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RE: The Dream Thread - Patrick - 09-22-2012

Two nights ago, I was having a semi lucid dream where I was in an old church or religious building made of wood. While looking out through a window a UFO was flying outside and quite suddenly landed about 20 feet from the building. Entities came out of it and walked to my window right away. I thought they were grays, but when one of them reached my window, it placed its face to touch the window right where my own face was touching the window and I could see that they were not grays. Unfortunately, the surprise woke me up.

RE: The Dream Thread - jacrob - 09-25-2012

A couple of hours before I wake I get a symbol or colour repeating over and over ad nauseum. For at least 2 hours just the same word or symbol or colour flashing in my head. It's driving me demented!

This morning it was the word Ourboros and the Yin Yang symbol flashing in turn. No snake in sight.

Last week it was a black Eye of Horus, then a Chrysalis (several) on big green leaf. Or it will be a crystal of some kind.

A couple of days ago it was all emerald green, nothing else except the colour. Then deep blue sky, then back to green.

It's a really frustrating sort of dream because nothing happens. I have a feeling my higher self is drilling a concept into my head. They're very ordinary concepts though, nothing earth shattering/epiphany inducing.

What could the Eye of Horus dream be telling me? Is it the Eye of Ra? There's alot of blood letting and/or healing in both accounts. This symbol has been the hardest for me to understand in the dream context.

RE: The Dream Thread - Cyan - 09-25-2012

(09-20-2012, 08:14 PM)Eddie Wrote: Well, this is really getting interesting.

Xise, remember to keep asking yourself this...."Am I awake, or am I dreaming?"
p.s. You too, Lynn.....Cool

My answer is i'm always dreaming.

RE: The Dream Thread - Ankh - 09-27-2012

(09-19-2012, 12:28 PM)xise Wrote: More fun in dreamland...all from 7:35 am (decided to call in sick Smile) to 9am. And this time it includes a homecoming type event...but mostly Lana and Aaron...and also nested dreams (I dream inside the sleep sessions of my dream haha!!) ....

lol, xise! I didn't see this post till Aaron directed me to it. What a cool dream you had! And so detailed... Thanks for sharing, man! I miss you and our converations at Homecoming! You are awesome! =)

RE: The Dream Thread - Cyan - 09-27-2012

Most of my dreams as of late have been dark, murky, and not making a lot of sense. But since that is how i feel my situation is emotionally i feel my dreams are showing me exactly wha ti need to see and feel.


RE: The Dream Thread - Jeremy - 09-28-2012

The other night I dreamt that I was kidnapped by some woman. She locked me in a boathouse and myself along with others were connected via chains that ran through a toilet of all things. Along these chains were our eyeballs also as she had removed them.

If one of us tried to pull loose, it would set off a chain reaction blowing us all up. I decided I had enough of this and yanked as hard and as fast as I could. I saw eyeball after eyeball on the chain then I was free with no explosion.

I was speaking with someone shortly after who said that they weren't my eyes after all and that she had never removed them in the first place even though I clearly remember looking at myself and seeing voids where my eyes were.

RE: The Dream Thread - Avocado - 09-29-2012

I had a dream that I was passing through an airport from one plane to the next. The airport intersected with access to the great pyramid and I had a chance to walk through the shallow portions of the structure. I told my mom on the phone that I wanted to go meditate inside it but I was forced not to due to time constraints. Then, by my gate, a bunch of people were eating chilli dogs and they looked amazing. I decided against it because it was such a heavy food.

I feel a similar force pushing me along despite my interest to just stop, take a breather. Despite this I am consciously making an effort at self-optimization. I have good and bad days but...

I feel a motherly caring force growing in me. And so I use this as my balance point. I felt very saintly for a week and then crashed. When I was feeling at my lowest the motherly voice in me interjected and it was an instant communication within my temple that made me completely settle down and accept self. I can take care of myself and self-optimize even when I'm in the bottom of a wave. I've been practicing acceptance of the shadow-self for many moons now but the new co-existing lesson is acceptance and integration of this embracing, motherly-self.

I'm sure a lot of you have come to thrive with such feelings present in the heart. now I get why most beings polarize positive...because it feels AWESOME BigSmile

so what can I do to further cultivate this within me?

RE: The Dream Thread - Jeremy - 10-02-2012

So last night I dreamt that bob marley had just died and I guess I knew him personally as I went over to his family's house to give my condolences. After I did, all that appeared was a giant face of marley but with no dreads and much much older and looked to put on some weight. Actually he looked remarkebly similar to bill Cosby for some reason.

All the face did was sing a song that I didn't recognize but in the classic marley style. I really wish I could remember what the lyrics were because I have a hunch it is important.

RE: The Dream Thread - xise - 10-03-2012

Two nights ago I had a very lucid dream.

I don't remember much, other than I'm in some dream where I'm walking in an urban downtown-city landscape at night. It felt like the dream had already been rolling for a bit.

Then I sudden realize I'm dreaming. Since a young age, when I go lucid my natural inclination is to manifest super powers, usually super jumps, then flying. It's a natural tendency for me. So in this case my first urge is to start jumping. I jump up past a 2nd story building. Then I remember Eddie's advice about trying to meditate (although in the dream, I don't remember why I wanted to sit down and meditate). But before I did so, I realized I was capable of manifesting anything in my reality if I could visualize it. I visualized that I was in a different reality and I remember it took like 5-10 seconds of concentration of visualizing a new setting, I think it was a pre-industrial tavern.

At that point, the world around me shimmered, and reassembled into a tavern-like atmosphere where people were interacting, eating, drinking, and talking. They immediately start interacting with me. I feel distracted because I don't want to ignore them although I am more interested in either exploring this ability of mine to manifest my reality or finding a place to sit down and meditate. I was in the process of helping someone out in that reality and then I forget the rest of it.

I actually woke up at like 4am after the dream and I think at that time I remembered more but I did not write it down because I went to sleep pretty late and wanted to make sure I was well rested.

Eddie, I promise you one of these days I will meet you in the dreamscape Smile. Although first on my list is 1) Meet my guides again (only met them twice before while lucid) 2) Meet my social memory complex 3) Then meet you SmileSmile

RE: The Dream Thread - Eddie - 10-04-2012

My insomnia has been terrible lately, and I haven't been getting in much dreaming...just a little....Sad

RE: The Dream Thread - AnthroHeart - 10-04-2012

In my dream last night I changed the direction of gravity for myself and stuck myself to a wall.

RE: The Dream Thread - xise - 10-04-2012

Last night I had a long dream, but right before I woke up I was working on a way to teach others to stop abusing alcohol and to stop drinking and driving. I woke up and immediately got a right ear tone.

RE: The Dream Thread - Jeremy - 10-05-2012

Thanks to this chantix, I am having quite negative dreams for the passed three days. All having to do with someone I either know or care for dying or comin close to it.

RE: The Dream Thread - Cyan - 10-05-2012

(10-05-2012, 02:09 PM)Xradfl Wrote: Thanks to this chantix, I am having quite negative dreams for the passed three days. All having to do with someone I either know or care for dying or comin close to it.

Liked because it cant be an easy catalyst to have dreams like that. *hugs*

RE: The Dream Thread - Conifer16 - 10-12-2012

i was with a bunch of kids from unity at the west lin church, only it wasn't the west lin church. it was a house that has featured prominently in dreams before. usually with white carpet all over the walls and ceiling as well as the floor, and very dark. and kinda creepy. i was david tenant as the doctor. we were doing stuff when suddenly this new guy who looked like bane showed up and started joining in. at some point one of the girls Sophie(i know sophie in real life and she is really sweet and kind, but not from west lin. she is from the seattle chapter) went missing but no one could find her. after a while i discovered that bane could make movements and control people. so i fled rushing through a sliding door that was boarded up with plywood. i went outside and bane came after me, he knew who i was and so did not try to hurt me. but he warned me off. i agreed that i would stay outside thinking that he wasn't doing anything really bad. so i spent some time outside and on top of a beautiful giant leaf sleeping. when i suddenly put together some stuff. prior in the dream, tales of people going to the salem church and fining empty trash and no one there had kept coming up. no trash meant that no one had been there to put a bag in and people described it as creepy. suddenly i knew that this bane was somehow behind it. so i teleported into where he was and now I must set this up. the area he was was super white tile, like what you might find at a swimming pool that is tiled. the walkways were deep and varied in height in places. sometime you would be walking along through the water and suddenly sink a few feet as you walked forward. the walkways were also super narrow. as narrow as a persons shoulders. so very claustrophobic. all of the teens were chained up to different areas of this walkway. some of them deeper and having to wade to stay above water, and some higher and able to just stand. but the water was slowly rising. now at the end of the walkway and around a corner was a raised section that opened into a walking closet also with tile. this raised portion only had a few inches of water. the lip that separated it from the rest of the walkway had a dip in it for placing someones neck like at a guillotine. so back to when i teleported. one of the girls(very pretty) was being held there with here right ear to the water and looking at bane as he approached with a sledgehammer to smash her skull in. she was trying to scream but her mouth and right eye was under water. so she could only splutter. i appeared and in anger smashed him with my mind into the wall and started destroying his pain centers with electricity. meanwhile in another part of the walkway one of the girls(i think she was the girl that is always in my dreams, every single one in some guise or another) suddenly noticed something at the end of the walkway(the walkway is a maze by the way, lots of turns and twists) she could see a sort of raised portion of ground which fell back down again on the other side. concealing what was behind it. she could somehow see a reflection of what was in there and what she saw and by proxy what i saw was terrible :-( :'( Sophie lying there looking drowned chained close to the ground under feet of water. this girl freaked out and suddenly noticed another guy struggling to stay above the water and not succeeding as he kept sliding under and coming back up sputtering for breath and this girl suddenly realized that they were all meant to die. before that they had for some reason not realized that. she went running through the water for some reason not chained up like the others(i think because she was that person who is always in my dreams, dream guide maybe? other self?) she managed to find her way out and ran naked through the building being chased by minions of bane. she ran up against the sliding doors and the plywood. she bounced off and got back up and kept trying to get through, but this guy was always fixing it. she begged him to stop. and he said he could not. but finally relented and helped her break though and they escaped. after this i found myself as a narrater inside of a voting control center. it looked like a futuristic office space. the boss man was standing there bald and powerful. when a woman(looked like jenna louis coleman) asked him about a program she saw. something about unity and love and light. he took it and put it into the computer to calculate how well it would work. and said that it would be great till the very end when there was a 49% drop off in voter turnout. so he said it was not possible. suddenly i was this boss mans daughter and super sheltered. i was known as the princess. and suddenly the boss man told me that the woman was running away with important info. so i ran after her and managed to make it into the elevator with her. but when she noticed me i was suddenly super terrified. i had never met a bad guy before. and i thought that she would kill me. so sobbing with terror even as she tried to tell me she wouldn't i slammed the stop button. we had been going down hundreds of floors a second so it was a dramatic stop. i got off and pressed continue and ran away into the emergency hallway. she continued down but was so close to launch that when she almost had the doors shut she was out the bottom of the massive tower and in space. sadly she was sucked out and died right away. i don't know why the elevator took her into space. maybe there was a planet below. i did not check. regardless. i suddenly saw that this was a massive tower with smaller building around its base and a massive city going away from it all in space. the city was made of many streets with canals of water between them. on top of the streets there was oxygen below not any. i went to the poor section where i had brought the unity teens to keep them safe from the killers. but i did not realize that the boss man was the one that ordered the kill. so the dream ended with me being asked if i had a family and me replying that i had adopted a bunch of teens that had lost their families in the war, talking about a war that had happened with this civilization.
the church i refer to is the Unity Church. and i posted this on facebook so it is written as though you and i have gotten to know each other, but i felt like it might be interesting to people on her as well so... here it is :-)

it was a pretty messed up dream.

RE: The Dream Thread - Spaced - 10-15-2012

I had a strange dream last night that I woke up trying really hard to remember.

I was watching myself do something . . . but it wasn't 'me' . . . I think it was a previous incarnation of mine. I was doing something, I can't remember what exactly, but I remember thinking it was really appalling and that I was doing it as a sort of short-cut to enlightenment. I remember thinking "no, I would never do that!" but then another voice in my head said "don't judge me too harshly, Ra themselves did this once long ago."

I woke up feeling very confused.

RE: The Dream Thread - AnthroHeart - 10-15-2012

Interesting you had Ra's name mentioned in a dream. In the dream world I never remember much of anything of my real life. Boy I wish I did.

RE: The Dream Thread - Spaced - 10-15-2012

I bought a stone called Atlantisite and every time I meditate with it I seem to have a dream relating to a past life.

RE: The Dream Thread - reeay - 10-15-2012

You don't use Atlantisite when you go to sleep? Just when you meditate? Never heard of that stone.

RE: The Dream Thread - Spaced - 10-15-2012

I meditate with it before bed and then put it on the bedside table.

The internet tells me it's a combination of green serpentine and purple stichtite.

RE: The Dream Thread - BlatzAdict - 10-15-2012

(10-05-2012, 02:09 PM)Xradfl Wrote: Thanks to this chantix, I am having quite negative dreams for the passed three days. All having to do with someone I either know or care for dying or comin close to it.

parts of yourself are dying, to make space for the new

RE: The Dream Thread - Cyan - 10-15-2012

(10-15-2012, 03:59 PM)BlatzAdict Wrote:
(10-05-2012, 02:09 PM)Xradfl Wrote: Thanks to this chantix, I am having quite negative dreams for the passed three days. All having to do with someone I either know or care for dying or comin close to it.

parts of yourself are dying, to make space for the new

Any specific reason why this reference or are you saying "in general, at all times"

or is this more like a "part of your is in coma and dying".

RE: The Dream Thread - Brittany - 10-16-2012

I had an odd dream last night that I was visiting Austin in Alaska, where he apparently lived with several of my other friends in one big house. The scenery was beautiful, and though it was late fall it wasn't very cold. I noticed that many of the houses in the area were for sale at very cheap prices- only a few thousand dollars. At one point we were all sleeping on one huge bed, but I realized I needed very little sleep in that place. I told Walter "Oh, we should live here! It's perfect!", but we were a little concerned as to how far away we would be from our families.

There was also this room that had a clear floor with pictures of animals painted all over it, and somehow, if you went under the floor, the animals would turn real and you could bring one up. There was this white owl flying around in the house, and it kept going into the floor and getting fish. One of my friends swam around under there and grabbed a fish as well. I can't really even fully explain how that part worked.

After that I was in a school watching a bunch of little kids put on a weird pageant, wearing various costumes. There was a girl that looked to be about 18 that wanted to kill me, and she literally asked me if we could bump phones so she could get my information and track me later to kill me. I was like ""

Then I was out in the schoolyard, next to a playground. Some kids were tormenting this little boy by throwing spiders on him. This upset me, but for some reason I had to go into this nearby building. I stood at the threshold of the door and realized that there were stairs going down as soon as you entered the house. This guy suddenly came running up the stairs, and somehow I knew that he was a bad guy and was going to do terrible things, so I kicked him back down the stairs.

When I went back out into the yard the girl from earlier attacked me. She was a crappy fighter, though, and I hit her a few times then ran. I was almost back to the school building when she caught up to me and once again I fought her and knocked her to the ground, trying to not do anything that would seriously hurt her. I then went into the school and heard that the guy I had kicked had broken several of the vertebrae in his back and I felt awful, even though I had felt like I was doing the right thing. I was really afraid of what would be done to me for it, since everyone knew it was me that kicked him, but no one seemed to care at all and I wasn't even scolded. It seemed kind of messed up.

RE: The Dream Thread - reeay - 10-17-2012

Is there a thread where process/method of dream analysis is discussed? If not, what process do you follow?

RE: The Dream Thread - Brittany - 10-18-2012

In most cases, the symbols in my dream are pretty obvious. Only if I'm completely stumped do I turn to common dream interpretation. Quite often I will simply wake up with a sense of knowing, and don't even have to bother with the analysis.

RE: The Dream Thread - reeay - 10-18-2012

Long time ago I used to use a system where I look at the dream symbols then work my way up to thematic level and it was helpful. True what you say.

RE: The Dream Thread - Cyan - 10-18-2012

(10-18-2012, 01:17 AM)Brittany Lynn Wrote: In most cases, the symbols in my dream are pretty obvious. Only if I'm completely stumped do I turn to common dream interpretation. Quite often I will simply wake up with a sense of knowing, and don't even have to bother with the analysis.

Usually when i dream i dont rememeber much of it but i rememeber in what realm i was and generally what i did. Dark and nightmare type dreams are easier to rememeber as they are more potent than most.

The light bright dreams are usually not rememebered because i focus on the "feeling good" aspect of it. The problem is that when i wake up the "real world" feels 2 dimensional and solid by comparison to my dream self. It feels like my eyes literally "are tired of" perceiving only 2 dimensional things and my brain goes "nooo, not again".

But other than that, i usually dont need to worry about what dreams i see or dont see. Usually my dream symbols are so clear there is no need to interpret, if i rememeber them at all that is.

RE: The Dream Thread - Brittany - 10-18-2012

Had a long and detailed dream last night. I dreamed I and numerous other people were in a large church. It reminded me of the church my cousin got married in. I'm not sure if we were worshiping or doing something else, but suddenly this old Asian man burst in with a bunch of minions. He looked like old Shang Tsung. They all started causing terror and people were running around and screaming and it was a madhouse.

I decided I should do something, and I looked on the back wall of the church and saw a decorative sword display. I ran over to it and grabbed one of the swords, but it turned out to be cheap and dull. I didn't have anything else, though, so when the old man came over I tried to hit him with it. The blow did nothing to him, though, and he just laughed. He then rounded up most of the young people from the church and put us all in cars.

The cars drove to this cinder block house with a crappy yard surrounded by barbed wire. He made us go into the yard, and I saw a man lying on his belly. He was missing all his limbs but one arm and was moaning in agony. The sight of him was so wretched. It filled me with horror. We were directed into the house, and told only to look, not to interact with any of the people there. The inside was nicely decorated, but all of the people there were in a similar state of torment, moaning in misery over and over. The force of their pain hit me so strongly that I wanted to just collapse and weep uncontrollably and beg for mercy for these people, but I knew that sort of behavior would not be permitted by this man.

After he felt we had seen enough we were taken back outside and put back in the cars. There was a blonde girl sitting next to me in the back of the car, and I was trying to talk to her, but we realized that the car was wired and someone was listening to everything we said. This angered me, but there was nothing I could do about it. We eventually got to another house, which happened to be my parents' house, but this man had taken over it completely. He had us go inside and it was understood that we were to live here and work for him.

I kept trying to text my friend or get some sort of help, but I was being monitored at all times, by lackeys or hidden cameras and wire taps. At one point I was standing in the bathroom and I noticed something shiny in the corner of my eyes. I ended up pulling three fairly large, clear plastic or glass disks out of the corners of my eyes. It was painless, but I found their appearance disturbing.

I decided to confront the old man, who was lying on my parents' bed with a woman lying next to him. I demanded to know what he had done with my parents. He grouchily said they were fine and were living somewhere else now. I then showed the disks I had pulled out of my eyes, wanting to know what they meant, but he didn't seem to care. I then asked him why he wouldn't let me leave. Why had he kidnapped me and brought me here?

At this point the old man got really angry. "Don't be ridiculous!" he growled. "You WANT to be here. You're full of pride. Adults don't have pride, only children! You're just a helpless child!" Somehow I knew that he was referring to the fact that I tried to stab him back at the church. Then I woke up.

I suppose I should mention that I had something of a grand spiritual epiphany before going to bed last night, and was feeling more light and free than I ever really have in this incarnation. This dream really seemed like a test, to see if I could apply what I've learned. The old Asian man was obviously a vessel for my shadow self. Shang Tsung is the archetypal evil sorcerer- a shapeshifter who steals souls and eats them. The Dragon. The king of hell. I felt that the first house we visited was meant to be a depiction of hell, and my shadow was saying "I have the power over hell! LOOK at it!"

In the face of my great step forward into the light, my shadow fears being forgotten/subjugated/destroyed, so it says "You can't be rid of me! Look at all my power and you are nothing without me!"

The church represents a spiritual state of mind to me, and my shadow self wanted to drag me out of that state and put me back in the hellish state of horror that comes from viewing all the suffering in the world. The sword I interpret as representing my will. I attempted to hack down my shadow with my will, which proved ineffective. Attempting to kill a part of my own self was indeed very prideful, and I really wish I would have just remained calm and embraced him instead, which I'm sure would have instantly diffused the whole situation.

By moving into my parents' house my shadow self was attempting to exercise parental authority over me, making me out as a child that needs caring for, is incapable of making responsible decisions on its own, and therefore can be directed at will. Since there were three glass disks that I pulled from my eyes, I think of the holy trinity. The eyes are the gateway to the soul, so I was literally pulling out and observing my own divinity, but could not see it for what it was at the time. All of my true power was right there before me but I was blinded by my anger and fear.

It is true that each time I have become consumed by my shadow nature, it was completely of my own free will. There have been many times I have found myself in dark places, crying about how unfair it is, only to realize that I did indeed put myself there. I interpret my shadow saying "Only children have pride" as a reference to spiritual childhood; a spiritually mature individual having no need to be directed by the ego.

I cannot cut away this part of myself, nor can I let it run rampant and usurp my lifestyle. I must first accept that part of myself in love, then transmute its terrible power. When I accept this part of myself in love without fear it loses its power over me, the two halves are integrated, and I gain that power as my shadow rests within me. Through love I transmute that power to give me strength, tenacity and willpower in my service.

I feel like the last part of the dream was a last ditch effort to make me feel ashamed of myself to the point my progress would be shut down, but I have come too far to be held back any longer by self-hate. There is just no room for that anymore. Therefore, I humbly take the lessons this dream had to offer, thank my shadow for allowing me to learn and grow, and continue on my way.

RE: The Dream Thread - Patrick - 10-18-2012

(10-18-2012, 01:40 PM)Brittany Lynn Wrote: ...I cannot cut away this part of myself, nor can I let it run rampant and usurp my lifestyle. I must first accept that part of myself in love, then transmute its terrible power. When I accept this part of myself in love without fear it loses its power over me, the two halves are integrated, and I gain that power as my shadow rests within me. Through love I transmute that power to give me strength, tenacity and willpower in my service.

I feel like the last part of the dream was a last ditch effort to make me feel ashamed of myself to the point my progress would be shut down, but I have come too far to be held back any longer by self-hate. There is just no room for that anymore. Therefore, I humbly take the lessons this dream had to offer, thank my shadow for allowing me to learn and grow, and continue on my way.

Heart Heart Heart

RE: The Dream Thread - Spaced - 10-23-2012

The power was out in my neighbourhood last night and I slept really soundly with no artificial light or electronic buzzing.

I had a dream where I felt like I was being told all these wondrous things, it was like a parade of ultimate truths and mysteries revealed.

I awoke right when the power came back on, opening my eyes like the second before all the lights in my apartment came back on. As I went around turning all the lights back off I thought to myself "was that real? . . . wait was what real?" and promptly forgot it all BigSmile