properly polarized and can graduate to 4d Earth.  But you look down the stairs and see thousands, millions, maybe billions of your fellow humans who are not ready for graduation.  They stand on the lowers steps.  And here is the essence of the CHOICE.  You might have spent the last 25,000 years with these people.  They are every friend you’ve ever known.  Every family member.  Every lover.  But they aren’t coming with you to 4d Earth.  They will be repeating 3d.  Do you still choose to graduate?  This is the CHOICE.

Ra didn’t appreciate the CHOICE when they were in 3d, “The one great breakthrough which was made after our work in third density was done was the proper emphasis given to the Arcanum Number Twenty-Two which we have called The Choice. In our own experience we were aware that such an unifying archetype existed but did not give that archetype the proper complex of concepts in order to most efficaciously use that archetype in order to promote our evolution.”  Why?  Because their whole planet graduated together.  There was no practical choice to be made.  They were ready to graduate and they did.  There was no reason to stay.  But in a mixed harvest environment (Earth) especially if the bulk of the population is not harvestable at all, the dynamics are far different.  We have a different CHOICE.

The last harvest, if I recall, had no actual graduates.  There were a few harvestable people, but they made the CHOICE to stay and not to graduate to 4d.  And can you imagine a different result?  These people were positively polarized STO.  Everyone they knew and loved was staying.  It is a fundamental act of STO to choose to stay to help these otherselves.  (And, weirdly, implicit in the decision to choose to graduate is a huge element of STS.  The graduate who walks up the steps of light must turn his/her back on all those he/she leaves behind to advance themselves into the next density.  Think about that paradox.  This is why the energy and CHOICE of Archetype 22 is so powerful.)

Pretend now that you are the only one of all the people you know who will be harvestable.  Assume that once you have transitioned into time/space after death, you remember all the hundreds of lives you have spent with all these same people.  They are precious to you.  What are you going to do?  Will you walk those steps and graduate without them?  This is the CHOICE.

For the STS person who can graduate, the dynamics are similar.  Such a person has been a dictator or billionaire or someone who gets their way.  Maybe they have had many lifetimes of wealth/power/control.  And now they are standing on the stairs of light.  Unlike the STO person, I doubt such a person cares about all the others who are not able to graduate standing on the lower steps.  But, the STS person might be thinking really hard about the consequences of graduation.  They are already able to be a big fish in the small pond of 3d Earth, do they really want to graduate to a world where they are a novice/new-arrival to the 4d world where everyone else is just as accomplished in power politics as they are?  Or, might such a person be inclined to pass on graduation and to stay in 3d where he/she can have another round of wealth/power/control among the non-polarized masses?  Is it better to be the big fish on a small pond, or a small fish in a big pond?

The CHOICE is the culmination of all the ELS lifetimes.  Whatever soul work we do through our many Earthly lifetimes, the kind of stuff that can only be done in a 3d environment, that kind of work is done when you graduate.  When you get to 4d, the lessons are different and there is no longer an opportunity to do 3d-level work/improvement.  You leave everything of the 3d environment behind.  (Note the Fool has a tiny knapsack.)  

If I polarize enough to graduate, if (as I strongly suspect) the vast majority of my friends and family will not be polarized enough to graduate, and if I know that means a possible 25,000 year separation as they recycle through another 3d world, I’m not sure if I want to graduate.  OMG!  This is the CHOICE.  It is a CHOICE that may result in a heart wrenching goodbye to all familiar experience.  It is a potentially 25,000 year goodbye to everyone you have ever known and loved.  What will you do if this scenario applies to you too?

If you choose to graduate, if you make that CHOICE, you will find yourself at the exit from the 3D ELS, stepping out in complete faith into 4d just like the Fool card depicts.  It’s you (foolish once more) falling into a totally new environment.  The Fool, stepping off the cliff.  Again.

I know that the other 5 pages of posts talked about the Choice being STO v STS, but while the Fool card evokes the polarities too, so do most of the other cards.  I personally see the choice everyone else was talking about, the choice between STS and STO, in the Lovers card, and also in the Moon (there is no middle ground between those two blocking pyramids; you have to enter one of those pyramids in order to get to the other side).  The Fool card is the EXIT choice.  It is the decision to GRADUATE choice.  It is the second spiritually meaningful choice (the first being the choice between STO or STS) and it only comes to people who made the prerequisite STS/STO choice long before (otherwise you would not be harvestable at all).

So, to recap.  The Fool (card 0) is the initial choice to commit to a possible 25,000 years in the Earth Life School.  For Wanderers it is a commitment to one lifetime, but with the Forgetting, it is a choice with the risk of having to repeat another 25,000 year cycle if the Wanderer gets entangled in earthly karma/people/events.  

The Fool is also (card 22) the CHOICE TO GRADUATE from the ELS.  It is the culminating choice.  Harvest/graduation is voluntary.  For a mixed harvest world like ours, one where most people are not harvestable at all, the CHOICE might be a heart-wrenching decision.  This is the energy of the card: if offered the opportunity to graduate, will you still go if you must leave all your loved ones behind?

RE: The Choice - JustLikeYou - 08-07-2014

Brilliant. Everything makes sense now. Thank you.

RE: The Choice - AnthroHeart - 08-08-2014

So if we choose to graduate without our friends and family, because we don't want to spend another 25,000 years in 3D, is that an STS act? What if we could still serve them from 4D?

RE: The Choice - ricdaw - 08-08-2014

(08-08-2014, 09:48 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: So if we choose to graduate without our friends and family, because we don't want to spend another 25,000 years in 3D, is that an STS act? What if we could still serve them from 4D?

Good questions. The cards don't appear to have the answers. We'll have to wait until harvest to find out.

RE: The Choice - Ankh - 08-08-2014

Hi ricdaw,

Thank you for your post!

Although I don't agree with you, I found one of your thoughts very interesting, i.e. the Choice being culminating...

Culminating Choice, or culminating Archetype, as some sort of sum of it all. Very intelligent thought!

I see it more like a male and a female who are having a sexual energy transfer which ends with an orgasm, i.e. the culminating Choice!

Thank you for this food for thought! Smile

RE: The Choice - xise - 08-08-2014

On the other hand, given the time periods in involved in 4D evolution, getting harvested without friends and family and having them join up 25/50/75k years later when one 4d incarnation is in thousands of years and 4d harvests occur at millions of years is similar to you going ahead and ordering appetizers at the restaurant while your friends and family arrive 5/10/15 mins later than expected to a 3 hr dinner.

So while it might seem difficult, I definitely don't see it as sts at all. It's just no big deal. 3d is simply a blink of a eyelash when it comes to time. It's definitely not sts to get harvested without friends or family.

RE: The Choice - ricdaw - 08-08-2014

(08-08-2014, 12:30 PM)xise Wrote: On the other hand, given the time periods in involved in 4D evolution, getting harvested without friends and family and having them join up 25/50/75k years later when one 4d incarnation is in thousands of years and 4d harvests occur at millions of years is similar to you going ahead and ordering appetizers at the restaurant while your friends and family arrive 5/10/15 mins later than expected to a 3 hr dinner.

So while it might seem difficult, I definitely don't see it as sts at all. It's just no big deal. 3d is simply a blink of a eyelash when it comes to time. It's definitely not sts to get harvested without friends or family.

I'm not sure it's a blink of an eyelash to the people still in 3d. Nor will they have any of the benefit of your service to help them polarize during their many lifetimes. Too bad for them, I guess.

RE: The Choice - xise - 08-08-2014

(08-08-2014, 01:31 PM)ricdaw Wrote:
(08-08-2014, 12:30 PM)xise Wrote: On the other hand, given the time periods in involved in 4D evolution, getting harvested without friends and family and having them join up 25/50/75k years later when one 4d incarnation is in thousands of years and 4d harvests occur at millions of years is similar to you going ahead and ordering appetizers at the restaurant while your friends and family arrive 5/10/15 mins later than expected to a 3 hr dinner.

So while it might seem difficult, I definitely don't see it as sts at all. It's just no big deal. 3d is simply a blink of a eyelash when it comes to time. It's definitely not sts to get harvested without friends or family.

I'm not sure it's a blink of an eyelash to the people still in 3d. Nor will they have any of the benefit of your service to help them polarize during their many lifetimes. Too bad for them, I guess.

You can't help everyone all at the same time (at least not directly in the illusion). In 4D Positive, you're still serving others. Potentially even serving those in 3D in some capacity (guide/channeling/etc), but even if you're not, you're still going to be radiating love.There's nothing wrong with helping a particular group, but just because you don't help, doesn't mean you are selfish. The question is what are you doing instead. 4D positive has a pretty good answer for that.

There is plenty of need for basic supplies in many parts of the world, especially Africa. Just because we as people don't drop everything and dedicate all or most of our resources to help starving children in Africa doesn't mean we don't care, and it doesn't mean we are selfish. There are an infinite number of ways to help others and the world, and no one particular method is necessarily better than another. What I am doing instead? I'm going to school to gain the skills to help me effectively start up and run my own non-profit organization geared toward helping those in poverty and those with drug addictions. Similarly, everyone here has a good answer - even if it's as simple as working upon themselves in order to eventually better help others in the future. Far too often people abuse and slave-drive themselves to help others, to the point of deterioration of their body and mind (people confuse their service with Jesus's - yes he ultimately sacrificed his body, but his service throughout his life did not result in the actual gradual deterioration of his body and mind that is characteristic of those people who refuse to love themselves.) . You too are an other self that is to be served. Universal love, is well, universal, and that means its important to show yourself love too. So really, quite a wide variety of paths, including focusing on your own self-improvement so that you may better serve others, can really be in tune with the service to others philosophy. I know for a fact that my current path wouldn't have been possible unless I had take a time out two years ago and focused exclusively on learning to love myself more completely so that I may eventually better radiate love and light to others.

Friends and family will harvest. The universe (also known as the Creator aspect of yourself) will take care of them. Don't worry. It truly is all good. Radiate love in the way that is unique to you, that speaks to the core of your being. That may or may not involve staying in 3D to help your friends and family. There is nothing at all selfish about that. Every being is unique at its core, and in its method of service. There's nothing wrong with that.

RE: The Choice - Patrick - 08-09-2014

And even once harvested you can always come back as a wanderer. Smile

RE: The Choice - AnthroHeart - 08-09-2014

(08-09-2014, 09:24 AM)Patrick Wrote: And even once harvested you can always come back as a wanderer. Smile

Who knows, I might get bored in a higher density harmony. I can't see though punishing myself with another 3D incarnation, let alone an entire master cycle in 3D.

RE: The Choice - Ankh - 04-08-2017

I've been wondering about this croc for some time. What does it mean? And in one meditation it appeared to me, but it's not very clear. It is like a cloud of thoughts, which I try to untangle a little bit right now.

The path of the Choice is strait and narrow. Daddy Ra said things like "the missteps in the night are oh! so easy" and that when personality becomes stronger the use of the will may subconsciously reduce the polarity of the seeker.

And I have a feeling that this is what the croc in this Archetype represents. It looks like the Fool is about to walk that strait and narrow path, and the croc sitting right next to it with an opened mouth, ready to strike as soon as the Fool makes any misstep. It may look like it represents a danger (and it might do that too), but its purpose is to guard that this strait and narrow path continues to be strait and narrow. So, in another sense the croc is a guardian.

RE: The Choice - Ankh - 04-24-2017

And now I don't know if the croc represents a guardian. Now it seems to me that the croc might represent *fear*. The fear that any adept or Fool might feel when heading upon an unknown path with nothing but the faith and will in its hands.

You've made your experiences, you are done. You have awaken. You made your choice. Now walk forward with nothing but a hope to not be eaten by a croc...

It's like jumping off the cliff and growing wings by faith after you jump.