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RE: The Choice - JustLikeYou - 05-27-2012

Gemini, I would say yes, although the degree of experience varies. For example, I once wanted to experience praying in a Mosque. I went to the Mosque three times, thoroughly enjoyed it, and have not been back. I had my experience and was satisfied. Yet, there are those who spend their entire lives as Muslims. You will experience all things, but the all things you will experiences are the all things which are within you. Turns out I don't have a whole lot of Muslim in me. I just had a little.

RE: The Choice - Shin'Ar - 05-28-2012

(05-27-2012, 11:02 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote: Gemini, I would say yes, although the degree of experience varies. For example, I once wanted to experience praying in a Mosque. I went to the Mosque three times, thoroughly enjoyed it, and have not been back. I had my experience and was satisfied. Yet, there are those who spend their entire lives as Muslims. You will experience all things, but the all things you will experiences are the all things which are within you. Turns out I don't have a whole lot of Muslim in me. I just had a little.

I would like to make my thoughts on this matter and respond to all three of you, but I am not allowed to speak on these things outside of my Eyes of a Stranger thread.

I will make a post on STO, STS and the experience of choice that makes up the the All in that thread. Maybe you can watch for it and accommodate my burden of trying to appease the moderators.

RE: The Choice - Patrick - 05-28-2012

Quote:29.10 Questioner: Okay. Do the sub-Logoi such as our sun in our major galaxy; do they have a metaphysical polarity, shall we say, positive or negative as we have been using the term?

Ra: I am Ra. As you use the term, this is not so. Entities through the level of planetary have the strength of intelligent infinity through the use of free will, going through the actions of beingness. The polarity is not, thusly, as you understand polarity. It is only when the planetary sphere begins harmonically interacting with mind/body complexes, and more especially mind/body/spirit complexes, that planetary spheres take on distortions due to the thought complexes of entities interacting with the planetary entity. The creation of the One Infinite Creator does not have the polarity you speak of.

RE: The Choice - Tenet Nosce - 05-28-2012

(05-27-2012, 08:55 AM)ShinAr Wrote: As usual my friend I am once again unsure of what you are saying. It is my fault. There are certain people who have ways of expressing themselves that certain other types have difficulty interpreting. I know because I am misinterpreted myself in this way.

No worries, it happens! A lot.

Quote:I do not think duality is a matter pf perspective. I agree that there is most definitely observations of perspective, but those observations are not what make a thing real or unreal.

What is real? Two people are sitting in a room. One experiences the room as "warm" the other as "cool". What is the reality?

Quote:If we are both looking at a car from opposite sides, and that car is painted red on one side and blue on the other, we will each see a different color. that is perception. Our perception however has not altered the reality of the car being red and blue.

Right. Maybe we are more on the same page than it appears. The car is BOTH red AND blue.

Perhaps we would have an easier time discussing if I used a different term than dualism. How about- binary thinking? I am talking about EITHER/OR logic.

Quote:If we apply that to duality, we understand that the anti-force to the force of origin, is not perspective, it is as real as the force. The opposite of a thing is every bit as real as it is.

What is the source of the anti-force?

Quote:TN, you seem to be using duality as a means to define the choices of a person's decision making as irrelevant because you see duality as a matter of perspective. Is that what you were saying or am I misunderstanding you?

No, I think you are misunderstanding me. I am saying that one does not possess Choice until they grow beyond binary thinking.

Quote:If you mean that the struggle to polarize because we exist in a universe of dual nature, causes growth, than I agree that duality has its purpose in the evolution of consciousness.


Quote:What changes is the entire universe and the various states within it. The duality of it never changes because duality is the very nature and essence of the universe.

I agree it may be difficult to progress beyond this point in the conversation without discussing the foundational premises of one's cosmological belief system. As far as I am aware, most religions, and the esoteric mystery schools on which they are based, recognize three fundamental aspects of reality.

Some examples:


...and so on.

RE: The Choice - Aaron - 05-28-2012

(05-28-2012, 09:04 AM)ShinAr Wrote:
(05-27-2012, 11:02 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote: Gemini, I would say yes, although the degree of experience varies. For example, I once wanted to experience praying in a Mosque. I went to the Mosque three times, thoroughly enjoyed it, and have not been back. I had my experience and was satisfied. Yet, there are those who spend their entire lives as Muslims. You will experience all things, but the all things you will experiences are the all things which are within you. Turns out I don't have a whole lot of Muslim in me. I just had a little.

I would like to make my thoughts on this matter and respond to all three of you, but I am not allowed to speak on these things outside of my Eyes of a Stranger thread.

I will make a post on STO, STS and the experience of choice that makes up the the All in that thread. Maybe you can watch for it and accommodate my burden of trying to appease the moderators.

Shin'Ar, you certainly are allowed to discuss the subject of STS and STO outside of your thread. We only asked that if you wished to discuss your philosophy regarding the subject of polarity, it be done in one thread created by you. This doesn't mean you aren't allowed to participate in discussions that include the topic elsewhere. Our aim is not to censor or disallow freedom of expression. It is simply to direct the expression down the appropriate pathways. Smile

The only activities we asked you to limit forumwide were certain particulars about the method of communication which included an accusatory tone and warnings to others about the STS path.

I don't think anyone should feel like they're always having to appease a group of moderators with their postings.

RE: The Choice - Tenet Nosce - 05-28-2012

(05-27-2012, 12:07 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote: 7.15
Ra Wrote:service to others results in service to self

Ra Wrote:To serve the self is to serve all.

Ra Wrote:The distortion lies in the fact that those who seek to serve the self are seen by the Law of One as precisely the same as those who seek to serve others, for are all not one? To serve yourself and to serve other is a dual method of saying the same thing, if you can understand the essence of the Law of One.

Therefore, I would redraw the diagram as follows: The greater circle would be titled "Service to All". Within this greater circle there would be two lesser circles titled "Service to Self" and "Service to Others". These circles would not overlap. It should not be thought that the absence of overlap means that an STO entity never engages in STS actions and vice-versa. We know that absolute purity is not the goal of walking either path. Rather, the purpose of the absence of overlap is to depict that a choice must be made between two paths, and in making this choice, one path must be abandoned.

So then, according to your understanding and belief, it is impossible to take an action which is both "STO" and "STS" simultaneously?

I can acknowledge how the quotes you provided could appear to support the depiction you offered. However, according to my read, they actually directly contradict that particular depiction.

Quote:Then, in 6D, we graduate beyond the two smaller circles into the larger circle of Service to All, which includes both.

There is nothing prohibiting us from working on fourth, fifth, or sixth density lessons while incarnated in 3D. We will have been employed in "Service to All" during our entire sojourn throughout the densities. The only difference is that, in the lower densities, we are often unconscious of this fact. But this distortion is not in any case necessary.

I would concur that in 6D we graduate beyond the two circles (however they might be configured). However, we do not acquire Choice until we graduate beyond this octave, thus eliminating the need to incarnate within a Logos, having ourselves become Logoi. At this point, we can say, thanks for the Archetypes, but I'm off to do something totally different now.

Quote:Here, Ra equates polarizing to choosing in response to a question about the archetype The Choice. Therefore, we may conclude that the choice which leads to polarizing is the same as the choice named in the archetype. As can be seen from the context of Ra's reference to the "polarity gained," this refers to the choice between STO and STS.

And yes, the choosing does occur between the two possible paths, however, to choose a path is to steadily more toward one and away from the other. This is what it means to polarize.

Therefore, I conclude that the moment to moment choice of STO or STS is The Choice in microcosm, while the story of 3D as a whole is The Choice in macrocosm.

You are begging the question. There is an agreement with distortions present in the query which is being projected into the reply. These distortions are continually presented throughout the body of the material, and in many cases one can see how Ra's attempt to minimize the distortions, actually worked to reinforce them in the mind of the Questioner, and indeed in the reader.

Case in point- look at the previous query where Ra clearly attempts to correct the distortion in the query, and yet the distortion persists into the next query, and beyond into the following one.

Quote:77.15 Questioner: The specific question that I had was that it seems to me that the choice was planned to create intense polarization past third density so that experience would be intense past third density. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Given that our interpretation of your sound vibration complexes is appropriate, this is incorrect. The intensity of fourth density is that of the refining of the rough-hewn sculpture. This is, indeed, in its own way, quite intense causing the mind/body/spirit complex to move ever inward and onward in its quest for fuller expression. However, in third density the statue is forged in the fire. This is a type of intensity which is not the property of fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh densities.

Let's try a different angle. Where in the image of the card do you see a choice between STS and STO being depicted?
[Image: tarot22.jpg]

Further quotes for your consideration:

93.3 Wrote:Questioner: Thank you. You have stated previously that the foundation of our present illusion is the concept of polarity. I would like to ask, since we [those of L/L Research] have defined the two polarities as service to others and service to self, is there a more complete or eloquent or enlightening definition of these polarities or any more information that we don’t have at this time that you could give on the two ends of the poles that would give us a better insight into the nature of polarity itself?

Ra: I am Ra. It is unlikely that there is a more pithy or eloquent description of the polarities of third density than service to others and service to self due to the nature of the mind/body/spirit complexes’ distortions [those of L/L Research] towards perceiving concepts relating to philosophy in terms of ethics or activity. However, we [those of Ra] might consider the polarities using slightly variant terms. In this way a possible enrichment of insight might be achieved for some.

One might consider the polarities with the literal nature enjoyed by the physical polarity of the magnet. The negative and positive, with their electrical characteristics, may be seen to be just as in the physical sense. It is to be noted in this context that it is quite impossible to judge the polarity of an act or an entity, just as it is impossible to judge the relative goodness of the negative and positive poles of the magnet.

If one is attempting to judge the polarity of their actions, or to take action based upon a prejudice of what is "STS" or "STO", they are attempting the impossible. We are inside the magnet, and thus relative any particular point, the molecules to one side are "polarized positively" and to the other side "polarized negatively." In consideration of the magnet taken as a whole, there is no polarity.

[ALSO NOTE: Here in Session 93, a full six months and 18 sessions later into the material, the same distortion persists in the queries.]

91.36 Wrote:Questioner: How is the knowledge of the facets of the archetypical mind used by the individual to accelerate his evolution?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall offer an example based upon this first explored archetype or concept complex. The conscious mind of the adept may be full to bursting of the most abstruse and unmanageable of ideas, so that further ideation becomes impossible and work in blue ray or indigo is blocked through over-activation. It is then that the adept would call upon the new mind, untouched and virgin, and dwell within the archetype of the new and unblemished mind without bias, without polarity, full of the magic of the Logos.

The goal of placing training wheels upon one's bicycle is to grow beyond the necessity of training wheels. Perhaps even to realize that the training wheels were never necessary in the first place. One could have simply hopped upon the bicycle and started pedaling, having faith in the laws of physics to keep the bicycle upright while in motion.

An entity, upon achieving contact with intelligent infinity, may harvest themselves at any point in the cycle. This is akin to the realization that, "Oh right, I have projected myself into this magnet, and therefore I may withdraw my projection at any time." Now THAT is Choice.

RE: The Choice - JustLikeYou - 06-07-2012

I've re-examined the quotation, and I do not see that I am begging the question. Ra responds to Don without attempting to correct a distortion, so we must assume that the question was sufficiently undistorted to reply coherently. I'll have to ask you to explain further how the question is begged. It seems fairly straight-forward to me in 77.16. Ra says that polarity is gained in choice; Ra does not say that choice is gained. This implies that choice occurs in 3D and the polarity gained from this choice carries forward into later densities.

I'd also like to emphasize that I think your description of choice is an accurate description; however, it is a different kind that that depicted in Archetype 22. In 27.10, Ra says "In your illusion all experience springs from the Law of Free Will or the Way of Confusion." Here, free will is equated with the confusion brought about by the veiling. Because the veiling is what birthed the very concept of the STS and STO, it is evident that Ra is speaking of the "fuller" sense of free will which comes from its extension into the significators through the veiling process. Recall that the Logoi always viewed themselves as extending free will to their creations, but not all types of freedom were yet imagined. Polarity is the most recently imagined kind of free will. There is more than just this kind, though, and I think that anyone who has made contact with Intelligent Infinity and has known the feeling of acting in the full uniqueness of her moment-to-moment experience of the True Self which can be identified as a more primordial form of free will. I think it is this free will which you describe. The infinite free will of the Creator, and not the limited free will of the significator which is hidden from itself.

Ra Wrote:It is to be noted in this context that it is quite impossible to judge the polarity of an act or an entity, just as it is impossible to judge the relative goodness of the negative and positive poles of the magnet.

I think you misperceive Ra's usage of the word "judge". Consider 17.8, 26.8 and 56.3. In each of these quotations, Ra uses the word "judge" in its very specific moral sense: the judgment between good and evil, right and wrong. The evidence that this is the sense in which Ra uses the word is easily found within the quotation: 1. Ra's reference to "relative goodness" within a magnet and 2. the previous emphasis on "ethics", wherein this very specific concept of judgment is typically found.

The sense in which you seem to be reading the word "judge" seems to be the broader sense which means something like "determine" or "estimate", rather than "morally evaluate". Context suggests that Ra intends the specific meaning here. In 93.3, Ra is merely stating that neither STS nor STO can be determined to be either right or wrong. Both paths are acceptable.

Tenet Nosce Wrote:There is nothing prohibiting us from working on fourth, fifth, or sixth density lessons while incarnated in 3D.

When you play a game of chess, is there anything prohibiting you from firing a laser beam from your rook directly to the other person's king? If you do so, you are no longer playing chess. Ra refers to the lessons of other densities as overlays, yet when questioned as to the purpose of entering 3D as a wanderer, Ra answers that one of the primary motivations is to gain polarity -- which happens to be the purpose of 3D. You simply cannot play chess without choosing to be either white or black. You can learn lessons about the world outside the chess game while you play, but you must still follow the rules.

Tenet Nosce Wrote:So then, according to your understanding and belief, it is impossible to take an action which is both "STO" and "STS" simultaneously?

In the first place, you have disregarded my second suggested drawing, in which the circles overlap. The point of offering two drawings is to suggest that the depiction is an imperfect metaphor no matter which way you draw it.

As such, this oversimplifies the content of any particular action. There is an intertwining, an ebb and flow. The physical action is not the only aspect to be considered. There is also a spiritual component and a mental component. Which thought forms were used in choosing the action, and how were these thought forms approached by the mind? Was the deeper intent to give or to take? An action that seems simple may have a multitude of complicated motives. The work of 3D is to smooth out and simplify these complexities. Actions that were previously mixed must become more and more self-consistent.

To answer you more directly, I think any given action is often overlaid with a multitude of biases in both the positive and negative directions. However, in order to polarize, one must choose a path of evolution whose result is to slowly align this multitude of biases toward one polarity or another in order that one's actions become self-consistent. When this happens, one will naturally graduate from the current lesson, for one will have mastered the illusion. This slow act of polarizing is what Ra calls The Choice. The Choice, in macrocosm, is the instant that you decide which polarity you want to polarize toward. The Choice, in microcosm, is the choice you make every moment of the day between STS and STO, no matter where you are. Do you give or take? Do you accept or control? Do you serve others or the self? You do not have a third alternative. Within 3D, there are only two basic ways in which to serve the All, just as within chess, there is only white and black. The game will eventually end, but while it is in play, the rules are as they are.

RE: The Choice - Plenum - 06-08-2012

sorry to budge into your conversation, but my insight into the Choice was this:

[Image: Qte53.png]

this represents the Great Flowering of Choice, that is the result of the archetypal energies flowing up the 'stem' of the flower.

it is indeed a Unifying Archetype.

RE: The Choice - Patrick - 06-08-2012

The key point is choice without knowing the consequences of said choice.

With 51% positive you can go to 4d, but in 4d you get up to 98% positive simply because you can make the "right" choices for you, knowing all the consequences of your choices.

So you make choices in all densities, but the game isn't about choices in higher densities, because choice is easy and nearly automatic.

RE: The Choice - JustLikeYou - 06-08-2012

Again, Patrick, I would point out the distinction between choice and free will. In choice, there is always a set of options: either/or. In free will, there is infinite possibility. To be fully free is to choose from the infinite palette.

RE: The Choice - AnthroHeart - 06-08-2012

Ra says the choice is made long before we are consciously aware of it.

RE: The Choice - Tenet Nosce - 06-09-2012

JustLikeYou- Thanks for the very thoughtful reply. I will come back to it when I have a little more time to give it a proper response. I don't really disagree with anything specific that you have written, however it is all kind of tangential to the main point of my post, to which you haven't responded.

We are talking about Card #22, which is termed "The Choice".

[Image: tarot22.jpg]

Where in the symbolic imagery of this card do you see The Choice as being depicted between "STS" and "STO"?

You also completely ignored the quote I provided which specifically addressed how to use the archetypical mind to accelerate personal evolution.

91.36 Wrote:Questioner: How is the knowledge of the facets of the archetypical mind used by the individual to accelerate his evolution?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall offer an example based upon this first explored archetype or concept complex. The conscious mind of the adept may be full to bursting of the most abstruse and unmanageable of ideas, so that further ideation becomes impossible and work in blue ray or indigo is blocked through over-activation. It is then that the adept would call upon the new mind, untouched and virgin, and dwell within the archetype of the new and unblemished mind without bias, without polarity, full of the magic of the Logos.

It clearly, and unequivocally, says: Without polarity. What do you think Ra meant by this?

RE: The Choice - βαθμιαίος - 06-09-2012

(06-09-2012, 11:23 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Where in the symbolic imagery of this card do you see The Choice as being depicted between "STS" and "STO"?

That's an interesting question.

(06-09-2012, 11:23 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: It clearly, and unequivocally, says: Without polarity. What do you think Ra meant by this?

In that quote they were referring to the use of the Matrix of the Mind card, which represents the new and unpolarized mind.

RE: The Choice - JustLikeYou - 06-10-2012

In reference to the quotation, I can only say what βαθμιαίος has already said. Ra was speaking of a specific archetype of which purity is a fundamental feature.

In reference to the image of the card, I see the choice depicted in the eclipsing Sun. The heart of this choice is whether to radiate or to absorb, whether to open the heart or close it. The choice not yet fully made is depicted quite clearly in that the Sun, the image of the essence of the Spirit, is partially obscured, just as the shadow which would obscure the Sun partially reveals it. As the Fool moves forward, the Sun will either move further into eclipse or further out of eclipse.

Another suggestion of the choice between STO and STS is the two crocodiles at the bottom. The crocodile in Egyptian culture represented a voracious beast which was fed the heart of the unworthy (which I think would refer to those who fall into the "sinkhole of indifference"). The dual crocs therefore may be seen as that which must be sacrificed upon either the right or left-hand paths. Tying the Sun into this image, the heart open or the heart closed must be sacrificed, depending on which path you take. It is not easy to let go of compassion on the negative path, just as it is not easy to let go of control on the positive.

RE: The Choice - Shin'Ar - 06-11-2012

(06-09-2012, 11:23 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: JustLikeYou- Thanks for the very thoughtful reply. I will come back to it when I have a little more time to give it a proper response. I don't really disagree with anything specific that you have written, however it is all kind of tangential to the main point of my post, to which you haven't responded.

We are talking about Card #22, which is termed "The Choice".

[Image: tarot22.jpg]

Where in the symbolic imagery of this card do you see The Choice as being depicted between "STS" and "STO"?

You also completely ignored the quote I provided which specifically addressed how to use the archetypical mind to accelerate personal evolution.

91.36 Wrote:Questioner: How is the knowledge of the facets of the archetypical mind used by the individual to accelerate his evolution?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall offer an example based upon this first explored archetype or concept complex. The conscious mind of the adept may be full to bursting of the most abstruse and unmanageable of ideas, so that further ideation becomes impossible and work in blue ray or indigo is blocked through over-activation. It is then that the adept would call upon the new mind, untouched and virgin, and dwell within the archetype of the new and unblemished mind without bias, without polarity, full of the magic of the Logos.

It clearly, and unequivocally, says: Without polarity. What do you think Ra meant by this?

I would like to take this opportunity to restate my personal understanding of this card, by first pasting what I had written in another thread.

"Often referred to as The Fool, I choose not to acknowledge it in this manner because fool is meant to be innocently ignorant and not idiotic. However it is my understanding that this is not an innocently ignorant archetype at all.

The Survivor is one who comes from the ruins of the highest levels of civilization, and having experienced the most that the material world has to offer the physical experience of flesh.

Leaving the ruins behind him he now stands at the threshold to a new experience, and knowing nothing about how to survive in the natural world void of material satisfaction.

he leaves behind the limitations of civilization and departs into the dangers and vulnerabilities of the mysterious natural world.
With him he carries the burden of balancing duality symbolized by the two sacks on the pole in his left hand, also symbolizing the arrival onto the left hand path.. Wearing rags he is no longer civilized.

The scepter in his right hand, the path of rule and civilization that lay in ruin behind him, is now nothing more than a walking stick. The symbol of impedance on the stick indicates how such authority and rule was a barrier to the full access through the length of the spine to the Crown.
the eclipse symbolizes the Goddess hiding/veiling the way to the Infinite Spirit, depicted by the sun as always, allowing only what she chooses to reveal by her own design.

This scene is the depiction of Thoth escaping from Atlantis to lead his followers from the right hand path onto the left hand path. Remember that many believe it was Thoth who originally devised the Tarot image system."

I think Ra was trying to impress upon us the fact that the card would be better called 'the lack of choice', than the choice.

That is why he spoke of 'without polarity'.

This character is not a fool because of idiocy or ignorance, but because it is being suggested that without access to the the life it had previously experienced, which lay now in ruins and complete annihilation, he may as well be a fool with nothing more than the offering of creation on which to survive. It may also be suggested that fool denotes the judgement on the human intellect for having been advanced and yet so foolish as to abuse that advanced state and end up with nothing but the ruin of their own choices.

This 'mind' had learned all that was available to be learned, and had reached the pinnacle of what the human could achieve. Whatever other truths were to be revealed would be incomprehensible to the mind of the human state. There was nothing more to be learned and no other advancement to be gained. They had it all, and they blew it.

The opportunity of the right hand path of authority, rule, education, tradition, and guidance had come to an abrupt end in total and complete destruction. Their knowledge and abilities had become their demise. That mind was no longer capable of increasing in evolved degree, nor capable of returning to what once was. That mind had served its purpose, and was now filled and used to capacity.

To go on from here there is no choice. There is no return and there is only moving forward into unknown territory. Like an innocent fool, knowing nothing at all about what was to come, the new mind is the only option. In this state there is no polarity or orientation to be chosen. Every step will be a new one, every thought a new idea. Nothing of the old will enter into this new state.

It is a fresh start free of baggage and choice, because it is a step into a completely unknown experience. The Left hand path of the Mystic, Magi, Magician, who will now begin to test the elements and learn from them the true aspects of the mind and its connection to the All. Which becomes the next card in the teaching.

A path where the authority of rule and the guidance of tradition will have no place or influence as the mind is now guided by intuition and the Divine Connection, which is revealed in the next few cards as the connection to the Goddess and the revelations she now has to offer this helpless mind with no other choice but to become One with the All. The card represents the stepping out into the unknown realm of metaphysics and alchemy, or spirituality, from the ruined pieces of the step that was once our old world of religion and secular education. This is done because the old world exists no longer and there is no other choice.

This card symbolizes every wanderer and seeker who has left behind their old world of culture and familiarity to step into an unknown and unfolding mystical future. The left hand path or middle path as some might prefer to see it. The Ancients have always called it the Left hand Path of the Divine Feminine in acknowledgement of the duality of the One, and an understanding that the Right hand Path of authoritative rule and mass guidance now gives way to a much more intimate and personal learning and growth/development.

This is done because all that we had previously come to know has reached the capacity of the human brain to comprehend. There is no choice to continue to fill it more of the same old same old. And the new will be beyond our ability to understand or absorb. Does the consciousness that had only known the being of second density as some lower creature enter into the third density with any possible means of knowing what intimate sex would be like? Or what experiencing a love for various tastes of many different food types and concoctions?

This archetype is the field of consciousness evolving into its higher state, becoming its higher being, filled to the brim with what can be taken from this density, and vibrating into a new density which begins completely free and void of all need to choose direction or to polarize or orient. it begins in a new field with billions of new fields with which to mate and share, as an empty chalice/grail ready to be refilled.

On this journey to come all is new and direction and choice will begin anew. New choices and directions await, but they begin from a perspective of complete and utter ignorance of what is to come.

How can one polarize toward complete Mystery?

This is the state of the consciousness as it enters from second into third as well. hense why this card is used to be both the first card as well as the last.

It suggests Infinity and Mystery.

Neither of which can be polarized toward.

There is no choice. The Consciousness must evolve into the Mystery.

RE: The Choice - Tenet Nosce - 09-05-2012

I was just reading through some posts on where the author is discussing viewpoints offered by Archangel Michael. As I found these closely mirrored what I had previously written in this thread, I thought I would include them here as references. (Boldface mine)

Archangel Michael Wrote:So that sense of either/or, of what you traditionally have thought of as yes or no, of duality, of polarity, is gone. It is the alignment. The entire journey in this third-dimensional existence is reaching this place of alignment, of placing yourself beyond the either/or. And when you are doing that in this ascension process, it is like a Roman candle: off you go.

Archangel Michael Wrote:In that moment, what we are calling a moment, there is a choice. … And it can happen instantaneously, because so many of you have laid the foundation — do you want to be in the heart of one of love? Do you wish to be in the higher frequency?

In the very last second, all they need to say is yes, and allow themselves to be flooded by what you can think of as a tidal wave of energy that will sweep the planet.

RE: The Choice - AnthroHeart - 09-05-2012

(06-08-2012, 08:40 AM)Patrick Wrote: The key point is choice without knowing the consequences of said choice.

With 51% positive you can go to 4d, but in 4d you get up to 98% positive simply because you can make the "right" choices for you, knowing all the consequences of your choices.

So you make choices in all densities, but the game isn't about choices in higher densities, because choice is easy and nearly automatic.

I was wondering if 4D was about building polarity. Now I know. I can tell you my heart center has improved over the last few days because I've been more focused on it.

RE: The Choice - Parsons - 10-13-2012

(10-12-2012, 03:39 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(10-12-2012, 09:56 AM)Parsons Wrote: The instances of what I refer to as 'binary thinking' from my fellow 3D inhabitants is a daily occurrence at work and in society. The vast majority of people seem to be reverting to fear/'pack' based living, i.e. they will be the ones moving on to "further 3D lessons."

How does binary thinking apply in the LOO subcontext of STO/STS?

The STS have a much easier time controlling those people who only think in that simple mentality. For instance, it is much easier to justify war with Iran if a large enough chunk of the population believe they are 'bad'. If the people looked at Iran at any more complicated perspective than that, they might realize they have a large civilian population like any country.

RE: The Choice - Ankh - 12-13-2012

This quote got missed in this thread, and I just wanted to add it for future workings:

Ra, 78:24 Wrote:The purpose of polarity is to develop the potential to do work. This is the great characteristic of those, shall we say, experiments which have evolved since the concept of The Choice was appreciated. Work is done far more efficiently and with greater purity, intensity, and variety by the voluntary searching of mind/body/spirit complexes for the lessons of third and fourth densities. The action of fifth density is, viewed in space/time, the same with or without polarity. However, viewed in time/space, the experiences of wisdom are greatly enlarged and deepened due, again, to the voluntary nature of polarized mind/body/spirit action.

The One Original Thought is the harvest of all previous experiences of the Creator by the Creator. Since the concept of Choice was appreciated, the *great* characteristic of previous experiments was the potential to do the work which is done "far more effeciently and with greater purity, intensity, and variety by the voluntary searching of mind/body/spirit complexes for the lessons of third and fourth densities", which is the purpose of the polarity.

RE: The Choice - JustLikeYou - 12-16-2012

Thank you for posting that quotation, Ankh. I think it serves very well to underscore the centrality of choosing a polarity to Archetype 22. This quotation clearly shows that The Choice is between one polarity and the other, a choice that is distinct from the 1st primal distortion, free will, but which is a recapitulation of this distortion.

Tenet Nosce Wrote:There is nothing prohibiting us from working on fourth, fifth, or sixth density lessons while incarnated in 3D.

There is also nothing prohibiting you from building a skyscraper with your bare hands.

RE: The Choice - Tenet Nosce - 01-05-2013

(12-16-2012, 07:41 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote: There is also nothing prohibiting you from building a skyscraper with your bare hands.

There is also nothing prohibiting us from selectively ignoring information that directly contradicts our biases.

7.15 Wrote:The Law of One blinks neither at the light or the darkness, but is available for service to others and service to self. However, service to others results in service to self, thus preserving and further harmonizing the distortions of those entities seeking intelligent infinity through these disciplines.


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111 Thread Redirect --> Ra's Adventures in Wonderland

RE: The Choice - Plenum - 01-05-2013

also remember that the Choice can be continued to be exercised each and every day, as a conscious dedication to service.

"The Wanderer, if it remembers and dedicates itself to service, will polarize much more rapidly than is possible in the far more etiolated realms of higher-density catalyst."

the quote also continues into the balancing of wisdom and compassion for 6d wanderers:

"The final reason is within the mind/body/spirit totality or the social memory complex totality which may judge that an entity or members of a societal entity can make use of third-density catalyst to recapitulate a learning/teaching which is adjudged to be less than perfectly balanced. This especially applies to those entering into and proceeding through sixth density wherein the balance between compassion and wisdom is perfected."

peace out

third density is a great training ground if it can be appreciated for what it is; boot camp for the soul BigSmile

RE: The Choice - Tenet Nosce - 01-05-2013

(01-05-2013, 03:33 PM)plenum Wrote: also remember that the Choice can be continued to be exercised each and every day, as a conscious dedication to service.

The microcosm of The Choice, is to choose whether to polarize or to remain in the sinkhole of difference. The path of polarization is a secondary decision. But yes, in each moment we recapitulate that choice by either deciding to use the catalyst at hand for service, or to let it fall by the wayside.

RE: The Choice - Ankh - 01-05-2013

(01-05-2013, 03:33 PM)plenum Wrote: also remember that the Choice can be continued to be exercised each and every day, as a conscious dedication to service.

"The Wanderer, if it remembers and dedicates itself to service, will polarize much more rapidly than is possible in the far more etiolated realms of higher-density catalyst."

the quote also continues into the balancing of wisdom and compassion for 6d wanderers:

"The final reason is within the mind/body/spirit totality or the social memory complex totality which may judge that an entity or members of a societal entity can make use of third-density catalyst to recapitulate a learning/teaching which is adjudged to be less than perfectly balanced. This especially applies to those entering into and proceeding through sixth density wherein the balance between compassion and wisdom is perfected."

peace out

third density is a great training ground if it can be appreciated for what it is; boot camp for the soul BigSmile

Thank you for this post, plenum.

I remember so much stuff, and yet, it is so difficult to apply all that love and all that light in this density...

Polarity.... I've been reading what Tenet Nosce said in the past about polarity in his Ra's Adventures in Wonderland thread, and some of it was really striking to me... But there is still some kind of understanding missing from my side.

Some nights ago I had a dream. I was inside the "L/L house", which didn't look like the real L/L house but was presented as such in order to make me to understand that this house was a symbol of my Law of One philosophy. There were two females inside the house. It was heavily raining on the outside and the water was leaking inside the house. One of these females was almost never seen and was almost always hiding somewhere. The other one was on the contrary all over the house and was trying to clean it up and keep it dry from all the water pouring in from the heavy raining. When I came towards her, she pointed me to the spots where it was leaking and also told me that the house wasn't properly built.

I interpreted those females being the females in the Transformation of the Mind Archetype. Although the negative female was almost never seen, she was still seeking separation *and* hiding inside the house. I understood that I have not completely, yet, let her go as it is described in that Archetype one should do in order to have that Transformation. Next thing that happend is that water which was leaking inside the house affected the electrical system in the house, and that caused me a minor electrical shock, which forced us to leave the house immediately. I called out to the girls and we all left the building. Then the dream ended. I interpret the electricity being the polarity, and the heavy raining on the outside being the intense shower of catalysts that happen sometimes. So when that happens to me, when there is an intense shower of catalysts, I abandon my Law of One philosophy due to this lack of the polarity... That made me a bit sad, but I resonate with this dream and I understand that this is happening. I do experience this in the real life so to speak.

Anyway, I do have memories, I do remember... But I have difficulties to apply what I remember in this density due to incompability of these memories with what I experience here... This illusion is so thick... So difficult to pierce...

RE: The Choice - Tenet Nosce - 01-05-2013

(01-05-2013, 08:54 PM)Ankh Wrote: Polarity.... I've been reading what Tenet Nosce said in the past about polarity in his Ra's Adventures in Wonderland thread, and some of it was really striking to me... But there is still some kind of understanding missing from my side.

This thread- Polarization and Polarity- might be helpful to you as a starting point.

What is being missed is a good understanding of how the polarity of a magnet works. If we were take the time to actually learn how a magnet functions on a molecular level, all the seeming questions would be answered. There would be no more debate, because there would be nothing to debate. It would be as obvious to anybody else as it was to me when I finally took Ra's advice and reviewed magnetic polarization for myself.

Instead, months and years pass in this forum where some members get very adamant- even indignant- about defending their erroneous understanding of the polarization of consciousness. The "debates" go round and round. Some even become irritated and defensive when they perceive that their notion of polarity has been challenged.

But in actuality, there is no challenge, merely a persistent misunderstanding of terms. There is no debate that is actually worthwhile, if we are unwilling to take basic steps to understand the terminology employed in the discussion. Ra gave us the specific answer, and for whatever reason (laziness, ego, unwillingness to admit one was wrong, taking L/L and/or the moderators as an authority even against their own advisement, heavy biases toward "ethics and activity", etc.) nobody bothers to actually go and educate themselves about magnetic polarization. It's all right there, plain as day, for anybody who truly wishes to know about it. There is no need- whatsoever- to take my word for it.

I mean- doesn't it seem odd to you that in a community which is so focused on this concept of polarization- with all the pages and pages of posts dedicated to discussion of it- nobody will make the slightest effort to educate themselves on what magnetic polarization entails?

Ankh- It is clear to me that you are a very intelligent person who is more than capable of understanding magnetic polarization as it is actually a high-school level concept. I invite you to educate yourself on it, and then report back what you find here in this thread.

The larger question, if you don't mind me asking, is: Why haven't you done this already? IMO- You are one of the most serious students of the material in this forum. Has it not occurred to you that taking Ra's advice to "consider the polarities with the literal nature enjoyed by the physical polarity of the magnet" would likely be very fruitful to your seeking?

RE: The Choice - almostdone - 01-05-2013

I don't understand what is the point to get too involved with the physics of magnetism. It existed before the veil, where STS did not exist. Then could be seen as a way to do more work after the veil since m/b/s did no have much incentive.

Then the veil brought STS/STO and the so called choice. We all know that...

Unfortunately, the veil did not only bring a negative pole to the magnetic equation but in terms on m/b/s complexes the possibility of slavery and annoying narcissism.

Polarity brings more work but if the veil is too thick what is the point? Endless reincarnations follow, lessons learned over and over...Lately the great idea to bring wanderers to these densities because of the choice...

It seems this octave somehow is "stuck".

RE: The Choice - Tenet Nosce - 01-05-2013

(01-05-2013, 10:48 PM)almostdone Wrote: I don't understand what is the point to get too involved with the physics of magnetism.

What might be more instructive would be for you to first avail yourself of some knowledge of magnetic polarization, and then to report whether or not you found the information to be relevant to the discussion of polarization of consciousness, based on your actual experience.

Again, when asked what would be a better way to look at polarization of consciousness rather than in terms of STS/STO, Ra suggested we pursue this line of inquiry of magnetic polarization. So, it is up to us whether or not we decide to take their advice.

RE: The Choice - almostdone - 01-06-2013

(01-05-2013, 11:36 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(01-05-2013, 10:48 PM)almostdone Wrote: I don't understand what is the point to get too involved with the physics of magnetism.

What might be more instructive would be for you to first avail yourself of some knowledge of magnetic polarization, and then to report whether or not you found the information to be relevant to the discussion of polarization of consciousness, based on your actual experience.

Again, when asked what would be a better way to look at polarization of consciousness rather than in terms of STS/STO, Ra suggested we pursue this line of inquiry of magnetic polarization. So, it is up to us whether or not we decide to take their advice.

I put seven more sentences after that you know...

RE: The Choice - Tenet Nosce - 01-06-2013

(01-06-2013, 12:02 AM)almostdone Wrote: I put seven more sentences after that you know...

Yes, I know. Much of it was continuing to talk about the STO/STS meme- which I personally find pointless to discuss if people aren't willing to expand their concept of polarity beyond this. The discussion just goes round and round in circles. Ra gave us not one, but two, other lines of inquiry to understand the polarization of consciousness by analogy. And yet we vehemently refuse to take their advice. Why? Is it not worth a couple hours out of our entire lives to learn something about magnetism, if it will help us to reach our aim?

Can we really have an expectation of ourselves to develop Higher Consciousness, if we cannot see through simple lies about ourselves such as "I cannot understand basic physical concepts" or "Physics is too boring for me to place my attention on"? We so fervently desire to get to the "next level" and yet when a being three levels beyond our own suggests that we go study magnetism in order to understand our own consciousness, we stubbornly refuse to do this? Have we got a better idea, then?

As to your last comments about being "stuck"- it still comes back to the same thing. It is the very circularity I am talking about. We keep repeating the same patterns over and over again precisely because humanity is "stuck" on this dualistic idea of choosing between two sides. Good and evil. STS and STO. It's really all the same thing that keeps getting repackaged with different terminologies.

This is binary thinking- hardly the thinking of a Master or an Adept. If we consider this for a moment, we would see "choosing between two sides" cannot be the ticket to higher consciousness, because the whole idea is erroneous and based on a very formatory level of thinking which is essentially incompatible with Higher Mind. There are not two classes of beings within Creation- but rather one being with an infinite number of unique faces. In other words- there is no "side" but your own for you to select from... what "you" think of as "you" is the singular light of consciousness passing through a particular facet of the singular gem of Creation.

We keep thinking it has something to do with "picking a side" when it really doesn't. Our "side" has already been picked long before we entered into this incarnation. Rather, it has to do with conscious alignment in a manner which is analogous to the way that molecules become aligned in a magnetic material. Escaping from the wheel of "endless incarnations" is not about whether or not we make the "right" ethical decisions in life. Rather, it is about aligning our consciousness in order to attract a sufficient amount of the "light of harvestable quality" i.e. true identity. As things stand now, we have little true identity. One minute we think X is "good" and Y is "bad" and the next minute we flip-flop, for the most part unconscious of the fact that we have contradicted ourselves, and made ourselves out to be hypocrites. We have little alignment between our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Therefore, we end up going nowhere.

We keep thinking that we need to find some absolute sense of what is "good" and what is "bad"- and yet we cannot find it. And yet, our continued failure to find it never seems to cause us to question the basic premise that good/bad is a useful concept- that it is necessary to discern between them, or even desirable, or even possible in an objective sense, apart from a particular aim. The idea that we need to "choose between two sides" is so deeply ingrained in our consciousness, that even when we are explicitly told something different in the material, we continue to project this idea into it, and fight for it tooth and nail.

As if- were there no external source dictating to us what our ethical values should be and "keeping us in line" we would all devolve into a bunch of psychopaths killing each other in the streets. This is nonsense. It is true that it is necessary to live according to our ethical values, but it does not matter one lick what those values are. It's not about whether we have the "right" values but the degree to which we display conscious alignment with our values in the present moment.

Even if we go back to the deepest antiquity, we see this meme. According to my understanding- somewhere around 5000 years ago, there were groups referred to as the "Sons of the Law of One" and the "Sons of Belial" in some historical documents. The first group espoused the fundamental unity of all beings, while the second posited that there were two dualistically opposed camps between which all beings had to pick a side- these were called the "wicked" and the "righteous". Of course, this second group almost immediately fractured into two sub-camps, each holding an opposite view of who were the wicked and who were the righteous. And those two sub-camps each divided into two sub-sub-camps, and each of those four sub-sub-camps into two sub-sub-sub-camps, and so on ad infinitum. And all these camps have been arguing ad nauseum- and even killing each other at times- ever since.

I believe this refers to the original distortion of the Law of One which was referred to in the material. The whole point of the Law of One is that we all share a singular consciousness. There is no "self" over here and "other" over there, except for what we have made up in our own minds. Therefore, it flies directly in the face the Law of One to boil it all down to a code of "ethics and activity" between an illusory "self" and "other". The whole idea is completely unnecessary, and in many ways a hindrance.

Quote:The Law of One blinks neither at the light or the darkness, but is available for service to others and service to self.

Therefore, if we find ourselves blinking, we can be sure that we have lost sight of the Law of One.

RE: The Choice - Shin'Ar - 01-06-2013

I agree with Tenet in that many are interpreting the Ra material with regard to STS inaccurately.

In my opinion and understanding.

But I am also not yet certain that Ra itself has not offered confusing information in this regard as well.